各人的体验是不同的,也看你想要传达什么样的信息。 如果是我的话,我可能会先从自己的经历说起,如何来美国,作为移民如何努力学习工作奋斗,为自己和家人谋求更好的未来。在这个过程中,感受到了很多的善意和关怀。衷心感谢美国社会和美国人。 现在在美国有了家庭有了孩子,小孩虽然长相亚洲,但文化上几乎是完完全全的美国人。作为移民,有时候受到一些挫折或者被喊回中国之类的,或者Where are you really from? 还可能不太敏感,但我的孩子并没有什么中国可以回去, and they are really from here. 我自此更加重视美国亚裔面临的问题。我想说,I belong here. My children were born here and we belong here. We are not the others. We are Americans. 然后也许可以讲一些工作中,比如mentor少啊,对亚裔重技术轻管理的刻板印象啦,希望公司给亚裔更多管理上面的发展空间,之类的。不过这在各个公司也不一样,也许不适用。
Asian-Americans do better at university, but face barriers in the workplace https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-03/tfg-aad031819.php 这个workplace discrimination说的很好。同等职位,亚裔需要更好的学位和资历,以及高层领导职位中少见亚裔 "Despite their exceptional educational credentials, we found clear evidence that Asians professionals are overcredentialed in education to achieve parity with whites in the labor market," says Van Tran, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Columbia University who led the study. "second-generation Asians are significantly under-represented in senior-level leadership positions, considering how well-credentialed they are, even after accounting for many demographic factors."
我们第一代移民的问题不只是有口音,而是英语词汇贫乏不会讲故事。讲一件事,不生动,不具体,不能一语中的,不能动之以情。如果我是楼主,我会着重说这几点。 1) As a first generation immigrant from China, I always feel lucky that I got the opportunity to study, work and live here in the US. I always appreciate the diverse and welcoming environment and think this is truly the advantage of this nation. I received tremendous help from a lot of my friends and colleagues as well as strangers of different ethnic groups. That is why I chose to live here, work hard and call it home. 2) However, discrimination never disappears from our society. Personally, I’ve experienced moments that were not pleasant at all. From exaggeratively mimicking my accent, to mocking me with slanted-eye gestures; from stereotyping Asians to yelling “go back to China” in the street. These incidents hurt. 3) Since the outbreak of COVID-19, racial attacks, verbally and physically, against Asian Americans are all on the rise nationwide. Those racists blamed Asians for the pandemic and attacked Asian Americans of all ages and genders. They stabbed father and son shopping at grocery stores, they attacked the elderly who were just taking a walk near their homes, they harassed a Uber driver of Asian descent, they attacked women in the street and even shot them where they worked... these are shocking and sad facts. I can’t imagine any of these could happen to me and my family, or to any human being of any race... 4) I remember, when I grew up in China, in one of my English lessons in middle school, I learnt Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous speech ‘I have a dream’. Until today, twenty some years passed, I still remember that strong voice: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” That voice came from year 1963, and it’s still resonating with me, strongly, today. Standing in the second decade of the 21st century, I not only have the same dream as Dr. King had. I call for actions from everyone of us. Together, we stand against racism, Stop Asian Hate, and make our home a better place to live, here in the US.
