有一个在堕胎医生的文章,说其实来堕胎的也有不少pro-life的人,还有一些今天来堕胎,明天有和别的人一起在外面反对堕胎。 心理学角度就是这些人在自己会觉得这种事情不会发生在自己身上,一旦发生了又会觉得自己是一个特例,和别的需要堕胎的女性不一样,会去justify自己的行为,没有同理心。 The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion 这篇文章写得挺好的: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ 开头这几个例子都满典型的: In the spring of 2000, I collected the following anecdotes directly from abortion doctors and other clinic staff in North America, Australia, and Europe. The stories are presented in the providers’ own words, with minor editing for grammar, clarity, and brevity. Names have been omitted to protect privacy. “I have done several abortions on women who have regularly picketed my clinics, including a 16 year old schoolgirl who came back to picket the day after her abortion, about three years ago. During her whole stay at the clinic, we felt that she was not quite right, but there were no real warning bells. She insisted that the abortion was her idea and assured us that all was OK. She went through the procedure very smoothly and was discharged with no problems. A quite routine operation. Next morning she was with her mother and several school mates in front of the clinic with the usual anti posters and chants. It appears that she got the abortion she needed and still displayed the appropriate anti views expected of her by her parents, teachers, and peers.” (Physician, Australia) “I’ve had several cases over the years in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization, meaning that she had worked very hard in that organization for several years. As I was completing her procedure, I asked what she planned to do about her high office in the RTL organization. Her response was a wide-eyed, ‘You’re not going to tell them, are you!?’ When assured that I was not, she breathed a sigh of relief, explaining how important that position was to her and how she wouldn’t want this to interfere with it.” (Physician, Texas) “In 1990, in the Boston area, Operation Rescue and other groups were regularly blockading the clinics, and many of us went every Saturday morning for months to help women and staff get in. As a result, we knew many of the ‘antis’ by face. One morning, a woman who had been a regular ‘sidewalk counselor’ went into the clinic with a young woman who looked like she was 16-17, and obviously her daughter. When the mother came out about an hour later, I had to go up and ask her if her daughter’s situation had caused her to change her mind. ‘I don’t expect you to understand my daughter’s situation!’ she angrily replied. The following Saturday, she was back, pleading with women entering the clinic not to ‘murder their babies.''''''''” (Clinic escort, Massachusetts) “We too have seen our share of anti-choice women, ones the counselors usually grit their teeth over. Just last week a woman announced loudly enough for all to hear in the recovery room, that she thought abortion should be illegal. Amazingly, this was her second abortion within the last few months, having gotten pregnant again within a month of the first abortion. The nurse handled it by talking about all the carnage that went on before abortion was legalized and how fortunate she was to be receiving safe, professional care. However, this young woman continued to insist it was wrong and should be made illegal. Finally the nurse said, ‘Well, I guess we won’t be seeing you here again, not that you’re not welcome.’ Later on, another patient who had overheard this exchange thanked the nurse for her remarks.” (Clinic Administrator, Alberta) “We saw a woman recently who after four attempts and many hours of counseling both at the hospital and our clinic, finally, calmly and uneventfully, had her abortion. Four months later, she called me on Christmas Eve to tell me that she was not and never was pro-choice and that we failed to recognize that she was clinically depressed at the time of her abortion. The purpose of her call was to chastise me for not sending her off to the psych unit instead of the procedure room.” (Clinic Administrator, Alberta) “Recently, we had a patient who had given a history of being a ‘pro-life’ activist, but who had decided to have an abortion. She was pleasant to me and our initial discussion was mutually respectful. Later, she told someone on my staff that she thought abortion is murder, that she is a murderer, and that she is murdering her baby. So before doing her procedure, I asked her if she thought abortion is murder — the answer was yes. I asked her if she thought I am a murderer, and if she thought I would be murdering her baby, and she said yes. But murder is a crime, and murderers are executed. Is this