Here's a look at Biden's proposed 401(k) changes: The 401(k) tax deduction would disappear. Workers would instead get a tax credit for 401(k) contributions. The tax advantage of contributing to a 401(k) would be reduced for higher earners and increase for low and middle earners. The creation of an automatic 401(k) for workers without access to a workplace retirement account. Allowing caregivers to make catch-up contributions to retirement accounts
回复 1楼燕的帖子 Are we reading the same thing? The proposed tax credit is 26%, whether you are at $70,000 or $450,000. Today, you are limited by your contribution of $19500, but it sounds like the credit can be worth more under Biden's plan.
回复 2楼燕的帖子 The tax advantage of contributing to a 401(k) would be reduced for higher earners and increase for low and middle earners. The creation of an automatic 401(k) for workers without access to a workplace retirement account. 这两条都不错嘛。make sense.
回复 2楼燕的帖子 The tax advantage of contributing to a 401(k) would be reduced for higher earners and increase for low and middle earners. The creation of an automatic 401(k) for workers without access to a workplace retirement account. 这两条都不错嘛。make sense. new_bie 发表于 2021-02-04 11:01
回复 1楼燕的帖子 Are we reading the same thing? The proposed tax credit is 26%, whether you are at $70,000 or $450,000. Today, you are limited by your contribution of $19500, but it sounds like the credit can be worth more under Biden''s plan. heartinny 发表于 2021-02-04 10:52
真要算清楚的话... 假设没有match(估计match部分也要交税差了),401k limit $20k, and marginal tax rate is 37%. Plan 1: no 401k, $20000 becomes $12600 after tax, you spend this $12600 for travel, food, or whatever.. no tax worry in the future! Plan 2: no 401k, $20000 becomes $12600 after tax, you invest this $12600 in house or stock index. As long as you don''t cash out, it''s like a tax-deferred investment and you will pay long-term capital gain tax in the end. This rate is likely (but Biden may want to change it) lower than normal income rate that you will pay with 401k. Plan 3: still go with 401k, you will have $20000 to start ar tax-deferred investment, in the mean time you pay $2200 tax (37% - 26%) so it will hurt your other investment a little bit. In the end, you may need to withdraw the money in either plan 2 or 3, and pay whatever tax rate at that time. Notice you could end up paying more than the max tax rate in total. For example, you have paid 11% at the beginning, and you may still pay 37% or an even higher rate 20 or 30 years later (image US tax rate may rise up to 60% and if you are rich at that time..) In general plan 3 should still be better than plan 2 because you have a larger amount to start the tax-deferred investment, unless you really want to use every extra penny to do some investment that you can''t do with 401k, such as buying investment properties. That will become hard to compare since the return may be totally different.
真要算清楚的话... 假设没有match(估计match部分也要交税差了),401k limit $20k, and marginal tax rate is 37%. Plan 1: no 401k, $20000 becomes $12600 after tax, you spend this $12600 for travel, food, or whatever.. no tax worry in the future! Plan 2: no 401k, $20000 becomes $12600 after tax, you invest this $12600 in house or stock index. As long as you don''t cash out, it''s like a tax-deferred investment and you will pay long-term capital gain tax in the end. This rate is likely (but Biden may want to change it) lower than normal income rate that you will pay with 401k. Plan 3: still go with 401k, you will have $20000 to start ar tax-deferred investment, in the mean time you pay $2200 tax (37% - 26%) so it will hurt your other investment a little bit. In the end, you may need to withdraw the money in either plan 2 or 3, and pay whatever tax rate at that time. Notice you could end up paying more than the max tax rate in total. For example, you have paid 11% at the beginning, and you may still pay 37% or an even higher rate 20 or 30 years later (image US tax rate may rise up to 60% and if you are rich at that time..) In general plan 3 should still be better than plan 2 because you have a larger amount to start the tax-deferred investment, unless you really want to use every extra penny to do some investment that you can''t do with 401k, such as buying investment properties. That will become hard to compare since the return may be totally different. anye 发表于 2021-02-04 12:35
这个plan 2,搞不好需要重新计划,因为有在考虑对unrealized capital gain 征税。 真是疯狂...
