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As a half-Chinese 22 year old without a Latino bone in my body, I created a position for myself on the Bush campaign, running President Bush’s previously non-existent National Hispanic Coalition. I figured the President would benefit from speaking directly to the Hispanic population about his vision for America” she wrote on her profile for Disruptive Thinkers, a forum for young entrepreneurs.
Gitsham is fluent in Mandarin, and said she regularly visited China, but she does not speak Portuguese or Spanish, the two major languages in Latin America.
As a half-Chinese 22 year old without a Latino bone in my body, I created a position for myself on the Bush campaign, running President Bush’s previously non-existent National Hispanic Coalition. I figured the President would benefit from speaking directly to the Hispanic population about his vision for America” she wrote on her profile for Disruptive Thinkers, a forum for young entrepreneurs.
Gitsham is fluent in Mandarin, and said she regularly visited China, but she does not speak Portuguese or Spanish, the two major languages in Latin America.
你觉得这是OK的?人现在意识到ASIAN的选票重要出来当ASIAN了,以前干吗去了?不是为HISPANIC服务吗? But when Gitsham’s background wasn’t entirely obvious the uncertainty has worked to her political advantage. It helped her get work during George W. Bush’s 2000 campaign for president, she said. “I’m just ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything, and as a result ended up as a Hispanic coalitions coordinator,” she said in a speech Wednesday at C-PAC. “One of my responsibilities was figuring out how to speak to Latino voters in a way that resonated with them, and help them realize without party affiliations or labels, they were in fact conservatives,” added Gitsham, who is running to unseat Democratic incumbent Scott Peters. “The results confirmed what we already knew, that Hispanics are in fact fiscal and social conservatives, they just hadn’t realized it yet.”
As a half-Chinese 22 year old without a Latino bone in my body, I created a position for myself on the Bush campaign, running President Bush’s previously non-existent National Hispanic Coalition. I figured the President would benefit from speaking directly to the Hispanic population about his vision for America” she wrote on her profile for Disruptive Thinkers, a forum for young entrepreneurs.
Gitsham is fluent in Mandarin, and said she regularly visited China, but she does not speak Portuguese or Spanish, the two major languages in Latin America.
As a half-Chinese 22 year old without a Latino bone in my body, I created a position for myself on the Bush campaign, running President Bush’s previously non-existent National Hispanic Coalition. I figured the President would benefit from speaking directly to the Hispanic population about his vision for America” she wrote on her profile for Disruptive Thinkers, a forum for young entrepreneurs.
Gitsham is fluent in Mandarin, and said she regularly visited China, but she does not speak Portuguese or Spanish, the two major languages in Latin America.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
是南加圣地亚哥地区的共和党candidate. 加州华人需要华裔共和党。
跟我有毛关系? 我从头到尾有说让人捐款了吗?我只评价了一下了她的政见,我一向支持共和党,另外指出政治捐款的不同。只是看不惯你莫名其妙就人身攻击,出来说几句,你就人肉我。你才是另有agenda的吧?
人有发帖的自由,你有不捐的自由。别跟那些double standard的liberal 那样,自己可以随便抗议,别人说的不合自己意就上窜下跳。
House candidate Gitsham said she passed as Hispanic
Gitsham said she is “ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything” and got Hispanic outreach job
Gitsham is fluent in Mandarin, and said she regularly visited China, but she does not speak Portuguese or Spanish, the two major languages in Latin America.
“One of my responsibilities was figuring out how to speak to Latino voters in a way that resonated with them, and help them realize without party affiliations or labels, they were in fact conservatives,” added Gitsham, who is running to unseat Democratic incumbent Scott Peters. “The results confirmed what we already knew, that Hispanics are in fact fiscal and social conservatives, they just hadn’t realized it yet.”
但我个人认为 支持候选人就去 他们自己的 正规网站比较安全。