Your donation of $50.00 was successful. Dear xxxxxx
Thank you so much for your generous support. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but with your help, we're one step closer to changing "business as usual" in Washington. I look forward to keeping you abreast of campaign events in the weeks and months ahead, and am proud to call you part of my team.
Your donation of $50.00 was successful. Dear xxxxxx
Thank you so much for your generous support. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but with your help, we're one step closer to changing "business as usual" in Washington. I look forward to keeping you abreast of campaign events in the weeks and months ahead, and am proud to call you part of my team.
你这么懂政治, 很佩服。 能不能你提个大家应该支持的政治人物, 我们看看能不能follow一下。 要不然华人不出钱, 不出选票, 就永远处在吃亏的地位。 我不反对大家选出多个我们应该支持的政客, 在关键时帮我们说话, 别到了关键时刻没有人替我们说话。
如果你推荐的人可以, 我可以放到我的微信群, 一大群人同意他的理念的话, 都会捐款。 关键是你能推荐出这个我们应该支持的人
Your donation of $50.00 was successful.
Dear xxxxxx
Thank you so much for your generous support. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but with your help, we're one step closer to changing "business as usual" in Washington. I look forward to keeping you abreast of campaign events in the weeks and months ahead, and am proud to call you part of my team.
Onward and upward!
她的另一半血统是欧洲的, 不是西裔
政治捐款是必须的, 犹太人就是通过捐款政治改变了他们的孩子上大学的歧视。 我们再不关心政治, 不捐款, 不投票, 就永远处于被宰割的命运
这里没有人要求你必须捐款啊, 只是在这里提出来,你去看看觉得她对, 支持她, 愿意捐就捐, 捐款没有逼人捐的。 一顿饭是人家的捐款口号, 在哪里都是
并且帖子内容已经偏离原来的主题,出现id 针对违反版规内容, 帖子锁定关闭!、