回复 1楼燕的帖子 Are we reading the same thing? The proposed tax credit is 26%, whether you are at $70,000 or $450,000. Today, you are limited by your contribution of $19500, but it sounds like the credit can be worth more under Biden's plan. heartinny 发表于 2021-02-04 10:52
回复 2楼燕的帖子 The tax advantage of contributing to a 401(k) would be reduced for higher earners and increase for low and middle earners. The creation of an automatic 401(k) for workers without access to a workplace retirement account. 这两条都不错嘛。make sense. new_bie 发表于 2021-02-04 11:01
回复 1楼燕的帖子 Are we reading the same thing? The proposed tax credit is 26%, whether you are at $70,000 or $450,000. Today, you are limited by your contribution of $19500, but it sounds like the credit can be worth more under Biden's plan. heartinny 发表于 2021-02-04 10:52
🔥 最新回帖
有些人脑子怎么这么僵化。合不合理其实一个大家可以接受的range,outside the range就会有很多push back。
不是一个cutoff就贴个标签定个性的问题, 也不是高就错,低就对或vice versa的黑白问题。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
The 401(k) tax deduction would disappear. Workers would instead get a tax credit for 401(k) contributions. The tax advantage of contributing to a 401(k) would be reduced for higher earners and increase for low and middle earners. The creation of an automatic 401(k) for workers without access to a workplace retirement account. Allowing caregivers to make catch-up contributions to retirement accounts
Are we reading the same thing? The proposed tax credit is 26%, whether you are at $70,000 or $450,000. Today, you are limited by your contribution of $19500, but it sounds like the credit can be worth more under Biden's plan.
不过归根结底 两党的政策 都是为超富服务的。 所以他们所有政策都是转移美国的真正矛盾:bottom 99.9% vs 0.1%。让你们下面的人自己斗,收入50k vs 200k, abortion, religion。。。
富人谁在乎存401k, 就是中产养老的方式。说什么收富人税,最后都是收到中产身上.
The tax advantage of contributing to a 401(k) would be reduced for higher earners and increase for low and middle earners. The creation of an automatic 401(k) for workers without access to a workplace retirement account.
这两条都不错嘛。make sense.
所有中产可以存after tax
假设没有match(估计match部分也要交税差了),401k limit $20k, and marginal tax rate is 37%.
Plan 1: no 401k, $20000 becomes $12600 after tax, you spend this $12600 for travel, food, or whatever.. no tax worry in the future!
Plan 2: no 401k, $20000 becomes $12600 after tax, you invest this $12600 in house or stock index. As long as you don''t cash out, it''s like a tax-deferred investment and you will pay long-term capital gain tax in the end. This rate is likely (but Biden may want to change it) lower than normal income rate that you will pay with 401k.
Plan 3: still go with 401k, you will have $20000 to start ar tax-deferred investment, in the mean time you pay $2200 tax (37% - 26%) so it will hurt your other investment a little bit.
In the end, you may need to withdraw the money in either plan 2 or 3, and pay whatever tax rate at that time. Notice you could end up paying more than the max tax rate in total. For example, you have paid 11% at the beginning, and you may still pay 37% or an even higher rate 20 or 30 years later (image US tax rate may rise up to 60% and if you are rich at that time..)
In general plan 3 should still be better than plan 2 because you have a larger amount to start the tax-deferred investment, unless you really want to use every extra penny to do some investment that you can''t do with 401k, such as buying investment properties. That will become hard to compare since the return may be totally different.
所以还不如不存,要是退休时还有不少收入税率也不低,还可以通过longterm capital 降税(如果还在的话),亏了钱可以当年抵税
这个plan 2,搞不好需要重新计划,因为有在考虑对unrealized capital gain 征税。 真是疯狂...
和国内感觉一样 都是然后中下层互斗 上层是完全超然在这些之外
你先了解下什么是半数通过什么是多数 supermajority通过吧
26%是对于所有401k flat rate么? 那样很合算啊 现在2020 single的 联邦税 收入20W的整体税率是22%-23%这样吧 我没记错的话 就看新规定里对state tax怎么处理了
不过不觉得这么大的变动能轻松pass congress
401k 省掉的是你的marginal tax rate, 也就是你收入能hit 的最高的那个bracket. 不是你的平均税率。
这个影响和你的marginal tax rate相关,不能用平均税率算。
This is a good point. 现在用tax credit ,取出来用的时候还要交税,这是多重征税。
Marginal rate 20% 以上的就吃亏
注意这个26% 是税后的钱的26%
例子 假设你marginal 20% 现在 100块收入 contribute 100块 省 20块税
新政 100块收入 交税后80 contribute 80 给你26% credit 等于 20块
所以对于marginal rate 20%的人持平 高的吃亏 低的得利
感觉如果真要实施的话,也就最多存到match的部分,剩下的存完roth ira,不如自己股票账号里买基金长期持有了。
所以你的意思是,拜登这个就是撸有钱人的羊毛?中产觉醒就这么难么?401k总共就两万不到,改成credit最大的好处是你的gross income直接上去了。你觉得有钱人会在乎401k?
你想的美呢 富人避税多得很 再不济,对开几个跨国贸易公司 Transfer 玩得溜溜的 你那点遗产税算个啥 人家早就设立各项基金
穷人和中产不斗争 联合起来把富人干掉 那就是革命了