那个tough love miami,也全程拍摄了dating。重放的时候,看到一个女生滔滔不绝地monologue了二十五分钟,汗。讲她的坎坷人生。她的date就不停地出小动作,用手擦汗啊,嘴角往下撇啊,总之都是不耐其烦的动作,人家女生视若无睹。最后分手时说,下次date会more fun。男生找主持人说,为什么要等下次啊?次次都fun才对啊!
the partnership at carolina having succeeded, i was encourag'd to engage in others, and to promote several of my workmen, who had behaved well, by establishing them with printing-houses in different colonies, on the same terms with that in carolina. most of them did well, being enabled at the end of our term, six years, to purchase the types of me and go on working for themselves, by which means several families were raised.
partnerships often finish in quarrels; but i was happy in this, that mine were all carried on and ended amicably, owing, i think, a good deal to the precaution of having very explicitly settled, in our articles, everything to be done by or expected from each partner, so that there was nothing to dispute, which precaution i would therefore recommend to all who enter into partnerships; for, whatever esteem partners may have for, and confidence in each other at the time of the contract, little jealousies and disgusts may arise, with ideas of inequality in the care and burden of the business, etc., which are attended often with breach of friendship and of the connection, perhaps with lawsuits and other disagreeable consequences. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 13:37:41编辑过]
these embarrassments that the quakers suffer'd from having establish'd and published it as one of their principles that no kind of war was lawful, and which, being once published, they could not afterwards, however they might change their minds, easily get rid of, reminds me of what i think a more prudent conduct in another sect among us, that of the dunkers. i was acquainted with one of its founders, michael welfare, soon after it appear'd. he complain'd to me that they were grievously calumniated by the zealots of other persuasions, and charg'd with abominable principles and practices to which they were utter strangers. i told him this had always been the case with new sects, and that, to put a stop to such abuse, i imagin'd it might be well to publish the articles of their belief, and the rules of their discipline. he said that it had been propos'd among them, but not agreed to, for this reason: "when we were first drawn together as a society," says he, "it had pleased god to enlighten our minds so far as to see that some doctrines, which we once esteemed truths, were errors; and that others, which we had esteemed errors, were real truths. from time to time he has been pleased to afford us farther light, and our principles have been improving, and our errors diminishing. now we are not sure that we are arrived at the end of this progression, and at the perfection of spiritual or theological knowledge; and we fear that, if we should once print our confession of faith, we should feel ourselves as if bound and confin'd by it, and perhaps be unwilling to receive further improvement, and our successors still more so, as conceiving what we their elders and founders had done, to be something sacred, never to be departed from."
this modesty in a sect is perhaps a singular instance in the history of mankind, every other sect supposing itself in possession of all truth, and that those who differ are so far in the wrong; like a man traveling in foggy weather, those at some distance before him on the road he sees wrapped up in the fog, as well as those behind him, and also the people in the fields on each side, but near him all appears clear, tho' in truth he is as much in the fog as any of them. to avoid this kind of embarrassment, the quakers have of late years been gradually declining the public service in the assembly and in the magistracy, choosing rather to quit their power than their principle. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/13 13:46:03编辑过]
In order of time, I should have mentioned before, that having, in 1742, invented an open stove[84] for the better warming of rooms, and at the same time saving fuel, as the fresh air admitted was warmed in entering, I made a present of the model to Mr. Robert Grace, one of my early friends, who, having an iron-furnace,[85] found the casting of the plates for these stoves a profitable thing, as they were growing in demand…. Gov'r. Thomas was so pleas'd with the construction of this stove, as described in it, that he offered to give me a patent for the sole vending of them for a term of years; but I declin'd it from a principle which has ever weighed with me on such occasions, viz., That, as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously.
[84] The Franklin stove is still in use. [85] Warwick Furnace, Chester County, Pennsylvania, across the Schuylkill River from Pottstown.
In the evening, hearing a great noise among them, the commissioners walk'd out to see what was the matter. We found they had made a great bonfire in the middle of the square; they were all drunk, men and women, quarreling and fighting. Their dark-colour'd bodies, half naked, seen only by the gloomy light of the bonfire, running after and beating one another with firebrands, accompanied by their horrid yellings, form'd a scene the most resembling our ideas of hell that could well be imagin'd; there was no appeasing the tumult, and we retired to our lodging. At midnight a number of them came thundering at our door, demanding more rum, of which we took no notice.
