Girls I don't know how to express my feeling except by repeating that I'm so moved -- I know I'm not good at expression feelings :-P although I'm good at being ironic :-P Anyway, this is the most memorable "re-union" I had! Hanlin, never feel bad that you enjoyed your life in SH -- we all know it even if you don't say a word :-D -- you are still the same you :-P And I'm still the same me -- I will also enjoy my life -- The more they want to torture me, I more I will live better and enjoy more about life! An update to you all about current situation: Zhu's Mom has started raising this issue to new papers and magazines, and Sina and Sohu reported on the 1st page. I'm pretty sure that she will start to target TV soon. BTW, yesterday the journalist is already calling my parents home (they get the number from Zhu's family) and asked to interview me. My dad rejected, but maybe they will quote my dad's word saying that he rejected to be interviewed etc. Who knows. Now, seriously, I do need your help! Cos I'm prepared either to be exposed by media, or sue them. And I do need your support to clarify something. 1. Zhu's mom told the journalist that I envy her daughter and 挑拨朱和另一个舍友的关系, don't know who though. So I need the official confirmation from wang qi and jin ya that I never 挑拨你们和朱的关系。of cause she can still insist that her daughter said so, but it will be quite weak, cos if sb want to 挑拨, it should be from both sides. 2. Zhu's mom told skyoneline (in page 20 of my statement) that 我造谣说朱社交广泛 while in fact she was not. I need also the official confirmation from you all, and from your own respect, saying that zhu does have broad social activities, and often doesn't particiapte class activities. belle and Hanlin can also, if you still remember, confirm that zhu is always back to dorm very late, i.e., when we had fun in our dorm after 晚自习, she is normally not there. if you still remember that she sometimes don't even come back,can say it, but if you don't remember, just don't say. Wangqi and Ya, for you two piglets, I need the confirm from your side that she was always back very late, up to 12, and sometimes not coming back at all. I know it's very bad to say it, and that's why in the past we never tell something like this. but now her mother is pushing for this and I simply have no choice at all :-( Could you? 3. Her mom also said to skyoneline that the "coffee cup" Bei described was true! So, need you 2 to confirm again :( I'm very sorry that all these statements have to be with your real name. And I do understand the concern... --- if her family is this mad, they may hate you all as well if you said sth for me and again them. So, absolutely fine if you have the concern. and absolutely if you can't do it :-) Anyway, all the best wishes to of the piglets, and piglets' hbs & bf :) Wei Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 20:53:11 -0800 (PST) From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Re: update To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Sorry, niangzi, I will speak in a frank way here, hope you don't mind: As I told xxx yesterday, I am willing to help, for sure. My concern is that you will speak to media first? I am somewhat afraid it will finally develop to a mouth fighting (da3 zui3 zhang4), like on Tianya. If to Gong-an, I have no problem to give my statement; but to media, I suggest you have a more thorough consideration, it may finally be a bigger and wider mess and be no real help for solving the problem. Of course, niangzi, if finally no way but only fighting through media, I will stand out to clarify those point. Best regards, Jin PS: Hanlin's dream is also my dream~~~a very handsome..., but it is just a dream, have to admit :P. Hanlin, I guess you bought many good stuff in Shanghai? How about the foods there? --- Yes No <[email protected]> wrote: > Girls > I don't know how to express my feeling except by > repeating that I'm so moved -- I know I'm not good > at > expression feelings :-P although I'm good at being > ironic :-P > Anyway, this is the most memorable "re-union" I had! > > Hanlin, never feel bad that you enjoyed your life in > SH -- we all know it even if you don't say a word > :-D > -- you are still the same you :-P > And I'm still the same me -- I will also enjoy my > life > -- The more they want to torture me, I more I will > live better and enjoy more about life! > > An update to you all about current situation: > Zhu's Mom has started raising this issue to new > papers > and magazines, and Sina and Sohu reported on the 1st > page. > I'm pretty sure that she will start to target TV > soon. > BTW, yesterday the journalist is already calling my > parents home (they get the number from Zhu's family) > and asked to interview me. My dad rejected, but > maybe > they will quote my dad's word saying that he > rejected > to be interviewed etc. Who knows. > > Now, seriously, I do need your help! Cos I'm > prepared > either to be exposed by media, or sue them. > And I do need your support to clarify something. > > 1. Zhu's mom told the journalist that I envy her > daughter and 挑拨謥E土桓錾嵊训墓叵? don't know > who > though. > So I need the official confirmation from wang qi and > jin ya that I never 挑拨你们和謥E墓叵怠f cause she > can still insist that her daughter said so, but it > will be quite weak, cos if sb want to 挑拨, it > should > be from both sides. > > 2. Zhu's mom told skyoneline (in page 20 of my > statement) that 我詠Eニ抵丒缃还惴?while in fact she > was not. > I need also the official confirmation from you all, > and from your own respect, saying that zhu does have > broad social activities, and often doesn't > particiapte > class activities. > belle and Hanlin can also, if you still remember, > confirm that zhu is always back to dorm very late, > i.e., when we had fun in our dorm after 旺笤习, she > is > normally not there.
> if you still remember that she sometimes don't even > come back,can say it, but if you don't remember, > just > don't say. > > Wangqi and Ya, for you two piglets, I need the > confirm > from your side that she was always back very late, > up > to 12, and sometimes not coming back at all. > > I know it's very bad to say it, and that's why in > the > past we never tell something like this. but now her > mother is pushing for this and I simply have no > choice > at all :-( > > Could you? > > 3. Her mom also said to skyoneline that the "coffee > cup" Bei described was true! > So, need you 2 to confirm again :( > > > I'm very sorry that all these statements have to be > with your real name. > And I do understand the concern... --- if her family > is this mad, they may hate you all as well if you > said > sth for me and again them. > > So, absolutely fine if you have the concern. and > absolutely if you can't do it :-) > > Anyway, all the best wishes to of the piglets, and > piglets' hbs & bf :) > > Wei > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > protection around > > Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 22:21:54 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: need your help :( To: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Girls, I finally find out that now there is no sense to spend further time on internet cos there are sooooooo many virius people there. Our words are already out, normal people will take it, and that’s what we expect. For the mad dogs, just let them bark. My family will follow the internet. If they find out really some critical things and need your help, I will let you know, either wise, no need to pay attention on it. One thing I really need your help urgently is the Tl papers. As I’m busy with the letters to police, not much time. So could you pls help with the papers. :( 你们有空帮着看看文献并翻译吗? 不用全翻!我们感兴趣的只是:有没有可能是一次中毒。 估计很少有2次中毒的case,所以如果是一次中毒的文章,只需要看一下中毒后如果没有及时(2-3个月)治疗的症状,如果提前治疗了的文章就可以仍一边根本不用看了。 如果看到2-3个月没有治疗的case,不论是否支持我们希望的结论,都请把相关时间—症状部分翻译一下,并翻译一下患者的年龄、性别、体质/身体状况等。 金亚帮着查了一堆文献,xxx分发一下,能分头处理一下吗?俺俩忙晕了,还有好多文章要写:( many thanks! Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 23:19:29 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: hanlin, don't get angry :( To: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
刚在天涯上看见“李含琳”发的帖子"请大家放过薛刚,谢谢!" It says: “这个世界上不会有无缘无故的爱,也不会有无缘无故的恨。他说过什么,做过什么,一定都是有原因的;但是有一点,他不是坏人,我也不是,我们都没有坏心,请大家放过他,放过我们一家。 11年过去了,该消失的早已消失,网络上再声势浩大,也不过是虚拟的东西,为什么还要紧紧咬住不放呢?如果真的有人下毒,这些年来她必定也不好过,为什么一定要掀什么来呢? 我不知道继续下去会有什么结果。我只想安安静静地做一个普通的人。请大家放过我们吧,谢谢!” He/she first pretent to look like real hanlin, and the next step, I guess, is to say something really bad. here it already started to imply that if I am the murderer, i must have already suffered these years, so let me go. And in the future, all "your" words or words from classmates could be interpretated as they are helping me to escape from the punishment even if i am the murderer, cos I have already suffered a lot. SO MEAN!!! So it's quite clear that there is no sense to spend further time on internet cos there are sooooooo many virius people there. Our words are already out, normal people will take it, and that’s what we expect. For the mad dogs, just let them bark. My family will follow the internet. If they find out really some critical things and need your help, I will let you know, either wise, no need to pay attention on it. Keep carm, keep cool! I actually feel very sorry that it bring you all "famous" :( -- although in the past, i'm always very causious, and prepared that there are some people who are very bad, but it's just always beyond my imagaination how virus could people be :( sigh :( Girls!Take care of yourselves!!!
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 00:36:24 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Hanlin couple, need your help To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>
hanlin & Gang Sorry that I need the help from you urgently for some paper searching and translation :( The purpose is to find out if Zhu ling’s case might be just poisioned one, just like 熊猫累累& 感而后动 mentioned. Jinya was searching a lot of papers, maybe you can search as well from US? Might be different result? What I need is the cases in which the patient was NOT treated in time, better not treated after 1 or 2 or even 3 months,so that we can have a look if the symptoms are similar to Zhu Ling’s case. So just need to very quickly filter the search result and can simple throw the paper away if the patient was treated in time. If you find out the “suitable” case, pls help to translate ONLY how the symptoms developed over time, NO NEED to translate how to treat it etc. Pls also include the patients age, sex, general health situation if any, and also the source of this paper. Jin Ya will send you the paper she has already found out that fulfill above “requirement” so that you don’t need to translate again if you find the same docs. Can you help with it during these 2 days? Sorry for the rush ? -- we very much need it for the doc to police. Many thanks in advance! TAKE CARE! Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 04:42:34 -0800 (PST) From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: About papers To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected]
1. I searched on PubMed with keywords "thallium" and "poisoning". 2. In the about 600 papers, I got 3 papers that may be useful (with full text). My filtering condition is: once poisoning; acute or subacute; after exposure to Tl, no appropriate treatment for more than 1 month. I will translate the corresponding parts in these three papers. 3. Since I have no full-text access to some journals, for many papers I could only get their abstracts. I had a look at all the abstracts of papers published after July 1992, and I include in the attachment those that maybe useful (need checking full-text to know), so that if you can access to their full-text files, have a look. 4. To extract the compressed file, save all the four files in the same folder and click the *.part1.ext file. (i am so "luo1 suo1", :P) 5. Naturally everyone has his/her favorite searching strategy for papers, so I do expect hanlin or P2 will find some useful papers other than what I got, that'll be very cool :) Girls, take care!
