Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions Iran appears to be in a race against the clock to improve the accuracy of its ballistic missile arsenal in the wake of the nuclear agreement signed in July. Iran这是为了和核武器配合,加紧研究导弹吗? luckyso 发表于 12/7/2015 11:15:44 PM
Washington (CNN)The House overwhelmingly passed legislation on Tuesday (407 to 19) that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program and bar those from Iraq, Syria, Iran and the Sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the United States without a visa. 我今天看到了这个,是不是trump先得到了消息,所以抢先发表statement, 迫使house的决议看着像实现他的部分idea? Timing非常巧啊
【辟谣,Trump根本没说过要实施msl数据库,媒体扭曲】大家来聊primary吧 Washington (CNN)The House overwhelmingly passed legislation on Tuesday (407 to 19) that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program and bar those from Iraq, Syria, Iran and the Sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the United States without a visa. 我今天看到了这个,是不是trump先得到了消息,所以抢先发表statement, 迫使house的决议看着像实现他的部分idea? Timing非常巧啊luckyso 发表于 2015-12-08 18:54 PM
Washington (CNN)The House overwhelmingly passed legislation on Tuesday (407 to 19) that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program and bar those from Iraq, Syria, Iran and the Sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the United States without a visa. 我今天看到了这个,是不是trump先得到了消息,所以抢先发表statement, 迫使house的决议看着像实现他的部分idea? Timing非常巧啊
Washington (CNN)The House overwhelmingly passed legislation on Tuesday (407 to 19) that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program and bar those from Iraq, Syria, Iran and the Sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the United States without a visa. 我今天看到了这个,是不是trump先得到了消息,所以抢先发表statement, 迫使house的决议看着像实现他的部分idea? Timing非常巧啊
One of the Middle East’s largest retailers, the Landmark Group, said it was pulling all Trump-branded products from its shelves.
Last month, Khalaf Habtoor, head of the Dubai-based Al Habtoor Group, said he had admired Trump’s outspokenness and believed that the U.S. was lacking strong leadership.
“I was wrong and I do not mind admitting it. My support for America's front-running Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was a mistake,” he wrote in the UAE-based daily the National.
Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta, the highest religious authority for issuing Islamic edicts, said: “Trump’s hate rhetoric, which describes Muslims as a threat to the American community, is totally erroneous since Islam exhorts peace and coexistence among all humans, and it is unfair to blame all Muslims for the action of a minority that manipulates the fundamentals of the religion.”
Trump’s comments raised concern among some of the many Middle Eastern businesspeople, academics and others who travel regularly to the United States.
Mosharraf Zaidi, a Pakistani commentator, tweeted: "The damage Trump is doing is permanent. His supporters are never going to go back to keeping it pent up inside. He's destroying America."
Time Person of the Year: German Chancellor Angela Merkel Named Winner of Magazine Award The magazine referenced Merkel's role in the refugee and migrant situation in Europe and Germany's central position in the Greek debt crisis in its decision. She is the fourth woman to earn the honor. 无语啊。。。历史会给她正确评判的
Ted Cruz: GOP Presidential Candidate Outlines Plan Allowing Governors to Reject Refugees According to Cruz, the State Refugee Security Act is designed to “protect authority of the states” by allowing governors to “opt out” of refugee programs. Cruz是干实事的人,而且是法律专家,他辅佐Trump正好!
The third man who unleashed carnage at the Bataclan theater in Paris last month has been identified as Foued Mohamed-Aggad -- a 23-year-old from eastern France who traveled to Syria two years ago.
