好想知道OB和老妖婆要怎么表示啊? 他这算不算里应外合帮助ISIS袭击美国? OB应该自动下台谢罪吧? House committee chair: ISIS has tried to use the refugee process to enter the United States POSTED AT 6:01 PM ON DECEMBER 7, 2015 BY ALLAHPUNDIT
The righty take: This proves that the process for Syrian refugees is a risk and should be suspended. The lefty take: This proves that the process works since it sniffed these guys out before they made it over here. Or rather, it sniffed out the ones we know about.
The devil’s in the details. I hope McCaul clarifies and explains, to whatever extent he’s permitted given the natsec concerns, how the feds figured this out. Do they think jihadis are posing as refugees even now, or is this something ISIS tried once a few years ago and then apparently abandoned because the vetting was too exacting?
“ISIS members in Syria have attempted to exploit it to get into the United States,” McCaul said during a speech at the National Defense University on Monday.
“The U.S. government has information to indicate that individuals tied to terrorist groups in Syria have already attempted to gain access to our country through the U. S. refugee program.”
McCaul would not say specifically who informed him and other lawmakers about the revelation, only describing the sources as “elements of the intelligence community.”
“That was very courageous for them to come forward with this, to tell me about this personally, given the political debate on the Hill,” he added, suggesting that the news did not come from intelligence leaders.
Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions Iran appears to be in a race against the clock to improve the accuracy of its ballistic missile arsenal in the wake of the nuclear agreement signed in July. Iran这是为了和核武器配合,加紧研究导弹吗?
Two Fox News commentators were suspended on Monday for using profanities while criticizing President Obama on Monday.
Ralph Peters, a Fox News "strategic analyst," called the president a "total pu---" who "doesn't want to hurt our enemies."
A couple of hours later Stacey Dash, a Fox contributor, said the president "didn't give a sh--" about Sunday night's terrorism speech. "Earlier today, Fox contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air," Fox senior executive vice president Bill Shine said.
Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions Iran appears to be in a race against the clock to improve the accuracy of its ballistic missile arsenal in the wake of the nuclear agreement signed in July. Iran这是为了和核武器配合,加紧研究导弹吗? luckyso 发表于 12/7/2015 11:15:44 PM
Colorado College Suspends Student for Two Years for Six-Word Joke on Yik Yak. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., December 7, 2015—Colorado College has suspended and banned a student from campus for nearly two years in response to a comment intended as a joke on the anonymous social media application Yik Yak.
In November 2015, Thaddeus Pryor sent an anonymous reply to the comment “#blackwomenmatter” on Yik Yak. Pryor’s response read, “They matter, they’re just not hot.” On November 20, Colorado College found that Pryor’s post violated its “Abusive Behavior” and “Disruption of College Activities” policies and suspended him from the college until August 28, 2017. In the meantime, the college has banned Pryor from setting foot on campus and has forbidden him from taking classes at other institutions for academic credit. Pryor has appealed his suspension.
Colorado College Suspends Student for Two Years for Six-Word Joke on Yik Yak. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., December 7, 2015—Colorado College has suspended and banned a student from campus for nearly two years in response to a comment intended as a joke on the anonymous social media application Yik Yak.
In November 2015, Thaddeus Pryor sent an anonymous reply to the comment “#blackwomenmatter” on Yik Yak. Pryor’s response read, “They matter, they’re just not hot.” On November 20, Colorado College found that Pryor’s post violated its “Abusive Behavior” and “Disruption of College Activities” policies and suspended him from the college until August 28, 2017. In the meantime, the college has banned Pryor from setting foot on campus and has forbidden him from taking classes at other institutions for academic credit. Pryor has appealed his suspension.
Colorado College Suspends Student for Two Years for Six-Word Joke on Yik Yak. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., December 7, 2015—Colorado College has suspended and banned a student from campus for nearly two years in response to a comment intended as a joke on the anonymous social media application Yik Yak.
In November 2015, Thaddeus Pryor sent an anonymous reply to the comment “#blackwomenmatter” on Yik Yak. Pryor’s response read, “They matter, they’re just not hot.” On November 20, Colorado College found that Pryor’s post violated its “Abusive Behavior” and “Disruption of College Activities” policies and suspended him from the college until August 28, 2017. In the meantime, the college has banned Pryor from setting foot on campus and has forbidden him from taking classes at other institutions for academic credit. Pryor has appealed his suspension.
这次trump pushed the political correctness to the extreme了。所有电视新闻里出现或提到的人都不敢出来支持他的言论了,所有人都在指责他,还说他这是presidential campaign suicide nonexistance 发表于 12/8/2015 12:37:15 AM
media is different from individuals. individuals do not have to pretend when they vote.
