以下是引用kittypeny在2007-4-9 15:00:00的发言: actually yes... told lg that if i can keep <=115lbs for >=6 months we will seriously investigate about lipo/tummy tuck I am not that old yet, I dont want to have the body of a 55yr-old grandma who has had 10 chrildren and has never been to the gym once.... It is pretty pathetic that I have never looked great even in my younger years, and I have never really spent much money on myself, I decide it is time to care for myself, in terms of both money, time, and attention, especially now, since I have reached other goals in life like getting the degree, a job, a big enough house, a nice enough hubby, the ability to care for my family.... 以下是引用kittypeny在2007-4-12 15:10:00的发言: 年轻美女自称沧桑。。。。。让俺这样中年肥胖妇女脸往哪搁啊
kittypenny mm, your food diary is so impressive! Keep it up!
There's only one suggestion that I want to make, the amount of processed food (granola bars, breakfast sausage, muffin, V8, yogurt...) seems rather high in your diet, despite of what the packaging might claim, they contain a lot more sodium, sugar, and sat. fat than homemade food, not to mention preservatives and other additives, I've yet to find any processed food that is nutritionally sound even in health stores like Trader Joe's. Granted a working couple never have time to cook, but it will help you in the long run.. you can start by adding the amount of cold mix salad and stir fry green vegetable, also soups can be quick and easy, for example, we always cook a pot of miso soup with green vegetables before starting to eat, and halfway thru dinner the soup would be ready.
Also saw you mentioned the issue of "heavy taste" in this thread, "taste" can be cultivated and slowly change for the better, I remember I used to rely on sugary snacks and can't pass a day without chocolates, it often make me dizzy and hyper, in the last one or two years I made it a big point to not eat anything sweet, I still have occasional lapse when I had to give away the leftover cookies or chocolates to coworker and hope they can finish it before I change my mind, but my addition to sweet snacks has all but disappeared~~ I got to go, will come back and chat more, I'm a nutrition / label fanatic~~ though more on the extreme side :) It was very interesting to go through your post...
专家来列~~~~~~鼓掌欢迎 thanks a lot for your very good points! About processed foods, one important reason I choose them is to keep accurate count of the intake calories. It is very hard to make a soup and decide how much I eat and how much hubby does, even if I can count all ingredients. Even yogurt is not healthy? wow....I didn't know that. Even though there are recipes for making your own, I think it doesn't work well for skim milk --> yogurt, and it is a lot more sugar to taste, or fruit, otherwise it is plain yogurt....I wonder what could be eaten instead of yogurt? And what kind of soup do you make? I haven't been a fan of Chinese cooking and always simply use instant soup mix for hubby, I am sure it is not healthy at all. I only have a few recipes for cooking my major protein foods like fish fillet and egg white, I am not even half good at cooking chicken breast. Even me get tired of these foods rather quickly. what other foods do you recommend? And how do you cook them? I will start trying and keep some record here for future reference. Thanks again for the great points! It is a direction I have been ignoring. great reminder~~ 以下是引用DoTaNN在2007-4-12 22:30:00的发言: kittypenny mm, your food diary is so impressive! Keep it up!
There's only one suggestion that I want to make, the amount of processed food (granola bars, breakfast sausage, muffin, V8, yogurt...) seems rather high in your diet, despite of what the packaging might claim, they contain a lot more sodium, sugar, and sat. fat than homemade food, not to mention preservatives and other additives, I've yet to find any processed food that is nutritionally sound even in health stores like Trader Joe's. Granted a working couple never have time to cook, but it will help you in the long run.. you can start by adding the amount of cold mix salad and stir fry green vegetable, also soups can be quick and easy, for example, we always cook a pot of miso soup with green vegetables before starting to eat, and halfway thru dinner the soup would be ready.
Also saw you mentioned the issue of "heavy taste" in this thread, "taste" can be cultivated and slowly change for the better, I remember I used to rely on sugary snacks and can't pass a day without chocolates, it often make me dizzy and hyper, in the last one or two years I made it a big point to not eat anything sweet, I still have occasional lapse when I had to give away the leftover cookies or chocolates to coworker and hope they can finish it before I change my mind, but my addition to sweet snacks has all but disappeared~~ I got to go, will come back and chat more, I'm a nutrition / label fanatic~~ though more on the extreme side :) It was very interesting to go through your post...