贡献一个自己的例子。在湾区的一个修车厂修德国车,得换一个比较贵的零件,我随口问了一句,部件是原厂原装的还是 OEM的?修车的中年白人说,everything made in China, including virus. 我当时愣了一下,心理骂了他一句傻x红脖子,但是也不想把事情搞大,就忍了。 这就是典型的例子,亚洲人习惯了be silent, be model minority,大事化小小事化无。 不vocal。 还有一个例子是,我原来公司是Tech 大厂,但是亚裔女生几乎没有做到director level 以上的,(印度人除外)。两方年原因,亚裔女不爱争取,以为自己做好了,好事自然会落到自己头上,大错特错。你不说没人会care。另外就是大家说的sterotype, 亚裔可以搞技术,不要去搞什么管理。
看了各位MM的评论,觉得学到蛮多的。特别是前面那个刚讲过的MM,感觉是跟很多大公司的行事方式和合拍的。 这位楼主,我觉得是这样的,这种讲的机会,很容易讲完,过了这阵子大家就都忘了。所以我觉得,如果可能的话,你的主题要包含几项actionable items. 别讲那些特别general的,我看到上面有个MM分享的图片,包含什么stop assuming, stop fetishizing, 不是说那个不好,只是那个太宽泛了,换句话是,看过就忘了。我觉得你给大家推荐的actionable item必须越具体越好。就好像做CPR training,需要救人的时候,要明确的delegate, 比如说,穿红衣服的,你去打911, 穿白裤子的,你去找AED. 这样你才能让你的受众有能记住的点。 针对StopAsianHate,我觉得最简单的actionable item,对于一般人来讲是intervene. 有个MM分享的这个training特别好。Get Trained | Hollaback! Together We Have the Power to End Harassment (ihollaback.org) 有时间的话可以参加针对stopasianhate的那个training。Intervene 有几个行之有效的办法,delegate, document, direct, distract. 这个视频里面cover了大部分interview的办法。
这样的话,你的落脚点就是这种hate crime也好,harassment也好,受害人有可能是任何人。但是我们都可以stand up 去intervene。
我们第一代移民的问题不只是有口音,而是英语词汇贫乏不会讲故事。讲一件事,不生动,不具体,不能一语中的,不能动之以情。如果我是楼主,我会着重说这几点。 1) As a first generation immigrant from China, I always feel lucky that I got the opportunity to study, work and live here in the US. I always appreciate the diverse and welcoming environment and think this is truly the advantage of this nation. I received tremendous help from a lot of my friends and colleagues as well as strangers of different ethnic groups. That is why I chose to live here, work hard and call it home. 2) However, discrimination never disappears from our society. Personally, I’ve experienced moments that were not pleasant at all. From exaggeratively mimicking my accent, to mocking me with slanted-eye gestures; from stereotyping Asians to yelling “go back to China” in the street. These incidents hurt. 3) Since the outbreak of COVID-19, racial attacks, verbally and physically, against Asian Americans are all on the rise nationwide. Those racists blamed Asians for the pandemic and attacked Asian Americans of all ages and genders. They stabbed father and son shopping at grocery stores, they attacked the elderly who were just taking a walk near their homes, they harassed a Uber driver of Asian descent, they attacked women in the street and even shot them where they worked... these are shocking and sad facts. I can’t imagine any of these could happen to me and my family, or to any human being of any race... 4) I remember, when I grew up in China, in one of my English lessons in middle school, I learnt Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous speech ‘I have a dream’. Until today, twenty some years passed, I still remember that strong voice: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” That voice came from year 1963, and it’s still resonating with me, strongly, today. Standing in the second decade of the 21st century, I not only have the same dream as Dr. King had. I call for actions from everyone of us. Together, we stand against racism, Stop Asian Hate, and make our home a better place to live, here in the US. happyeating 发表于 2021-03-26 13:40
看了各位MM的评论,觉得学到蛮多的。特别是前面那个刚讲过的MM,感觉是跟很多大公司的行事方式和合拍的。 这位楼主,我觉得是这样的,这种讲的机会,很容易讲完,过了这阵子大家就都忘了。所以我觉得,如果可能的话,你的主题要包含几项actionable items. 别讲那些特别general的,我看到上面有个MM分享的图片,包含什么stop assuming, stop fetishizing, 不是说那个不好,只是那个太宽泛了,换句话是,看过就忘了。我觉得你给大家推荐的actionable item必须越具体越好。就好像做CPR training,需要救人的时候,要明确的delegate, 比如说,穿红衣服的,你去打911, 穿白裤子的,你去找AED. 这样你才能让你的受众有能记住的点。 针对StopAsianHate,我觉得最简单的actionable item,对于一般人来讲是intervene. 有个MM分享的这个training特别好。Get Trained | Hollaback! Together We Have the Power to End Harassment (ihollaback.org) 有时间的话可以参加针对stopasianhate的那个training。Intervene 有几个行之有效的办法,delegate, document, direct, distract. 这个视频里面cover了大部分interview的办法。
这样的话,你的落脚点就是这种hate crime也好,harassment也好,受害人有可能是任何人。但是我们都可以stand up 去intervene。
来这个帖子学习了,很多很好的讲故事的方式。 手动点赞。非常有意义的分享。 贡献一个故事。 和部分人一样,我来美国没有感受到很明显的歧视,就是有一次在路上过斑马线,已经走完了,一辆车(要右拐)突然在后面停下来,司机黑哥哥朝着我大喊:Get out of my USA. 然后扬长而去。 我接触过很nice的黑人,所以这件事也并不影响我对整个群体的看法。 我也很很多人一样相信在整个美国大部分人都是很decent的。但是我们仍然要积极表达和share。 (不知道黑人这个词是不是冒犯了,实在不知道怎么称呼)
如果是我的话,我可能会先从自己的经历说起,如何来美国,作为移民如何努力学习工作奋斗,为自己和家人谋求更好的未来。在这个过程中,感受到了很多的善意和关怀。衷心感谢美国社会和美国人。 现在在美国有了家庭有了孩子,小孩虽然长相亚洲,但文化上几乎是完完全全的美国人。作为移民,有时候受到一些挫折或者被喊回中国之类的,或者Where are you really from? 还可能不太敏感,但我的孩子并没有什么中国可以回去, and they are really from here. 我自此更加重视美国亚裔面临的问题。我想说,I belong here. My children were born here and we belong here. We are not the others. We are Americans.