Ted Cruz: GOP Presidential Candidate Outlines Plan Allowing Governors to Reject Refugees According to Cruz, the State Refugee Security Act is designed to “protect authority of the states” by allowing governors to “opt out” of refugee programs. Cruz是干实事的人,而且是法律专家,他辅佐Trump正好! luckyso 发表于 12/9/2015 12:10:57 PM
Time Person of the Year: German Chancellor Angela Merkel Named Winner of Magazine Award The magazine referenced Merkel's role in the refugee and migrant situation in Europe and Germany's central position in the Greek debt crisis in its decision. She is the fourth woman to earn the honor. 无语啊。。。历史会给她正确评判的 luckyso 发表于 12/9/2015 12:02:12 PM
临时暂停某类移民有先例: Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527 These three proclamations were signed by president Franklin D. Roosevelt shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Citing the Alien and Sedition Acts as precedence, these proclamations restricted the entry and naturalization of Japanese, Germans, and Italians respectively.
In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters today, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, currently at the center of a political firestorm over his proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., responded to critics' concerns that his rhetoric might help ISIS attract new recruits.
"I'm the worst thing that ever happened to ISIS. The people in my party fully understand that -- they're running against me. For the most part, they have no poll numbers. I'm leading by a lot. They get it. They're trying to get publicity for themselves," Trump said. "You know when I came out against illegal immigration, everybody said the same thing. Two weeks later, everybody was on my side, including the members of my own party."
Trump released a statement on Monday calling for a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S. until "our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
His supporters stood by the New York real estate mogul's comments as some Democrats and Republicans banded together to condemn his remarks. Earlier today, Trump compared the plan to that of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who limited the rights of Japanese, German and Italian nationals in the U.S. after the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
"It's short term," he said today of the proposed ban. "Let our country get its act together. ... It could be very quickly if our country could get its act together. ... We need toughness and smartness and we have to do it quickly."
When asked by Walters whether he regretted the proposal, Trump said: "Not at all. We have to do the right thing. Somebody in this country has to say what's right."
Trump went on to say that that Americans needed to "get tough" on terror.
"They [terrorists] knocked down the World Trade Center -- they tried doing it twice. Other things have happened. ... There are people that have tremendously bad intentions. We have to be tough, we have to be smart and we have to be vigilant," he said.
Trump said that he had "tremendous relationships" with people in the Muslim community and that they agreed with his sentiments 100 percent. He also denied that he is a bigot and said that he was thinking about the future of the U.S.
"I'm a person who has common sense. I'm a smart person. I know how to run things. I know how to make America great again. This is about making America great," he said.
In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters today, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, currently at the center of a political firestorm over his proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., responded to critics' concerns that his rhetoric might help ISIS attract new recruits.
"I'm the worst thing that ever happened to ISIS. The people in my party fully understand that -- they're running against me. For the most part, they have no poll numbers. I'm leading by a lot. They get it. They're trying to get publicity for themselves," Trump said. "You know when I came out against illegal immigration, everybody said the same thing. Two weeks later, everybody was on my side, including the members of my own party."
Trump released a statement on Monday calling for a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S. until "our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
His supporters stood by the New York real estate mogul's comments as some Democrats and Republicans banded together to condemn his remarks. Earlier today, Trump compared the plan to that of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who limited the rights of Japanese, German and Italian nationals in the U.S. after the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
"It's short term," he said today of the proposed ban. "Let our country get its act together. ... It could be very quickly if our country could get its act together. ... We need toughness and smartness and we have to do it quickly."
When asked by Walters whether he regretted the proposal, Trump said: "Not at all. We have to do the right thing. Somebody in this country has to say what's right."
Trump went on to say that that Americans needed to "get tough" on terror.
"They [terrorists] knocked down the World Trade Center -- they tried doing it twice. Other things have happened. ... There are people that have tremendously bad intentions. We have to be tough, we have to be smart and we have to be vigilant," he said.
Trump said that he had "tremendous relationships" with people in the Muslim community and that they agreed with his sentiments 100 percent. He also denied that he is a bigot and said that he was thinking about the future of the U.S.
