Honey, it's way too sunny right now. Wish I could get some gloomy~~~ en...I got my coat, scarf, hat, boots on right now, and gathering all my courage to go out for dinner~~~~
I guess I can handle the cold, but not the windy cold (like Chicago:)~~~~
Actually shooting pix in Europe is much easier than that in the States (other than SFO and NYC)~~~!!!!! No wonder all the master level works were done here in EU... the lighting, the background, the every detail is just perfect for all kinds of shooting...
The only downside is the cold wheather at certain places during the fall/winter time...
Actually shooting pix in Europe is much easier than that in the States (other than SFO and NYC)~~~!!!!! No wonder all the master level works were done here in EU... the lighting, the background, the every detail is just perfect for all kinds of shooting...
The only downside is the cold wheather at certain places during the fall/winter time...
that's exactly my point: lots of things are subjective, without really being there and doing it, we could not really say yes or no ... if that makes sense;)
that's exactly my point: lots of things are subjective, without really being there and doing it, we could not really say yes or no ... if that makes sense;) 我说的也没相反啊. 我说的是每个人体会不同呀, 我也搞过边走边拍, 最后感觉就是错过好多风景, 光注意找那些值得拍的了.
There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say there are things that, we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know.
A thirteenth-century Persian-Tajik poet, Ibn Yamin[12] (??? ???? ???????), said there are four? types of men:
One who knows and knows that he knows... His horse of wisdom will reach the skies. One who knows, but doesn't know that he knows... He is fast asleep, so you should wake him up! One who doesn't know, but knows that he doesn't know... His limping mule will eventually get him home. One who doesn't know and doesn't know that he doesn't know... He will be eternally lost in his hopeless oblivion!
Cold n Rainy Day... Stood up 4hrs for meeting, walked around 9hrs for shopping and eating~~~ What a looooong day!!!
P.S., our folks lined up in cold rain in front of Louis Vuitton and Chanel... Hermes was packed with our folks too...
P.P.S. Erika China is currently sold out in Vienna's Swarovski...what a popular cutie:) I think there are 10 Erikas from different countries...My top 3 picks of Crystal Erika would be: China, France and Netherland... in terms of the looks:D I need to get 5 more to complete the family~~~en...way to go! [此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/16 17:37:07编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/15 1:59:51编辑过]
看过你在 alasaka 的照片,你就是 bundle up,也是美得不可方物
以下是引用无风自飞在10/14/2012 2:01:00 PM的发言:
only if the weather is a little warmer~~~
now it's night time and I have to bundle up with scarf and boots to go out...that just killed all the fun stuff:P (for our California girl:)
sexy 是骨子里透出来的那种风情
看过你在 alasaka 的照片,你就是 bundle up,也是美得不可方物
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/12 14:52:22编辑过]
我是炖银耳莲子的时候, 加红枣和红糖的呢, 就不凉也不热了。
还真是的呢, 每次飞到中国一般都要掉好几斤肉, 在国内吃的长点了飞回来再重复一次。本来想着飞机上就那么坐着也没消耗什么呢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/15 1:59:51编辑过]
前一张,那些小房子, 象格林童话里的小镇子,
sexy 是骨子里透出来的那种风情
看过你在 alasaka 的照片,你就是 bundle up,也是美得不可方物
Short horse~~~! MUA!!! :D
It is raining outside now, dark, cold, and windy...I seriously miss my SoCal sunshines....:(
前一张,那些小房子, 象格林童话里的小镇子,
en...those are the real Austrian style~~~:P
Short horse~~~! MUA!!! :D
It is raining outside now, dark, cold, and windy...I seriously miss my SoCal sunshines....:(
迟钝的我才明白short horse 是啥。
Short horse~~~! MUA!!! :D
It is raining outside now, dark, cold, and windy...I seriously miss my SoCal sunshines....:(
Honey, it's way too sunny right now. Wish I could get some gloomy~~~
Short horse~~~! MUA!!! :D
It is raining outside now, dark, cold, and windy...I seriously miss my SoCal sunshines....:(
迟钝的我才明白short horse 是啥。
en...tell me about it, when there is no CHN input option~~~;P
Honey, it's way too sunny right now. Wish I could get some gloomy~~~
en...I got my coat, scarf, hat, boots on right now, and gathering all my courage to go out for dinner~~~~
I guess I can handle the cold, but not the windy cold (like Chicago:)~~~~
1000% yes!!!! ;(
Depression rate must be super duper high here...I guess:)
en...I got my coat, scarf, hat, boots on right now, and gathering all my courage to go out for dinner~~~~
I guess I can handle the cold, but not the windy cold (like Chicago:)~~~~
already windy cold啦。气温是多少?