The next day, sensible they had misbehav'd in giving us that disturbance, they sent three of their old counselors to make their apology. The orator acknowledg'd the fault, but laid it upon the rum; and then endeavoured to excuse the rum by saying, "The Great Spirit, who made all things, made everything for some use, and whatever use he design'd anything for, that use it should always be put to. Now, when he made rum, he said, 'Let this be for the Indians to get drunk with,' and it must be so." And, indeed, if it be the design of Providence to extirpate these savages in order to make room for cultivators of the earth, it seems not improbable that rum may be the appointed means. It has already annihilated all the tribes who formerly inhabited the sea-coast.
It was about this time that another projector, the Rev. Gilbert Tennent, came to me with a request that I would assist him in procuring a subscription for erecting a new meeting-house. It was to be for the use of a congregation he had gathered among the Presbyterians, who were originally disciples of Mr. Whitefield. Unwilling to make myself disagreeable to my fellow-citizens by too frequently soliciting their contributions, I absolutely refus'd. He then desired I would furnish him with a list of the names of persons I knew by experience to be generous and public-spirited. I thought it would be unbecoming in me, after their kind compliance with my solicitations, to mark them out to be worried by other beggars, and therefore refus'd also to give such a list. He then desir'd I would at least give him my advice. "That I will readily do," said I; "and, in the first place, I advise you to apply to all those whom you know will give something; next, to those whom you are uncertain whether they will give anything or not, and show them the list of those who have given; and, lastly, do not neglect those who you are sure will give nothing, for in some of them you may be mistaken." He laugh'd and thank'd me, and said he would take my advice. He did so, for he ask'd of everybody, and he obtain'd a much larger sum than he expected, with which he erected the capacious and very elegant meeting-house that stands in Arch-street.
After some inquiry, I found a poor, industrious man, who was willing to undertake keeping the pavement clean, by sweeping it twice a week, carrying off the dirt from before all the neighbours' doors, for the sum of sixpence per month, to be paid by each house. I then wrote and printed a paper setting forth the advantages to the neighbourhood that might be obtain'd by this small expense; the greater ease in keeping our houses clean, so much dirt not being brought in by people's feet; the benefit to the shops by more custom, etc., etc., as buyers could more easily get at them; and by not having, in windy weather, the dust blown in upon their goods, etc., etc. I sent one of these papers to each house, and in a day or two went round to see who would subscribe an agreement to pay these sixpences; it was unanimously sign'd, and for a time well executed. All the inhabitants of the city were delighted with the cleanliness of the pavement that surrounded the market, it being a convenience to all, and this rais'd a general desire to have all the streets paved, and made the people more willing to submit to a tax for that purpose.
After some time I drew a bill for paving the city, and brought it into the Assembly. It was just before I went to England, in 1757, and did not pass till I was gone, and then with an alteration in the mode of assessment, which I thought not for the better, but with an additional provision for lighting as well as paving the streets, which was a great improvement. It was by a private person, the late Mr. John Clifton, his giving a sample of the utility of lamps, by placing one at his door, that the people were first impress'd with the idea of enlighting all the city. The honour of this public benefit has also been ascrib'd to me, but it belongs truly to that gentleman. I did but follow his example, and have only some merit to claim respecting the form of our lamps, as differing from the globe lamps we were at first supply'd with from London. Those we found inconvenient in these respects: they admitted no air below; the smoke, therefore, did not readily go out above, but circulated in the globe, lodg'd on its inside, and soon obstructed the light they were intended to afford; giving, besides, the daily trouble of wiping them clean; and an accidental stroke on one of them would demolish it, and render it totally useless. I therefore suggested the composing them of four flat panes, with a long funnel above to draw up the smoke, and crevices admitting air below, to facilitate the ascent of the smoke; by this means they were kept clean, and did not grow dark in a few hours, as the London lamps do, but continu'd bright till morning, and an accidental stroke would generally break but a single pane, easily repair'd.