我的建议是从大到小讲。先讲大环境,说说那些比较惨的个例。然后讲讲历史。然后稍微讲一点个人的。虽然公司说让你讲personal story,但是其实没几个人真想听,尤其是如果不是很典型的话。而且说多了容易被人当成抱怨。建议不要讲公司内部遇到的歧视。如果你在外面遇到过,可以说说。很多人可能不敏感,尤其是如果不跟白人比较的话。比如我有一次去了一个店觉得很好,跟我的白人朋友推荐。她说她嫌那个店里的营业员太烦,她一进去就跟她推销这个推销那个的。我说哈哈,我在里边逛了好久,那些营业员就那么远远的看着我,没人跟我说话呀。我朋友说矮马,这是她们以为你不会英语啊。还开玩笑说看来种族歧视有时候也有好处。
赞mm 发声
这个workplace discrimination说的很好。同等职位,亚裔需要更好的学位和资历,以及高层领导职位中少见亚裔
"Despite their exceptional educational credentials, we found clear evidence that Asians professionals are overcredentialed in education to achieve parity with whites in the labor market," says Van Tran, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Columbia University who led the study. "second-generation Asians are significantly under-represented in senior-level leadership positions, considering how well-credentialed they are, even after accounting for many demographic factors."
good discussion.
还有一个例子是,我原来公司是Tech 大厂,但是亚裔女生几乎没有做到director level 以上的,(印度人除外)。两方年原因,亚裔女不爱争取,以为自己做好了,好事自然会落到自己头上,大错特错。你不说没人会care。另外就是大家说的sterotype, 亚裔可以搞技术,不要去搞什么管理。
说的太好了! 不知道mm有没有时间写个英文的?大家更容易借鉴。
这位楼主,我觉得是这样的,这种讲的机会,很容易讲完,过了这阵子大家就都忘了。所以我觉得,如果可能的话,你的主题要包含几项actionable items. 别讲那些特别general的,我看到上面有个MM分享的图片,包含什么stop assuming, stop fetishizing, 不是说那个不好,只是那个太宽泛了,换句话是,看过就忘了。我觉得你给大家推荐的actionable item必须越具体越好。就好像做CPR training,需要救人的时候,要明确的delegate, 比如说,穿红衣服的,你去打911, 穿白裤子的,你去找AED. 这样你才能让你的受众有能记住的点。
针对StopAsianHate,我觉得最简单的actionable item,对于一般人来讲是intervene. 有个MM分享的这个training特别好。Get Trained | Hollaback! Together We Have the Power to End Harassment (ihollaback.org) 有时间的话可以参加针对stopasianhate的那个training。Intervene 有几个行之有效的办法,delegate, document, direct, distract. 这个视频里面cover了大部分interview的办法。
这样的话,你的落脚点就是这种hate crime也好,harassment也好,受害人有可能是任何人。但是我们都可以stand up 去intervene。
这个建议很好。在presentation的时候给大家一些关于intervene的建议,调动起心理上的参与度,非常好。 我也一直推荐hollaback的training, https://www.ihollaback.org/event/bystander-intervention-stop-anti-asian-american-harassment-xenophobia/ 这是他们做的最好的一个,我也参加了另外一个,还是感觉这个5d最好
可以讲讲racial equality的故事, 比如你因为是弱势群体时,所受到的帮助。。。
公司也有人组织了ASIAN INCLUSION NETWORK, 也加入了,看看有什么可以帮忙做的。