Hanlin, I just found today on Sina, in Wu Hong fei's blog, she reported Zhu's case, and in the reply, i find somebody pretending to be Xue Gang as well. 回复 网易网友(222.32.112.*): 清华物化2班的的朱令的同学们,你们真的就都是些自私自利见利忘义的小人?就没有一个 象贝志成那样敢于说话吗?这是清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是清 华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是 清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!这是清华的悲哀!!!!!清华的同学门,你们还有良心 吗,不做噩梦吗???? 我是物化2班的团支书,我真的不忍心看到有关朱朱的所有东西,这些年来我一直生活在自责于内疚之中,我不知道我该怎么做,其实这件事要真的查出真相一点都不难,国务院督办!我能说的就是当年朱朱第二次中毒孙维被传的时候,院领导和系部召开了一次很秘密的会议,我是唯一一个参加会议的在校学生,也许他们知道通知我开会是个很大的错误,当中讲了一会儿的时候系主任叫我回去了,但我在我所在场的18分钟内,我已经知道内容大概了,我的任务是事件保密和按护全班同学,不准单独核查和不准猜测议论,在会议中提到是孙主席指示的,而且有关方面在为维维准备出国手续,后来我知道是孙浮林。 到这里大家心理也很清楚,这件事如果中央不出面的话,在中国目前这个体制里,朱朱事件只有沉冤!!!光凭一个贝志诚是不够的。 这些年我没有站出来,我有我的苦衷,包括我们2班所有同学。我们经常会收到拿我们自己性命和家人性命以及工作等等相关的威胁!株连九族大家或许只在电视上见过,可这些随时可以发生在我们2班同学身上。 我希望中央能真的重视这个案件,还朱朱一个公道。就是高院和高检都没办法的,只有中央!!! So you couple are both used :-P Kidding, I think now the situation is really very bad. People are much worse than I thought. But in stead of getting angry, like couple of weeks ago, I feel amused, strange hum? These people are too dirty for me to be angry with them :) So girls, i think we don't need further clarify things on internet, unless something really important pop-up -- I doubt though. Anyway, my family is monitering. So let's live our normal life. If for something I need help, i will shout :-) So basically, the help I needed from you all: 1. Paper related: Ya and Hanlin couple -- "tasks" already sent in another mail :-P 2. the supporting letter I previously sent out -- less urgent than above paper, so take your time :-) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 17:56:08 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Re: To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear Hanlin Shocked to hear it!! These days I repeated again and again, telling myself, and xxx, and jinya, that I now really really understand why Chinese had Cultural Revolution! I don't even have your home number! I just got Gang's mobile from Panfeng last night, try to talk to you but didn't get connected. Hanlin, I'm very very sorry and sad to get you involved in this dirty thing, especially that you all did it just to support me :( I don't know what to say... I'm really very very sorry! Things here is also very bad. Somebody claim living in the same building as my parents posted their address and call for people to post sth like da4 zi4 bao4 in & around the building,and also to all the nagbours' mailbox etc. I can't go home now. And have to get prepared to "escape" from my own home as soon as digged out. Here in China there is no law or human right, and the police will do nothing about it, but in US should be different. Would you consult your lawyer how to handle it? Or can you report to police ahead to prevent something bad? BTW, be careful of to all your acquaintance, if bad guys trying to find out your personal info, it's very likely from them, and we don't know whether they leak it out accidentally or on purpose. TAKE CARE TAKE CARE!!! As said, I can't go to my parents home now, so contact my own home before I have to move. 8295-3037, or xxx's mobile at 13501024175. I'm at work and not convenient to talk :(. FYI I only made 2 posts, the 1st one you all know, 2nd is called "Sun Wei de Zai sheng Ming", mainly 3 points: 1. appologize for the "evedropper", we made a mistake, it IS a music cup :( 2.I've already submitted to police and official application, ask them to re-investigate the case. 3. new rumors, I won't explain anymore. I will ask xxx to forward you the whole statement. For other so called statement, like I already hired laywer etc,are all bullshit. I haven't posted anything like those. BTW, pls also send me your home number so that we can talk in emergency. Also, girls, if you have time, download the skypie which xxx recommend, cos it's encrypted, and can also do conference talk. Talk to you all later! TAKE CARE EVERYBODY!
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 18:06:27 -0800 (PST) Hanlin Li <[email protected]> wrote: > Dear piglets, > > I am back in China. It is a lot colder than I > expected, fortunately, indoor temp. is very > comfortable. > > I left from US in a hurry and didn't take your contact > informaiton with me, could all of you please send me > your phone numbers so I can reach you? > > I will start first: > > My home phone # at Anshan is : 0412-673-2565 and I > also have a cell phone @ 136-1080-9319. > > Qizi, > > please send me P4's phone # as well, so Gang can bug > him. :-) > > I am so looking forward to meeting all of you in > Shanghai! > > Talk to you later. > > Hanlin Subject: Re: I am back and need your contact info To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]> CC: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "sun wei" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]> From: [email protected] View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:14:02 +0800
My mobil phone is 13530655861. I am afraid I can not go to shanghai for reunion because these days our business is very busy. Sorry for this bad news. Merry x-mas and happy new year to all of you in advance.
Dear piglets, I am back in China. It is a lot colder than I expected, fortunately, indoor temp. is very comfortable. I left from US in a hurry and didn't take your contact informaiton with me, could all of you please send me your phone numbers so I can reach you? I will start first: My home phone # at Anshan is : 0412-673-2565 and I also have a cell phone @ 136-1080-9319. Qizi, please send me P4's phone # as well, so Gang can bug him. :-) I am so looking forward to meeting all of you in Shanghai! Talk to you later. Hanlin
所以,我能做的事情,不是追查,没有公安的证据我是不会定罪的,我只想呈现一个事实,大 家在一种悲愤和沉郁之下,我们能够做的微薄之力,就是,即便是不知情,也要说出不知情,也要 说出:我们需要知情. 我有看到过很多你的发言.此事我一直在关注着.我们没有高调介入是因为我们还在不想惊动太 多人。如果你愿意发言...我很愿意.保护你的一切:姓名,住址联络方法.这是一个基本的职业 道德。请你信任我. 《南方周末》记者 Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 19:11:15 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Will you have time in the next week? To: [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear piglets I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have (or have not) heard about it, People are discussing about the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread all over my friends & colleagues... In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying about it. I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting the "clarification". I'd like to send for you to help review it before publish, hopefully within a week. Will you have time then? Subject: Re: Will you have time in the next week? To: "Yes No" <[email protected]> CC: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]> From: [email protected] View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:44:17 +0800
Dear Wei, I am really shocked by your e-mail because I haven't noticed it in internet at all. Really sorry for you. Of course I will leave time for you. If you would like to leave Beijing for a while, my home is always open for you. And if there is anything I can do for you, just tell me. Wish you are strong enough and every bad thing is smooth as soon as possible. Take care, baby! Gao
Dear piglets I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have (or have not) heard about it, People are discussing about the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread all over my friends & colleagues... In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying about it. I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting the "clarification". I'd like to send for you to help review it before publish, hopefully within a week. Will you have time then? Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 20:52:03 -0800 (PST) From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Re: Will you have time in the next week? To: [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>, "sun wei" <[email protected]>
Yeah, I didn't notice either. People can be really mean, disgusting and irresponsible when they can speak anonymously. Niangzi, be strong and take care! Surely I have time. As Belle said, if anything we can help, don't hesitate, we support you at any circumstances. Jin --- [email protected] wrote: > Dear Wei, > > I am really shocked by your e-mail because I haven't > noticed it in internet > at all. Really sorry for you. Of course I will leave > time for you. If you > would like to leave Beijing for a while, my home is > always open for you. > And if there is anything I can do for you, just tell > me. > > Wish you are strong enough and every bad thing is > smooth as soon as > possible. > > Take care, baby! > Gao > > > > > Yes No > > <sunweihere@yahoo > > .com> > To > > [email protected], Hanlin Li > 12/19/2005 11:11 > <[email protected]>, Jin Ya > AM > <[email protected]>, Qi Wang > > <[email protected]> > > cc > > > > Subject > Will you have > time in the next > week? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear piglets > I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have (or > have not) heard about it, People are discussing > about > the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of > websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread > all > over my friends & colleagues... > > In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep > silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying about > it. > I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting the > "clarification". > I'd like to send for you to help review it before > publish, hopefully within a week. > > Will you have time then? > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > protection around > > > > > Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 01:23:57 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Re: Will you have time in the next week? To: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Thank you all piglets!! Your mails makes me stronger and I will never be knocked down! :) Remember our old saying in dorm that we want to get famous in public? -- Now I'm achieving it. It's still not the worst case yet, but I'm prepared... sooner or later... Anyway, let's see... --- Jin Ya <[email protected]> wrote: > Yeah, I didn't notice either. People can be really > mean, disgusting and irresponsible when they can > speak > anonymously. Niangzi, be strong and take care! > > Surely I have time. As Belle said, if anything we > can > help, don't hesitate, we support you at any > circumstances. > > Jin > > --- [email protected] wrote: > > > Dear Wei, > > > > I am really shocked by your e-mail because I > haven't > > noticed it in internet > > at all. Really sorry for you. Of course I will > leave > > time for you. If you > > would like to leave Beijing for a while, my home > is > > always open for you. > > And if there is anything I can do for you, just > tell > > me. > > > > Wish you are strong enough and every bad thing is > > smooth as soon as > > possible. > > > > Take care, baby! > > Gao > > > > > > > > > > > Yes No > > > > > <sunweihere@yahoo > > > > > .com> > > > To > > > > [email protected], Hanlin Li > > 12/19/2005 11:11 > > <[email protected]>, Jin Ya > > AM > > <[email protected]>, Qi Wang > > > > <[email protected]> > > > > > cc > > > > > > > > > > Subject > > Will you > have > > time in the next > > week?
> > Dear piglets > > I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have > (or > > have not) heard about it, People are discussing > > about > > the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of > > websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread > > all > > over my friends & colleagues... > > > > In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep > > silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying > about > > it. > > I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting > the > > "clarification". > > I'd like to send for you to help review it before > > publish, hopefully within a week. > > > > Will you have time then? > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > > protection around > >
> > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > protection around > > Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 08:31:45 -0800 (PST) From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: can you help review the doc? To: [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear all Here is my draft doc. If you have time, pls help to review it from an outsider point of view, to see if there are some parts that is not proper or could cause some misunderstanding etc. Any comments welcome! It would be great if you can give the feedback by Friday night so that I can do the modification before publish. Many thanks!attach1_by_sw_20051222.doc
Dear everyone! I'm soooooo moved by all of you! Of cause you all are my BEST friends, lifetime friends (although I removed the "best" friends statement in the doc that I'm currently modifying, changed to "good" -- it might bring negative effect if people want to make story out of it)! I can't express with words but I have to admit that when I read the mail from all of you, I can't control my tears, even now. What a strange creature human being is -- when people are beating, hurting, humiliating you, you are strong and never show sorrow, but when you friends are comming with warm heart and words, you, on the contrary, start to cry. Anyway, no matter what happens, I always repeat to myself, that I am not the poorest person in world and I will never be knocked down. There are too many examples that people sufferied much much more that I do. So what I'm now experiencing is nothing. For example, Zhu Ling's family is more poorer, and they sufferred much much more. Of cause I don't like their way of doing things but it's also understandable to some extent. I'm still making modifications based on some early comment. If I can finish it by tonight, I will send you to review again. Anyway, let's see... Hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble :(
--- Hanlin Li <[email protected]> wrote: > Niangzi, > > I just saw your email this morning and gave a first > read of the document. It is a well written document, > very objective, with lots of facts, which made the > document credible. I believe anyone who is not > biased > would get the right message. I am going to read it > again, being a devil's advocate this time, and get > back to you tonight. > > As a close friend of yours (I assumed), I feel so > ashamed when I read your clarification, I had no > idea > what you have been through. If I were in your shoes, > I > may be collapsed already. I am really proud of you, > after going through all this, you are still a > strong, > optimistic, cheerful girl, still the old Sun Xiaozhu > we know of. I hope you will only grow stronger and > happier from now on, as we (your best friends, I am > speaking for all of the piglets here) will always be > on your side, support you and fight back with you. > > Last but not least, wish you best of luck. I do > believe after the issuance of your document, the > public should get a clearer and more truthful > picture > of the whole thing, and give you back the oridinary > life you've been wishing for. > > If anything I could be help with, don't hesitate to > ask. > > Hanlin > > > --- Yes No <[email protected]> wrote: > > > passward is "thetruth" > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > > protection around > > > > > >
Dear all As said, I'm speechless, so have nothing to say. Here is the new version after consolidating all your precious comment, not 100% yet cos I don't have time :(. Anyway, if you have time tomorrow, pls have a look. I properly need your support after I publish this one, but I don't know exactly how. Let's talk about it a bit later. Merry Xmas!
attach4_by_sw_20051224_v3.doc Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 13:01:14 +0800 (CST) From: "belle gao" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: 回复: new version for review To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dear Niangzi,
I have looked through the new version. This edition is more clear in stating reality.