昨天晚上聊天,zt问我,以后咱闺女要是特别叛逆怎么办,比如说10几岁就要身上稀奇古怪的地方打眼穿洞,然后再弄一堆tattoo。我就给他讲了这个organic妈妈的帖子,然后说,如果女儿一定要tattoo,我会说可以,但是我有条件。我们花了这么多钱让你健康又有营养,你要是弄tattoo,先在你屁股上弄个cage free and organically raised的标签tatto,然后其他地方你爱纹啥我都不管。
昨天晚上聊天,zt问我,以后咱闺女要是特别叛逆怎么办,比如说10几岁就要身上稀奇古怪的地方打眼穿洞,然后再弄一堆tattoo。我就给他讲了这个organic妈妈的帖子,然后说,如果女儿一定要tattoo,我会说可以,但是我有条件。我们花了这么多钱让你健康又有营养,你要是弄tattoo,先在你屁股上弄个cage free and organically raised的标签tatto,然后其他地方你爱纹啥我都不管。
昨天晚上聊天,zt问我,以后咱闺女要是特别叛逆怎么办,比如说10几岁就要身上稀奇古怪的地方打眼穿洞,然后再弄一堆tattoo。我就给他讲了这个organic妈妈的帖子,然后说,如果女儿一定要tattoo,我会说可以,但是我有条件。我们花了这么多钱让你健康又有营养,你要是弄tattoo,先在你屁股上弄个cage free and organically raised的标签tatto,然后其他地方你爱纹啥我都不管。
Some may think these trifling matters not worth minding or relating; but when they consider that tho' dust blown into the eyes of a single person, or into a single shop on a windy day, is but of small importance, yet the great number of the instances in a populous city, and its frequent repetitions give it weight and consequence, perhaps they will not censure very severely those who bestow some attention to affairs of this seemingly low nature. Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. Thus, if you teach a poor young man to shave himself, and keep his razor in order, you may contribute more to the happiness of his life than in giving him a thousand guineas. The money may be soon spent, the regret only remaining of having foolishly consumed it; but in the other case, he escapes the frequent vexation of waiting for barbers, and of their sometimes dirty fingers, offensive breaths, and dull razors; he shaves when most convenient to him, and enjoys daily the pleasure of its being done with a good instrument. With these sentiments I have hazarded the few preceding pages, hoping they may afford hints which some time or other may be useful to a city I love, having lived many years in it very happily, and perhaps to some of our towns in America.
"Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or, knowing it, pursue!"
Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best public measures are therefore seldom adopted from previous wisdom, but forc'd by the occasion.
In returning, I met at New York with the votes of the Assembly, by which it appear'd that, notwithstanding his promise to me, he(新Governor) and the House were already in high contention; and it was a continual battle between them as long as he retain'd the government. I had my share of it; for, as soon as I got back to my seat in the Assembly, I was put on every committee for answering his speeches and messages, and by the committees always desired to make the drafts. Our answers, as well as his messages, were often tart, and sometimes indecently abusive; and, as he knew I wrote for the Assembly, one might have imagined that, when we met, we could hardly avoid cutting throats; but he was so good-natur'd a man that no personal difference between him and me was occasion'd by the contest, and we often din'd together.
One afternoon, in the height of this public quarrel, we met in the street. "Franklin," says he, "you must go home with me and spend the evening; I am to have some company that you will like;" and, taking me by the arm, he led me to his house. In gay conversation over our wine, after supper, he told us, jokingly, that he much admir'd the idea of Sancho Panza,[93] who, when it was proposed to give him a government, requested it might be a government of blacks, as then, if he could not agree with his people, he might sell them. One of his friends, who sat next to me, says, "Franklin, why do you continue to side with these damn'd Quakers? Had not you better sell them? The proprietor would give you a good price." "The governor," says I, "has not yet blacked them enough." He, indeed, had laboured hard to blacken the Assembly in all his messages, but they wip'd off his colouring as fast as he laid it on, and plac'd it, in return, thick upon his own face; so that, finding he was likely to be negrofied himself, he, as well as Mr. Hamilton, grew tir'd of the contest, and quitted the government.
