回答总的说来是躲避问题。他提到的理由就是现在疫苗生产的限速步骤不是知识产权,而是原材料。就算放弃了,也是新公司跟辉瑞和Moderna争夺有限的原材料供应,而且不见得有这两家公司有效率。 主持人还问到巴西疫情严重,能否先给巴西提供疫苗。Dr. Gottlieb简单回答说我们以后能做到,现在没这么多疫苗。 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-scott-gottlieb-discusses-coronavirus-on-face-the-nation-march-28-2021/ MARGARET BRENNAN: On the World Health Organization, I want to add — nothing against celebrity endorsements of vaccines — on the World Health Organization and what Dr. Fauci was saying, I know you must be looking at this. He said, yes, the White House is talking about it, but he has no indication of what policies there might be regarding patent protections and pharmaceutical companies who make COVID vaccines. The World Health Organization chief has endorsed this idea of- of lifting it in order to help some developing countries get access. What is the implication if that happens? DR GOTTLIEB: Well, look, I think the implication is you're going to provide disincentives to the future, but the reality is just looking at the practicality of it, the rate-limiting step here is not the intellectual property around these vaccines. These companies are producing, including Pfizer, the company I'm going to board of, as much as they can. The rate limiting factor here is the raw ingredients, the inputs to making those vaccines. There's just a limited global supply of those highly specialized inputs. If you appropriate the intellectual property and give it to a bunch of other companies to try to make these vaccines, they're not going to be able to make them efficiently. And they're not going to be able to stand up the supply because they don't have the supply chain either. If they manage to secure it is just going to come at the expense of companies like Pfizer, Moderna that are making these vaccines far more efficiently. I think what we have to be doing is trying to get more resources into expanding that manufacturing capacity. This really is an opportunity for President Biden to do what President Bush did around the PEPFAR program and create a global campaign to try to supply vaccine around the world using the U.S. intellectual property. These companies have already donated vaccine. They'd be willing to provide more to low- and middle-income countries if the US government would backstop some of the legal protections around doing that. So there are opportunities here to dramatically expand global supply. Unfortunately, I think just giving away our intellectual property is going to be an empty promise. It's not going to result in more vaccine in these countries.
回答总的说来是躲避问题。他提到的理由就是现在疫苗生产的限速步骤不是知识产权,而是原材料。就算放弃了,也是新公司跟辉瑞和Moderna争夺有限的原材料供应,而且不见得有这两家公司有效率。 主持人还问到巴西疫情严重,能否先给巴西提供疫苗。Dr. Gottlieb简单回答说我们以后能做到,现在没这么多疫苗。 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-scott-gottlieb-discusses-coronavirus-on-face-the-nation-march-28-2021/ MARGARET BRENNAN: On the World Health Organization, I want to add — nothing against celebrity endorsements of vaccines — on the World Health Organization and what Dr. Fauci was saying, I know you must be looking at this. He said, yes, the White House is talking about it, but he has no indication of what policies there might be regarding patent protections and pharmaceutical companies who make COVID vaccines. The World Health Organization chief has endorsed this idea of- of lifting it in order to help some developing countries get access. What is the implication if that happens? DR GOTTLIEB: Well, look, I think the implication is you''re going to provide disincentives to the future, but the reality is just looking at the practicality of it, the rate-limiting step here is not the intellectual property around these vaccines. These companies are producing, including Pfizer, the company I''m going to board of, as much as they can. The rate limiting factor here is the raw ingredients, the inputs to making those vaccines. There''s just a limited global supply of those highly specialized inputs. If you appropriate the intellectual property and give it to a bunch of other companies to try to make these vaccines, they''re not going to be able to make them efficiently. And they''re not going to be able to stand up the supply because they