a crime? Well, it should be, she said. At that point, she became angry and hostile, and the summary of the conversation was that she regarded me as an abortion-dispensing machine, and how dare I ask her what she thinks. After explaining to her that I do not perform abortions for people who think I am a murderer or people who are angry at me, I declined to provide her with medical care. I do not know whether she found someone else to do her abortion.” (Physician, Colorado) “In 1973, after Roe v. Wade, abortion became legal but had to be performed in a hospital. That of course was changed later. For the first ‘legal abortion day’ I had scheduled five procedures. While scrubbing between cases, I was accosted by the Chief of the OB/Gyn service. He asked me, ‘How many children are you going to kill today?’ My response, out of anger, was a familiar vulgar retort. About three months later, this born-again Christian called me to explain that he was against abortion but his daughter was only a junior in high school and was too young to have a baby and he was also afraid that if she did have a baby she would not want to put it up for adoption. I told him he did not need to explain the situation to me. ‘All I need to know’, I said, ‘is that SHE wants an abortion.’ Two years later I performed a second abortion on her during her college break. She thanked me and pleaded, ‘Please don’t tell my dad, he is still anti-abortion.''''''''” (Physician, Washington State) babeann 发表于 2022-07-02 12:27
那就请你去翻翻reddit local 再来评论吧。你说人家“极大可能”是skewed解释,其实自己也是瞎揣测啊。 何况人家的解释包括了父母提供金钱,父母开车送去堕胎,Uber driver,手术的医生护士在德州都是被举报的对象,你就讨论“医护提供口头建议”?任何东西只有口头的的确很难证明,但堕胎只需要口头的吗?我们讨论的被强奸的十岁小女孩,要完成堕胎的事情,当然要好多成人的帮助。德州的法律就是在类似的情况下,堵死了这些弱势群体的求告之门
上诉去哪里?高院么?高院说了,不管啊,你们州的事不关我们的事。别烦我。 人权?出生的人没有,胚胎有 11-year-old Ohio girl pregnant with rapist''s baby may be forced to bear child because of ''fetal heartbeat'' law The Human Rights Protection Act signed into law in April enforces a ban on abortion as soon as a doctor can detect fetal cardiac activity but has no concessions for pregnancies resulting from rape By Akshay Pai Updated On : 13:24 PST, Apr 8, 2020 https://meaww.com/amp/11-year-old-ohio-girl-pregnant-rapists-baby-may-be-forced-to-bear-child-because-fetal-heartbeat-law 落地无声 发表于 2022-07-02 10:28
Cunningham: What about rape and incest [as a potential exception to a ban on abortion]? Schmidt: “Rape and incest is an ugly, ugly, ugly act of violence, and that woman is truly harmed and scarred, and those wounds will never go away and we need to make sure that she has all of the love and help and support. But to end the pregnancy of the child is not going to erase those wounds or those scars. That child still has the right to life.” So, as a leader in the House of Representatives, you would not vote to ban birth control pills in Ohio? “You know, that’s another issue for another day, and I’m going to have to listen to both sides of that debate. But right now, what I’m really concerned about is the life of the child, and the fact that we have the opportunity in Ohio to protect it from its conception until its natural death. That’s what I’m most excited about.” https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/01/ohio-abortion-ban-sponsor-says-baby-born-of-rape-incest-still-has-the-right-to-life/
Cunningham: What about rape and incest [as a potential exception to a ban on abortion]? Schmidt: “Rape and incest is an ugly, ugly, ugly act of violence, and that woman is truly harmed and scarred, and those wounds will never go away and we need to make sure that she has all of the love and help and support. But to end the pregnancy of the child is not going to erase those wounds or those scars. That child still has the right to life.” So, as a leader in the House of Representatives, you would not vote to ban birth control pills in Ohio? “You know, that’s another issue for another day, and I’m going to have to listen to both sides of that debate. But right now, what I’m really concerned about is the life of the child, and the fact that we have the opportunity in Ohio to protect it from its conception until its natural death. That’s what I’m most excited about.” https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/01/ohio-abortion-ban-sponsor-says-baby-born-of-rape-incest-still-has-the-right-to-life/ 落地无声 发表于 2022-07-02 06:17
看的快气死了 一直说life of the child, life of the child. Which child are you talking about??? 这个被强奸怀孕的也是个孩子啊!为了一个强奸犯的胚胎要毁人家一辈子?!不要说十岁的孩子怀孕生子是多么危险的事情,就算生下来那个孩子人生也不会好过,继续痛苦,不断反复。还说被强奸了一辈子的痛苦都忘不掉,谁说时间不能治愈痛苦?至少也能减轻!你tm让人生下孩子才是时时刻刻分分秒秒都在提醒受害人那份痛苦! 这群人渣如果不能共情别人的痛苦,就只能咒他们自己的姐妹女儿孙女都碰到这种事让他体会一下,而且不能袖手旁观哦,要帮他们养强奸犯孩子!