[93] The "round, selfish, and self-important" squire of Don Quixote in Cervantes' romance of that name.
This gave me occasion to observe, that, when men are employ'd, they are best content'd; for on the days they worked they were good-natur'd and cheerful, and, with the consciousness of having done a good day's work, they spent the evening jollily; but on our idle days they were mutinous and quarrelsome, finding fault with their pork, the bread, etc., and in continual ill-humour, which put me in mind of a sea-captain, whose rule it was to keep his men constantly at work; and, when his mate once told him that they had done everything, and there was nothing further to employ them about, "Oh," says he, "make them scour the anchor."
We had for our chaplain a zealous Presbyterian minister, Mr. Beatty, who complained to me that the men did not generally attend his prayers and exhortations. When they enlisted, they were promised, besides pay and provisions, a gill of rum a day, which was punctually serv'd out to them, half in the morning, and the other half in the evening; and I observed they were as punctual in attending to receive it; upon which I said to Mr. Beatty, "It is, perhaps, below the dignity of your profession to act as steward of the rum, but if you were to deal it out and only just after prayers, you would have them all about you." He liked the tho't, undertook the office, and, with the help of a few hands to measure out the liquor, executed it to satisfaction, and never were prayers more generally and more punctually attended; so that I thought this method preferable to the punishment inflicted by some military laws for non-attendance on divine service.
I inquir'd concerning the Moravian marriages, whether the report was true that they were by lot. I was told that lots were us'd only in particular cases; that generally, when a young man found himself dispos'd to marry, he inform'd the elders of his class, who consulted the elder ladies that govern'd the young women. As these elders of the different sexes were well acquainted with the tempers and dispositions of their respective pupils, they could best judge what matches were suitable, and their judgments were generally acquiesc'd in; but if, for example, it should happen that two or three young women were found to be equally proper for the young man, the lot was then recurred to. I objected, if the matches are not made by the mutual choice of the parties, some of them may chance to be very unhappy. "And so they may," answer'd my informer, "if you let the parties chuse for themselves;" which, indeed, I could not deny.
Even in the simple operation of sailing when at sea, I have often observ'd different judgments in the officers who commanded the successive watches, the wind being the same. One would have the sails trimm'd sharper or flatter than another, so that they seem'd to have no certain rule to govern by. Yet I think a set of experiments might be instituted; first, to determine the most proper form of the hull for swift sailing; next, the best dimensions and properest place for the masts; then the form and quantity of sails, and their position, as the wind may be; and, lastly, the disposition of the lading. This is an age of experiments, and I think a set accurately made and combin'd would be of great use. I am persuaded, therefore, that ere long some ingenious philosopher will undertake it, to whom I wish success.
I then waited on my old friend and correspondent, Mr. Peter Collinson, who told me that John Hanbury, the great Virginia merchant, had requested to be informed when I should arrive, that he might carry me to Lord Granville's,[118] who was then President of the Council and wished to see me as soon as possible. I agreed to go with him the next morning. Accordingly Mr. Hanbury called for me and took me in his carriage to that nobleman's, who receiv'd me with great civility; and after some questions respecting the present state of affairs in America and discourse thereupon, he said to me: "You Americans have wrong ideas of the nature of your constitution; you contend that the king's instructions to his governors are not laws, and think yourselves at liberty to regard or disregard them at your own discretion. But those instructions are not like the pocket instructions given to a minister going abroad, for regulating his conduct in some trifling point of ceremony. They are first drawn up by judges learned in the laws; they are then considered, debated, and perhaps amended in Council, after which they are signed by the king. They are then, so far as they relate to you, the law of the land, for the king is the Legislator of the Colonies,"[119] I told his lordship this was new doctrine to me. I had always understood from our charters that our laws were to be made by our Assemblies, to be presented indeed to the king for his royal assent, but that being once given the king could not repeal or alter them. And as the Assemblies could not make permanent laws without his assent, so neither could he make a law for them without theirs. He assur'd me I was totally mistaken. I did not think so, however, and his lordship's conversation having a little alarm'd me as to what might be the sentiments of the court concerning us, I wrote it down as soon as I return'd to my lodgings. I recollected that about 20 years before, a clause in a bill brought into Parliament by the ministry had propos'd to make the king's instructions laws in the colonies, but the clause was thrown out by the Commons, for which we adored them as our friends and friends of liberty, till by their conduct towards us in 1765 it seem'd that they had refus'd that point of sovereignty to the king only that they might reserve it for themselves.
