
楼主 (北美华人网)
你说的是hpv vaccine 吗? 但是hpv对成年人没效果 What about people older than 26? The HPV vaccine is most effective in early adolescence, but this starts to decrease by age 18. Because of this, it is unlikely to provide much benefit for cancer prevention as people get older. The ACS does not recommend HPV vaccination for persons older than age 26 years.
你说的是hpv vaccine 吗? 但是hpv对成年人没效果 What about people older than 26? The HPV vaccine is most effective in early adolescence, but this starts to decrease by age 18. Because of this, it is unlikely to provide much benefit for cancer prevention as people get older. The ACS does not recommend HPV vaccination for persons older than age 26 years.
andrea_li 发表于 2021-04-05 22:18

re; 这个是teenages,还木有性生活的时候打,之后都没用了
回复 2楼andrea_li的帖子
先给你一个律师,他们专打hpv疫苗的官司。 https://www.baumhedlundlaw.com/prescription-drugs/gardasil-lawsuit/gardasil-deaths/
不知道你是什么意思?你要打疫苗官司尽管自己去打。 HPV 疫苗是现在唯一一个能够预防癌症的疫苗!
4、HPV感染很常见吗? HPV感染很常见,特别是性活跃的年轻女性,有80%的女性一生中都有HPV感染的风险
5、高危型和低危型HPV的危害有何区别? HPV分为低危型和高危型。低危型HPV不会引起子宫颈癌;而高危型HPV感染与子宫颈癌的发生相关。
你说的是hpv vaccine 吗? 但是hpv对成年人没效果 What about people older than 26? The HPV vaccine is most effective in early adolescence, but this starts to decrease by age 18. Because of this, it is unlikely to provide much benefit for cancer prevention as people get older. The ACS does not recommend HPV vaccination for persons older than age 26 years.
andrea_li 发表于 2021-04-05 22:18

不知道你是什么意思?你要打疫苗官司尽管自己去打。 HPV 疫苗是现在唯一一个能够预防癌症的疫苗!
4、HPV感染很常见吗? HPV感染很常见,特别是性活跃的年轻女性,有80%的女性一生中都有HPV感染的风险
5、高危型和低危型HPV的危害有何区别? HPV分为低危型和高危型。低危型HPV不会引起子宫颈癌;而高危型HPV感染与子宫颈癌的发生相关。
夏桑菊 发表于 2021-04-05 23:28

宝宝平安 发表于 2021-04-06 00:00

不要误导啊! 改了guideline了。 27以上也可以打。 保险cover的
只有一个partner, 完全没必要打。因为如果感染已经感染了,没感染也不会。除非认为配偶有其他partner。
有用的呀 这个美国早就普及的呀 怎么现在流行疫苗无用论吗
Shawfree 发表于 2021-04-06 02:09

回复 13楼LePetitPpn的帖子
回复 14楼umizumi的帖子
Gongyong 发表于 2021-04-06 12:07

不是医学专业人士,不过打之前做过一些research, 觉得还是有必要的。一来咱们女性以为的固定性伴侣,对方是否一辈子也当咱们是固定性伴侣不好说,这个版上那么多出轨贴也不是空穴来风。。。国内也不少好女孩被自己另一半给坑了的。反正打这个是保护自己。二来性传播并不是唯一的渠道,不洁的公共卫生环境也可能传播,虽然概率较小,但也不是不存在,谁还没住过快捷酒店,share过公共马桶和locker room对吧,美国相当相当大的人口都携带或感染过HPV, 所以人家才从小铺开来打的,我们自以为洁身自好就不打的,简直相当于裸奔
这个有的人副作用比较严重,香港妈妈论坛反映 小女生打完以后疯狂掉头发 我教会的其中一个姊妹, 27岁, 打完以后, 间歇性视力模糊, 不能开车, 严重影响生活, 但保险不赔的。

又不是什么大事儿 打就打了 科普文也那么多 至于问来问去的吗
回复 14楼umizumi的帖子
Xiaofanyi 发表于 2021-04-06 11:49

不是医学专业人士,不过打之前做过一些research, 觉得还是有必要的。一来咱们女性以为的固定性伴侣,对方是否一辈子也当咱们是固定性伴侣不好说,这个版上那么多出轨贴也不是空穴来风。。。国内也不少好女孩被自己另一半给坑了的。反正打这个是保护自己。二来性传播并不是唯一的渠道,不洁的公共卫生环境也可能传播,虽然概率较小,但也不是不存在,谁还没住过快捷酒店,share过公共马桶和locker room对吧,美国相当相当大的人口都携带或感染过HPV, 所以人家才从小铺开来打的,我们自以为洁身自好就不打的,简直相当于裸奔
薛定谔的猫屎 发表于 2021-04-06 12:25