For content, I have no further advices. As I said, even the content is perfect, maybe there are still some captious persons.
I think we will face more fireworks in internet, you must be strong and ready to face them. Once you publish it, tell us the link and also as more as possilbe friends. We also want to support you in situ in internet.
Merry x-mas to you and xxx!
Gao Yes No <[email protected]> 写道: Dear all As said, I'm speechless, so have nothing to say. Here is the new version after consolidating all your precious comment, not 100% yet cos I don't have time :(. Anyway, if you have time tomorrow, pls have a look. I properly need your support after I publish this one, but I don't know exactly how. Let's talk about it a bit later. Merry Xmas! __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL ?Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 23:40:32 -0800 (PST) From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Re: to open the 2nd version :( To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
I don't know how to express my feeling except by
repeating that I'm so moved -- I know I'm not good at
expression feelings :-P although I'm good at being
ironic :-P
Anyway, this is the most memorable "re-union" I had! Hanlin, never feel bad that you enjoyed your life in
SH -- we all know it even if you don't say a word :-D
-- you are still the same you :-P
And I'm still the same me -- I will also enjoy my life
-- The more they want to torture me, I more I will
live better and enjoy more about life! An update to you all about current situation:
Zhu's Mom has started raising this issue to new papers
and magazines, and Sina and Sohu reported on the 1st
I'm pretty sure that she will start to target TV soon.
BTW, yesterday the journalist is already calling my
parents home (they get the number from Zhu's family)
and asked to interview me. My dad rejected, but maybe
they will quote my dad's word saying that he rejected
to be interviewed etc. Who knows. Now, seriously, I do need your help! Cos I'm prepared
either to be exposed by media, or sue them.
And I do need your support to clarify something. 1. Zhu's mom told the journalist that I envy her
daughter and 挑拨朱和另一个舍友的关系, don't know who
So I need the official confirmation from wang qi and
jin ya that I never 挑拨你们和朱的关系。of cause she
can still insist that her daughter said so, but it
will be quite weak, cos if sb want to 挑拨, it should
be from both sides. 2. Zhu's mom told skyoneline (in page 20 of my
statement) that 我造谣说朱社交广泛 while in fact she
was not.
I need also the official confirmation from you all,
and from your own respect, saying that zhu does have
broad social activities, and often doesn't particiapte
class activities.
belle and Hanlin can also, if you still remember,
confirm that zhu is always back to dorm very late,
i.e., when we had fun in our dorm after 晚自习, she is
normally not there.
if you still remember that she sometimes don't even
come back,can say it, but if you don't remember, just
don't say. Wangqi and Ya, for you two piglets, I need the confirm
from your side that she was always back very late, up
to 12, and sometimes not coming back at all. I know it's very bad to say it, and that's why in the
past we never tell something like this. but now her
mother is pushing for this and I simply have no choice
at all :-( Could you? 3. Her mom also said to skyoneline that the "coffee
cup" Bei described was true!
So, need you 2 to confirm again :(
I'm very sorry that all these statements have to be
with your real name.
And I do understand the concern... --- if her family
is this mad, they may hate you all as well if you said
sth for me and again them. So, absolutely fine if you have the concern. and
absolutely if you can't do it :-) Anyway, all the best wishes to of the piglets, and
piglets' hbs & bf :) Wei Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 20:53:11 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Re: update
To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Sorry, niangzi, I will speak in a frank way here, hope
you don't mind: As I told xxx yesterday, I am
willing to help, for sure. My concern is that you
will speak to media first? I am somewhat afraid it
will finally develop to a mouth fighting (da3 zui3
zhang4), like on Tianya. If to Gong-an, I have no
problem to give my statement; but to media, I suggest
you have a more thorough consideration, it may finally
be a bigger and wider mess and be no real help for
solving the problem. Of course, niangzi, if finally
no way but only fighting through media, I will stand
out to clarify those point. Best regards, Jin PS: Hanlin's dream is also my dream~~~a very
handsome..., but it is just a dream, have to admit :P.
Hanlin, I guess you bought many good stuff in
Shanghai? How about the foods there?
--- Yes No <[email protected]> wrote: > Girls
> I don't know how to express my feeling except by
> repeating that I'm so moved -- I know I'm not good
> at
> expression feelings :-P although I'm good at being
> ironic :-P
> Anyway, this is the most memorable "re-union" I had!
> Hanlin, never feel bad that you enjoyed your life in
> SH -- we all know it even if you don't say a word
> :-D
> -- you are still the same you :-P
> And I'm still the same me -- I will also enjoy my
> life
> -- The more they want to torture me, I more I will
> live better and enjoy more about life!
> An update to you all about current situation:
> Zhu's Mom has started raising this issue to new
> papers
> and magazines, and Sina and Sohu reported on the 1st
> page.
> I'm pretty sure that she will start to target TV
> soon.
> BTW, yesterday the journalist is already calling my
> parents home (they get the number from Zhu's family)
> and asked to interview me. My dad rejected, but
> maybe
> they will quote my dad's word saying that he
> rejected
> to be interviewed etc. Who knows.
> Now, seriously, I do need your help! Cos I'm
> prepared
> either to be exposed by media, or sue them.
> And I do need your support to clarify something.
> 1. Zhu's mom told the journalist that I envy her
> daughter and 挑拨謥E土桓錾嵊训墓叵? don't know
> who
> though.
> So I need the official confirmation from wang qi and
> jin ya that I never 挑拨你们和謥E墓叵怠f cause she
> can still insist that her daughter said so, but it
> will be quite weak, cos if sb want to 挑拨, it
> should
> be from both sides.
> 2. Zhu's mom told skyoneline (in page 20 of my
> statement) that 我詠Eニ抵丒缃还惴?while in fact she
> was not.
> I need also the official confirmation from you all,
> and from your own respect, saying that zhu does have
> broad social activities, and often doesn't
> particiapte
> class activities.
> belle and Hanlin can also, if you still remember,
> confirm that zhu is always back to dorm very late,
> i.e., when we had fun in our dorm after 旺笤习, she
> is
> normally not there.
> come back,can say it, but if you don't remember,
> just
> don't say.
> Wangqi and Ya, for you two piglets, I need the
> confirm
> from your side that she was always back very late,
> up
> to 12, and sometimes not coming back at all.
> I know it's very bad to say it, and that's why in
> the
> past we never tell something like this. but now her
> mother is pushing for this and I simply have no
> choice
> at all :-(
> Could you?
> 3. Her mom also said to skyoneline that the "coffee
> cup" Bei described was true!
> So, need you 2 to confirm again :(
> I'm very sorry that all these statements have to be
> with your real name.
> And I do understand the concern... --- if her family
> is this mad, they may hate you all as well if you
> said
> sth for me and again them.
> So, absolutely fine if you have the concern. and
> absolutely if you can't do it :-)
> Anyway, all the best wishes to of the piglets, and
> piglets' hbs & bf :)
> Wei
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 22:21:54 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: need your help :(
To: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
I finally find out that now there is no sense to spend
further time on internet cos there are sooooooo many
virius people there. Our words are already out, normal
people will take it, and that’s what we expect. For
the mad dogs, just let them bark. My family will follow the internet. If they find out
really some critical things and need your help, I will
let you know, either wise, no need to pay attention on
it. One thing I really need your help urgently is the Tl
papers. As I’m busy with the letters to police, not
much time. So could you pls help with the papers. :(
你们有空帮着看看文献并翻译吗? 不用全翻!我们感兴趣的只是:有没有可能是一次中毒。
估计很少有2次中毒的case,所以如果是一次中毒的文章,只需要看一下中毒后如果没有及时(2-3个月)治疗的症状,如果提前治疗了的文章就可以仍一边根本不用看了。 如果看到2-3个月没有治疗的case,不论是否支持我们希望的结论,都请把相关时间—症状部分翻译一下,并翻译一下患者的年龄、性别、体质/身体状况等。 金亚帮着查了一堆文献,xxx分发一下,能分头处理一下吗?俺俩忙晕了,还有好多文章要写:( many thanks! Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 23:19:29 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: hanlin, don't get angry :(
To: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
It says: “这个世界上不会有无缘无故的爱,也不会有无缘无故的恨。他说过什么,做过什么,一定都是有原因的;但是有一点,他不是坏人,我也不是,我们都没有坏心,请大家放过他,放过我们一家。
我不知道继续下去会有什么结果。我只想安安静静地做一个普通的人。请大家放过我们吧,谢谢!” He/she first pretent to look like real hanlin, and the
next step, I guess, is to say something really bad.
here it already started to imply that if I am the
murderer, i must have already suffered these years, so
let me go. And in the future, all "your" words or
words from classmates could be interpretated as they
are helping me to escape from the punishment even if i
am the murderer, cos I have already suffered a lot. SO
MEAN!!! So it's quite clear that there is no sense to spend
further time on internet cos there are sooooooo many
virius people there. Our words are already out, normal
people will take it, and that’s what we expect. For
the mad dogs, just let them bark. My family will follow the internet. If they find out
really some critical things and need your help, I will
let you know, either wise, no need to pay attention on
it. Keep carm, keep cool! I actually feel very sorry that it bring you all
"famous" :( -- although in the past, i'm always very
causious, and prepared that there are some people who
are very bad, but it's just always beyond my
imagaination how virus could people be :( sigh :( Girls!Take care of yourselves!!!
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
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Subject: Hanlin couple, need your help
To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>
hanlin & Gang
Sorry that I need the help from you urgently for some
paper searching and translation :( The purpose is to find out if Zhu ling’s case might
be just poisioned one, just like 熊猫累累& 感而后动
mentioned. Jinya was searching a lot of papers, maybe you can
search as well from US? Might be different result? What I need is the cases in which the patient was NOT
treated in time, better not treated after 1 or 2 or
even 3 months,so that we can have a look if the
symptoms are similar to Zhu Ling’s case. So just need to very quickly filter the search result
and can simple throw the paper away if the patient was
treated in time. If you find out the “suitable” case, pls help to
translate ONLY how the symptoms developed over time,
NO NEED to translate how to treat it etc. Pls also
include the patients age, sex, general health
situation if any, and also the source of this paper. Jin Ya will send you the paper she has already found
out that fulfill above “requirement” so that you
don’t need to translate again if you find the same
docs. Can you help with it during these 2 days? Sorry for
the rush ? -- we very much need it for the doc
to police. Many thanks in advance! TAKE CARE! Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 04:42:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: About papers
To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected]
1. I searched on PubMed with keywords "thallium" and
"poisoning". 2. In the about 600 papers, I got 3 papers that may be
useful (with full text). My filtering condition is:
once poisoning; acute or subacute; after exposure to
Tl, no appropriate treatment for more than 1 month. I
will translate the corresponding parts in these three
papers. 3. Since I have no full-text access to some journals,
for many papers I could only get their abstracts. I
had a look at all the abstracts of papers published
after July 1992, and I include in the attachment those
that maybe useful (need checking full-text to know),
so that if you can access to their full-text files,
have a look. 4. To extract the compressed file, save all the four
files in the same folder and click the *.part1.ext
file. (i am so "luo1 suo1", :P) 5. Naturally everyone has his/her favorite searching
strategy for papers, so I do expect hanlin or P2 will
find some useful papers other than what I got, that'll
be very cool :) Girls, take care!