[118] George Granville or Grenville (1712-1770). As English premier from 1763 to 1765, he introduced the direct taxation of the American Colonies and has sometimes been called the immediate cause of the Revolution.
[119] This whole passage shows how hopelessly divergent were the English and American views on the relations between the mother country and her colonies. Grenville here made clear that the Americans were to have no voice in making or amending their laws. Parliament and the king were to have absolute power over the colonies. No wonder Franklin was alarmed by this new doctrine. With his keen insight into human nature and his consequent knowledge of American character, he foresaw the inevitable result of such an attitude on the part of England. This conversation with Grenville makes these last pages of the Autobiography one of its most important parts.
那个tough love miami,也全程拍摄了dating。重放的时候,看到一个女生滔滔不绝地monologue了二十五分钟,汗。讲她的坎坷人生。她的date就不停地出小动作,用手擦汗啊,嘴角往下撇啊,总之都是不耐其烦的动作,人家女生视若无睹。最后分手时说,下次date会more fun。男生找主持人说,为什么要等下次啊?次次都fun才对啊!
我想起来以前有一集millionaire matchmaker,有两个millionaire在场,他们俩挑了感兴趣的女孩子的时候,有一个女孩子被两个人都选中了。然后就是大家一对一聊聊10-20分钟左右吧,看是不是有兴趣date.
这个女孩子的确长得不错,工作是厨师还是catering啥的。然后第一个男的就问她你做这个工作是不是很喜欢美食啊也有很多了解啊?结果着女生的回答真是让人faint。她说,啊,其实我不喜欢,我以前有过抑郁症,所以有一阵子很胖,结果进而引发了厌食爆食症,blablabla。。。 那个男人汗死,就把她给pass了。
媒婆听了第一个男人的反馈都要昏过去了,她特意把那个女孩叫到一边,说你在做什么?第一次聊天lay off the heavy stuff,别提你得过什么厌食爆食,说点轻快的话题。那个女孩也点头说知道了。
我想起来以前有一集millionaire matchmaker,有两个millionaire在场,他们俩挑了感兴趣的女孩子的时候,有一个女孩子被两个人都选中了。然后就是大家一对一聊聊10-20分钟左右吧,看是不是有兴趣date.
这个女孩子的确长得不错,工作是厨师还是catering啥的。然后第一个男的就问她你做这个工作是不是很喜欢美食啊也有很多了解啊?结果着女生的回答真是让人faint。她说,啊,其实我不喜欢,我以前有过抑郁症,所以有一阵子很胖,结果进而引发了厌食爆食症,blablabla。。。 那个男人汗死,就把她给pass了。
媒婆听了第一个男人的反馈都要昏过去了,她特意把那个女孩叫到一边,说你在做什么?第一次聊天lay off the heavy stuff,别提你得过什么厌食爆食,说点轻快的话题。那个女孩也点头说知道了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 13:46:03编辑过]
这一集我居然没看到过。。。 回去我要重温一下。 话说我很喜欢这个节目的。。。
the partnership at carolina having succeeded, i was encourag'd to engage in others, and to promote several of my workmen, who had behaved well, by establishing them with printing-houses in different colonies, on the same terms with that in carolina. most of them did well, being enabled at the end of our term, six years, to purchase the types of me and go on working for themselves, by which means several families were raised.
