
楼主 (北美华人网)
Q https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2620822&fid=398&page=26 yshe: 对啊,我同意affordable housing ,全民医疗,大学免费,灯塔国应该有灯塔的样子。可惜啊,碰到另外几个话题,就会发现,所谓的有‘同情心’的人比这个帖子里面少多了。 UQ
Perhaps when a nation and its leaders and citizens are willing to support their fellow citizens with manufacturing jobs on top of the above-mentioned supports reasonably, and then ablly to extend their care to other nations and races internationally, we all should be able to see and feel the world great again!  也许当一个国家及其领导人和公民愿意在上述支持的基础上合理地为他们的同胞提供制造业工作,然后又将他们的关怀扩展到其他国家和国际种族时,我们大家都应该能够看到 并再次感受到世界的美好!
<My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。>

小红薯 发表于 2020-11-20 16:58

<乱跳的小虾: insecurity,自己做着阶层跨越的梦又见不得别人阶层跨越。穷人的孩子怎么配和自家的孩子同校,要是上了比自家更好的学校简直要了命了。而实际上呢,不是所有人都信推娃这一套。>

imo, it would be not impossible that 推娃 could be detrimental. Since the pushed-child would loose her/his initiation and curiosity of finding new knowledge from interesting books soon after high school time. Due to persistent pressure of demanding high exam-marks from parrents. Just similar to having a high-pressure job for a child-labour child, rather than enjoying books for pleasure and fun.   
imo,推娃可能有害。 由于受压迫的孩子会在高中毕业后不久就失去自己的自发和对从有趣的书中寻找新知识的好奇心。 由于要求家长给予较高的考试成绩的持续压力。 就像为一个打工的孩子从事高压工作,而不是为了娱乐而享受读书。
As the kid''s natural thinking would be the money should be spent correctly and donated happily to needy families and friends, rather than forcing me to do what you want. 就像孩子的自然想法一样,这笔钱应该正确地使用并愉快地捐赠给有需要的家人和朋友,而不是强迫我去做你想做的事情。
Just my 20 cents!
Q https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_in_the_United_States
Though manufacturing output robustly recovered from the Great Recession to reach an all-time high in 2018, manufacturing employment has been declining since the 1990s. This ''''jobless recovery'''' made job creation or preservation in the manufacturing sector an important topic in the 2016 United States presidential election.[4] 尽管制造业产值从大萧条中强劲复苏至2018年的历史新高,但制造业就业人数自1990年代以来一直在下降。 这种“失业复苏”使得制造业部门的就业创造或保留成为2016年美国总统大选的重要议题。[4]
U.S. manufacturing employment UQ
The labour wages in Germany and Japan are quite high, but it appears they can still have their healthy manufacturing industries. 德国和日本的劳动工资很高,但看来他们仍然可以拥有健康的制造业。
Q 一个国家需要有三大经济产业基础,第一是农业、第二是商业、第三是工业。
所以综上所述,与德国制造企业相比,日本制造企业只学到了他们的技术,却没有学明白他们的精神。而美国制造企业甚至连皮毛都还没有弄明白呢! UQ
Most likely, a farming industry without locally manufactured equipment for adding values would be a waste of utilisation of natural resources. Similarly, a commercial industry without investing in local manufacturing production for adding values would be a waste of utilisation of labour resources.
Without manufacturing industry, a nation would easily lose more and more jobs for many people who require labour jobs. Hence, mid-class jobs would be also diminishing.
如果没有当地制造的增值设备,农业很可能浪费自然资源。 同样,如果没有为增加价值而投资于本地制造业的商业产业,将浪费劳动资源。
没有制造业,一个国家很容易为许多需要劳动的人失去越来越多的工作。 因此,中产阶级的工作也将消失。
Perhaps all products imported to the US must contain a certain percentage of US contents.
While 100% means wholly produced in the US, selecting suitable percentage of local contents could most likely stimulate a lot of manyfacturing jobs and related investments.
Tariffs alone could be just providing relatively passive acts, sometimes even bad for both parties.
This US contents policy would be likely a better policy for stimulating more win-win acts by means of increasing international trades as well increasing domestic jobs of both sides (rather than single side) , possibly better than merely conventional tariffs.
An industrial ethical capitalism approach, to emphasise quality manufacturing jobs, should be better than the conventional capitalism way. 
Most importantly, this US contents policy would stimulate an overseas business party would invest further investment and skills into the US for ensuring more US jobs as well as US contents.
Just 20 cents! 才20美分!
Q Turnaround management is a process dedicated to corporate renewal. It uses analysis and planning to save troubled companies and returns them to solvency, and to identify the reasons for failing performance in the market, and rectify them.
Turnaround management - Wikipedia
As a domestic-content for imported-goods policy is implemented, the domestic-content could be strategically defined as a percentage measure, or a component specific, or a combination of both. When compining with robotic-worker manufacturing, some key components such as motors, compressors, engines, ICs, etc, could be produced in the US before importing from Asian countries their final assemblies that use the key components.
在实施进口商品的内含物政策时,可以从战略上将内含物定义为百分比度量或特定于组件的内容,或两者结合。 与机器人工人的制造相结合时,一些关键组件(例如电动机,压缩机,引擎,IC等)可能会在美国生产,然后再从亚洲国家进口使用这些关键组件的最终组件。
This kind of industrial ethical capitalism economy to strategically provide employment jobs and generate production values could be also a part of peace-building protocol. Otherwise, mainly weapons and guns would be produced domestically, that would simply increase international wars (by military weapons), or domeastic conflicts (by guns).
这种从战略上提供就业机会并创造生产价值的工业伦理资本主义经济也可能是缔造和平协议的一部分。 否则,将主要在国内生产武器和枪支,这只会增加国际战争(通过军事武器)或国内冲突(通过枪支)。
I think the general consumers would need to pay higher price for their goods but the incremental cost should be well justified for a stable society. 我认为普通消费者将需要为他们的商品支付更高的价格,但是增加的成本对于稳定的社会应该是合理的。