第一次上华人求助,求bless。 刚刚查出来胎儿18三体嵌合。16周做NIPT 18三体高风险。等到19周做了羊穿,2周后医生告知结果正常。 但是今天25周产检,医生竟然调出一个月前的报告说18三体嵌合11%。解释说lab fax来的报告没有到她手上,(结果是核型正常 芯片嵌合11%)。 今天已经25周了,宝宝B超没有任何软指标的异常,心脏,手,脚都正常。 医生让暂时stay positive,说有可能嵌合的18三体来自胎盘。宝宝可能是个正常的宝宝。 但是也不确定,也有可能11%不算高,所以B超没看出异常。考虑到羊穿是金标准,18三体的结果让我很害怕出生后异常的宝宝。 我在的城市是个小农村,医生没有大城市经验多。本州过了21周不让流产,最近的要去Maryland。而且目前身边没有亲人。 在此跪求版里懂OB的,可否帮我看看。我该怎么办?泪已苦干了,现在完全处于绝望的状态。本是满怀期待的等待着这个小生命,但是现在恍如末日。求大家帮我看看。 “arr (18)x2~3 The whole genome SNP microarray (Reveal) analysis identified a male with trisomy 18 mosaicism. The estimated mosaicism is 11% of cells with this trisomy. However, the percentage of mosaicism in other tissues can vary significantly, which may affect the phenotypic severity. However, mosaicism has not been confirmed in extended cytogenetic analysis of the amniocyte cultures. Clinical features of mosaic trisomy 18 include intellectual disability, cardiac, renal anomalies, and early death. The presence of a normal cell line may ameliorate the expression of these features. Mosaic trisomy detected in direct amniotic fluid is consistent with trisomy in the fetus; however, amniotic fluid includes heterogeneous types of cells derived from embryonic and extraembryonic tissues (see reference). Therefore, circulating trisomic cells may have originated from the placenta. No other DNA copy number changes or copy neutral ROH were detected within the present reporting criteria. Follow-up level II ultrasound and genetic counseling are recommended. Maternal cell contamination studies will be reported under separate cover, if ordered.”
第一次上华人求助,求bless。 刚刚查出来胎儿18三体嵌合。16周做NIPT 18三体高风险。等到19周做了羊穿,2周后医生告知结果正常。 但是今天25周产检,医生竟然调出一个月前的报告说18三体嵌合11%。解释说lab fax来的报告没有到她手上。 今天已经25周了,宝宝B超没有任何软指标的异常,心脏,手,脚都正常。 医生让暂时stay positive,说有可能嵌合的18三体来自胎盘。宝宝可能是个正常的宝宝。 但是也不确定,也有可能11%不算高,所以B超没看出异常。考虑到羊穿是金标准,18三体的结果让我很害怕出生后异常的宝宝。 我在的城市是个小农村,医生没有大城市经验多。本州过了21周不让流产,最近的要去Maryland。而且目前身边没有亲人。 在此跪求版里懂OB的,可否帮我看看。我该怎么办?泪已苦干了,现在完全处于绝望的状态。本是满怀期待的等待着这个小生命,但是现在恍如末日。求大家帮我看看。 “arr (18)x2~3 The whole genome SNP microarray (Reveal) analysis identified a male with trisomy 18 mosaicism. The estimated mosaicism is 11% of cells with this trisomy. However, the percentage of mosaicism in other tissues can vary significantly, which may affect the phenotypic severity. However, mosaicism has not been confirmed in extended cytogenetic analysis of the amniocyte cultures. Clinical features of mosaic trisomy 18 include intellectual disability, cardiac, renal anomalies, and early death. The presence of a normal cell line may ameliorate the expression of these features. Mosaic trisomy detected in direct amniotic fluid is consistent with trisomy in the fetus; however, amniotic fluid includes heterogeneous types of cells derived from embryonic and extraembryonic tissues (see reference). Therefore, circulating trisomic cells may have originated from the placenta. No other DNA copy number changes or copy neutral ROH were detected within the present reporting criteria. Follow-up level II ultrasound and genetic counseling are recommended. Maternal cell contamination studies will be reported under separate cover, if ordered.”
tzshasha 发表于 2022-06-16 15:13
我会迅速花cash 去靠谱的大医院,John Hopkins U Maryland 再做一遍B 超。你这个OB 可以告了
为什么会有11%的原因: Mosaic Edwards' syndrome A small number of babies with Edwards' syndrome (about 1 in 20) have an extra chromosome 18 in just some cells. This is called mosaic Edwards' syndrome (or sometimes mosaic trisomy 18). This can lead to milder effects of the condition, depending on the number and type of cells that have the extra chromosome. Most babies with this type of Edward's syndrome who are born alive will live for at least a year, and they may live to adulthood.
今天已经25周了,宝宝B超没有任何软指标的异常,心脏,手,脚都正常。 医生让暂时stay positive,说有可能嵌合的18三体来自胎盘。宝宝可能是个正常的宝宝。 但是也不确定,也有可能11%不算高,所以B超没看出异常。考虑到羊穿是金标准,18三体的结果让我很害怕出生后异常的宝宝。
我在的城市是个小农村,医生没有大城市经验多。本州过了21周不让流产,最近的要去Maryland。而且目前身边没有亲人。 在此跪求版里懂OB的,可否帮我看看。我该怎么办?泪已苦干了,现在完全处于绝望的状态。本是满怀期待的等待着这个小生命,但是现在恍如末日。求大家帮我看看。
“arr (18)x2~3 The whole genome SNP microarray (Reveal) analysis identified a male with trisomy 18 mosaicism. The estimated mosaicism is 11% of cells with this trisomy. However, the percentage of mosaicism in other tissues can vary significantly, which may affect the phenotypic severity. However, mosaicism has not been confirmed in extended cytogenetic analysis of the amniocyte cultures.