这次trump pushed the political correctness to the extreme了。所有电视新闻里出现或提到的人都不敢出来支持他的言论了,所有人都在指责他,还说他这是presidential campaign suicide nonexistance 发表于 12/8/2015 12:37:15 AM
这次trump pushed the political correctness to the extreme了。所有电视新闻里出现或提到的人都不敢出来支持他的言论了,所有人都在指责他,还说他这是presidential campaign suicide nonexistance 发表于 12/8/2015 12:37:15 AM
”Colorado College found that Pryor’s post violated its “Abusive Behavior” and “Disruption of College Activities” policie” BlueNDGold 发表于 12/8/2015 12:51:13 AM
觉得黑人不HOT 算ABUSIVE? OMG.... I AUBSED Angelina jolie ! I abused Adele ! I abused lady gaga ! Of course I abused Obama, simply because i don't think they are hot. I abused 99.99% people, whom I never met, of course I won't consider anyone I never met "hot" ... BTW。 你觉得你每个同事都HOT么? 你每个同事也都觉得你HOT么?
觉得黑人不HOT 算ABUSIVE? OMG.... I AUBSED Angelina jolie ! I abused Adele ! I abused lady gaga ! Of course I abused Obama, simply because i don't think they are hot. I abused 99.99% people, whom I never met, of course I won't consider anyone I never met "hot" ... BTW。 你觉得你每个同事都HOT么? 你每个同事也都觉得你HOT么?
当地时间12月7日,持续发酵的芝加哥警察枪击黑人青年案件今天上演案情大逆转,涉嫌枪杀黑人青年Ronald Johnson的警察被宣告无罪。
House committee chair: ISIS has tried to use the refugee process to enter the United States
The righty take: This proves that the process for Syrian refugees is a risk and should be suspended. The lefty take: This proves that the process works since it sniffed these guys out before they made it over here. Or rather, it sniffed out the ones we know about.
The devil’s in the details. I hope McCaul clarifies and explains, to whatever extent he’s permitted given the natsec concerns, how the feds figured this out. Do they think jihadis are posing as refugees even now, or is this something ISIS tried once a few years ago and then apparently abandoned because the vetting was too exacting?
“ISIS members in Syria have attempted to exploit it to get into the United States,” McCaul said during a speech at the National Defense University on Monday.
“The U.S. government has information to indicate that individuals tied to terrorist groups in Syria have already attempted to gain access to our country through the U. S. refugee program.”
McCaul would not say specifically who informed him and other lawmakers about the revelation, only describing the sources as “elements of the intelligence community.”
“That was very courageous for them to come forward with this, to tell me about this personally, given the political debate on the Hill,” he added, suggesting that the news did not come from intelligence leaders.
rand paul竟然呼应了Trump的主张:Let's Press Pause': Paul Calls for Moratorium on Immigration from Middle East
上周的集会,进场都要安检,身上所有的金属东西都要拿出来放在桌子上被过目,然后人通过检测器,就跟机场安检的检测器一样,但不像机场安检有CT scanner,所以这些金属物件都是被眼睛过目,如果带相机的,都要求按一下play,看看里面是否有相片,以证明确实只是个相机。
BLESS Trump 一切平安!
现场有穿防弹衣上面写着secret service的,还有穿防弹衣上面写police的,还有些便衣,站在人群里,但眼睛不看台上,只四处学么的,不知道是不是自己也有保镖
Iran appears to be in a race against the clock to improve the accuracy of its ballistic missile arsenal in the wake of the nuclear agreement signed in July.
Two Fox News commentators were suspended on Monday for using profanities while criticizing President Obama on Monday.
Ralph Peters, a Fox News "strategic analyst," called the president a "total pu---" who "doesn't want to hurt our enemies."
A couple of hours later Stacey Dash, a Fox contributor, said the president "didn't give a sh--" about Sunday night's terrorism speech.
"Earlier today, Fox contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air," Fox senior executive vice president Bill Shine said.
这两个用词没什么啊,fox news发什么彪?
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., December 7, 2015—Colorado College has suspended and banned a student from campus for nearly two years in response to a comment intended as a joke on the anonymous social media application Yik Yak.
In November 2015, Thaddeus Pryor sent an anonymous reply to the comment “#blackwomenmatter” on Yik Yak. Pryor’s response read, “They matter, they’re just not hot.” On November 20, Colorado College found that Pryor’s post violated its “Abusive Behavior” and “Disruption of College Activities” policies and suspended him from the college until August 28, 2017. In the meantime, the college has banned Pryor from setting foot on campus and has forbidden him from taking classes at other institutions for academic credit. Pryor has appealed his suspension.
serious ???就因为说她们不 hot?? 还是中文好。 随意各种影射。。。 再说猩猩如何HOT???