不是医学专业人士,不过打之前做过一些research, 觉得还是有必要的。一来咱们女性以为的固定性伴侣,对方是否一辈子也当咱们是固定性伴侣不好说,这个版上那么多出轨贴也不是空穴来风。。。国内也不少好女孩被自己另一半给坑了的。反正打这个是保护自己。二来性传播并不是唯一的渠道,不洁的公共卫生环境也可能传播,虽然概率较小,但也不是不存在,谁还没住过快捷酒店,share过公共马桶和locker room对吧,美国相当相当大的人口都携带或感染过HPV, 所以人家才从小铺开来打的,我们自以为洁身自好就不打的,简直相当于裸奔
薛定谔的猫屎 发表于 2021-04-06 12:25

这个美国40多岁都可以打。很多大保险只要是in network doctor的都cover。
这个疫苗我准备让小孩大些自己能做决定时再决定打不打. 我没有反疫苗,自己和小孩按时接种所有疫苗,包括流感疫苗。在做了一些search后,决定小孩暂时不打HPV, 等到能自己决定的时候

在美国,宫颈癌的发病率是7.9/100,000,大约5% 的HPV感染与宫颈癌有关。同时,由于宫颈涂片筛查的普及,早期诊断和治疗使宫颈癌的死亡率有所下降,2015年age-adjusted 宫颈癌死亡率为2.3/100,100。     Merck公司于2006年上市HPV四价疫苗Gardasil, 可抗HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 (可防70%的宫颈癌)。2014年Gardasil9上市,增加五种HPV型: HPV 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 (见关于HPV疫苗,GoGym http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/kghy/2955156.html)。虽然默克声称扩大接种人群谱,无明显不良作用,然而,接种Gardasil后的副作用报道不断涌现,目前已知的副作用包括:关节肌肉痛、恶心、疲劳、衰弱、头痛、不孕不育、发热、麻痹、视力损害、注射部位红肿疼痛、死亡。目前,日本、法国和印度禁止Gardasil的接种。目前,美国、日本、法国对Gardasil的诉讼正在进行中。
避免HPV的人群:对疫苗成分过敏者、已经接种者、对酵母或乳胶过敏、诊断为GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome)者、孕妇、有低热、咳嗽、流涕等感冒症状者、有肝肾、呼吸或心脏问题者、中重度疾病患者。
HPV疫苗导致的卵巢早衰: CDC颁布的安全警告中提到了HPV疫苗导致妇女生殖问题,尤其是卵巢早衰(premature ovarian failure),与下列因素有关: 遗传、吸烟、肿瘤治疗、暴露于环境中的化学物质、病毒感染、自身免疫异常。
HPV疫苗与POTS:接种疫苗后的男性和女性出现自主神经失调综合征(postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome,POTS),表现为感觉疲劳、头晕并自觉心跳加速。其发生原因不明,认为与一些风险因子相关, 包括神经系统异常、慢性疲劳综合征、身体物理因素失常、近期病毒感染等。HPV疫苗开始对公众开发后的第一个十年中,POTS在美国有13例报道。
疫苗引起的死亡:有些个体接种疫苗后很快死亡。HPV疫苗上市后的第一个十年中,有报告117例个体接种Gardasil疫苗后死亡。没有任何后续研究(follow-up) 判定这些个体的死因(https://www.druglawcenter.org/hpv-vaccine/)。
有关副作用的网站: https://kellybroganmd.com/new-gardasi/
https://thevaccinereaction.org/2018/10/the-hpv-vaccine-on-trial-seeking-justice-for-a-generation-betrayed/ The HPV Vaccine on Trial
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/dec/31/us-court-pays-6-million-gardasil-victims/ U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims By Peter Lind - - Wednesday, December 31, 2014  The facts appear to contradict the FDA’s safety statements. The adverse reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011 as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The documents come from the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which is used by the FDA to monitor the safety of vaccines. 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5608405/Mother-37-claims-controversial-HPV-vaccine-left-daughter-19-wheelchair.html  Bandomum, Mother, 37, claims controversial HPV vaccine has confined her daughter to a wheelchair and life as a recluse: 留言: 1) Newport Pagnell, United Kingdom, 10 months ago My daughter also became ill with similar symptoms after having this vaccine. Eventually being diagnosed with ME and POTS. When I asked her M.E. Consultant at London¿s gt Ormond st hospital, did he think the vaccine was the cause of her conditions, his reply was ¿let¿s just say, I¿m treating a lot more girls since it was introduced¿. That to me was proof enough.  2)Fife64, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 10 months ago My daughter was very healthy and extremely active before receiving this vaccine 3 years ago. She has had 3 years of incredible pain, had to give up the sports that she loves and has not been able to lead a normal teenage life. She's also had a lot of time off school because of pain and illness caused by the vaccine, whereas before her attendance was almost 100%. I agreed to my daughter having the vaccine because I was led to believe it would protect her against cervical cancer, not yet proven, but if I had been given full information on side effects I would not have given consent. Parents should be given the vaccine insert, showing full risks vs benefits, when being asked to consent to any vaccine. I also have a letter from a top paediatrician confirming that her issues are likely to have arisen due to the vaccine. If you check the MHRA and VAERS monitoring websites, this vaccine has had by far the most adverse reactions. 