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 07:06:46 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
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To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
I just found today on Sina, in Wu Hong fei's blog, she
reported Zhu's case, and in the reply, i find somebody
pretending to be Xue Gang as well. 回复 网易网友(222.32.112.*):
吗,不做噩梦吗???? 我是物化2班的团支书,我真的不忍心看到有关朱朱的所有东西,这些年来我一直生活在自责于内疚之中,我不知道我该怎么做,其实这件事要真的查出真相一点都不难,国务院督办!我能说的就是当年朱朱第二次中毒孙维被传的时候,院领导和系部召开了一次很秘密的会议,我是唯一一个参加会议的在校学生,也许他们知道通知我开会是个很大的错误,当中讲了一会儿的时候系主任叫我回去了,但我在我所在场的18分钟内,我已经知道内容大概了,我的任务是事件保密和按护全班同学,不准单独核查和不准猜测议论,在会议中提到是孙主席指示的,而且有关方面在为维维准备出国手续,后来我知道是孙浮林。
到这里大家心理也很清楚,这件事如果中央不出面的话,在中国目前这个体制里,朱朱事件只有沉冤!!!光凭一个贝志诚是不够的。 这些年我没有站出来,我有我的苦衷,包括我们2班所有同学。我们经常会收到拿我们自己性命和家人性命以及工作等等相关的威胁!株连九族大家或许只在电视上见过,可这些随时可以发生在我们2班同学身上。 我希望中央能真的重视这个案件,还朱朱一个公道。就是高院和高检都没办法的,只有中央!!!
So you couple are both used :-P Kidding, I think now the situation is really very bad.
People are much worse than I thought. But in stead of
getting angry, like couple of weeks ago, I feel
amused, strange hum? These people are too dirty for me
to be angry with them :) So girls, i think we don't need further clarify things
on internet, unless something really important pop-up
-- I doubt though. Anyway, my family is monitering.
So let's live our normal life.
If for something I need help, i will shout :-) So basically, the help I needed from you all:
1. Paper related: Ya and Hanlin couple -- "tasks"
already sent in another mail :-P 2. the supporting letter I previously sent out -- less
urgent than above paper, so take your time :-) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 17:56:08 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Re:
To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear Hanlin
Shocked to hear it!! These days I repeated again and
again, telling myself, and xxx, and jinya, that I now
really really understand why Chinese had Cultural
Revolution! I don't even have your home number! I just got Gang's
mobile from Panfeng last night, try to talk to you but
didn't get connected. Hanlin,
I'm very very sorry and sad to get you involved in
this dirty thing, especially that you all did it just
to support me :( I don't know what to say... I'm really very very
Things here is also very bad. Somebody claim living in
the same building as my parents posted their address
and call for people to post sth like da4 zi4 bao4 in &
around the building,and also to all the nagbours'
mailbox etc. I can't go home now. And have to get
prepared to "escape" from my own home as soon as
digged out. Here in China there is no law or human right, and the
police will do nothing about it, but in US should be
different. Would you consult your lawyer how to handle
it? Or can you report to police ahead to prevent
something bad? BTW, be careful of to all your acquaintance, if bad
guys trying to find out your personal info, it's very
likely from them, and we don't know whether they leak
it out accidentally or on purpose. TAKE CARE TAKE CARE!!! As said, I can't go to my parents home now, so contact
my own home before I have to move. 8295-3037, or xxx's
mobile at 13501024175. I'm at work and not convenient
to talk :(. FYI I only made 2 posts, the 1st one you all know, 2nd
is called "Sun Wei de Zai sheng Ming", mainly 3
points: 1. appologize for the "evedropper", we made a
mistake, it IS a music cup :( 2.I've already submitted
to police and official application, ask them to
re-investigate the case. 3. new rumors, I won't
explain anymore. I will ask xxx to forward you the whole statement. For other so called statement, like I already hired
laywer etc,are all bullshit. I haven't posted anything
like those. BTW, pls also send me your home number so that we can
talk in emergency. Also, girls, if you have time, download the skypie
which xxx recommend, cos it's encrypted, and can also
do conference talk. Talk to you all later! TAKE CARE EVERYBODY!
Subject: Re: I am back and need your contact info
To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "sun wei" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 13:35:20 +0800
so glad to hear from u from shanghai. my cell: 13600072567
PF: 13570066776
contact u later, see u.
Hanlin Li <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear piglets,
> I am back in China. It is a lot colder than I
> expected, fortunately, indoor temp. is very
> comfortable.
> I left from US in a hurry and didn't take your contact
> informaiton with me, could all of you please send me
> your phone numbers so I can reach you?
> I will start first:
> My home phone # at Anshan is : 0412-673-2565 and I
> also have a cell phone @ 136-1080-9319.
> Qizi,
> please send me P4's phone # as well, so Gang can bug
> him. :-)
> I am so looking forward to meeting all of you in
> Shanghai!
> Talk to you later.
> Hanlin
Subject: Re: I am back and need your contact info
To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>
CC: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "sun wei" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:14:02 +0800
My mobil phone is 13530655861. I am afraid I can not go to shanghai for
reunion because these days our business is very busy. Sorry for this
news. Merry x-mas and happy new year to all of you in advance.
Hanlin Li
<[email protected]>
12/11/2005 10:06 [email protected], Jin Ya
AM <[email protected]>, sun wei
<[email protected]>, Qi Wang
<[email protected]>
I am back and need your contact
Dear piglets, I am back in China. It is a lot colder than I
expected, fortunately, indoor temp. is very
comfortable. I left from US in a hurry and didn't take your contact
informaiton with me, could all of you please send me
your phone numbers so I can reach you? I will start first: My home phone # at Anshan is : 0412-673-2565 and I
also have a cell phone @ 136-1080-9319. Qizi, please send me P4's phone # as well, so Gang can bug
him. :-) I am so looking forward to meeting all of you in
Shanghai! Talk to you later. Hanlin
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 16:05:50 +0800
Subject: 来自清华
白的说法. 我和一个关注这个事情的朋友聊天,她说:“旧事重提,肯定会伤害到一些人的感情。可我认
《南方周末》记者 Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 19:11:15 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Will you have time in the next week?
To: [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear piglets
I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have (or
have not) heard about it, People are discussing about
the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of
websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread all
over my friends & colleagues... In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep
silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying about
I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting the
I'd like to send for you to help review it before
publish, hopefully within a week. Will you have time then? Subject: Re: Will you have time in the next week?
To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>
CC: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:44:17 +0800
Dear Wei, I am really shocked by your e-mail because I haven't noticed it in
at all. Really sorry for you. Of course I will leave time for you. If
would like to leave Beijing for a while, my home is always open for
And if there is anything I can do for you, just tell me. Wish you are strong enough and every bad thing is smooth as soon as
possible. Take care, baby!
Yes No
[email protected], Hanlin
12/19/2005 11:11 <[email protected]>, Jin Ya
AM <[email protected]>, Qi Wang
<[email protected]>
Will you have time in the next
Dear piglets
I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have (or
have not) heard about it, People are discussing about
the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of
websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread all
over my friends & colleagues... In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep
silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying about
I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting the
I'd like to send for you to help review it before
publish, hopefully within a week. Will you have time then? Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 20:52:03 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Re: Will you have time in the next week?
To: [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>, "sun wei" <[email protected]>
Yeah, I didn't notice either. People can be really
mean, disgusting and irresponsible when they can speak
anonymously. Niangzi, be strong and take care! Surely I have time. As Belle said, if anything we can
help, don't hesitate, we support you at any
circumstances. Jin --- [email protected] wrote: > Dear Wei,
> I am really shocked by your e-mail because I haven't
> noticed it in internet
> at all. Really sorry for you. Of course I will leave
> time for you. If you
> would like to leave Beijing for a while, my home is
> always open for you.
> And if there is anything I can do for you, just tell
> me.
> Wish you are strong enough and every bad thing is
> smooth as soon as
> possible.
> Take care, baby!
> Gao
> Yes No
> <sunweihere@yahoo
> .com>
> To
> [email protected], Hanlin Li
> 12/19/2005 11:11
> <[email protected]>, Jin Ya
> AM
> <[email protected]>, Qi Wang
> <[email protected]>
> cc
> Subject
> Will you have
> time in the next
> week?
> Dear piglets
> I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have (or
> have not) heard about it, People are discussing
> about
> the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of
> websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread
> all
> over my friends & colleagues...
> In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep
> silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying about
> it.
> I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting the
> "clarification".
> I'd like to send for you to help review it before
> publish, hopefully within a week.
> Will you have time then?
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
> Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 01:23:57 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Re: Will you have time in the next week?
To: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Thank you all piglets!!
Your mails makes me stronger and I will never be
knocked down! :) Remember our old saying in dorm that we want to get
famous in public? -- Now I'm achieving it. It's still not the worst case yet, but I'm prepared...
sooner or later... Anyway, let's see... --- Jin Ya <[email protected]> wrote: > Yeah, I didn't notice either. People can be really
> mean, disgusting and irresponsible when they can
> speak
> anonymously. Niangzi, be strong and take care!
> Surely I have time. As Belle said, if anything we
> can
> help, don't hesitate, we support you at any
> circumstances.
> Jin
> --- [email protected] wrote:
> > Dear Wei,
> >
> > I am really shocked by your e-mail because I
> haven't
> > noticed it in internet
> > at all. Really sorry for you. Of course I will
> leave
> > time for you. If you
> > would like to leave Beijing for a while, my home
> is
> > always open for you.
> > And if there is anything I can do for you, just
> tell
> > me.
> >
> > Wish you are strong enough and every bad thing is
> > smooth as soon as
> > possible.
> >
> > Take care, baby!
> > Gao
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yes No
> >
> > <sunweihere@yahoo
> >
> > .com>
> > To
> >
> > [email protected], Hanlin Li
> > 12/19/2005 11:11
> > <[email protected]>, Jin Ya
> > AM
> > <[email protected]>, Qi Wang
> >
> > <[email protected]>
> >
> > cc
> >
> >
> >
> > Subject
> > Will you
> have
> > time in the next
> > week?
> > I'm pretty bad these days. As you probablly have
> (or
> > have not) heard about it, People are discussing
> > about
> > the rumor (basically cursing me) on hundreds of
> > websites in China and the rumor is now wide spread
> > all
> > over my friends & colleagues...
> >
> > In such a case, it's very difficult for me to keep
> > silence anymore. So I'm considering clarifying
> about
> > it.
> > I'm now spending all my "leasure" time drafting
> the
> > "clarification".
> > I'd like to send for you to help review it before
> > publish, hopefully within a week.
> >
> > Will you have time then?
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> > protection around
> >
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 08:31:45 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: can you help review the doc?
To: [email protected], "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear all
Here is my draft doc. If you have time, pls help to
review it from an outsider point of view, to see if
there are some parts that is not proper
or could cause some misunderstanding etc. Any comments welcome! It would be great if you can give the feedback by
Friday night so that I can do the modification before
publish. Many thanks!attach1_by_sw_20051222.doc
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 02:25:43 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: So Moved!
To: "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Jin Ya" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
Dear everyone!