呵呵,来了 前几天做税做的很烦 昨天去吃dim sum, 这个热量很高,但是对心情大大的有好处 然后开去海边,天气很好,音乐很好,感觉很好,忍不住想起大学的春天,当初某些帅哥们真是意气风发,感觉on top of the world吧,如今都泯然众人矣。小王子里面早就总结乐,越是美好的越是转瞬即逝的。 在海边hiking 1.5hr, 景色很好,顺手捏了几张,有空发上来。 现在costco的梨很好吃。
4/19早起还是115.5,我的秤比较土,看起来指针ms还更偏右了些,but of course, by now i have learned how to take it seriously 最近每天都注意白天喝足8-10杯水,皮肤好像改善了些,但是总体由于减肥,全身范围的皮肤松弛现象还是相当严重,脸上也不例外,没办法 最近记载了一下,发现每天8小时睡眠也是保证了的,但是不知道为什么精神一直一般,锻炼也不算少了,睡眠质量却不高 8小时很奢侈了,考虑是否可以cut down一点,用来做别的事情该多好 另外发现pilates不能停,否则后腰很难得到锻炼,扒拉了两张以前的老照片,所谓的good old days,觉得以前比现在整体就薄一些,肚子显然比现在平,pg也比较平,就是胸比现在高,重力还是无法抗拒啊 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-19 11:56:30编辑过]
那个我还穿3 inch高跟鞋了
actually yes... told lg that if i can keep <=115lbs for >=6 months we will seriously investigate about lipo/tummy tuck I am not that old yet, I dont want to have the body of a 55yr-old grandma who has had 10 chrildren and has never been to the gym once.... It is pretty pathetic that I have never looked great even in my younger years, and I have never really spent much money on myself, I decide it is time to care for myself, in terms of both money, time, and attention, especially now, since I have reached other goals in life like getting the degree, a job, a big enough house, a nice enough hubby, the ability to care for my family.... 以下是引用kittypeny在2007-4-12 15:10:00的发言:
人比人,不能比,还是比自己吧。有空应该回忆回忆年轻时候的激情,看能不能找回点年轻的感觉 --- 8过还是羡慕你N年前就啥都玩过了!!!!!!!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-12 20:55:45编辑过]
There's only one suggestion that I want to make, the amount of processed food (granola bars, breakfast sausage, muffin, V8, yogurt...) seems rather high in your diet, despite of what the packaging might claim, they contain a lot more sodium, sugar, and sat. fat than homemade food, not to mention preservatives and other additives, I've yet to find any processed food that is nutritionally sound even in health stores like Trader Joe's. Granted a working couple never have time to cook, but it will help you in the long run.. you can start by adding the amount of cold mix salad and stir fry green vegetable, also soups can be quick and easy, for example, we always cook a pot of miso soup with green vegetables before starting to eat, and halfway thru dinner the soup would be ready.
Also saw you mentioned the issue of "heavy taste" in this thread, "taste" can be cultivated and slowly change for the better, I remember I used to rely on sugary snacks and can't pass a day without chocolates, it often make me dizzy and hyper, in the last one or two years I made it a big point to not eat anything sweet, I still have occasional lapse when I had to give away the leftover cookies or chocolates to coworker and hope they can finish it before I change my mind, but my addition to sweet snacks has all but disappeared~~ I got to go, will come back and chat more, I'm a nutrition / label fanatic~~ though more on the extreme side :) It was very interesting to go through your post...
家庭妇女不容易当啊,今天请假在家玩,起床三个半小时,家务做了一点点,boring死了 天气阴沉,太太太太无聊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
想把地下室搞成这样,多贵呢? 可是衣服都是在卧室啊。。。。估计穿上身新衣服要从楼上跑地下室去照镜子,顺便burn a few calories kaka
Thanks again for the great points! It is a direction I have been ignoring. great reminder~~ 以下是引用DoTaNN在2007-4-12 22:30:00的发言:
kittypenny mm, your food diary is so impressive! Keep it up!