don''t have the supply chain either. If they manage to secure it is just going to come at the expense of companies like Pfizer, Moderna that are making these vaccines far more efficiently. I think what we have to be doing is trying to get more resources into expanding that manufacturing capacity. This really is an opportunity for President Biden to do what President Bush did around the PEPFAR program and create a global campaign to try to supply vaccine around the world using the U.S. intellectual property. These companies have already donated vaccine. They''d be willing to provide more to low- and middle-income countries if the US government would backstop some of the legal protections around doing that. So there are opportunities here to dramatically expand global supply. Unfortunately, I think just giving away our intellectual property is going to be an empty promise. It''s not going to result in more vaccine in these countries. 庚子 发表于 2021-03-29 00:30
强生打算向非洲和第三世界国家提供大量疫苗,WHO应该感到满意。 如果还强迫放弃mRNA疫苗专利,那应该是另有打算了。。。 https://www.ft.com/content/21977f6f-7679-4e4c-ab2d-9fbfc7ca842c Johnson & Johnson to supply Africa with 220m Covid vaccines Neil Munshi in Lagos The African Union has signed a deal with Johnson & Johnson to supply 220m doses of its single-shot Covid-19 vaccine to the group''s 55 member states starting in the third quarter of this year. The extra doses will bolster efforts by the World Heath Organization and Gavi-backed Covax initiative, which plan to supply the continent with hundreds of millions doses. The rollout in most African countries has begun in the past few weeks. The deal between J&J''s Janssen Pharmaceutica and the AU''s African Vaccine Acquisition Trust can be expanded to an extra 180m doses in 2022. J&J last year signed an advanced purchase deal to supply 500m doses to Covax. But the initiative took a hit last week when India barred vaccine exports, including the AstraZeneca jab produced by the Serum Institute of India, which is a major supplier for the programme. Africa has been less affected by the pandemic than other parts of the world. The continent has recorded 4.19m cases and 112,000 deaths from a population of about 1.2bn.
强生打算向非洲和第三世界国家提供大量疫苗,WHO应该感到满意。 如果还强迫放弃mRNA疫苗专利,那应该是另有打算了,比如某负责任大国在背后运作。。。 https://www.ft.com/content/21977f6f-7679-4e4c-ab2d-9fbfc7ca842c Johnson & Johnson to supply Africa with 220m Covid vaccines Neil Munshi in Lagos The African Union has signed a deal with Johnson & Johnson to supply 220m doses of its single-shot Covid-19 vaccine to the group's 55 member states starting in the third quarter of this year. The extra doses will bolster efforts by the World Heath Organization and Gavi-backed Covax initiative, which plan to supply the continent with hundreds of millions doses. The rollout in most African countries has begun in the past few weeks. The deal between J&J's Janssen Pharmaceutica and the AU's African Vaccine Acquisition Trust can be expanded to an extra 180m doses in 2022. J&J last year signed an advanced purchase deal to supply 500m doses to Covax. But the initiative took a hit last week when India barred vaccine exports, including the AstraZeneca jab produced by the Serum Institute of India, which is a major supplier for the programme. Africa has been less affected by the pandemic than other parts of the world. The continent has recorded 4.19m cases and 112,000 deaths from a population of about 1.2bn. bigjohn123456 发表于 2021-03-29 10:47
回复 1楼庚子的帖子 Dr. Gottlieb在华尔街杂志发表了一个opinion,提到政府受到压力要求suspend patent protections。他认为Pepfar(President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)是一个在不放弃专利的前提下可以接受的方案。Pepfar的历史来由是美国的艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法出来之后,布什政府也受到压力让放弃知识产权,这样可以让其他公司(比如印度公司)生产仿制药。当时Dr. Gottlieb作为FDA的局长担心印度仿制药的效果。后来美国药物界和政府部门提出一个方案,就是药厂自己生产廉价成本的组合药(感觉就是代替印度生产仿制药),但是不经过昂贵的临床试验,然后美国政府用非洲基金买下这些廉价药送给非洲。现在Dr. Gottlieb提倡疫苗也采取Pepfar方案。 