
楼主 (北美华人网)

Guillermo Vuletin Senior Economist, Latin America and Caribbean - World Bank
Julia Ruiz Pozuelo Research Analyst - Global-CERES Brookings
Amy Slipowitz Graduate Student - SIPA Columbia University
https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2016/09/15/chinese-democracy-does-not-cause-growth/#page-content UQ
< 我们的研究表明,民主制度似乎并不是解锁经济增长的关键钥匙。>

由此类推,图B显示,民主对经济增长的影响是由内生性原因所推动的。 换言之,一般研究下得出的民主与经济增长有正向相关关系的结论,是由于样本错误地包含了那些内生原因而导致民主化的国家 (纳入这些内生原因的国家去估量民主对经济增长,会给人以虚假的印象,那就是民主会促进经济增长)。
总的来说,经过更深入的对内生性问题的探查,不同于最近其他的研究结论,我们的研究表明,民主制度似乎并不是解锁经济增长的关键钥匙。 UQ

Q Governance is all the processes of interaction be they through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society[1] over a social system (family, tribe, formal or informal organization, a territory or across territories). It is done by the government of a state, by a market, or by a network. It is the decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that leads to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and institutions".[2] In lay terms, it could be described as the political processes that exist in and between formal institutions.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governance UQ
Q 治理管治(Governance)一詞意思跟「統轄」、「管轄」、「統治」略近。在政治學領域,通常指国家治理,即政府如何運用治權,來管理國家、人民和領土,以達到延續國祚和讓國家發展的目的。 在商业领域,又延伸到公司治理(corporate governance),指公司等組織中的管理方式和制度等。
https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/治理 UQ
Q “民主” - 改善人民的生活为主! Democracy - Improving People"s Livelihood predominantly!
"自由" - 优化自我控制的合理化水平! Freedom/Liberty - Optimising Self-control Rationalisation level! UQ
Perhaps, based on human behaviour statistically, a design of 1Country4Systems structure geographically in order to provide peace, tolerance and inclusiveness could be worth to consider, seriously, very seriously!!!

Q Governance is all the processes of interaction be they through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society[1] over a social system (family, tribe, formal or informal organization, a territory or across territories). It is done by the government of a state, by a market, or by a network. It is the decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that leads to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and institutions".[2] In lay terms, it could be described as the political processes that exist in and between formal institutions.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governance UQ
Q 治理管治(Governance)一詞意思跟「統轄」、「管轄」、「統治」略近。在政治學領域,通常指国家治理,即政府如何運用治權,來管理國家、人民和領土,以達到延續國祚和讓國家發展的目的。 在商业领域,又延伸到公司治理(corporate governance),指公司等組織中的管理方式和制度等。
https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/治理 UQ

EvenOdd 发表于 2021-12-07 05:37

Personally I do think a 1-(major)Party system can be capable to provide good and effective governance to a nation, just like a system of employing sole general manager for (nearly all) corporations in the world.
Particularly with the support and assistance (backed by positive and constructive suggestions and comments) of a reasonable number of minor parties.
Btw, based on very limited experience, I would think the voting quality of individuals, and the policy-making knowledge/ capability of elected politicians in conventional 2-(oppositional)Party system could be sometimes questionable.   
Just my opinion!
Q 座谈会上,民革中央主席万鄂湘、民盟中央主席丁仲礼、民建中央主席郝明金、民进中央主席蔡达峰、农工党中央主席陈竺、致公党中央常务副主席蒋作君、九三学社中央主席武维华、台盟中央主席苏辉、全国工商联主席高云龙、无党派人士代表宇如聪先后发言。
http://stdaily.com/index/lunkc/2021-12/06/content_1236814.shtml UQ


Cuomo 发表于 2021-12-07 07:05

Perhaps not very much he can do in a nation of 2-(oppositional)Party system!? I hope I am wrong here!
Q https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Other_America
A widely read review, "Our Invisible Poor," in The New Yorker by Dwight Macdonald brought the book to the attention of President Kennedy. The Other America argued that up to 25% of the nation was living in poverty. Many (such as historian Maurice Isserman[1]) believe that this book was responsible for President Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty." The Penguin Books paperback editions have sold over one million copies.[1] The Boston Globe editorialized that Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, and expanded social security benefits could partly be traced to Harrington's ideas.[citation needed]
With the book's acceptance, many believe Harrington became the pre-eminent spokesman for democratic socialism in America. By 1980, Harrington considered a run for President himself, but he threw his support to Democratic candidates instead.[1] UQ
Perhaps not very much he can do in a nation of 2-(oppositional)Party system!? I hope I am wrong here!
Q https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Other_America
A widely read review, "Our Invisible Poor," in The New Yorker by Dwight Macdonald brought the book to the attention of President Kennedy. The Other America argued that up to 25% of the nation was living in poverty. Many (such as historian Maurice Isserman[1]) believe that this book was responsible for President Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty." The Penguin Books paperback editions have sold over one million copies.[1] The Boston Globe editorialized that Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, and expanded social security benefits could partly be traced to Harrington's ideas.[citation needed]
With the book's acceptance, many believe Harrington became the pre-eminent spokesman for democratic socialism in America. By 1980, Harrington considered a run for President himself, but he threw his support to Democratic candidates instead.[1] UQ
EvenOdd 发表于 2021-12-07 07:34