There's only one suggestion that I want to make, the amount of processed food (granola bars, breakfast sausage, muffin, V8, yogurt...) seems rather high in your diet, despite of what the packaging might claim, they contain a lot more sodium, sugar, and sat. fat than homemade food, not to mention preservatives and other additives, I've yet to find any processed food that is nutritionally sound even in health stores like Trader Joe's. Granted a working couple never have time to cook, but it will help you in the long run.. you can start by adding the amount of cold mix salad and stir fry green vegetable, also soups can be quick and easy, for example, we always cook a pot of miso soup with green vegetables before starting to eat, and halfway thru dinner the soup would be ready.
Also saw you mentioned the issue of "heavy taste" in this thread, "taste" can be cultivated and slowly change for the better, I remember I used to rely on sugary snacks and can't pass a day without chocolates, it often make me dizzy and hyper, in the last one or two years I made it a big point to not eat anything sweet, I still have occasional lapse when I had to give away the leftover cookies or chocolates to coworker and hope they can finish it before I change my mind, but my addition to sweet snacks has all but disappeared~~ I got to go, will come back and chat more, I'm a nutrition / label fanatic~~ though more on the extreme side :) It was very interesting to go through your post...
挖挖挖。这个你还叫胖;我都看到你小臂鼓鼓,腿也漂亮。而且很有聊啊。。。。。。其实看你前面发过的照片就知道了。。。你真不用减呢!!!! 不要一定要塞0号么。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
喝那么多咖啡呀,不好的。 我有一次喝多了,也是觉得心发慌,要跳出来了似的,以后就再不敢了
主卫生间和卧室连着的,主卫可以装大面积的镜子。 我家主卧小,而且墙面都全占满了
叶子mm你文章太多了,考古学习工作任重而道远 hehe, 你有耐心看就好,也就知道我的concern们了,欢迎讨论/给建议啊
(这里有篇讲food label的,不是特别深入,不过里面正好提到酸奶。。。)
方便快捷的蛋白质来源也是我最专注的问题,举一个非常快捷的例子,小葱拌豆腐,还有我在公司里会经常泡一杯instant soup,里面泡几大勺那种没有味道的Quaker Oats,以前还写过一些别的recepi,等我找找。其实你的饮食结构也没有什么大问题,不用太严格约束自己了~~
kittypenny mm, yogurt还是应该吃的,有那种greek style,或者无糖的(Stonyfield Farm有些),很稠味道也不错,但是一般小罐装的我看标签都是一罐十几克糖,不知道你吃的是哪种,不同公司生产的同类食品营养和成分往往有天壤之别,这也是要对process food小心的一个原因。另外含有人造甜味素的食物也要尽量小心,因为它们还是会改变你的口味。有本书叫Fast Food Nation,里面对食品工业的社会和营养学影响都有些探讨,不过作者的见解有些极端。
(这里有篇讲food label的,不是特别深入,不过里面正好提到酸奶。。。)
方便快捷的蛋白质来源也是我最专注的问题,举一个非常快捷的例子,小葱拌豆腐,还有我在公司里会经常泡一杯instant soup,里面泡几大勺那种没有味道的Quaker Oats,以前还写过一些别的recepi,等我找找。其实你的饮食结构也没有什么大问题,不用太严格约束自己了~~
唉, MM还是经事太少了. 开开心心地是过一辈子,戚戚唉唉地也是过一辈子. 我也是很晚才觉悟. MM不要进了不惑之年才不惑. 最近见了一位大学同学,她比我还大几岁,快奔5张了, 一直在跳舞,现在的精神面貌还有FITNESS竟比20多年前还好. 她的生活压力也是很大的, 不容易. 有没有经验给大家分享分享呢?我觉得我现在精神面貌快奔5张了~~
hehe, 你有耐心看就好,也就知道我的concern们了,欢迎讨论/给建议啊
忘记更新了,老朋友到访,腰疼的跟断成两半了一样,木有运动 4/14逛街买布两小时,炖了海大的一锅猪脚木瓜汤,放了当归头和黄芪 为什么美国店的木瓜是甜的,中国店的没味道呢?甜的炖的,好难喝 那个美国店的papaya 好像生吃就很好吃啊?偶买过当水果吃,后来觉得还没有cantelope好吃,就放弃了。为什么用那个炖汤啊?