"I'm a person who has common sense. I'm a smart person. I know how to run things. I know how to make America great again. This is about making America great," he said. luckyso 发表于 12/9/2015 1:12:00 PM
FBI director: U.S. is facing greatest threat from terrorist groups since 9/11, Terrorists' ability to have a safe haven increases their ability to mount a sophisticated attack against the U.S., he added
临时暂停某类移民有先例: Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527 These three proclamations were signed by president Franklin D. Roosevelt shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Citing the Alien and Sedition Acts as precedence, these proclamations restricted the entry and naturalization of Japanese, Germans, and Italians respectively. luckyso 发表于 12/9/2015 12:31:44 PM
当然有先例了 难道都忘了历史上的“排华法案”了 EXCLUSION OF CHINESE 只要是华人,别管从哪来都不允许移民美国
所以反对TRUMP这个提议的人不是脑子进了水(真是不得不说点粗话), 就是无意义地为了反对而反对 暂停这些人进入美国,这是对所有在美国人的安全的一个最起码的保障,现在恐怖分子在暗处,我们在明处,防不胜防,真不知道还要多少条人命才能唤醒这些人?? 真像TRUMP 说的,foolish people 真多
'Trump's not wrong – we can't wear uniform in our OWN cars': Five police officers claim Donald Trump is RIGHT about parts of London being so 'radicalised' they are no-go areas UK也被卷进来了,Trump又说了大实话,英国领导人否认,群众出来指出真相,路子和前两天那个911庆祝的一样。看来全世界的politician和媒体都是一个套路:
An officer from Yorkshire said on the online forum Police.Community: 'I'm not allowed to travel in half blues to work anymore IN MY OWN CAR as we're 'All at risk of attack' - yet as soon as someone points out the obvious it's 'divisive.' He added: 'In this instance he (Trump) isn't wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous. 'He's pointed out something that is plainly obvious, something which I think we aren't as a nation willing to own up to - do you think a US Police Department would ban officers from wearing their uniforms under jackets etc due to FEAR of their cops being killed by extremists? 'We implement half measures such as 'No-one is allowed to come into work half blues, even in your own cars because if you get beheaded it'll be your own fault. 'It would be seen as un-American, un-democratic, not the done thing... In the UK though we accept it'. One female officer in the Met said if a police officer was attacked it would be written off. She said: 'Even if one of us did get killed or dragged off in a van. It would just be reported as a 'one-off incident' and no reason to change the 'British style of policing.'
Germany has officially received one million asylum seekers in 2015. The figure has exceeded all official expectations, but may in fact be an underestimate as it takes time to register newcomers in the country’s ‘EASY’ computer system.
'Trump's not wrong – we can't wear uniform in our OWN cars': Five police officers claim Donald Trump is RIGHT about parts of London being so 'radicalised' they are no-go areas UK也被卷进来了,Trump又说了大实话,英国领导人否认,群众出来指出真相,路子和前两天那个911庆祝的一样。看来全世界的politician和媒体都是一个套路:
An officer from Yorkshire said on the online forum Police.Community: 'I'm not allowed to travel in half blues to work anymore IN MY OWN CAR as we're 'All at risk of attack' - yet as soon as someone points out the obvious it's 'divisive.' He added: 'In this instance he (Trump) isn't wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous. 'He's pointed out something that is plainly obvious, something which I think we aren't as a nation willing to own up to - do you think a US Police Department would ban officers from wearing their uniforms under jackets etc due to FEAR of their cops being killed by extremists? 'We implement half measures such as 'No-one is allowed to come into work half blues, even in your own cars because if you get beheaded it'll be your own fault. 'It would be seen as un-American, un-democratic, not the done thing... In the UK though we accept it'. One female officer in the Met said if a police officer was attacked it would be written off. She said: 'Even if one of us did get killed or dragged off in a van. It would just be reported as a 'one-off incident' and no reason to change the 'British style of policing.'