I'm soooooo moved by all of you! Of cause you all are
my BEST friends, lifetime friends (although I removed
the "best" friends statement in the doc that I'm
currently modifying, changed to "good" -- it might
bring negative effect if people want to make story out
of it)! I can't express with words but I have to admit that
when I read the mail from all of you, I can't control
my tears, even now. What a strange creature human
being is -- when people are beating, hurting,
humiliating you, you are strong and never show sorrow,
but when you friends are comming with warm heart and
words, you, on the contrary, start to cry. Anyway, no matter what happens, I always repeat to
myself, that I am not the poorest person in world and
I will never be knocked down. There are too many
examples that people sufferied much much more that I
do. So what I'm now experiencing is nothing. For
example, Zhu Ling's family is more poorer, and they
sufferred much much more. Of cause I don't like their
way of doing things but it's also understandable to
some extent. I'm still making modifications based on some early
comment. If I can finish it by tonight, I will send
you to review again. Anyway, let's see... Hope it doesn't cause you too
much trouble :(
> I just saw your email this morning and gave a first
> read of the document. It is a well written document,
> very objective, with lots of facts, which made the
> document credible. I believe anyone who is not
> biased
> would get the right message. I am going to read it
> again, being a devil's advocate this time, and get
> back to you tonight.
> As a close friend of yours (I assumed), I feel so
> ashamed when I read your clarification, I had no
> idea
> what you have been through. If I were in your shoes,
> I
> may be collapsed already. I am really proud of you,
> after going through all this, you are still a
> strong,
> optimistic, cheerful girl, still the old Sun Xiaozhu
> we know of. I hope you will only grow stronger and
> happier from now on, as we (your best friends, I am
> speaking for all of the piglets here) will always be
> on your side, support you and fight back with you.
> Last but not least, wish you best of luck. I do
> believe after the issuance of your document, the
> public should get a clearer and more truthful
> picture
> of the whole thing, and give you back the oridinary
> life you've been wishing for.
> If anything I could be help with, don't hesitate to
> ask.
> Hanlin
> --- Yes No <[email protected]> wrote:
> > passward is "thetruth"
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> > protection around
> >
> >
From: "belle gao" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: reply from gaofei
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dear niangzi,
refer to the attachment.
take care.
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 23:14:53 +0800 (CST)
From: "belle gao" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: reply from gaofei
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dear niangzi,
refer to the attachment.
take care.
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 08:35:22 -0800 (PST)
From: "Yes No" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: new version for review
To: "belle gao" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dear all
As said, I'm speechless, so have nothing to say. Here is the new version after consolidating all your
precious comment, not 100% yet cos I don't have time
:(. Anyway, if you have time tomorrow, pls have a look. I properly need your support after I publish this one,
but I don't know exactly how. Let's talk about it a
bit later. Merry Xmas!
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 13:01:14 +0800 (CST)
From: "belle gao" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: 回复: new version for review
To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dear Niangzi,
I have looked through the new version. This edition is more clear in stating reality.
For content, I have no further advices. As I said, even the content is perfect, maybe there are still some captious persons.
I think we will face more fireworks in internet, you must be strong and ready to face them. Once you publish it, tell us the link and also as more as possilbe friends. We also want to support you in situ in internet.
Merry x-mas to you and xxx!
Gao Yes No <[email protected]> 写道:
Dear all
As said, I'm speechless, so have nothing to say. Here is the new version after consolidating all your
precious comment, not 100% yet cos I don't have time
:(. Anyway, if you have time tomorrow, pls have a look. I properly need your support after I publish this one,
but I don't know exactly how. Let's talk about it a
bit later. Merry Xmas! __________________________________________
Yahoo! DSL ?Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less. Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 23:40:32 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jin Ya" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Re: to open the 2nd version :(
To: "Yes No" <[email protected]>, "Fei Gao" <[email protected]>, "Hanlin Li" <[email protected]>, "Qi Wang" <[email protected]>
娘子, 我看过第二版了,再提出几点意见,还是权作参考。 1。“...朱令也是校社团的积极分子。社团和团委的骨干成员有单独的宿舍楼,不分院系、年级,既没有熄灯和用电限制也不锁楼门,是大家聚会、活动的中心。朱令经常回宿舍很晚。她第一次中毒后返校期间仍然每天中午去社团或团委煎药,据她自己说也有时是别人提前帮她煎好了的。”这一段如果写得再圆滑一点就好了,象加个“举个例子来说”,“比如说”这样的词句。如果我是不知情的人,很可能会觉得你在暗示这个情况和中毒有密切关系,如果不是你的本意的话,可能会有一些反面作用。看你的考虑。 2。你爷爷那一段,我觉得挺好的。不过能不能稍微表达一下你爷爷出身贫寒,自己奋斗成材的意思,反正就是别让人觉得你们家是那种大的“世家”,有很多人罩着的那种。 3。“前不久的xxx杀妻案为什么会被判刑?就是因为“死者”家属有怀疑,而且又找到了一具女尸,看似证据确凿,而xxx又拿不出证据证明自己无罪。其实这也是许多未破案件时一些被怀疑人遇到的共同问题。”看到这一段我是想到了你说的应该是"Simpson"的案子,但我的印象不深, google以后才了解了详情和最后判决,但其他人会不会也能立刻想到?不过也许国内新闻曾广泛报道过?另外,我google后的感觉是这个案子实在太复杂了,所以好多人好像还是对Simpson到底杀妻没有心存疑虑。再让你家里人帮你参谋参谋,别起到了反作用。 我觉得你写得挺好的,这些意见都是我尽量站在不知情人的角度上吹毛求疵的结果:)。我和其他小猪的担心一样,写得再好,也会有人故意或不故意地曲解。而且这两天我在想,如果是朱家刻意地散布这些谣言,可能就是为了把你逼出来,现在也算达到了目的了,sigh。不过也没法再躲了。但你一定要做好心理准备,要我们帮忙的尽管说,另外怎么发表,从什么渠道,多少网站开始,还有对可能发生情况的应对(来自朱家,公安什么的),也要做好准备。虽然我知道你家里人和xxx肯定已经帮你想到了,还是忍不住多个嘴:P. 好了,正经事说完了,祝各个小猪圣诞快乐,新年好!
首先声明一下, 我是孙维同班同学, 因为这个事件的敏感性, 本人不便公布身份,我本来决定保持沉默。 但是看到网上这么多讨论, 就忍不住出来说几句。
首先, 我对此事了解不多, 包括孙维是嫌疑人, 也是大学毕业后才慢慢知道的。
其次, 我想说的是, 我们班同学关系的确很差, 很多人毕业后根本不愿意和同班同学联系。 有的人干脆不和任何人联系。
再次, 我们班的荣誉的确是某些人的个人荣誉。 除了少数人之外, 我们班绝大多数人不以这个班为荣。
最后, 站出来支持孙维 的七位同学中, 其中有两位是不知情的善良同学, 不愿意相信自己的同学如此。。。 其他的我想大概都是知情者。他们应该很明白他们在说什么。 只是有一部分人在支持孙维, 不要以为我们班都在支持她, 要知道我们班有31人, 为什么大多数人选择了沉默?
总结: 以本人对我们班的了解, 我认为孙维极有可能是投毒者。 而且支持孙维的几个人(不包括其中两人)都是和朱令关系极差, 和孙维关系很好的。
恕我大胆猜测: 为什么大家没有想到过集体行动的可能呢? 为什么有的人立场就那么坚定呢? 为什么口气那么一致呢? 大家不觉得奇怪吗?
向贝志诚先生致敬。 不明白为什么有人刻意抹黑这位执着的追凶者。
最后在说两句, 以我对孙维的了解, 如果没有有力证据的话﹐我不认为 她会平白无故接受不发毕业证书, 不发护照的待遇。换了任何人都会斗争到底的,更不用说她的特殊背景了, 她选择了十年沉默, 这又说明了什么?
作者: zenyup 2007-1-24 14:53 回复此发言
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 15:47:52编辑过]
一点愧疚都没有. 她的声明我看到过,一开头就说,'朱令一家两个女儿一死一残'. 完全是幸灾乐祸的语气. 后来被网友质疑,
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-26 15:38:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 15:48:59编辑过]
sw歹毒地令人发指. 就假设投毒的时候没有预计到会害朱令这么惨. 十几年后, 看朱令过怎样生不如死的生活.
一点愧疚都没有. 她的声明我看到过,一开头就说,'朱令一家两个女儿一死一残'. 完全是幸灾乐祸的语气. 后来被网友质疑,
我觉得你这么说话太不负责任了,你已经认为是SW干的了,所以觉得她怎么“一点愧疚都没有”。可是,要是万一不是她干的呢?她干吗要愧疚呢? 还有,我不知道你是怎么从一个声明的第一句话中看出别人的语气的,说话有语气,一段文章中可以看出语气,但是从别人列出的一个事实中也看出语气,完全是因为你已经认为SW是凶手了,带着偏见看的。SW这句话说得不地道,但是是事实。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-26 19:52:52编辑过]
我个人的看法是基于自己对各种事情的判断。目前孙释颜脱离不了嫌疑。我也坚持我的看法一年多(早些日子的讨论,偶压根没当会事情), 一年后还是同样的看法。 所以不同意有人说怀疑孙就是人云亦云。 发生在孙身边的 单独的每件事情( 拒绝和令家沟通, 拒绝看望同窗好友朱令。。 组织辩护, 阻止同学提供信息,宿舍盗窃案。。。)可能都能找到一个理由, 但是串连起来, 找一个共同的reasonable 的理由来解释她的行为, 还真是比较牵强。 这些都算是什么证据啊?!真是莫名其妙!
同学, 我说证据这个词了嘛? 也许这个词就是关键? 没有证据,有自己认为合理的怀疑,是不是就可以公开指责?还是一定要有证据,才可以公开指责?
我也觉得有些困扰, 不过参考美国的案子来看,孙是公众人物。
另外在这件事情上,我认为我坚持看法,其他也是置之度外的。 ??????????????????????
孙他爸爸或者妈妈是干什么的????????? 非常普通的知识分子,妈妈是医生,爸爸也是搞技术的,不是什么有权人!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-26 20:25:00编辑过]
非常普通的知识分子,妈妈是医生,不是什么有权人! 那他爷爷都死了,贝也是高干子弟出身, 然后还有那个都能阻止孙出国的势力。。。。。那还不能重新立案?????????
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-26 20:27:22编辑过]
我觉得孙也完全可以告诽谤。 如果告了, 先得搞清这个投毒案。 也可以帮助案子发展, 也是可行的。 告谁?????????? 比如说,就那个爷爷拉着领导人的手。。。。。一告一个赢,问题是告谁??????????