这个言论就是个joke而已。就算你说不是joke, 值得勒令停学两年吗?
HOT 不HOT 不都是主观的事情? 有人还觉得胸小HOT呢。。。 觉得黑人不HOT也停学? 文化大革命开始了。
我也不知道他们有没有权。 但是我比较好奇如果有的话叫什么权?
看不看重言论自由是一方面。。难不成现在想看重什么的权利都没有了? 另一方面我就想问那到底是学校什么权?校规说学生都不能有自己的审美了么?
HOT不HOT 这事儿就很主观啊。。 就跟你爱吃什么一样。谁也强迫不了啊
神马校规? 一般学生都可以有权要求学校的委员会认定是否违规,委员会的决定学生不服还可以找律师起诉。要有due process。公司还很多私人的呢,想fire人就能随便fire吗
media is different from individuals. individuals do not have to pretend when they vote.
就是一个travel ban, 没包含本国人,没什么大不了的。要是包含了本国人就危险了。反对的人说什么呢?他们有更好的方法筛查吗?
Trump一个临时travel ban就能使他们转化?还是他们本身就有很多人想转化?因果是要倒过来吧。自己杀了人又怪别人防着,还要找理由说因为别人防着我们受了委屈,是被逼的不得不杀人?
觉得黑人不HOT 算ABUSIVE? OMG.... I AUBSED Angelina jolie ! I abused Adele ! I abused lady gaga ! Of course I abused Obama, simply because i don't think they are hot. I abused 99.99% people, whom I never met, of course I won't consider anyone I never met "hot" ...
BTW。 你觉得你每个同事都HOT么? 你每个同事也都觉得你HOT么?
哪有这么简单。zero dark thirty不知道真实度如何,按说应该是相当接近事实的
其中一个镜头是CIA高级主管(穆斯林)做完祷告,收起自己的prayer rug,然后听下属回报战况(对本拉登)
This is not a joke ... this dude probably thinks so too ...
disrupt whom ? 难不成全校黑女都想跟他DATE 怎么着? 要不怎么就DISRUPT她们了? 又不是她们男朋友觉得她们不HOT。 难到黑女希望全世界都觉得她们HOT??? 所有其他女人的老公也要觉得她们HOT??? 所有其他女人的男友也要觉得她们HOT? 那直接全世界都去DATE黑女好了。
来美国,就转化成ISIS? 这啥逻辑
是说不清,但是他们的宗教是根源。ISIS有100个战士还是200个战士有关系吗?我宁可200个都不进来,也不希望100个进来仨。。。当初那几个911也有好几个是visa overstay, 美国现在的移民政策执行力度,进来了就可以不走了。暂停visa, 尽快剿灭ISIS老巢,然后再恢复呗。
Paris-Bound Flight From SFO Diverted Due to Bomb Threat
英国德国都加入了轰炸ISIS的行列, 是不是他们也鼓励了ISIS招募?与其研究他们的心理和转化率还不如早点铲除。长远来看为防止更多ISIS出现,要推行宗教改革,彻底解决问题。
关键美国离得远啊,不让他们进来可以很大程度上保证本土安全。就算他们多招募了一些对这场仗没有决定性影响,ISIS想打赢还是打的赢的。travel ban只是减少打仗的时候本土的伤亡罢了。有前方一边打仗一边还邀请敌人进来玩耍的吗?
问题是当你这个travel ban带来的社会问题会远远大于你减少的这些单蹦恐怖袭击,还敢不敢这么做
现在trump是赌美国穆斯林是少数人口(0.9%)。但就这样也有500-1200万穆斯林。他这一travel ban直接影响这500-1200万人的利益。这些穆斯林不光有中东的,还有黑的黄的白的。各行各业,不同能量。跟这么多人做对做带来的利益是不是大于伤害,谁敢保障?
如果中国人搞了恐怖袭击,我没的抱怨。程度不同啊,中国美国天天就是打嘴炮而已。而且travel ban只是不让来,不是已有的合法的都赶出去,也不是要送集中营, 只是临时控制措施而已。不见面反而就没矛盾啊,别的一些人的措施比如都要track啊,更容易引起更大的纷争,各种rights,profiling啊到时更是要吵得鸡飞狗跳。但美国的这些权利只能适用于境内,没进来的就不适用,反而简单。我刚听到这个措施也有点震惊,可是再想想这是最简单没一地鸡毛的方法了。
很多左派说攻击他们会更激起他们对西方的仇恨。。。我是觉得穆斯林和西方的这个结只有宗教改革才能化解了,积怨已久。到时伊斯兰一改革,西方张开双臂,世界多美好。反过来做不到, 徒增伤亡。