Germany has officially received one million asylum seekers in 2015. The figure has exceeded all official expectations, but may in fact be an underestimate as it takes time to register newcomers in the country’s ‘EASY’ computer system. luckyso 发表于 12/9/2015 2:50:37 PM
Jimmy Carter: Social Media Users Compare Donald Trump's Muslim Block to Ex-President's Iranian Ban In 1980, Carter banned Iranians from entering the U.S. during the Iran hostage crisis. Social media users compared these actions to Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the country.
And while those French investigators have been called racists, a Langy-sur-Marne based mosque was raided this week anyway… And they found a large collection of 7.62 Kalashnikov ammo along with boxes of Islamic State (ISIS) propaganda videos.
Authorities also raided one of the mosque’s leader’s homes, and found a revolver hidden near jihadist documents.
Trump Leads By 25 Points Over Nearest Rival In New Zogby Poll • Donald Trump: 38% • Ben Carson: 13% • Marco Rubio: 12% • Ted Cruz: 8% • Jeb Bush: 7% • Chris Christie: 4% • Carly Fiorina: 3% • Others/Not Sure: 16% The entire poll was conducted after Trump’s controversial remarks about banning Muslims from entering the United States. His 38% is the highest percentage he has received yet in a Zogby Poll.
Trump Leads By 25 Points Over Nearest Rival In New Zogby Poll • Donald Trump: 38% • Ben Carson: 13% • Marco Rubio: 12% • Ted Cruz: 8% • Jeb Bush: 7% • Chris Christie: 4% • Carly Fiorina: 3% • Others/Not Sure: 16% The entire poll was conducted after Trump’s controversial remarks about banning Muslims from entering the United States. His 38% is the highest percentage he has received yet in a Zogby Poll.
luckyso 发表于 12/9/2015 6:24:07 PM
With regard to his remarks about banning muslims, I do think he should be careful about what he says in the future. He has his personal opinion, but as a presidential candidate, he needs to be more rational and reasonable in public speaking to convince people that he has the maturity and quality to lead this country.
Afghan men training at Georgia Air Force base reported missing
Two men from Afghanistan who are undergoing training at an Air Force base in Georgia have been reported missing, officials said Tuesday.
Officials at Moody Air Force Base, near Valdosta, said in a statement the two students didn’t report Monday to “their regular maintenance training” with the 81st Fighter Squadron.
The two men have been training at the base since February and “were screened prior to their arrival in the United States more than a year ago,” according to the statement. "There's zero evidence that these guys are terrorists," said Brian Childress, police chief in Valdosta, which is near Moody Air Force Base.
Afghan men training at Georgia Air Force base reported missing
Two men from Afghanistan who are undergoing training at an Air Force base in Georgia have been reported missing, officials said Tuesday.
Officials at Moody Air Force Base, near Valdosta, said in a statement the two students didn’t report Monday to “their regular maintenance training” with the 81st Fighter Squadron.
With regard to his remarks about banning muslims, I do think he should be careful about what he says in the future. He has his personal opinion, but as a presidential candidate, he needs to be more rational and reasonable in public speaking to convince people that he has the maturity and quality to lead this country.
Trump Leads By 25 Points Over Nearest Rival In New Zogby Poll • Donald Trump: 38% • Ben Carson: 13% • Marco Rubio: 12% • Ted Cruz: 8% • Jeb Bush: 7% • Chris Christie: 4% • Carly Fiorina: 3% • Others/Not Sure: 16% The entire poll was conducted after Trump’s controversial remarks about banning Muslims from entering the United States. His 38% is the highest percentage he has received yet in a Zogby Poll.
Trump leads with 35 percent among South Carolina Republican primary voters. Ben Carson gets 15 percent, and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio receive 14 percent each.
business insider八月的新闻:
ISIS is ramping up its state-building project in its Libyan 'capital'
嗯。而且我不明白啊,trump明明说的是umtil our government figured out what the heck is goimg on, 怎么到了媒体上就一致的全是全面禁止了? 难道在搞清楚之前禁止不是对国土安全负责的做法么? 非要什么都不干就张开双臂拥抱MSL才行?