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-26 20:40:27编辑过]
有几件我觉得特搞笑的“证据”,令很多人坚信SW是凶手,反而让我产生怀疑。 一个就是爷爷拉着**的手,如果真是这样,当时在场的一定没有外人,而如此应该暗中操作的事怎么会流传出来呢?很容易查出是谁说出来的,那他还想不想在官场混了? 还一个就是公安局长的“打死装麻袋里扔了的”言论,别说北京市公安局长,就是一个城区派出所所长,就这说话水平,看他能当上吗? 我认为这就是2条编造出来的低级谣言。 不过到很象贝某人一向的风格。
这两条已经证明是假的了,问题是我不明白为什么没人怀疑造谣者的动机(强调一下,木有证据说是贝说的,但一直都是“听贝的公安朋友说”)。 最开始网上轰轰烈烈讨论,就是根据这两条,然后。。。就是去年孙出来澄清,然后就发现根本就是假的。。
关于这两条说是完全谎言, 我还不确定, 可以想的推测是话传话走了音。 如果基于这两条还不能完全确定的话而全盘否定其他, 是不是欠妥呢? 你搞笑呢吧,这两条可是从2000年左右就在mitbbs上,每隔一阵,跟那什么经似的,讨论一通。。。。。。。 假不假的,人家爷爷就是94 95年死的,孙就是97年才第一次被定为第一嫌疑人的,你倒是说怎么拉手。。。。。。。 行了行了,都跟你说了,网上真的假的谣言太多太多了。。。。。。。。 所以说,大家就骂凶手明天就被车撞死就可以了。。。。。。。
13. SW在其声明中表示没有动用背景的力量,可是她又知道ZL父母上书国家领导人已事。没有背景,如何得知此事?!
看到一些辩解的帖子,没有什么真正有力的话,无非就是在喊“有证据才可以,否则不要污人清白。。。”这样的话。那好,也许我们应该先对“证据”的概念下一个定义。司法层面上说,法律不看感情和感觉,必须有过硬的无法推翻的证据,辅助以嫌疑人的口供,形成有效而完整的“证据链”,才可以提请诉讼,这样的证据通常指的是物证、人证等看的见、摸的到的,以做到所 谓的“铁证如山”。
无论中国还是外国,实际上有很多案件最终被搁置或者被撤消,并不是嫌疑人无辜,而是“ 证据不足”,法律是会放过一些真正有罪的人,这是基于法律首先要避免因过度的“有罪推定”而造成冤案,说白了,就是如果证据不足,即使地球人都知道嫌疑人就是凶手,法律操作上也不能仅仅依据民心而加以裁定和惩罚。孙维,就是这样一个典型的案例。但是,证据不足又有两种原因:一是真的不足,即现有技术和条件确实无法采集到强有力的证据信息,那只能说是凶手做的很聪明或者是时间久远,凶手很侥幸。二是有证据但是由于其他的非司法原因的介入,而形成利益交换,隐瞒或销毁证据,最终达到从法律层面无法对嫌疑人进行诉讼的结果。 我不想做任何武断,也许在孙维这里,两个情况都存在。
如果是另外其他什么人,我想大家都会说,那可能是刑讯逼供的结果,但是最有趣的证明恰好是孙本人亲口告诉大家的:她被隔离了8个小时后就被家人领回了,以她的家庭背景,恐怕一是公安不会动粗,二是真要动粗了对她倒是最有利的一个条件了,她一定会告诉全中国的人她是被中国黑暗的司法制度给冤枉的现代大窦娥,还有什么比那样的反驳更有力 ?
所以,如果大家把这些信息综合起来,不用多少脑子,也能分析出来事情的真相了。我提醒大家一点,我们在这里的讨论,不是要重新启动司法程序,那确实不现实,案子本身其实一点复杂和难度都没有,要办早就办了,所以尽管我们都很遗憾,但是我还是要说我们不是来给孙维定罪的(起码不是司法角度的定罪)我们在这里,是因为有人要否认真相,逃脱了法律制裁已经是天大的便宜了,居然还有脸来说“真相”??问问你自己,你说的话里,除了自己的名字是真的,还有什么算是真相? 恶毒 和狭隘都还不那么气人,不要脸就真的太无耻了。
各位朋友,我说的话和我看到的,我只能代表自己表示是真实 的。你们相信不相信,就是你们自己去判断的事情了。
最早的来源不是贝志城,而是当年参与互联网救助朱令的Xin Li博士。
李博士是最早在互联网上“造谣”的。可见,如果孙维要告贝志城是搞错了对象,她应该去告Xin Li博士。物化2薛书记等众人批驳贝志城、诋毁其人品也是证据不足,无的放矢。
判断1 这个案子公安确实遇到了强大的阻力----这个案件是如此特殊,清华女生被二次投毒,毒物又是如此特殊--一种重金属铊,被害人的经历如此凄惨,犯罪动机让人不可捉摸,高科技犯罪,被害人生活圈子如此之小,互联网的作用----这样的案子,没有什么理由公安不把他作为重点案件侦破的,也没有理由2年没有什么头绪,直到"97年3月,朱令家人致信北京市公安局长,指出学生即将毕业离校,其中很多人将出国留学,此案急需抓紧侦破,不能放走凶手;不久又上书国家领导人"后,孙女士才做了"8小时"的嫌疑人,就是说如果朱家不做努力,不上书到"国家领导人",这个案子从头到尾就没有犯罪嫌疑人!北京的公安当真这么白痴?这个案件真的这么复杂?论坛上很多人都谈到了这个案件的嫌犯所必备的几个条件,那些首都的刑侦专家还会不清楚?真的这么难? 所以根据孙女士的声明,我的判断是,这个案件确实被人为干预了,办案确实被阻挠了,没有"国家领导人"的干预,这个案子可能从头到尾都没有"犯罪嫌疑人"!更加证明我这一判断的是,从此案被贝先生重提到今天,无论是官方还是网上,无论是用正式声明还是化名形式,至今没有一个来自北京公安方面对此案的正式或非正式说明!更没有什么平面媒体对这一事件进行追踪报道!只有民间的一些议论!这只能说明一点:这个案子的水很深,盖子很严,圈内人没有人愿意或敢出头去打开这个被捂了11年的盖子!
判断三 清华校方的扣发毕业证的举动绝不是那么简单的要推卸责任.因为这是在中国,"打狗看主人"的中国.我说一个简单的例子,我认识一位某个著名大学的教授,曾经当过该校的研究生院院长,就是因为坚持不愿给一位不学无术的高干子弟签发学位证书,最后被逼辞职,继任者第一天就签字让那位高干子弟结了业,而那位教授后来在评选学部委员时,也因此没能评上.这就是中国高校的现状.所以,当时清华如此对待孙女士,肯定是承受着巨大压力的,而且是知道后果的,其坚持的原因绝不是怀疑和推卸责任,而是有他们的依据---当然,这个依据是什么,孙女士的声明不会告诉我们,现在的清华也未必会告诉我们.
我们已经基本可以肯定,朱令是被人投毒。而且也可以肯定的是 ,投毒者绝对不是外人,而是朱令身边的人。那么什么是投毒的动机呢?嫉妒!可以说朱令的优秀成了她引来杀身之祸的原因,当然,或许也有她特立独行、侍才傲物的行为(例如反映的经常晚上很晚回宿舍,影响同宿舍的同学 的休息)。一个才貌兼备的女生,在大学的校园里是很受男生的青睐的,但是却并不表示受女生的欢迎。而让她们 感觉到的,是不快,嫉妒甚至是威胁。她们甚至会自发的抱成一个小团体来抵制该女生,而特别是这个小团体中又 有家庭特殊,出身娇贵的人为核心的时候。而当朱令越来越威胁到某人的地位的时候(如声乐甚至情感方面),于 是这种嫉妒就会转化为报复行为。但是从目前能得到的资料来看,用铊毒毒害朱令,并非只是一个人知情。可以这 么推断,如何报复朱令,很可能是小团体的共同协商的结果(或许用铊投毒是其中一位的提议,或者是其他人怂恿 报复行为后其中一位的决定)。报复是投毒案的动机,但是杀人并不是犯罪嫌疑人的目的。她们的目的只是报复,
或者想让朱令出丑(如朱令第一次中毒期间就有校园传闻被“鬼剃头”),或者只是想让朱令病倒休学而摆脱她的 威胁。但是遗憾的是,二次中毒后协和医院的昏庸,造成了相当严重的后果。这个后果已经超过了几个合谋者的预 想,已经不是她们能控制的局面(这也是为什么有人为嫌疑人辩解而矛头指向协和医院的原因)。(协和医院)害 了大家,那是真心话。不光害了朱令,也害了投毒的嫌疑人!
铊 是一种非常少见的东西,可能这个案件之前,80%的人读不准它的发音。为什么嫌疑人会选择这样的一个东西来 投毒?要知道,越稀有的东西,能接触到的人越少,而犯罪嫌疑人越容易锁定,越容易暴露自己。但是犯罪嫌疑人选用了铊,而不是氰化物,不是毒鼠强。很简单的解释就是如上所说,嫌疑人并不是想致人于死地。没预计过警察 的介入。甚至嫌疑人自己都不知道铊的毒性有多强。之所以选用铊,是因为犯罪嫌疑人知道铊有一个潜伏期,而它中毒的症状,甚至很少有人知道(朱令的第一次和第二次中毒的前期,连医生都束手无策也印证了这一点)。但是 犯罪嫌疑人是知道铊中毒的某些后果的 ------这点应该不是来至于老师或者学科的知识,而是来至于某些小说中的描述!正是这种一知半解但又自以为是的了解,可能就是嫌疑人用铊的原因!-- -----脱掉朱令 的秀发------或者让她怪病一场,离开自己的圈子。
3、警方为何在已经有明确的目标传讯了一 个嫌疑人之后,最终案件却无法结案
目前不少的流言说其中家境显赫的犯罪嫌疑人的祖父利用自 己的政治力量干扰了警察的办案。其实这个是不能让人相信的。但是事实是在朱令中毒到警方立案的时间太长,给 了犯罪嫌疑人毁灭证据的机会。一次宿舍的突然失窃,而丢失的东西,不是财物,而是朱令的化妆品。牙膏等私人物品。那么可以肯定的是,这些丢失的东西,就是毒物铊的载体。而令人巧合的是,用化妆品下毒的情节惊人的出现在过一本小说之中。朱令的中毒有二次,但是并不是表示凶手一定要投毒二次!当朱令第一次中毒不深,回到宿舍之后,谁也无法保证她不会继续用那些东西,而作为下毒者,见朱令没有被查出铊中毒,自 然也不会主动的让朱停止用那些东西,于是,二次中毒发生了。当嫌疑人已经意识到事态的严重的时候,于是宿舍 出现了一次奇怪的失窃。一切的物证都没有了。而于嫌疑人一起合谋的人,出于对自身的保护,自然是保持沉默。 以至到后来的整个化学系,整个清华园,都对中毒事件采取了沉默------这就是《西点揭密》的中国现实版!而在没有任何人证和物证的情况下,警察能做什么呢?嫌疑人显赫的家庭使嫌疑人享受到了法律的公正---- --疑罪从无!
贝志诚自己也承认,在10年间并非一直在努力的为朱令伸冤,追查凶手。但是为何在一夜之间,站出来在网络对当年 的嫌疑人做出了指名道姓怀疑?而更令人惊奇的是,嫌疑人居然同样在网上(而不是在法律上)做出了声明来回应 !嫌疑人是声明给谁的?贝志诚在网上掀起的风浪影响到了谁?谁迫使嫌疑人在网上来做出回应?
如果能确定嫌疑人丈夫的身份,以及他们结婚的日期的话 ,那么下面的推断将解出上面的问题。因为据说嫌疑人是新婚不久,并再次做准备出国(以前的申请都没有成功) 。而同为高干子弟圈内的贝,可能在无意中得到了这个消息。可能一边想着自己的高中同学现在的惨状,一边嫌疑 人却新婚燕尔,准备远走高飞。于是贝在网络上掀出10年的投毒案件,不论是出于正义还是义愤,贝的目的只有 一个------闹给嫌疑人的丈夫看的!可以这么说,10年来,嫌疑人身边的人,对 10年前的事情已经 形成了一个默契的圈子,大家心知肚明,但是却又不再提及。但是一个新人的闯入,这个圈子必然会对其隐瞒这些 东西!而有一天,当这些风浪终于传入这位新人的耳朵的时候,嫌疑人感到了现实的压力。于是,她到风浪掀起的 地方------发表她的声明!发给谁看呢?她想向谁表示她的清白呢?或许天下人都怀疑她,她也是无所谓的 ,但是她无法忍受自己丈夫的怀疑------欺骗对于爱情来说,基本就是终结。于是就可以解释嫌疑人为什么 急于在网络上澄清自己------而且联络了当年的小团体的成员们-------而这也就是为什么有人在嫌疑人发贴几分钟内,发出长篇的回复------一切有如当年的默契。也能证明为什么有人站出来力保嫌疑人的 无辜,以为当年,她们就是一个团体。
有位ID木樨地的帖子,如果真是其中一位的话,那是在 对谁的解释呢?嫌疑人的丈夫!