Clinical features of mosaic trisomy 18 include intellectual disability, cardiac, renal anomalies, and early death. The presence of a normal cell line may ameliorate the expression of these features.
Mosaic trisomy detected in direct amniotic fluid is consistent with trisomy in the fetus; however, amniotic fluid includes heterogeneous types of cells derived from embryonic and extraembryonic tissues (see reference). Therefore, circulating trisomic cells may have originated from the placenta.
No other DNA copy number changes or copy neutral ROH were detected within the present reporting criteria. Follow-up level II ultrasound and genetic counseling are recommended. Maternal cell contamination studies will be reported under separate cover, if ordered.”
🔥 最新回帖
楼主,理解你的难处。 但是养一个有疾病的孩子是需要超级能量的,不值得!对你和对孩子都不公平。 有人说生孩子都要take risk, 直到生下来才知道孩子是健康的还是有问题。 但是,1% risk vs 99% risk完全就不是一个概念,好不好? 你把一个残疾的孩子带到人世来走一圈,他要经历病痛的折磨,对他很不公平的,你忍心吗?
嗯嗯 好 我就是觉得没有强大到可以无怨无悔的抚养一个有问题的孩子 但是医生又劝我说 给宝宝一个机会 让我很为难很纠结
是的 打算再做一次羊穿
目前一个人 周围也有华人 但是平时工作原因 不怎么跟华人接触 但我想 如果到时候需要 我应该会跟他们寻求帮助
🛋️ 沙发板凳
我会迅速花cash 去靠谱的大医院,John Hopkins U Maryland 再做一遍B 超。你这个OB 可以告了
她是diagnostic test不会有错
对,一定要second opinion. 这个ob 肯定是希望敷衍过去。
早上给conselor打电话 说了一堆18三体的小孩出生后的缺陷 然后让我考虑要不要终止妊娠 由于本州不能流产 所以推荐我去Maryland 我真的不知道该怎么办
快去吧,告医生的事儿以后再说,现在找maternal fetal medicine 做高分辨率B超,医生自己做的,而不是tech做了给医生看照片那种。也要问清楚这种情况下如果B超都正常的话那么有问题的概率还有多少,然后是流产还是怎么样尽快做决定,现在时间很关键了。
不要误导lz了,一般唐氏高危是screening test,本来误差就很大,比nipt的精准度还低。lz做的羊穿是diagnostic test,是非常准确的。
谢谢你的建议 我尽快找大医院的医生咨询看
请问maternal fetal medicine的医生 也是隶属于OBGYN吗 是要去医院呢 还是诊所呢
OB中午打电话来 说她问了羊穿lab的负责人 lab的负责人说乐观的来说 嵌合可能来自胎盘 但是也得同时考虑流产的结果 你知道一般这样lab的负责人的水平高吗
19周羊穿 2周后医生说结果正常 但今天25周 医生给lab打电话 突然调出来上个月的芯片的结果 嵌合11% 所以我推测 她一开始只看到了核型 没根据芯片结果
Lab 负责人又不用负责最后的临床结果, 这种情况必须second opinion.
羊穿结果不好 核型正常 但芯片 11%
mm快去大医院看second opinion吧
不是的,如果羊穿11%是不正常的,正常的应该100%正常,赶紧找Johns Hopkins hospital fetal medicine 咨询。
漏掉重要报告,延误时间的,肯定是医生责任。当下最主要的是联系基因专家,医疗责任后续可以找律师。bless lz
羊穿我也以为就是0/1 怎么还有比例啊
结论就是11%嵌合啊 不是正常的
你看英文部分 就是11%的细胞不正常
Mosaic Edwards' syndrome A small number of babies with Edwards' syndrome (about 1 in 20) have an extra chromosome 18 in just some cells. This is called mosaic Edwards' syndrome (or sometimes mosaic trisomy 18).
This can lead to milder effects of the condition, depending on the number and type of cells that have the extra chromosome. Most babies with this type of Edward's syndrome who are born alive will live for at least a year, and they may live to adulthood.
我这里坐标加州 MFM要ob 推荐才能去看,这些OB 一般看高危产妇,做大B超排畸,羊水穿刺啥的 但不负责接收生。你可以搜一下你们那里医院怎么约MFM。希望宝宝没事,blessings!
我看的MFM clinic是医院里的诊所,是我的high risk OB refer去的,做B超比普通的tech做的要thorough 得多。
说可能是胎盘啊 我记得我做nipt的时候 医生说其他问题大b超基本上都能看出来 所以我都没要求测其他。感觉楼主这个sofar发育都不错,可能确实是胎盘,而不是孩子的
我以为羊穿就是100% NIPT才是概率。具体我不懂了,赶紧联系大医院,祝福M M!!!
赶快找大医院的有经验的maternal fetal medicine做咨询。可能会有技术高的医生可以通过其他手段再次取样。如果你在加州,我可以给你推荐医生。我知道有的医生可以在没生之前就给胎儿做手术,有的可以把双胞胎中的一个提前剖出来,让另一个继续在母体中发育。 所以我觉得要找大医院好医生咨询
我觉得你应该去大医院,找second opinion。或者再重新做一次羊穿。技术好的医生失手的可能性非常小。
我要是立即再做一次羊穿 脐穿或者其他方法 等待结果又是需要3周的时间 我现在25周 过3周后 接近30周了 那个时候再做引产。。。
哎 我真不知道该怎么办
我生老三40了 医生说如果有缺陷后面b超什么心脏什么能看出来 所以我做了nipt 连羊穿都没做。
羊穿是诊断性检测 NIPT不是