partnerships often finish in quarrels; but i was happy in this, that mine were all carried on and ended amicably, owing, i think, a good deal to the precaution of having very explicitly settled, in our articles, everything to be done by or expected from each partner, so that there was nothing to dispute, which precaution i would therefore recommend to all who enter into partnerships; for, whatever esteem partners may have for, and confidence in each other at the time of the contract, little jealousies and disgusts may arise, with ideas of inequality in the care and burden of the business, etc., which are attended often with breach of friendship and of the connection, perhaps with lawsuits and other disagreeable consequences.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 13:37:41编辑过]
一个好的合同还是很重要的。我觉得结婚时候大家就该写个合同。。。 啊汤这次离婚很快, 我觉得可能和婚前合同制定也有一定的关系。我记得和尼克的时候还是拖了一段儿时间的。。。
以下是引用meiyoule在7/12/2012 12:36:00 PM的发言:
不一定。我现在越来越不同意这个populard的说法。这个说法的前提是, 这个桶必须所有的木板都用上, 然后就是这个桶只能箍个圆的(底不晓得是哪儿来的)。 其实这个前提, 仔细琢磨就未必站的猪脚
一个好的合同还是很重要的。我觉得结婚时候大家就该写个合同。。。 啊汤这次离婚很快, 我觉得可能和婚前合同制定也有一定的关系。我记得和尼克的时候还是拖了一段儿时间的。。。
我想起来以前有一集millionaire matchmaker,有两个millionaire在场,他们俩挑了感兴趣的女孩子的时候,有一个女孩子被两个人都选中了。然后就是大家一对一聊聊10-20分钟左右吧,看是不是有兴趣date.
这个女孩子的确长得不错,工作是厨师还是catering啥的。然后第一个男的就问她你做这个工作是不是很喜欢美食啊也有很多了解啊?结果着女生的回答真是让人faint。她说,啊,其实我不喜欢,我以前有过抑郁症,所以有一阵子很胖,结果进而引发了厌食爆食症,blablabla。。。 那个男人汗死,就把她给pass了。
媒婆听了第一个男人的反馈都要昏过去了,她特意把那个女孩叫到一边,说你在做什么?第一次聊天lay off the heavy stuff,别提你得过什么厌食爆食,说点轻快的话题。那个女孩也点头说知道了。
我们家是我脸很臭。。。。。 汗。。。 检讨一下。。
以下是引用debbiepeng在7/12/2012 2:22:00 PM的发言:
那本difficult conversations的书, 我觉得对我没啥启发, 主要原因就是我觉得那些都不是difficult conversations.. 比如讨论财务问题啊啥的, 这是对自己负责啊,反正要讨论, 那就kiss the frog..
他最近工作挺忙的,双重压力,好可怜~~ 不过其实之前是“父母要来”这个他想象中的devil在压他,其实来了发现还好。。
默默。。 也不容易啊。。
我的voicemail pin #老是不对,疯掉了。我上次请IT重设了以后特地拿小纸条写下来了,今天查了一次,再查又不对了。
user error....哈哈哈。。。
默默。。 也不容易啊。。
以下是引用meiyoule在7/12/2012 2:32:00 PM的发言:
user error....哈哈哈。。。
对付完美主义的最好办法就是破罐子破摔。。 哈哈, 某人深谙其中的精华。。 某人10几岁的时候他父母对他失望至极。。 结果现在某人每一点点进步我公婆都特别开心。。。大智慧啊。。。
你最喜欢谁啊。。。 我可不喜欢Baltar 了。。我和某人都认为这个男人太weak 了。
你最喜欢谁啊。。。 我可不喜欢Baltar 了。。我和某人都认为这个男人太weak 了。
adama第3季是不是换发型了。 我觉得突然从一个特别正的形象变成一个wsn 了。。。
嘿, 咱俩搜了。。 我最近很迟钝啊很迟钝。。不过3季度开始我还没看明白starbuck到底咋的了。。。 迷迷糊糊的。。好些没整明白。。 boomer 现在是啥情况我也不太明白
你不说我压根儿不记得Hotdog 了。。。 他电视里面的儿子挺是我的茶。。。
嘿, 咱俩搜了。。 我最近很迟钝啊很迟钝。。不过3季度开始我还没看明白starbuck到底咋的了。。。 迷迷糊糊的。。好些没整明白。。 boomer 现在是啥情况我也不太明白
以下是引用meiyoule在7/12/2012 12:48:00 PM的发言:
我觉得男人对身材的关注远远超过女人的想象。。。。 前段时间不是那啥电影, 那些年我们一起追过的女孩。。我就记得我蓝颜告诉过我的, 那个时候我们高中班男生最心仪的一个女生就是胸最大的那个,。。其实她算是丰满的, 皮白。。。 女孩子要是高中长那个身材,我估摸大部分都会觉得不太好意思的要减肥的。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 12:50:32编辑过]
adama是很cool,看他第一季witch hunt那集,调查员质问他问题,他的反应真是大快人心。最讨厌witch hunt了。
谢谢。。我的牌子老好了。 李娜, nadal的那个babolat.....买买提曾经讨论还专门测试过, 据说costco卖的那个39.99的又便宜而且打起来和100来块的差不多。。。
昨晚看stabuck伤心的时候, 我就哭了。。。。 很伤心啊
these embarrassments that the quakers suffer'd from having establish'd and published it as one of their principles that no kind of war was lawful, and which, being once published, they could not afterwards, however they might change their minds, easily get rid of, reminds me of what i think a more prudent conduct in another sect among us, that of the dunkers. i was acquainted with one of its founders, michael welfare, soon after it appear'd. he complain'd to me that they were grievously calumniated by the zealots of other persuasions, and charg'd with abominable principles and practices to which they were utter strangers. i told him this had always been the case with new sects, and that, to put a stop to such abuse, i imagin'd it might be well to publish the articles of their belief, and the rules of their discipline. he said that it had been propos'd among them, but not agreed to, for this reason: "when we were first drawn together as a society," says he, "it had pleased god to enlighten our minds so far as to