imo, perhaps China should Never try to attain the same GDP/head level of the US, strategically. That has been my view for a few decades. Personally, I would prefer China can maintain a simplicity living (reducing unwated wastes), rather than the kind of deluxe living, expensive entertainments, etc. in the US. As well as keeping reasonably low wages so that the overall competition in manufacturing (just like in today"s China) and research (similar to Russia in old days) can be atttractive against other countries. China is China. USA is USA.
在国外生活的华人应该知道,我们中国人总体上并不比洋人差。凭中国人的勤老智慧,人均收入只是西方国家的1/5 或1/6怎么看都是历史造成的短期的异常现象,所以中国追上或超越西方才是正常历史现象。不管你个人好恶政治观点如何,必须面对这个现实。
Cheap shot man
Ok Jim whatever
But i see this is happening, don’t u?
上涨了这么多,还有那么多人哭着喊着吃不起肉,物价太高。看来上涨前老百姓是真穷。 话说现在大外宣都要喷鹰格利西了?有这闲工夫不如帮老胡在twitter上回复下网友们的质问撒
你和胡掉盘讨论吧,你们会有共同语言的 坛子里贫困线30万,抢房抢到疯,这才是这里的主流
imo, perhaps China should Never try to attain the same GDP/head level of the US, strategically.
That has been my view for a few decades.
Personally, I would prefer China can maintain a simplicity living (reducing unwated wastes), rather than the kind of deluxe living, expensive entertainments, etc. in the US.
As well as keeping reasonably low wages so that the overall competition in manufacturing (just like in today"s China) and research (similar to Russia in old days) can be atttractive against other countries.
China is China. USA is USA.
Good point
Of course, perhaps have a long long wat to go!
Perhaps China should be alerted!