那个美国店的papaya 好像生吃就很好吃啊?偶买过当水果吃,后来觉得还没有cantelope好吃,就放弃了。为什么用那个炖汤啊?
因为想做传统的主体木瓜汤啊,结果没买到合适的 还是勉强喝这个汤了 而且昨晚大吃了巧克力和螃蟹,无法计算了,晕 哈哈, 原来你也有失控的时候, 我还以为你每顿饭都算卡路里精确到个位数呢...
哈哈, 原来你也有失控的时候, 我还以为你每顿饭都算卡路里精确到个位数呢...
昨天去吃dim sum, 这个热量很高,但是对心情大大的有好处
呵呵,来了 前几天做税做的很烦 昨天去吃dim sum, 这个热量很高,但是对心情大大的有好处
那个嘛,正常的,书上说最NB的weight controller也有做错的时候 马上回到正轨就好了, 4/16 过去4天没有锻炼,不过water retension也已经过去,早起还是116,晚上要加油 对了,你测bodyfat%吗,现在多少啊
没测,痛恨自己错过上次costco买秤的coupon,本月家里小东西买多了,财政紧张,还没买的打算,测了估计也不敢报 啊?那个没多少钱的。不过我跟你co-不敢报,off chart乐都
叶子mm,你们去年三四月的日记很不错啊,尤其是那个calender 要不要也借过来继续用啊? 我也想用来的,但是老说我超过了字数
不能啊,雪化的差不多了,要么要北上,这烂天气不想出门 下雨多有情调啊
开始cardio了, 中午gym, elliptical 35min 还有这刚开始呢,就觉得boring了,虽然听着音乐,看着电视。以后咋办呢。还有gym人真多啊,这会员费是越来越不值了。
大大表扬~~ 厉害啊,一上来就能35分钟,我一开始才5-10分钟的水平 另外严重羡慕中午可以锻炼,我中午坐这里boring的要死,想动弹,结果外面阴雨绵绵,气温40来度,烦闷到死 这天气连续阴上n天可太影响情绪了,实在受不了了!!!!!!跟浪漫不沾边啊,绝对的精神折磨 家里暖气开的还太热,结果上火,耳朵里生疮,狂吃牛黄解毒 现在正在这坐立不安的等下班呢 刷新n次好不容易见到更新,急忙回复。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 哈哈,mm你太可爱了。我那个elliptical很慢的。 送你首歌,我很喜欢的老歌,对景吧
哈哈,mm你太可爱了。我那个elliptical很慢的。 送你首歌,我很喜欢的老歌,对景吧
没带耳机,不过这个是california dreaming ba? 以前在santa monica blvd上顶着烈日开车看着两边的棕榈树听这个歌的时候常常感叹 如今是不可及了
发现buns那个挺要命的,难怪我的pg平,果然是没多少肌肉, 你上次那个照片看着曲线挺好的啊
Tues 中午gym 15min elliptical+20min treadmill+stretch 比昨天感觉好
肥肉多肌肉少呗 据说pp是通过锻炼可以有本质提高的,所以我现在还没放弃希望 order的新衣服今天到了,弄了套新的运动长裤和sports bra,很是喜欢,还弄了个配套pantie呵呵 还有bra top做pilates/yoga 用,不清楚size就order了两个大小的,试试ms都可以,但是决定留下号比较大的一件好给自己心理安慰 好久好久没给自己买什么新衣服了~~~~~~~~~~~ 肥肉,只要长对了地方,也是很好的,反正看着好就行了么,我觉得你看着已经挺好的啦 你从哪里order 的衣服啊,我想看,有真人就更好了
我现在都麻木了,成天对着阴雨,怎么晒也比这样强啊~~~~~~~~ 下面还要下雪,没天理了,周五据说要晴天,准备好好利用利用 呵呵物以稀为贵么 我现在很想看下雪 :)
肥肉,只要长对了地方,也是很好的,反正看着好就行了么,我觉得你看着已经挺好的啦 你从哪里order 的衣服啊,我想看,有真人就更好了
连着两天每天都减500cal., 搞得偶的pp和后腰都很酸
便宜地方,呵呵 http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26681&pid=433015 http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26681&pid=343758 http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26684&pid=306833 http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26685&pid=345286 http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26685&pid=364118 你原来买过它家运动服吗?我没试过一般不敢买。觉得怎么样啊?你买的什么颜色啊,hot pink?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-17 23:26:03编辑过]
对了,谁知道有什么健康的碳酸饮料?就是低卡,加vitamin, mineral的 可口可乐出了个zero系列,今天看到WSJ上说热卖,所以股票也上去了。
对了,谁知道有什么健康的碳酸饮料?就是低卡,加vitamin, mineral的
你原来买过它家运动服吗?我没试过一般不敢买。觉得怎么样啊?你买的什么颜色啊,hot pink?