3)joyceee333, Fife, United Kingdom, 10 months ago  My daughter is HPV Vaccine damaged. Over 10 years we have had to hit our heads on a brick wall concerning this. No-one believes us or will even entertain that it could be possible. I had a happy, healthy young girl before she received this vaccine. She has now been diagnosed with M.E. She lives in pain every day, has missed all of her secondary schooling and spends most of her days in bed. For those of you that say that benefits outweight the risks, please dont. I have to watch my daughter in pain everyday and their is nothing i can do about it and no one will help. The UK Association for HPV Vaccine injured daughters is on facebook, take a look. Their are thousands of girls all over the world with the same systems. Over 500 here in the UK. Do not tell me this is a coincidence. The full patient information leaflet should be given to parents not just the shortened version.  4)SteveH, Wigton, United Kingdom, 10 months ago  The UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) has 528 members all of whom believe their daughter has been seriously injured by this vaccine. A questionnaire completed by 94 families has revealed that 18 girls had reactions within 24 hours of vaccination, some within minutes or a few hours. Some were taken to hospital immediately, others had multiple adverse reactions with each dose because health professionals insisted the vaccine was 'safe and effective'. 27 girls had serious adverse reactions within 1 week of vaccination, others had almost identical symptoms within a few weeks. 5)SteveH, Wigton, United Kingdom, 10 months ago  If you go on the WHO global database of adverse drug reactions you find 305,014 ADR's in 81,263 reports including 445 deaths (including 23 sudden death), 1,052 neoplasms (including 168 cervical cancers and 25 carcinoma in situ), 460 cases of POTS and 144 cases of CRPS. They also acknowledge that only c.10% get reported. This vaccine is one of a new family of vaccines which are genetically engineered and then need high levels of aluminium adjuvant which is a well known neurotoxin. Dr Sin Hang Lee conducting extensive research, and found that in 100% of lab samples tested, fragments of HPV-11, HPV-16, and HPV-18 L1 DNA firmly attached to Merck¿s proprietary aluminum adjuvant. Merck deny that the vaccine contains DNA but it has been independently confirmed by Laurent Bélec at a laboratory in France. 6)karen, cranbrook, United Kingdom, 10 months ago Rather bizarrely my daughter has had the vaccine and is perfectly ok, yet my son who hasn't had the disease suffers from chronic fatigue (it has been diagnosed by a specialist).
https://www.classaction.org/gardasil Gardasil Side Effects May Include Paralysis, Death: As of Feb. 14, 2011, the CDC has reported that there have been 51 reports of deaths among females who received the HPV vaccine. A total of 32 of these death reports have been confirmed, meaning that a doctor has reviewed the report and any associated records. There have been two reports of deaths among males who were injected with Gardasil. The CDC maintains, however, that there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths which would suggest that they were caused by the HPV vaccine. 