问题是当你这个travel ban带来的社会问题会远远大于你减少的这些单蹦恐怖袭击,还敢不敢这么做
现在trump是赌美国穆斯林是少数人口(0.9%)。但就这样也有500-1200万穆斯林。他这一travel ban直接影响这500-1200万人的利益。这些穆斯林不光有中东的,还有黑的黄的白的。各行各业,不同能量。跟这么多人做对做带来的利益是不是大于伤害,谁敢保障?
[color=#999999]树 发表于 12/8/2015 1:59:15 AM [/color][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote]
只要来人就会混入恐怖分子。。。同样可以说, 只要美国还有边境, 就有可能有恐怖分子偷渡过来, 只要本土还有喘气的, 就有可能极端化成为圣战者。以此逻辑, 床铺砌墙禁止所有穆斯林入境简直是太正确了
Washington (CNN)The House overwhelmingly passed legislation on Tuesday (407 to 19) that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program and bar those from Iraq, Syria, Iran and the Sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the United States without a visa.
我今天看到了这个,是不是trump先得到了消息,所以抢先发表statement, 迫使house的决议看着像实现他的部分idea? Timing非常巧啊
Trump’s anti-Muslim remarks spark outrage in the Gulf
One of the Middle East’s largest retailers, the Landmark Group, said it was pulling all Trump-branded products from its shelves.
Last month, Khalaf Habtoor, head of the Dubai-based Al Habtoor Group, said he had admired Trump’s outspokenness and believed that the U.S. was lacking strong leadership.
“I was wrong and I do not mind admitting it. My support for America's front-running Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was a mistake,” he wrote in the UAE-based daily the National.
Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta, the highest religious authority for issuing Islamic edicts, said: “Trump’s hate rhetoric, which describes Muslims as a threat to the American community, is totally erroneous since Islam exhorts peace and coexistence among all humans, and it is unfair to blame all Muslims for the action of a minority that manipulates the fundamentals of the religion.”
Trump’s comments raised concern among some of the many Middle Eastern businesspeople, academics and others who travel regularly to the United States.
Mosharraf Zaidi, a Pakistani commentator, tweeted: "The damage Trump is doing is permanent. His supporters are never going to go back to keeping it pent up inside. He's destroying America."
前一阵不少GOP说只收基督教的难民,怎么Trump一说,马上就改口说“religious test“违反constitution了呢?自己打自己脸吗?
还有有个mayor居然说ban Trump去他的那个city, 那才是违法好不好。outrage的智商都没了。。。
在内奸的帖子贴的,也转到这里,支持有common sense的人,这个世界已经被各种左派搞的是非颠倒,精神错乱了,该清醒清醒了
common sense的东西,还是清醒一点吧
The magazine referenced Merkel's role in the refugee and migrant situation in Europe and Germany's central position in the Greek debt crisis in its decision. She is the fourth woman to earn the honor.
According to Cruz, the State Refugee Security Act is designed to “protect authority of the states” by allowing governors to “opt out” of refugee programs.
Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527
These three proclamations were signed by president Franklin D. Roosevelt shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Citing the Alien and Sedition Acts as precedence, these proclamations restricted the entry and naturalization of Japanese, Germans, and Italians respectively.
他们一贯如此,也就见怪不怪了,说点啥都outrage,这就是左派清新的问题,outrage bar太低,而且经常overreact,别人阐述不同见解是受宪法保护的,他们的一些做法,比如像ban Trump进入某个城市是违反法律的。
In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters today, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, currently at the center of a political firestorm over his proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., responded to critics' concerns that his rhetoric might help ISIS attract new recruits.
"I'm the worst thing that ever happened to ISIS. The people in my party fully understand that -- they're running against me. For the most part, they have no poll numbers. I'm leading by a lot. They get it. They're trying to get publicity for themselves," Trump said. "You know when I came out against illegal immigration, everybody said the same thing. Two weeks later, everybody was on my side, including the members of my own party."