嫌疑人出身 显赫,或许这种显赫没有给她带来实质的特权(这里我相信老人的正直,嫌疑人的毕业证以及出国手续证明了这一 点),但也带来了心理的优越。但正是这种优越感促使她毁掉了一个优秀的女孩,酿成了一出人间悲剧。我再重申 一次,我相信嫌疑人的动机不是杀人!她做事的心理,像一个小学生,当她看见别人的新衣服比自己漂亮的时候,
就会忍不住偷偷的在背后洒墨水------这是人性的阴暗面,是每个人都有的。但是从小的优越环境,造成了 嫌疑人对这种阴暗心理的放纵------还有就是小团体里的其他人,他们的怂恿也使嫌疑人做出了“背后洒墨 水”的举动。可惜的是,她们忘记了她们的能量,她们用小学生的心态成人的事情-----投毒。当她们第一次 让朱令中毒的时候,或许她们还拍手相庆过。但是,第二次的中毒的严重却让她们感到了压力(或许连投毒人都不 知道怎么解这种毒),她们想逃避(例如冷淡对待这个事件,准备去郊游),这是他们心理脆弱的表现----- -因为事情的危害远远超过了她们的预期。她们订下了攻守的同盟,因为她们的利益连在一起------虽然投 毒者只有一人,但是她们起码属于知情者,参与者,对于一个大学生来说,卷入这个事件意味什么?于是她 如果只发生第一次投毒,那么凶嫌的范围比较广一些,因为当时学校对剧毒品管理可能确实比较混乱,但总的来说,由于使用这种 投毒方式的凶手必然是ZL身边的人,对ZL的起居生活习惯非常了解,
而且具备非常冷门的化学知识,所以即 使ZL的人缘关系再坏,嫌犯的范围应该也不会超过10个人。而本案的第 二次投毒使寻找凶手的范围更加缩小 了。
凶手很快就进行了第二次投毒,这次凶手打算毒死ZL,这能说明 什么呢?
其实追究凶手第二 次投毒的动机本来并没有什么意义,当一个人觉得自己可以杀人不被发现,不受 惩罚,而这个人的品质又很卑劣 时,那么这个人可以为了任何一个在别人看来微不足道的理由去杀人,可能只是因 为好奇,只是为了做一个“科 学试验”,只是为了检验一下自己在书本上学过的知识。而本案凶手第一次投毒的成 功,使凶手相信这种杀人方式非常高明,不会被人发现。因此凶手可以毫无顾虑地第二次下毒,要害死ZL。
但问题是凶手为什么这么急着下手?既然凶手投毒成功,ZL大病一场,往日神气活现、极其健康的ZL现在变 得非常虚弱,美丽的容 貌受损,每天煎着那昂贵的补药,浪费着家里的医药费,还傻傻的丝毫不知道自己为什么会 这样,而且ZL由于 前一学期缺课缺考,目前正忙着复习功课准备补考,再加上身体虚弱,几乎很少离开宿舍,因 此ZL此时恐怕也 根本没有精力再去冒犯任何人。凶手看到这里应该有一种成功的快感,就算她和ZL有深仇大恨 ,也至少应该稍 微欣赏一下自己的战利品,让ZL多受几天罪。但是事实是凶犯等不及了,从刚开学不到一周ZL 就又感觉身体 不适,不到两周ZL就再次毒发入院来看,凶手这次几乎毫不耽搁,刚开学就再次出手,要立刻毒死 ZL,这说 明凶手认为ZL在身边给自己造成的麻烦已经超过了欣赏自己战利品给自己带来的快乐。什么人会有这 样的感觉 呢?我认为这说明凶手必然是和ZL同一寝室的人。因为ZL现在身体虚弱,说不定经常需要这些室友照 应,每 天为ZL打开水,买饭、冲咖啡等等,而这样的生活很可能要持续两年半,直到她们毕业,因此ZL成了凶 手生 活中的一大负担,这决不是投毒凶手甘愿做的,凶手前次投毒时决不希望得到这种结果,这损害了凶手的利益 ,
我想,以此案凶手的人渣品质,就算是她亲妈病了她也不愿长期伺候,更何况是凶手并不喜欢的ZL了。所以凶手决定一不做二不休,干脆毒死ZL,甩掉一个包袱,免除自己的负担。(而且这次ZL由于身体虚弱,几乎整天 呆在宿舍里,外人以及和ZL有矛盾的人就更难下手了,这就更加重了同宿舍人的嫌疑。)
另外,除掉Z L 对凶手还有一个好处,那就是凶手的宿舍里可以空出一张床铺。别小看一张空床铺,如果哪个寝室里有一张空 铺,
会使该寝室里的人居住环境大大改善,这对当年住集体宿舍的学生还是很有吸引力的。如果能尽快除掉ZL ,她们 宿舍至少可以在一个学期里保持一张空床。如果清华本科生宿舍是按年级划分的,那么这个空铺位就可以保持到她们毕业了。
撇开匆匆停止办案不说,其实公安局的人可能还犯了一个错误,就是认为凶手 只有一人,
因为SW是最具备各种嫌疑条件的人,但由于SW的背景很硬,上面不让查,案子就办不下去了。不知道当时办案的人了解不了解学生宿舍文化,我怀疑此案更可能是多人合伙作案。因为根据目前了解的情况,当 年ZL除了与S W关系较好外,与周围大多数人的关系都不太好。当年本人在学校里也见到过类似情况,当时班 上一名不讨人喜欢 的同学一心想入党,因此挨个宿舍拉关系,寻求大家支持,但他却不知道,各个宿舍里的同学 早就商量好了,无论 是党员还是群众,当院党支部就该同学入党征求大家意见时,几乎没有人为他说好话,结果 这个同学直到毕业也没 入上党。男生都会合伙整另一个同学,女生宿舍里发生此类事件应该就更普遍了。我猜测 ,当时ZL由于活动较多 ,和同学之间沟通较少,因此彼此感情冷淡,甚至因为自身条件优秀而怠慢了同学,使 某些同学对她嫉恨在心。而 她经常晚上12点才回宿舍,也直接影响本宿舍同学的休息,使本宿舍的某些同学也 大为不满。当ZL不在宿舍时 ,那些嫉恨她的人(也可能有其它宿舍的女生)可能会经常议论ZL,期盼着如何 能整一整ZL。某一次SW提出了用铊盐,并介绍了用铊盐的效果及好处,最大的好处可能就是不容易被发现。方案引起了大家的兴趣,于是她们决定试一试,先由SW从试验室拿到铊盐(也可能是另外某个女生在SW的指 引下拿的,但SW去拿更合理一些, 因为她有比较正当的理由,比较方便,即使别人看见也不会疑心她是在偷拿 ,而且她也说过她当初做试验时,铊盐 溶液都是别人配好放在桌上的,说明当时还是有一定管理制度的,只不过 这些制度通常是防君子不防小人的)。我 猜测在ZL第一次中毒时,下毒的人里可能没有SW,因为毕竟ZL把 她当作班上最好的朋友,她可能还不想亲自 下手,反正有别人代劳,但这个人是谁SW肯定知道。另外,限于专 业水平,我无法判断第一次投毒是多次小剂量 投放还是一次性大剂量投放,如果是多次小剂量投,那么投毒的人 也许不止一个,这就是第一次投毒事件。对于第 二次投毒,基于前面的分析,我认为态度最积极的应该是与ZL 同一宿舍的人。如果假定凶手比较老练,那么第一次ZL毒发住院后,凶手应该将未投出的铊盐抛弃,以防案发 被查获,所以第二次投毒所用的铊盐可能还是SW去 拿的(不知道SW在这学期是否还在做那个有关铊的研究课 题)。由于想尽快摆脱ZL,这一次投放量比较大,而且可能次数比较少,由于开学没多久ZL就毒发住院,这 段时间里ZL和SW接触次数不多,所以ZL能记起SW 在那几天里曾给她喝过咖啡等事情,所以这一次SW很 可能亲自参与下毒了。
由此推测,SW是整个投毒案 件的源头,没有SW的提议,不会有人想到用铊盐来 害ZL,铊盐也很可能是由SW从试验室弄来的,主要投毒人 可能是另外的人(SW也可能参与,但次数较少),整个事件SW完全掌握。参与者我认为可能有3人或更多,前 后两次下毒的人可能并不完全相同,并且可能另 有知情但未实际参与行动的人。
还有一点让人不解,就是有 几位据说是SW的同班同学不久前站出来担保 SW不是凶手,真不知这几个人凭什么给人担保。就我本人来说,当 我身边发生了这样的事,而凶手就是身边的 人并且还没有落网时,除非我明确知道凶手是另外某个人,否则我不可 能为某个人打保票,我不相信这些清华的 学生不明白这一点,因此这几个人为SW担保的动机和依据值得研究。
案发后,SW至今仍能顶住压力不认 罪。除了因为她的家庭背景、警方掌握证据有限外,我认为也可能与警方 对整个案情的把握不全也有关。多年前本人看过一部法国小说,书中描写一个年轻男子杀死了自己的父母,后被警察抓获并送上法庭
小7,你认识这个SW?? 我在网上看到的!
和和,不要以为自己可以永远一手遮天.很高兴央视能播出这样一个节目,至少看到一点点曙光. S和其好友们在前一阵子没少口吐狂言.有兴趣的各位自己去百度朱令吧搜搜看. 再冷酷的凶手,面对还活着的朱令,也会觉得是一种威胁,一种精神折磨.祝福朱令能看到云开日出的那一天! Bless 朱令 too 不论哪个SW是不是凶手,对这个女人一点好感也没有
我是回答这位ID的问题,我还真不知道别的,连她爸爸的职业都没记清,怎么就能肯定我是知道不说? 严惩真凶!!!
我是回答这位ID的问题,我还真不知道别的,连她爸爸的职业都没记清,怎么就能肯定我是知道不说? 严惩真凶!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 0:59:16编辑过]
我是回答这位ID的问题,我还真不知道别的,连她爸爸的职业都没记清,怎么就能肯定我是知道不说? 严惩真凶!!!
这些都算是什么证据啊?!真是莫名其妙! 确实不是证据,但可以解释她的行为
1959年,第三届政协 全国青年联
1965年,第四届政协 439名特别邀请人士之一
1978年,第五届政协 中华全国工商业联合会(五十名)
1983年,第六届政协 常务委员
1988年,第七届政协 常务委员
1993-1998年,第八届政协 副主席
1998-2003年,第九届政协 副主席
2004年,未见资料 (退出政协?)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 3:25:23编辑过]
公道最后总会出来的,该受到惩罚的也不会逃的过去!!! 蒙冤也不是随随便便就能被蒙的.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 2:46:23编辑过]
贝志诚自己也承认,在10年间并非一直在努力的为朱令伸冤,追查凶手。但是为何在一夜之间,站出来在网络对当年 的嫌疑人做出了指名道姓怀疑?而更令人惊奇的是,嫌疑人居然同样在网上(而不是在法律上)做出了声明来回应 !嫌疑人是声明给谁的?贝志诚在网上掀起的风浪影响到了谁?谁迫使嫌疑人在网上来做出回应?