https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-lessons-from-bushs-effort-against-aids-11616959045?mod=e2tw To vaccinate the developing world against Covid-19, consider the lessons of AIDS. In 2004 that disease was burning across Africa. Treatments were available but expensive, and everyone wanted to expand Africa’s access to them. Drug-industry critics on Capitol Hill pressed President Bush to solve the problem by breaking Western manufacturers’ patents. He said no and came up with a better plan. At the time, I worked at the Food and Drug Administration. Generic-drug makers, mostly in India, promised cheap versions of AIDS drugs, but there was reason to worry about their quality. My colleagues and I thought that patients in Africa deserved the same first-rate treatments Americans got. The drug industry worked with government to develop their AIDS medicines into cheaper combination pills. The FDA put these products through a process for “tentative” FDA approval without the expense of full-blown clinical trials. The U.S. government purchased these pills in bulk and distributed them widely in Africa. This process became known as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or Pepfar. This program slowed the spread of AIDS and helped save millions of lives. Many of the AIDS drugs that foreign drug makers wanted to produce by ignoring U.S. intellectual property were later found to be subpotent and adulterated. Had the Bush administration used American funds to support the production and distribution of these counterfeit pills, it could have been a public-health disaster, leaving millions of people partially treated with inferior medicine.
US business groups, including pharma industry lobbyists, are urging the Biden administration to resist pressure from developing nations to suspend intellectual property protections for Covid-19 vaccines. https://www.ft.com/content/9b544e07-d173-4d51-8f4a-0dd970c866e6
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-scott-gottlieb-discusses-coronavirus-on-face-the-nation-march-28-2021/ MARGARET BRENNAN: On the World Health Organization, I want to add — nothing against celebrity endorsements of vaccines — on the World Health Organization and what Dr. Fauci was saying, I know you must be looking at this. He said, yes, the White House is talking about it, but he has no indication of what policies there might be regarding patent protections and pharmaceutical companies who make COVID vaccines. The World Health Organization chief has endorsed this idea of- of lifting it in order to help some developing countries get access. What is the implication if that happens? DR GOTTLIEB: Well, look, I think the implication is you're going to provide disincentives to the future, but the reality is just looking at the practicality of it, the rate-limiting step here is not the intellectual property around these vaccines. These companies are producing, including Pfizer, the company I'm going to board of, as much as they can. The rate limiting factor here is the raw ingredients, the inputs to making those vaccines. There's just a limited global supply of those highly specialized inputs. If you appropriate the intellectual property and give it to a bunch of other companies to try to make these vaccines, they're not going to be able to make them efficiently. And they're not going to be able to stand up the supply because they don't have the supply chain either. If they manage to secure it is just going to come at the expense of companies like Pfizer, Moderna that are making these vaccines far more efficiently. I think what we have to be doing is trying to get more resources into expanding that manufacturing capacity. This really is an opportunity for President Biden to do what President Bush did around the PEPFAR program and create a global campaign to try to supply vaccine around the world using the U.S. intellectual property. These companies have already donated vaccine. They'd be willing to provide more to low- and middle-income countries if the US government would backstop some of the legal protections around doing that. So there are opportunities here to dramatically expand global supply. Unfortunately, I think just giving away our intellectual property is going to be an empty promise. It's not going to result in more vaccine in these countries.
很多左派一心拿出美国所有的好东西拯救世界。只是现在美国还没有解决自己的问题,能不能现实一点搞好自己的事情再说? Biden在疫苗上还是比较保守的,目前没有往海外乱撒疫苗,说明他还没有老糊涂。
因为, 其中一个中国人, 在mRNA疫苗研发中居功至伟!!!