Trump released a statement on Monday calling for a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S. until "our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
His supporters stood by the New York real estate mogul's comments as some Democrats and Republicans banded together to condemn his remarks. Earlier today, Trump compared the plan to that of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who limited the rights of Japanese, German and Italian nationals in the U.S. after the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
"It's short term," he said today of the proposed ban. "Let our country get its act together. ... It could be very quickly if our country could get its act together. ... We need toughness and smartness and we have to do it quickly."
When asked by Walters whether he regretted the proposal, Trump said: "Not at all. We have to do the right thing. Somebody in this country has to say what's right."
Trump went on to say that that Americans needed to "get tough" on terror.
"They [terrorists] knocked down the World Trade Center -- they tried doing it twice. Other things have happened. ... There are people that have tremendously bad intentions. We have to be tough, we have to be smart and we have to be vigilant," he said.
Trump said that he had "tremendous relationships" with people in the Muslim community and that they agreed with his sentiments 100 percent. He also denied that he is a bigot and said that he was thinking about the future of the U.S.
"I'm a person who has common sense. I'm a smart person. I know how to run things. I know how to make America great again. This is about making America great," he said.
Thank you @JebBush- you finally get it!
难道都忘了历史上的“排华法案”了 EXCLUSION OF CHINESE
所以反对TRUMP这个提议的人不是脑子进了水(真是不得不说点粗话), 就是无意义地为了反对而反对
真像TRUMP 说的,foolish people 真多
好像有人发起PETITION 要求奥巴辞职的
An officer from Yorkshire said on the online forum Police.Community: 'I'm not allowed to travel in half blues to work anymore IN MY OWN CAR as we're 'All at risk of attack' - yet as soon as someone points out the obvious it's 'divisive.'
He added: 'In this instance he (Trump) isn't wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous.
'He's pointed out something that is plainly obvious, something which I think we aren't as a nation willing to own up to - do you think a US Police Department would ban officers from wearing their uniforms under jackets etc due to FEAR of their cops being killed by extremists?
'We implement half measures such as 'No-one is allowed to come into work half blues, even in your own cars because if you get beheaded it'll be your own fault.
'It would be seen as un-American, un-democratic, not the done thing... In the UK though we accept it'.
One female officer in the Met said if a police officer was attacked it would be written off.
She said: 'Even if one of us did get killed or dragged off in a van. It would just be reported as a 'one-off incident' and no reason to change the 'British style of policing.'
In 1980, Carter banned Iranians from entering the U.S. during the Iran hostage crisis. Social media users compared these actions to Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the country.
Authorities also raided one of the mosque’s leader’s homes, and found a revolver hidden near jihadist documents.
Read more:
• Jeb Bush: 7% • Chris Christie: 4% • Carly Fiorina: 3% • Others/Not Sure: 16%
The entire poll was conducted after Trump’s controversial remarks about banning Muslims from entering the United States. His 38% is the highest percentage he has received yet in a Zogby Poll.
With regard to his remarks about banning muslims, I do think he should be careful about what he says in the future. He has his personal opinion, but as a presidential candidate, he needs to be more rational and reasonable in public speaking to convince people that he has the maturity and quality to lead this country.
Two men from Afghanistan who are undergoing training at an Air Force base in Georgia have been reported missing, officials said Tuesday.
Officials at Moody Air Force Base, near Valdosta, said in a statement the two students didn’t report Monday to “their regular maintenance training” with the 81st Fighter Squadron.
The two men have been training at the base since February and “were screened prior to their arrival in the United States more than a year ago,” according to the statement. "There's zero evidence that these guys are terrorists," said Brian Childress, police chief in Valdosta, which is near Moody Air Force Base.
Rand Paul把所有穆斯林国家都列出来了?这样就PC了?晕死。
Trump leads with 35 percent among South Carolina Republican primary voters. Ben Carson gets 15 percent, and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio receive 14 percent each.