https://sanevax.org/  有VAERS报告,还有具体受害者的例子 HPV Vaccine VAERS Reports  Description 12/14/2018 TOTAL   Disabled 2,856   Deaths 458   Did Not Recover 12,199   Abnormal Pap Smear 667   Cervical Dysplasia 324   Cervical Cancer 148   Life-threatening 962   Emergency Room 15,401   Hospitalized 6,047   Extended Hosp. Stay 291   Serious 8,873   Total Adverse Events 60,714  
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/court-hears-gardasil-science-and-moves-forward/ 这里是有关2019年1月庭审记录,披露由于免疫周期要长,因此默克公司用了更大剂量的AAHA无定形磷酸氢铝佐剂,而他们的安慰剂对照组没有用公认的惰性安慰剂,而是用同样大剂量的AAHA,因此,掩盖了疫苗产生的副作用(来源于大量佐剂导致的自身免疫损害)。该大剂量的AAHA在动物中能导致自身免疫反应。  此外,默克公司临床实验的人群选择与临床应用不符,从来没有低于15岁年龄组的临床研究。 已经暴露于HPV的年轻女性接种疫苗导致癌前病变的危险增加了45%,该发现很可怕,因为30%以上的孩子10岁前就接触过HPV病毒。前面留言中就有一例不到20岁、两例分别为22和24岁女孩接种HPV疫苗后患宫颈癌或癌前病变。Cervical cancer tends to occur in midlife and is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 44. It rarely develops in women younger than 20,来源于 Key Statistics for Cervical Cancer - American Cancer Society
2.3 % of the girls receiving the vaccine complained of symptoms of autoimmune disease within 7 months. Since cervical cancer kills only 1.5 Americans in every 100,000, he noted, “Merck’s own data show that the chances of getting an autoimmune disease from this vaccine are 1000 times the risk of dying from cervical cancer.” Not only did a heartbreaking 50% of the subjects in both the study group and the spiked placebo group experience a serious adverse event within the seven months of the trial, death rates among girls in the study were double background rates. In fact, the rate for girls during the clinical trials (85/100,000) was 37 times the death rate from cervical cancer!  Finally, Merck’s own data showed that administering the Gardasil vaccine to girls who had previous exposure to HPV actually raised their risk of developing precancerous lesions (or worse) by almost 45%.
Kennedy closed his powerful presentation by chronicling the parade of corrupt conflicts that caused HHS officials to turn a blind eye to the rife fraud that characterized the clinical trials. Merck loaded the two FDA and CDC panels that approved Gardasil, with paid toadies. He showed that the pharmaceutical industry actually pays 45% of FDA’s annual budget and that NIH and its officials own part of the patents to the Gardasil vaccine and collect royalties on every vaccine sold. NIH collects tens of millions of dollars annually from Gardasil sales. Finally, 45% of CDC’s budget goes to promoting and purchasing vaccines. Merck exerts control over the CDC with millions of dollars in contributions to the CDC foundation, which allows funding for pet projects. This level of support gives Merck the power to also punish the CDC by withholding funding if displeased by the agency.
这里是CDC的link: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/hpv-safety-faqs.html Gardasil From its licensure in June 2006 through December 2017, more than 80 million doses of Gardasil were distributed in the United States. During the same period, VAERS received 36,142 U.S. reports of adverse events following Gardasil vaccination. Overall, 93% were non-serious reports; 7% of reports have been classified as serious. Gardasil is no longer available in the United States. 鉴于FDA和CDC与药厂有COI,有共同的经济利益,我并不能完全相信他们的报告。
这里有有关Gardasil 副作用的病例报告和研究: 强烈推荐该网站,有链接可以查到相关的发表文章。
https://www.nvic.org/vaccines-and-diseases/hpv/vaccine-injury.aspx Can HPV Vaccine Cause Injury and Death?: 
 关于铝佐剂的副作用:小鼠实验发现行为异常,其机制为“the antibodies raised against HPV following Gardasil vaccination, have not only the ability to bind to HPV antigens but also the neural proteins present in the host’s brain. This phenomenon, where cross-reactivity occurs and the vaccine-induced antibodies are able to bind not only the target foreign antigen (i.e., the HPV virus) but also host proteins, can be the result of molecular mimicry, where a foreign antigen shares a structural similarity with a particular self-antigen.”
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12026-016-8826-6 以色列研究人员发现Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil. It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes.
http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/health/edit/822865/?backPage=0&backSubid=health :Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, poses this important question: 
“Is it ethical to put young women at risk of death or a disabling autoimmune disease at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has not yet prevented a single case of cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20-30 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening which carries no risks.”

https://file.scirp.org/Html/17-7300444_25840.htm 一位医疗实验科学家在一名接种加德西疫苗后死亡的少女的血液中检测到了 HPV DNA 片段,其在由同行评审的《生物科学与技术进展》(Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology) 期刊中公布了病例报告。该名原本健康的女孩在接种第三剂(亦是最后一剂) HPV 疫苗六个月后于睡眠中死亡。完整尸检没有揭示任何死亡原因(引用https://chinese.mercola.com/hpv-%E7%96%AB%E8%8B%97-%E6%95%88%E5%8A%9B.aspx)。