之前我也根据网友提供的DC Medstar 的网址去大致看了一下, Dr Paul Sugarbaker 也的确在这家医院工作,在他们的Billing Department上,有比较详细的billing procedure, 我贴出来有了解更清楚到人分析一下,我是大概的看了下,貌似并不像当初募捐时说的那样, 私人医院必须预付款,人家有Financial Assistance 的,账单也是在discharge之后才给患者。也许我还漏掉了什么,请指教,http://www.medstarwashington.org/for-patients/patients-and-visitors/billing-and-insurance/understanding-the-billing-process/#q={} Pre-admission If you are covered by insurance, it is always a good idea to be familiar with your insurance plan and/or contact your insurance carrier before coming to the hospital. Understanding your referral, authorization, and financial requirements will help avoid any potential delays or issues.
Financial Assistance If you do not have insurance, please visit or call the Financial Clearance Department at 1-800-280-9006, TDD Relay Number 711. We have many different payment plans and financial assistance options, and our financial counselors will work with you to determine if you are eligible for medical assistance or self-pay discounts.
Hospital Billing Statements MedStar Washington Hospital Center bills for its employed-physician services separately from its hospital services. Therefore, most patients will receive at least two bills from MedStar Washington Hospital Center: one for hospital (facility) services and one for hospital employed physician services. You also may receive other bills from non-MedStar Washington Hospital Center staff that are related to your stay at the hospital.
Inpatient Facility Statements If you have insurance, a claim for payment will be sent to your insurance company within a week of your discharge from the hospital. At the same time, you will be sent an informational statement notifying you that your insurance has been billed. Once your insurance company has made payment, you will be billed for any charges or portion your insurance company did not cover. Subsequent monthly statements and/or letters will be sent to you indicating your new balance after any payments or adjustments.
If you are an uninsured (self-pay) patient, you will be sent an itemized bill requesting payment-in-full within a week of your discharge and subsequent monthly statements and/or letters indicating your new balance after payments or adjustments.
Outpatient Facility Statements If you are covered by insurance, a bill will be sent to your insurance company within a week of your visit to the hospital. Once your insurance responds, we will send a bill listing a summary of charges, insurance payment and/or adjustment, and any amount not covered by insurance. Monthly statements and/or letters will be sent to you indicating your new balance after any payments, adjustments or new charges.
Physician Billing If you are covered by insurance, your services will be billed to your insurance carrier. Once payment is received from your insurance carrier, you will receive our bill for all remaining balances.
*Please note that multiple billing departments exist for Physician billing services. For fastest service, please use the contact information that appears on the bill.
如果是真的, 就bless了.
你要是想退可以给她send request让她退, 看她们会不会退,不过我看她们钱都转移到另一个账户里了估计也不会退找各种理由借口推脱的。但是我这两天看这进展挺生气的... 两百刀换成1300 人民币真的可以捐助国内一个困难的贫困学生一学期呢。
不是,主要是我走的friends and family. PayPal 如果走service 好像buyer protection 是两周时限
不会吧, 我也不认识她啊。 就直接看她的fb,https://www.facebook.com/zaowang?fref=ufi&pnref=story
20小时前: ”对酒当歌,人生几何。明天一切顺利!I will always be there for you, my friend.“
好奇怪, 我可以看见她21号找看护的。 也可以看见她20小时以前的,还有下面留言。不知道为什么你们看不见。
我还真看了, 和她没有任何共同好友。 八杆子打不着的啊。
刚刚人家告诉我,我才恍然大悟我们是有共同朋友的, 本来以为她的那条信息是public. 那我就还是设个魅力吧。
我当初也是这么想的...帮着省点手续费, 结果现在倒霉了,也不能怪别人,我自己智商交税了
这样啊? 我不太会用fb.
因为这事, 我专门去点了她的fb,还点了她的”friends", 只看见2照片, 都是不认识的人。 所以我assume我们没有共同呢。
我觉得有2个可能,1. 之前王藻被骂的很厉害,私生活也被暴露,可能感情受到伤害,所以干脆破罐破摔,不负责任,不上传。2. 可能觉得手上的资料不全,更新只会引发更多的质疑。
打个不合适的比方 很多人买了衣服会回去退 可能是一个意思吧 回家想了想 又觉得心里不熨帖了
医疗不比修车。就是修车,mechanic 也会有因情况改变计划的行为。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
If you are covered by insurance, it is always a good idea to be familiar with your insurance plan and/or contact your insurance carrier before coming to the hospital. Understanding your referral, authorization, and financial requirements will help avoid any potential delays or issues.
Financial Assistance
If you do not have insurance, please visit or call the Financial Clearance Department at 1-800-280-9006, TDD Relay Number 711. We have many different payment plans and financial assistance options, and our financial counselors will work with you to determine if you are eligible for medical assistance or self-pay discounts.
Hospital Billing Statements
MedStar Washington Hospital Center bills for its employed-physician services separately from its hospital services. Therefore, most patients will receive at least two bills from MedStar Washington Hospital Center: one for hospital (facility) services and one for hospital employed physician services. You also may receive other bills from non-MedStar Washington Hospital Center staff that are related to your stay at the hospital.
Inpatient Facility Statements
If you have insurance, a claim for payment will be sent to your insurance company within a week of your discharge from the hospital. At the same time, you will be sent an informational statement notifying you that your insurance has been billed. Once your insurance company has made payment, you will be billed for any charges or portion your insurance company did not cover. Subsequent monthly statements and/or letters will be sent to you indicating your new balance after any payments or adjustments.
If you are an uninsured (self-pay) patient, you will be sent an itemized bill requesting payment-in-full within a week of your discharge and subsequent monthly statements and/or letters indicating your new balance after payments or adjustments.
Outpatient Facility Statements
If you are covered by insurance, a bill will be sent to your insurance company within a week of your visit to the hospital. Once your insurance responds, we will send a bill listing a summary of charges, insurance payment and/or adjustment, and any amount not covered by insurance. Monthly statements and/or letters will be sent to you indicating your new balance after any payments, adjustments or new charges.
Physician Billing
If you are covered by insurance, your services will be billed to your insurance carrier. Once payment is received from your insurance carrier, you will receive our bill for all remaining balances.
*Please note that multiple billing departments exist for Physician billing services. For fastest service, please use the contact information that appears on the bill.
我觉得,有些捐款人捐之前就算有疑问,仍然被感动了,同时觉得,不清楚的地方会很快被解释清楚的,毕竟第一次募捐嘛,难免有疏漏。记得当初持这个观点的MM挺多的。然后一封署名安安老公的google doc是第一次质疑大潮的起点。
那是因为你直接把人家当小偷,我只把人家看成“经营不善”,standard不一样呗。 而且我读那个英文的文章,读出来就是拼命一博的意思。
这个medstar不是正规医院?dc地区最大的医院,george washington university med school的teaching hospital。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
就是说是否有crime 发生都未知,对不对?
也不知这是急个啥,个个都是预知未来的oracle 一样。
你查出来的内容是对的。但是没用,先前募捐党以忙为借口不给看押金收据。一切疑问都得靠网友自问自答。OR report,或者surgical notes第二天肯定出来,等着看!那种文档做不来假的。
没关系的 随便归