en...tell me about it, when there is no CHN input option~~~;P
aren't they cute? I wanna collect them all~~~:P
(same pix from ebay)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/15 13:22:31编辑过]
en...I got my coat, scarf, hat, boots on right now, and gathering all my courage to go out for dinner~~~~
I guess I can handle the cold, but not the windy cold (like Chicago:)~~~~
I don't even have a coat anymore :-(
I don't even have a coat anymore :-(
en...I only have two for travel...;) what lucky gals!! :P
en...could be better by the end of the year~~~:)
the rest month would confuse my body enough to break thru any plateu it might develop...;)
Short horse~~~! MUA!!! :D
It is raining outside now, dark, cold, and windy...I seriously miss my SoCal sunshines....:(
That's why Munch painted "the scream" :P
bought quite some Swarovski today, they are indeed cheapter here...by 30% at least.
aren't they cute? I wanna collect them all~~~:P
(same pix from ebay)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/15 13:22:31编辑过]
Did you get the chinese girl? Super cute~~~
That's why Munch painted "the scream" :P
haha...Olso Norway would be even worse~~~;)
Did you get the chinese girl? Super cute~~~
I got that when I was in BJ~~~I think her dress is the most colorful one among the all:)
I seriously would love to collect them all...;P
I miss my 2nd language so much!
I thought your pick would be much more sexy than this;p
I got that when I was in BJ~~~I think her dress is the most colorful one among the all:)
I seriously would love to collect them all...;P
有种精神叫all in,哈哈~~~
No wonder all the master level works were done here in EU... the lighting, the background, the every detail is just perfect for all kinds of shooting...
The only downside is the cold wheather at certain places during the fall/winter time...
Actually shooting pix in Europe is much easier than that in the States (other than SFO and NYC)~~~!!!!!
No wonder all the master level works were done here in EU... the lighting, the background, the every detail is just perfect for all kinds of shooting...
The only downside is the cold wheather at certain places during the fall/winter time...
外行我脚着出门光顾着拍照, 反而少了机会真正用心去领会了. 恩.
外行我脚着出门光顾着拍照, 反而少了机会真正用心去领会了. 恩.
可是一个人出去玩,不带个相机,老这么走着,有点无聊+凄凉 (我是YY的,从来还没有尝试过)
absolutely...if you ask me ;P
外行我脚着出门光顾着拍照, 反而少了机会真正用心去领会了. 恩.
unless you put your heart thru your lens~~~~en:)
可是一个人出去玩,不带个相机,老这么走着,有点无聊+凄凉 (我是YY的,从来还没有尝试过)
有吗? 我脚着感觉很好呀. 以前单身的时候就自己逛. 现在怀念死了.
absolutely...if you ask me ;P
有吗? 我脚着感觉很好呀. 以前单身的时候就自己逛. 现在怀念死了.
unless you put your heart thru your lens~~~~en:)
所以我说我外行的呀. 每个人的体会不同吧. 有照片方便以后回忆, 不拍照片更全力以赴的享受那个moment.
有吗? 我脚着感觉很好呀. 以前单身的时候就自己逛. 现在怀念死了.
en...sounds like you never tried the other way around~~~ ;P (i.e. hanging out by urself + shooting pix by urself)
俺不白,底色有点发黄,粉底用dior nude的020. 基本这样~~~
所以我说我外行的呀. 每个人的体会不同吧. 有照片方便以后回忆, 不拍照片更全力以赴的享受那个moment.
俺不白,底色有点发黄,粉底用dior nude的020. 基本这样~~~
我觉得mac家的mocha不错, 啥闪儿都能用. 就是有点boring. 倒适合新人.
所以我说我外行的呀. 每个人的体会不同吧. 有照片方便以后回忆, 不拍照片更全力以赴的享受那个moment.
it is really a subjective point of view:)
I guess you may think differently after really trying both ways~~~
it is really a subjective point of view:)
I guess you may think differently after really trying both ways~~~
有可能. 虽然照片拍得很烂, 不过也曾试图拍过.
我觉得mac家的mocha不错, 啥闪儿都能用. 就是有点boring. 倒适合新人.
有可能. 虽然照片拍得很烂, 不过也曾试图拍过.
啊, 他家一年五毛的长啊. 姐我当年买的才16块啊...
有可能. 虽然照片拍得很烂, 不过也曾试图拍过.
you know what, I was thinking about CGX all of sudden~~~;P
do you think he DID live in those moments?? ;)
啊, 他家一年五毛的长啊. 姐我当年买的才16块啊...
you know what, I was thinking about CGX all of sudden~~~;P
do you think he DID live in those moments?? ;)
short horse~~~
guan xi
I thought your pick would be much more sexy than this;p
It's sturdy and reliable
short horse~~~
guan xi
short horse~~~
guan xi
It's sturdy and reliable
en...those adjectives fit better for the 1st IMO :P
as we are talking about: shooting pix while living in the moment~~~ ;)
en... you got my point now :)
as we are talking about: shooting pix while living in the moment~~~ ;)
你是两样都搞的, 你应该比我更了解那个感觉. 哈哈...