see that some doctrines, which we once esteemed truths, were errors; and that others, which we had esteemed errors, were real truths. from time to time he has been pleased to afford us farther light, and our principles have been improving, and our errors diminishing. now we are not sure that we are arrived at the end of this progression, and at the perfection of spiritual or theological knowledge; and we fear that, if we should once print our confession of faith, we should feel ourselves as if bound and confin'd by it, and perhaps be unwilling to receive further improvement, and our successors still more so, as conceiving what we their elders and founders had done, to be something sacred, never to be departed from."
this modesty in a sect is perhaps a singular instance in the history of mankind, every other sect supposing itself in possession of all truth, and that those who differ are so far in the wrong; like a man traveling in foggy weather, those at some distance before him on the road he sees wrapped up in the fog, as well as those behind him, and also the people in the fields on each side, but near him all appears clear, tho' in truth he is as much in the fog as any of them. to avoid this kind of embarrassment, the quakers have of late years been gradually declining the public service in the assembly and in the magistracy, choosing rather to quit their power than their principle.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/13 13:46:03编辑过]
In order of time, I should have mentioned before, that having, in 1742, invented an open stove[84] for the better warming of rooms, and at the same time saving fuel, as the fresh air admitted was warmed in entering, I made a present of the model to Mr. Robert Grace, one of my early friends, who, having an iron-furnace,[85] found the casting of the plates for these stoves a profitable thing, as they were growing in demand…. Gov'r. Thomas was so pleas'd with the construction of this stove, as described in it, that he offered to give me a patent for the sole vending of them for a term of years; but I declin'd it from a principle which has ever weighed with me on such occasions, viz., That, as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously.
[84] The Franklin stove is still in use.
[85] Warwick Furnace, Chester County, Pennsylvania, across the Schuylkill River from Pottstown.
In the evening, hearing a great noise among them, the commissioners walk'd out to see what was the matter. We found they had made a great bonfire in the middle of the square; they were all drunk, men and women, quarreling and fighting. Their dark-colour'd bodies, half naked, seen only by the gloomy light of the bonfire, running after and beating one another with firebrands, accompanied by their horrid yellings, form'd a scene the most resembling our ideas of hell that could well be imagin'd; there was no appeasing the tumult, and we retired to our lodging. At midnight a number of them came thundering at our door, demanding more rum, of which we took no notice.
The next day, sensible they had misbehav'd in giving us that disturbance, they sent three of their old counselors to make their apology. The orator acknowledg'd the fault, but laid it upon the rum; and then endeavoured to excuse the rum by saying, "The Great Spirit, who made all things, made everything for some use, and whatever use he design'd anything for, that use it should always be put to. Now, when he made rum, he said, 'Let this be for the Indians to get drunk with,' and it must be so." And, indeed, if it be the design of Providence to extirpate these savages in order to make room for cultivators of the earth, it seems not improbable that rum may be the appointed means. It has already annihilated all the tribes who formerly inhabited the sea-coast.