Race (2016 film)
Theatrical release poster
如果你要做开颅手术,会不会愿意让别人通过民主选举选出一个popular的医生?他可能毫无手术经验,但是形象很符合一个大家心目中的好医生,大家都投票给他,他会负责挑选亲信组建一个医疗团队负责你手术的所有方面。这样的成功几率大还是把手术交给一个在医院从基层做起,几十年在医院各个部门积累经验,最终脱颖而出成为医院主治医生的人成功几率大?治理好一个大国,为国家未来几十年的发展提前布局,是比开颅手术还要复杂重要的多的事情。更无语的是你的候选人只有两个,一个毫无经验的疯子,一个在手术中途需要打盹休息的老糊涂。Good luck :)
 I think administering a country (when involving economics and politics) can become a fairly complex system that should be only managed by professionally trained and rather experienced executives.
Then their fellow citizens would happily enjoy the kind of livelihood they chose - they should be able to migrate overseas for learning and living as they want.
Perhaps a structure of 1Country4Systems can provide natural environment so that some people (say living in HK) should be able to go to the poll peirodically if they want.
Since some would believe they have the intelligence and knowledge to make their best judgement in deciding who would be the best candidate whom others must follow her/his decision.
While others, say when living in a China-style demoncratic system, do not need any poll for voting at all, if staying in the same territory.
My 2 cents here!    我认为管理一个国家(涉及经济和政治时)可能会成为一个相当复杂的系统,只能由受过专业培训且经验丰富的高管来管理。 那么他们的同胞们就会很高兴地享受他们选择的那种生计——他们应该可以随心所欲地移居海外学习和生活。 也许1Country4Systems的结构可以提供自然环境,让一些人(比如住在香港)可以定期去投票。 因为有些人会相信他们有智慧和知识来做出最佳判断,决定谁是最佳候选人,其他人必须遵循她/他的决定。 而另一些人,比如生活在中国式的民主制度下,如果留在同一领土上,根本不需要任何投票。 我的 2 美分在这里!
 I think administering a country (when involving economics and politics) can become a fairly complex system that should be only managed by professionally trained and rather experienced executives.
Then their fellow citizens would happily enjoy the kind of livelihood they chose - they should be able to migrate overseas for learning and living as they want.
Perhaps a structure of 1Country4Systems can provide natural environment so that some people (say living in HK) should be able to go to the poll peirodically if they want.
Since some would believe they have the intelligence and knowledge to make their best judgement in deciding who would be the best candidate whom others must follow her/his decision.
While others, say when living in a China-style demoncratic system, do not need any poll for voting at all, if staying in the same territory.
My 2 cents here!    我认为管理一个国家(涉及经济和政治时)可能会成为一个相当复杂的系统,只能由受过专业培训且经验丰富的高管来管理。 那么他们的同胞们就会很高兴地享受他们选择的那种生计——他们应该可以随心所欲地移居海外学习和生活。 也许1Country4Systems的结构可以提供自然环境,让一些人(比如住在香港)可以定期去投票。 因为有些人会相信他们有智慧和知识来做出最佳判断,决定谁是最佳候选人,其他人必须遵循她/他的决定。 而另一些人,比如生活在中国式的民主制度下,如果留在同一领土上,根本不需要任何投票。 我的 2 美分在这里!
EvenOdd 发表于 2021-12-07 10:58

< 复杂的系统,>
Q https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_system
A complex system is a system composed of many components which may interact with each other. Examples of complex systems are Earth"s global climate, organisms, the human brain, infrastructure such as power grid, transportation or communication systems, social and economic organizations (like cities), an ecosystem, a living cell, and ultimately the entire universe.
Complex systems are systems whose behavior is intrinsically difficult to model due to the dependencies, competitions, relationships, or other types of interactions between their parts or between a given system and its environment. Systems that are "complex" have distinct properties that arise from these relationships, such as nonlinearity, emergence, spontaneous order, adaptation, and feedback loops, among others. Because such systems appear in a wide variety of fields, the commonalities among them have become the topic of their independent area of research. In many cases, it is useful to represent such a system as a network where the nodes represent the components and links to their interactions.

< King >
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11 Jan 2015 — According to ancient Greek mythology, a warrior king, Odysseus, left his island home of ... He knew he'd be gone for a very long time.
Perhaps, simply a pragmatic and wise option, correctly! Nothing is perfect at all!
Q 梦云随风 发表评论于 2021-12-06 19:25:44
对于民选制,北欧很好,中东、南美、南亚却很糟糕。 也就是说民选不是绝对的,是有条件的 民选制有4个条件,缺一不可: 同一民族(人种)、同一宗教、 同一文化、人口不能太多。 否则,越来越烂。
英国强大的时候是精英制,民选 后,一个一个殖民地独立出去。 美国也是如此,合众国是白人男人 精英制,民选后终将分裂。
欧盟也是如此,各个小国家可以 民选,欧盟自身却无法民选, 一旦民选,欧盟马上四分五裂。
https://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2021/12/06/11105898.html UQ
Perhaps, simply a pragmatic and wise option, correctly! Nothing is perfect at all!
Q 梦云随风 发表评论于 2021-12-06 19:25:44
对于民选制,北欧很好,中东、南美、南亚却很糟糕。 也就是说民选不是绝对的,是有条件的 民选制有4个条件,缺一不可: 同一民族(人种)、同一宗教、 同一文化、人口不能太多。 否则,越来越烂。
英国强大的时候是精英制,民选 后,一个一个殖民地独立出去。 美国也是如此,合众国是白人男人 精英制,民选后终将分裂。
欧盟也是如此,各个小国家可以 民选,欧盟自身却无法民选, 一旦民选,欧盟马上四分五裂。
https://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2021/12/06/11105898.html UQ
EvenOdd 发表于 2021-12-07 13:50

Q Lacedaemon 发表评论于 2021-12-06 17:40:45 中国人投票率90%不假。我在国内亲眼见到3张选票送到家里,让房主签个字就完事。候选人由党提名,选民从来也不认识候选人,候选人从也来不发表政见。他们都是党眼中的各行各业积极分子。将来会由他们选出党提名的领导人。全过程由党领导。 UQ