看的快气死了 一直说life of the child, life of the child. Which child are you talking about??? 这个被强奸怀孕的也是个孩子啊!为了一个强奸犯的胚胎要毁人家一辈子?!不要说十岁的孩子怀孕生子是多么危险的事情,就算生下来那个孩子人生也不会好过,继续痛苦,不断反复。还说被强奸了一辈子的痛苦都忘不掉,谁说时间不能治愈痛苦?至少也能减轻!你tm让人生下孩子才是时时刻刻分分秒秒都在提醒受害人那份痛苦! 这群人渣如果不能共情别人的痛苦,就只能咒他们自己的姐妹女儿孙女都碰到这种事让他体会一下,而且不能袖手旁观哦,要帮他们养强奸犯孩子! 马家majia 发表于 2022-07-02 08:50
上诉去哪里?高院么?高院说了,不管啊,你们州的事不关我们的事。别烦我。 人权?出生的人没有,胚胎有 11-year-old Ohio girl pregnant with rapist''s baby may be forced to bear child because of ''fetal heartbeat'' law The Human Rights Protection Act signed into law in April enforces a ban on abortion as soon as a doctor can detect fetal cardiac activity but has no concessions for pregnancies resulting from rape By Akshay Pai Updated On : 13:24 PST, Apr 8, 2020 https://meaww.com/amp/11-year-old-ohio-girl-pregnant-rapists-baby-may-be-forced-to-bear-child-because-fetal-heartbeat-law
Cunningham: What about rape and incest [as a potential exception to a ban on abortion]? Schmidt: “Rape and incest is an ugly, ugly, ugly act of violence, and that woman is truly harmed and scarred, and those wounds will never go away and we need to make sure that she has all of the love and help and support. But to end the pregnancy of the child is not going to erase those wounds or those scars. That child still has the right to life.” So, as a leader in the House of Representatives, you would not vote to ban birth control pills in Ohio? “You know, that’s another issue for another day, and I’m going to have to listen to both sides of that debate. But right now, what I’m really concerned about is the life of the child, and the fact that we have the opportunity in Ohio to protect it from its conception until its natural death. That’s what I’m most excited about.” https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/01/ohio-abortion-ban-sponsor-says-baby-born-of-rape-incest-still-has-the-right-to-life/ 落地无声 发表于 2022-07-02 06:17
因为Ohio法院不同意,她现在和家人在去Indiana 堕胎的路上。太心疼这个孩子了,才10岁啊!!!
🔥 最新回帖
这些女性作出有害于自己和自己的群体的决定,主要就是觉得“我的堕胎是有理由的”,其他人都是sluts那种优越心理,加上peer pressure,宗教洗脑
这个演唱会太赞了!lily allen这首歌真有先见之明啊
那就请你去翻翻reddit local 再来评论吧。你说人家“极大可能”是skewed解释,其实自己也是瞎揣测啊。
何况人家的解释包括了父母提供金钱,父母开车送去堕胎,Uber driver,手术的医生护士在德州都是被举报的对象,你就讨论“医护提供口头建议”?任何东西只有口头的的确很难证明,但堕胎只需要口头的吗?我们讨论的被强奸的十岁小女孩,要完成堕胎的事情,当然要好多成人的帮助。德州的法律就是在类似的情况下,堵死了这些弱势群体的求告之门
🛋️ 沙发板凳
据说Pedophiles 会恐吓victim, 不许告诉别人,不然就如何如何。所以这种事可能发现时已经过了最新规定的堕胎期限了。
不知道回Ohio 会不会抓起来。这么high profile.
好像去外州堕胎暂时不违法,但德州正在讨论这个问题。 就是说,德州一旦通过这个法律,那这个孩子除非今生不再踏入德州一步,否则她堕胎完回德州也是犯罪要被抓起来。带她去外州的父母如果回到德州也要被抓起来,除非这些人此生不再踏入德州一步。嗯,人家只是在德州行使司法权。
肯定有早的 我小学二年级有个女生就来例假了
出离愤怒了 不知道该说什么
Ohio 一直是这样 只是最近被拿出来炒作了
寄生发生在不同物种之间 生物再好好复习一下?