如果能确定嫌疑人丈夫的身份,以及他们结婚的日期的话 ,那么下面的推断将解出上面的问题。因为据说嫌疑人是新婚不久,并再次做准备出国(以前的申请都没有成功) 。而同为高干子弟圈内的贝,可能在无意中得到了这个消息。可能一边想着自己的高中同学现在的惨状,一边嫌疑 人却新婚燕尔,准备远走高飞。于是贝在网络上掀出10年的投毒案件,不论是出于正义还是义愤,贝的目的只有 一个------闹给嫌疑人的丈夫看的!可以这么说,10年来,嫌疑人身边的人,对 10年前的事情已经 形成了一个默契的圈子,大家心知肚明,但是却又不再提及。但是一个新人的闯入,这个圈子必然会对其隐瞒这些 东西!而有一天,当这些风浪终于传入这位新人的耳朵的时候,嫌疑人感到了现实的压力。于是,她到风浪掀起的 地方------发表她的声明!发给谁看呢?她想向谁表示她的清白呢?或许天下人都怀疑她,她也是无所谓的 ,但是她无法忍受自己丈夫的怀疑------欺骗对于爱情来说,基本就是终结。于是就可以解释嫌疑人为什么 急于在网络上澄清自己------而且联络了当年的小团体的成员们-------而这也就是为什么有人在嫌疑人发贴几分钟内,发出长篇的回复------一切有如当年的默契。也能证明为什么有人站出来力保嫌疑人的 无辜,以为当年,她们就是一个团体。
这是在说什么呢?!什么据说啊,可能啊,然后根据这些“据说”、“可能”来“推断”,真是不负责任。不知道为什么还有人要转这些! 还有,要是SW家的势力大到可以把这个案子压下去的地步,她怎么会不能出国呢?当年又怎么会拿不到毕业证书呢?!公安局都能搞得定的人会搞不定学校?笑话!帮她把事情压下去的人能就这么放她在国内成为一颗定时炸弹???那不是搬石头砸自己的脚吗!肯定会在帮她把案子压下去后就把她弄出国。SW家有点势力是肯定的,但是也只限于阻止住在没有确切证据的情况下被随便抓起来结案罢了。
你搞笑呢吧,这两条可是从2000年左右就在mitbbs上,每隔一阵,跟那什么经似的,讨论一通。。。。。。。 假不假的,人家爷爷就是94 95年死的,孙就是97年才第一次被定为第一嫌疑人的,你倒是说怎么拉手。。。。。。。 行了行了,都跟你说了,网上真的假的谣言太多太多了。。。。。。。。 所以说,大家就骂凶手明天就被车撞死就可以了。。。。。。。 来, 我们讨论下, 你判定公安是97年确定孙为第一(应该也是唯一) 嫌疑人是依据什么? 为什么从1995年4月报案到1997年4月历经两年才突然确定? 孙的祖父1995年12月9日去世, 从1995年4月到他去世前, 你怎么知道公安没有个嫌疑人? 凶手被车撞死前最好把事情交代清楚。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 12:46:55编辑过]
生平 孫越崎為清朝燕堂公孙延昌之子,原名毓骐,1893年10月16日出生于浙江绍兴县平水乡同康村。1919年,他為“五四”运动中天津五位学生代表之一。毕业後,他投入商界,在1949年前创办和领导多个煤矿、油矿,為中國二戰前後知名實業家之一。 他于1938年加入国民党,曾於1948年孫科內閣內任国民政府行政院政务委员兼资源委员会委员长,也隨後於何應欽內閣內任经济部长等职。在政黨方面,他擔任國民黨候补中央执行委员,1949年,被國民黨开除党籍後,同年加入中国国民党革命委员会,並任該党派中央委员。同年,中華人民共和國建立,他仍為該党派重要成員之一,並曾當選常委、副主席、监委会主席、中央名誉主席等职。 1995年12月9日孫越崎病逝于北京,终年103岁。 [编辑]
家庭生活 孙越崎有两任妻子。1912年,他和诸暨县柳坞村的葛采湘结婚,虽是指腹为婚,但两人感情很好。1923年葛采湘病故,留下一子一女。1926年8月26日他和天津师范毕业生王仪孟结婚。1996年1月10日,夫人王仪孟一在孙去世一个月后也因病逝世。王仪孟是孙大武和孙叔涵的母亲。 孙越崎长子孙竹生,1914年生,母亲葛采湘,西南交通大学机械系教授,机车车辆专家、教育家。孙越崎小儿子孙大武和第二任妻子陈懿德有一女孙维。另外,孙越崎的弟弟孙英坡有两个儿子,长子孙常龄,次子孙孚凌。
这是在说什么呢?!什么据说啊,可能啊,然后根据这些“据说”、“可能”来“推断”,真是不负责任。不知道为什么还有人要转这些! 还有,要是SW家的势力大到可以把这个案子压下去的地步,她怎么会不能出国呢?当年又怎么会拿不到毕业证书呢?!公安局都能搞得定的人会搞不定学校?笑话!帮她把事情压下去的人能就这么放她在国内成为一颗定时炸弹???那不是搬石头砸自己的脚吗!肯定会在帮她把案子压下去后就把她弄出国。SW家有点势力是肯定的,但是也只限于阻止住在没有确切证据的情况下被随便抓起来结案罢了。 一,她出国很多年了 二,她只是晚拿到,并不是没有拿到毕业证书 既然据说如果不能作为理由,你的最后一句结论更来得可笑,如果你是当权决策人,请当我没说
一,她出国很多年了 二,她只是晚拿到,并不是没有拿到毕业证书 既然据说如果不能作为理由,你的最后一句结论更来得可笑,如果你是当权决策人,请当我没说
一,她出国很多年了 二,她只是晚拿到,并不是没有拿到毕业证书 既然据说如果不能作为理由,你的最后一句结论更来得可笑,如果你是当权决策人,请当我没说
来, 我们讨论下, 你判定公安是97年确定孙为第一(应该也是唯一) 嫌疑人是依据什么? 为什么从1995年4月报案到1997年4月历经两年才突然确定? 孙的祖父1995年12月9日去世, 从1995年4月到他去世前, 你怎么知道公安没有个嫌疑人? 凶手被车撞死前最好把事情交代清楚。 你说咱俩争个什么劲, 反正都觉得凶手应该千刀万剐。区别只是你觉得凶手定了,我觉得还很难说。 其实孙到底是不是凶手,世界上最多两个人知道,孙和凶手(或者孙就是凶手,那就一个人清楚了)。 俺们不争了, 行不?
我有个问题: 在清华和人谈话是需要在校招待所吗? 为什么不在学校办公室? 清华的传统是什么?
Here is some info about 清华招待所(丙所), 丙所:全部为套间,价格最低1200元/套,最高2600元/套. 6、详细情况请电话咨询:62784943
这说明丙所在清华颇具档次.. 那么是否说明当时来和清华学校领导班子谈话的人物是有来头的呢? 单和孙维,及她父母谈话是不需要这么规格的待遇吧?
1999年幼儿园落成典礼上,杨振宁院士盛赞幼儿园设施先进和环境优美,"已达到国际水平"。他说,住在丙所(招待所),能看到8岁到15岁时上学的"成志学校", 儿时生活在清华园的他现在又回到清华园,仿佛人生走了一圈。他对清华有着特别深的感情,会上他更即兴唱了一首儿时的歌曲"蝴蝶姑娘你在哪里……",意外的惊喜感动的到会听众报以热烈掌声。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-27 14:55:15编辑过]
你说咱俩争个什么劲, 反正都觉得凶手应该千刀万剐。区别只是你觉得凶手定了,我觉得还很难说。 其实孙到底是不是凶手,世界上最多两个人知道,孙和凶手(或者孙就是凶手,那就一个人清楚了)。 俺们不争了, 行不? 千刀万剐这个也太残忍了, 我对于凶手只有痛恨, 至于她/铊/它/他到底要接受怎么样的惩罚才公平还是法律和老天(如果法律没有执行的话)说了算吧.
谢谢 客气
第一,如果她出国很多年了,为什么大家都还说她没能出国呢?为什么她家在北京的邻居前两年(大家说她结婚了,出国了的时候)还在网上说她住自己隔壁呢?莫非你在美国见到她了? 第二,你看清楚,我说的是“当年”没有拿到毕业证书,不是一直没有拿到。 最后,我说的是我的观点,这个观点不影响任何人的声誉。你们口口声声SW是凶手,却没有任何实质性证据,那叫诬蔑! 她在美国也是很多人说的,就跟她在国内一样,很多人说的,不得而知了,你不相信网上说的她是凶手,你却相信她所谓邻居说的她在国内?而且我记得她邻居可是出来指责她确实是凶手的,这个是他文章的目的,但是你也没有信。呵呵 她也不是当年没有拿到,她当年就拿了,晚了月份而已,非年份,她自己说的。 你看到我哪里认定她是凶手了,只是她是有最大怀疑的人,而且为什么她不站出来告大家污蔑?至少她可以告贝同学了,对不对?
你说咱俩争个什么劲, 反正都觉得凶手应该千刀万剐。区别只是你觉得凶手定了,我觉得还很难说。 其实孙到底是不是凶手,世界上最多两个人知道,孙和凶手(或者孙就是凶手,那就一个人清楚了)。 俺们不争了, 行不? And one more, police
来, 我们讨论下, 你判定公安是97年确定孙为第一(应该也是唯一) 嫌疑人是依据什么? 为什么从1995年4月报案到1997年4月历经两年才突然确定? 孙的祖父1995年12月9日去世, 从1995年4月到他去世前, 你怎么知道公安没有个嫌疑人? 凶手被车撞死前最好把事情交代清楚。 是啊,我也觉得,不可能1997年才定唯一嫌疑人. ,1995年的时候,报纸电视都在放, 我还记得,那时候,我是在中国青年报上看到朱令和贝志诚这个名字. 这么大的事情, 怎么可能1997年才定嫌疑人呢? 我们大家现在唯一能做的,就是多提供物质帮助, 帮助朱令和她的家人,让他们亲眼看见抓到真凶的那天.
(zt) 作者:长安街的红灯 回复日期:2007-1-28 00:07:07
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-28 14:19:30编辑过]
孙维邻居说的东东, 你信一半不信一半的依据是什么? 为什么觉得他/她眼睛看的某部分是真的,而另一部分不是真的?
同意这个分析. 我也是从她们宿舍这几个女生的反应,太过一致的,坚定的维护SW,开始觉得SW是主谋,其它几个人是合谋. 她们宿舍这几个人的反应,太反常了. 我看了她们的通信,也是感觉毛骨悚然,有集体作案的怀疑。 不过细想好像也不太可能,我读大学的时候有个女同学摘了一朵花,被校卫队抓住就吓个半死,这几位当时也才二十岁左右,如果翻杀人案而且还能够一起成功通过公安人员的审查,可能性太小。 我觉得她们之间是利益关系。我以前读书和在国内工作的时候,周围有有来头的同学和同事,就连老师老板都阿谀奉迎,无所不用其极。同学同事里就更有低三下四的人。这几个女人,我感觉她们以前受过s家的关照,所以1)如果s不是凶手,她们当然是在以德报德。2)如果s是凶手,既然抓了又放了,可见她家势力之大,这条粗腿,更是抱住不放了。否则很难解释s对她们的操控。看看她的那几条do & don't. 有几个三十几岁,大学以上学历,尤其又是清华这种学校出来的女人,愿意如此被人颐指气使的? 这个通信被泄露,我估计也是其中有人算计着觉得得不偿失了,所以把自己撇请出来(当然我更愿意相信是良心发现)。
现在公安局为什么还不立案呢?那孙的爷爷不也去世了么? 她伯父还在啊