你是两样都搞的, 你应该比我更了解那个感觉. 哈哈...
that's exactly my point: lots of things are subjective, without really being there and doing it, we could not really say yes or no ... if that makes sense;)
你是两样都搞的, 你应该比我更了解那个感觉. 哈哈...
that's exactly my point: lots of things are subjective, without really being there and doing it, we could not really say yes or no ... if that makes sense;)
我说的也没相反啊. 我说的是每个人体会不同呀, 我也搞过边走边拍, 最后感觉就是错过好多风景, 光注意找那些值得拍的了.
that limiation applies to everyone, as we all are limited by our own experience~~~;)
Same concept applies to fitness...
everything is possible...we just don't know what we don't know..
that limiation applies to everyone, as we all are limited by our own experience~~~;)
Same concept applies to fitness...
所以你用你的experience想说服别人, 其实也是一样. :)
我说的也没相反啊. 我说的是每个人体会不同呀, 我也搞过边走边拍, 最后感觉就是错过好多风景, 光注意找那些值得拍的了.
I've never said that at the first place... dear:P
所以你用你的experience想说服别人, 其实也是一样. :)
100% correct!
again, people don't know what they don't know, as simple as that:)
everything is possible...we just don't know what we don't know..
that limiation applies to everyone, as we all are limited by our own experience~~~;)
Same concept applies to fitness...
每次教育闺女it's important to know what you don't know, 她就超级抓狂
100% correct!
again, people don't know what they don't know, as simple as that:)
其实我们以为know的, 也不见得就是know了. 哈哈...
矮马, 土洋交流真费劲...你咋不能打中文了捏?
everything is possible...we just don't know what we don't know..
that limiation applies to everyone, as we all are limited by our own experience~~~;)
Same concept applies to fitness...
不求甚解, 不求甚解..
其实我们以为know的, 也不见得就是know了. 哈哈...
矮马, 土洋交流真费劲...你咋不能打中文了捏?
en...it is very true!!
there is a famous quote from Donald Rumsfeld about all the "known" "unkown"~~~:)
其实我们以为know的, 也不见得就是know了. 哈哈...
矮马, 土洋交流真费劲...你咋不能打中文了捏?
my cell doesn't work...have to go with my retarded working computer ;(
There are known unknowns; that is to say there are things that, we now know we don't know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know.
One who knows and knows that he knows... His horse of wisdom will reach the skies.
One who knows, but doesn't know that he knows... He is fast asleep, so you should wake him up!
One who doesn't know, but knows that he doesn't know... His limping mule will eventually get him home.
One who doesn't know and doesn't know that he doesn't know... He will be eternally lost in his hopeless oblivion!
地球是圆的, 空气是看不见的...可是这些也只是局限于今天科学发达的程度而已.
I don't even know what are the things we know that we know...
地球是圆的, 空气是看不见的...可是这些也只是局限于今天科学发达的程度而已.
hahaha...the only thing I know now is that I am talking to my dear sis now from far far far away~~~
what a sweet miracle! :D
hahaha...the only thing I know now is that I am talking to my dear sis now from far far far away~~~
what a sweet miracle! :D
are you sure it's your sis you are talking to???
are you sure it's your sis you are talking to???
well... I guess I don't know what I don't know *_^
en...en...en...!!!! :D
en...en...en...!!!! :D
I know that I don't know what you are talking about but I don't know if I really know what I know~~~
反正最后都不know, 就干脆不管好了.
反正最后都不know, 就干脆不管好了.
hugging and kissing...
xixixixixi....rolling to bed now~~~will chat more in my dream~~~:)
hugging and kissing...
我脚着去欧洲如果不做梦, 都浪费了.
我脚着去欧洲如果不做梦, 都浪费了.
以下是引用无风自肥在10/15/2012 5:26:00 PM的发言:
are you sure it's your sis you are talking to???
Cold n Rainy Day...
Stood up 4hrs for meeting, walked around 9hrs for shopping and eating~~~ What a looooong day!!!
P.S., our folks lined up in cold rain in front of Louis Vuitton and Chanel... Hermes was packed with our folks too...
P.P.S. Erika China is currently sold out in Vienna's Swarovski...what a popular cutie:)
I think there are 10 Erikas from different countries...My top 3 picks of Crystal Erika would be: China, France and Netherland... in terms of the looks:D
I need to get 5 more to complete the family~~~en...way to go!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/16 17:37:07编辑过]