我上次当陪审员的案子是后爹,亲妈帮着后爹。女孩被性侵时才8岁,连续了好多年。 是学校老师发现异常上报的。女孩没怀孕,她自己根本不懂。
Cunningham: What about rape and incest [as a potential exception to a ban on abortion]? Schmidt: “Rape and incest is an ugly, ugly, ugly act of violence, and that woman is truly harmed and scarred, and those wounds will never go away and we need to make sure that she has all of the love and help and support. But to end the pregnancy of the child is not going to erase those wounds or those scars. That child still has the right to life.” So, as a leader in the House of Representatives, you would not vote to ban birth control pills in Ohio? “You know, that’s another issue for another day, and I’m going to have to listen to both sides of that debate. But right now, what I’m really concerned about is the life of the child, and the fact that we have the opportunity in Ohio to protect it from its conception until its natural death. That’s what I’m most excited about.” https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/01/ohio-abortion-ban-sponsor-says-baby-born-of-rape-incest-still-has-the-right-to-life/
肯定不是100%, 如果在72小时内用,有效率大概85%, 但我觉得应该更低。一个妇产科医生说她见过很多这个药无效最后不得不选择流产的患者. 另外我很好奇这个药的有效率是怎么订的?
谁帮她抓谁。。。GOP 真是变态
Will burn in hell!
多说无益,对于华人来说,只能选那个least worst,实在不行,那就只能用脚投票。
阿肯色的法律就是这样的。连坐。连提供旅费,交通工具都算上。最高刑期10年。所以那些给员工提供堕胎服务的公司基本上只能远程操作。而且HR的人小心点,不要进入阿肯色。 另外德州的法律不只在德州有管辖权,只是判罪必须在德州。如果德州通缉的话,理论上所有州的警察都会抓。一般通缉不提供罪名。抓了以后才知道。可能会再放了。但是麻烦得很。租个房会查到有个通缉记录。 所以以后蓝州一定会挑战。又回到最高法院。
其实我找了半天都没找到这个出自哪里,除了微信huaren,去搜德州州外堕胎的,全是怎么去临州甚至墨西哥堕胎的讨论。 甚至英文媒体解读也没有肯定这一条。
看的快气死了 一直说life of the child, life of the child. Which child are you talking about??? 这个被强奸怀孕的也是个孩子啊!为了一个强奸犯的胚胎要毁人家一辈子?!不要说十岁的孩子怀孕生子是多么危险的事情,就算生下来那个孩子人生也不会好过,继续痛苦,不断反复。还说被强奸了一辈子的痛苦都忘不掉,谁说时间不能治愈痛苦?至少也能减轻!你tm让人生下孩子才是时时刻刻分分秒秒都在提醒受害人那份痛苦!
赶紧告 然后同时去外州打胎
这里就有一个,还提供赏金 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/us/politics/texas-abortion-law-facts.html
indianna没有trigger law 还需要几个礼拜去通过禁止堕胎的法律
上诉去哪里?高院么?高院说了,不管啊,你们州的事不关我们的事。别烦我。 人权?出生的人没有,胚胎有 11-year-old Ohio girl pregnant with rapist''s baby may be forced to bear child because of ''fetal heartbeat'' law The Human Rights Protection Act signed into law in April enforces a ban on abortion as soon as a doctor can detect fetal cardiac activity but has no concessions for pregnancies resulting from rape By Akshay Pai Updated On : 13:24 PST, Apr 8, 2020 https://meaww.com/amp/11-year-old-ohio-girl-pregnant-rapists-baby-may-be-forced-to-bear-child-because-fetal-heartbeat-law
小学女生在厕所生下婴儿的新闻你们还看得少了吗? 法律上 中东少女13就可以结婚怀孕了
没用的, 愚昧者自有愚昧者的道理, 看看这么混乱的枪支管理, 看看新冠死的 100万。 不要小瞧人类的愚昧程度。 不管你资历多高, 学问多深, 永远挡不住愚昧者的脚步。