对了,谁知道有什么健康的碳酸饮料?就是低卡,加vitamin, mineral的
可口可乐出了个zero系列,今天看到WSJ上说热卖,所以股票也上去了。 thanks! 这里面加甜味剂吗,不会象diet coke那样吧
买过,半当居家服半当运动服,便宜又实惠啊 我买的深蓝色,胖人穿深色么,不过这个裤子好大,一般的mm穿xs估计都会大,是勉强挂在跨上那种,柔软舒服 sports bra 非常好,medium support比我其他的都更support,可以穿着跑步跳绳不会jiggle 那个小背心里面带一个real bra,后背带钩子的那种,不是shelf bra,所以support也非常好,不过这个是内衣了,穿在衬衣里面应该不错,反正才15刀. 我一般是不太能穿shelf bra的衣服,又没型又没support GAPbody我还是非常推荐的,其他的不怎么喜欢。最大的好κ强梢詒eturn to local store 豆子我煮一煮吃,非常甜。以前是用来炒大虾也挺不错。一般比较嫩,豆子和荚都吃 ester-C是啥? thanks a lot!有空去试试。 ester-c溶片是柠檬口味的800% vitamin C, 很好喝。可惜买不到了。
wed gym 20min elliptical + 20min treadmill + stretch 发现做cardio选对音乐很重要 去gym有个好处,看着不论男女老少胖瘦美丑都努力健身,很是鼓舞人心啊 不过还是有点单调,希望月底前可以加WT和其它运动了
sounds good! where can i get these? what's the brand?
4/17 20' elliptical (incline 30 , resistence 3 225cal) + 10' treadmill (90cal 5incline, 4-4.5mph) + 10' QF arms + 5' TM abs elliptical跑腻了上treadmill,结果小腿总抽筋,虽然我stretch了好久,后来快步走了几下久算了 力量不怎么样,也是几下就累了 本来有新衣服还挺高兴的,结果还是比想像的锻炼少 吃的比较健康,睡的也充分,睡觉前读书了 早起115.5磅,体重真顽固 我体重也没怎么变,不过最明显的变化是精神好了很多,皮肤变得很好,气色也变好了:) 不过还是胖乎乎的,希望能慢慢瘦下去
美景啊,佳人在哪里???? here
poland spring sparkling water 哪里买的啊,costco没有吧
我体重也没怎么变,不过最明显的变化是精神好了很多,皮肤变得很好,气色也变好了:) 不过还是胖乎乎的,希望能慢慢瘦下去
thanks a lot!有空去试试。 ester-c溶片是柠檬口味的800% vitamin C, 很好喝。可惜买不到了。
听起来好牛啊 为什么需要吃那么多vc啊?防感冒? 飞机上发小支的airborne好像也是vc饮料,挺好喝的,costco也有卖,就是大些 好像是有种种好处的,什么超量的VA,VC,VE,不是都有说法么。VC水溶性的,多了就排掉了,也不会有什么问题 我喝它主要是好喝,又很提神
这个不能算,狡猾大大地 我现在估计跟上面的小朋友们身材差不多
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-18 18:00:00编辑过]
太缺乏实事求是精神了 你也亮个健身服装吧,让大家来判断你是不是真的那么嫩~~
mm好厉害,有毅力,学习! 虽然mm的excel表偶看不懂, 但是很多理论都要学习的说.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-19 11:56:30编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-19 12:02:57编辑过]