美国不能抢走那么多credit, 这不make sense!!! 不道德!!! 如华春莹女士所说, 罔顾人权!
https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2656580 【环球时报-环球网报道 记者 白云怡 胡雨薇】美国前总统特朗普曾多次把辉瑞等新冠肺炎疫苗的研发吹嘘成自己的“功绩”,并借此再次煽动美国社会的反华情绪——“那些所谓的伟大历史学家们,你们一定要铭记,这些将能终结‘中国瘟疫’的伟大发现,都是在我监督下产生的”,他曾在推特上这样写道。然而,很多人不知道的一个真相是:倘若没有一位中国科学家的努力,辉瑞、莫德纳等新冠疫苗的研发或许不会这么顺利。
我其实很好奇紧缺的原材料是什么 其他的制药啥的能不能援助一些啊 紧着疫苗生产
煞笔 臭气熏天还不让别人说
WHO 病毒溯源有这么积极卖力就好了。
国内不已经开始搞核酸疫苗了吗, 弯道超车很快的
Johnson & Johnson to supply Africa with 220m Covid vaccines Neil Munshi in Lagos The African Union has signed a deal with Johnson & Johnson to supply 220m doses of its single-shot Covid-19 vaccine to the group''s 55 member states starting in the third quarter of this year. The extra doses will bolster efforts by the World Heath Organization and Gavi-backed Covax initiative, which plan to supply the continent with hundreds of millions doses. The rollout in most African countries has begun in the past few weeks. The deal between J&J''s Janssen Pharmaceutica and the AU''s African Vaccine Acquisition Trust can be expanded to an extra 180m doses in 2022. J&J last year signed an advanced purchase deal to supply 500m doses to Covax. But the initiative took a hit last week when India barred vaccine exports, including the AstraZeneca jab produced by the Serum Institute of India, which is a major supplier for the programme. Africa has been less affected by the pandemic than other parts of the world. The continent has recorded 4.19m cases and 112,000 deaths from a population of about 1.2bn.
well said
毕竟 混球时报
who 补贴? 钱哪里来
Dr. Gottlieb在华尔街杂志发表了一个opinion,提到政府受到压力要求suspend patent protections。他认为Pepfar(President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)是一个在不放弃专利的前提下可以接受的方案。Pepfar的历史来由是美国的艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法出来之后,布什政府也受到压力让放弃知识产权,这样可以让其他公司(比如印度公司)生产仿制药。当时Dr. Gottlieb作为FDA的局长担心印度仿制药的效果。后来美国药物界和政府部门提出一个方案,就是药厂自己生产廉价成本的组合药(感觉就是代替印度生产仿制药),但是不经过昂贵的临床试验,然后美国政府用非洲基金买下这些廉价药送给非洲。现在Dr. Gottlieb提倡疫苗也采取Pepfar方案。
https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-lessons-from-bushs-effort-against-aids-11616959045?mod=e2tw To vaccinate the developing world against Covid-19, consider the lessons of AIDS. In 2004 that disease was burning across Africa. Treatments were available but expensive, and everyone wanted to expand Africa’s access to them. Drug-industry critics on Capitol Hill pressed President Bush to solve the problem by breaking Western manufacturers’ patents. He said no and came up with a better plan. At the time, I worked at the Food and Drug Administration. Generic-drug makers, mostly in India, promised cheap versions of AIDS drugs, but there was reason to worry about their quality. My colleagues and I thought that patients in Africa deserved the same first-rate treatments Americans got. The drug industry worked with government to develop their AIDS medicines into cheaper combination pills. The FDA put these products through a process for “tentative” FDA approval without the expense of full-blown clinical trials. The U.S. government purchased these pills in bulk and distributed them widely in Africa. This process became known as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or Pepfar. This program slowed the spread of AIDS and helped save millions of lives. Many of the AIDS drugs that foreign drug makers wanted to produce by ignoring U.S. intellectual property were later found to be subpotent and adulterated. Had the Bush administration used American funds to support the production and distribution of these counterfeit pills, it could have been a public-health disaster, leaving millions of people partially treated with inferior medicine.
你自己信吗?八杆子打不着拐着弯骂,你要是戳破了那点小心思- -马上大跳起来,抓到了,自己对号入座。看我多聪明多牛逼。 阿贵的把戏。玩了快3千年了。