It was about this time that another projector, the Rev. Gilbert Tennent, came to me with a request that I would assist him in procuring a subscription for erecting a new meeting-house. It was to be for the use of a congregation he had gathered among the Presbyterians, who were originally disciples of Mr. Whitefield. Unwilling to make myself disagreeable to my fellow-citizens by too frequently soliciting their contributions, I absolutely refus'd. He then desired I would furnish him with a list of the names of persons I knew by experience to be generous and public-spirited. I thought it would be unbecoming in me, after their kind compliance with my solicitations, to mark them out to be worried by other beggars, and therefore refus'd also to give such a list. He then desir'd I would at least give him my advice. "That I will readily do," said I; "and, in the first place, I advise you to apply to all those whom you know will give something; next, to those whom you are uncertain whether they will give anything or not, and show them the list of those who have given; and, lastly, do not neglect those who you are sure will give nothing, for in some of them you may be mistaken." He laugh'd and thank'd me, and said he would take my advice. He did so, for he ask'd of everybody, and he obtain'd a much larger sum than he expected, with which he erected the capacious and very elegant meeting-house that stands in Arch-street.
After some inquiry, I found a poor, industrious man, who was willing to undertake keeping the pavement clean, by sweeping it twice a week, carrying off the dirt from before all the neighbours' doors, for the sum of sixpence per month, to be paid by each house. I then wrote and printed a paper setting forth the advantages to the neighbourhood that might be obtain'd by this small expense; the greater ease in keeping our houses clean, so much dirt not being brought in by people's feet; the benefit to the shops by more custom, etc., etc., as buyers could more easily get at them; and by not having, in windy weather, the dust blown in upon their goods, etc., etc. I sent one of these papers to each house, and in a day or two went round to see who would subscribe an agreement to pay these sixpences; it was unanimously sign'd, and for a time well executed. All the inhabitants of the city were delighted with the cleanliness of the pavement that surrounded the market, it being a convenience to all, and this rais'd a general desire to have all the streets paved, and made the people more willing to submit to a tax for that purpose.
After some time I drew a bill for paving the city, and brought it into the Assembly. It was just before I went to England, in 1757, and did not pass till I was gone, and then with an alteration in the mode of assessment, which I thought not for the better, but with an additional provision for lighting as well as paving the streets, which was a great improvement. It was by a private person, the late Mr. John Clifton, his giving a sample of the utility of lamps, by placing one at his door, that the people were first impress'd with the idea of enlighting all the city. The honour of this public benefit has also been ascrib'd to me, but it belongs truly to that gentleman. I did but follow his example, and have only some merit to claim respecting the form of our lamps, as differing from the globe lamps we were at first supply'd with from London. Those we found inconvenient in these respects: they admitted no air below; the smoke, therefore, did not readily go out above, but circulated in the globe, lodg'd on its inside, and soon obstructed the light they were intended to afford; giving, besides, the daily trouble of wiping them clean; and an accidental stroke on one of them would demolish it, and render it totally useless. I therefore suggested the composing them of four flat panes, with a long funnel above to draw up the smoke, and crevices admitting air below, to facilitate the ascent of the smoke; by this means they were kept clean, and did not grow dark in a few hours, as the London lamps do, but continu'd bright till morning, and an accidental stroke would generally break but a single pane, easily repair'd.
昨晚看stabuck伤心的时候, 我就哭了。。。。 很伤心啊
小没, 3715
以下是引用teagy在7/12/2012 12:31:00 PM的发言:
不一定。我现在越来越不同意这个populard的说法。这个说法的前提是, 这个桶必须所有的木板都用上, 然后就是这个桶只能箍个圆的(底不晓得是哪儿来的)。 其实这个前提, 仔细琢磨就未必站的猪脚
XO的老婆,Ellen,以前不明白她怎么那么作。重看的时候突然觉得明白了。她就是想要absolute control。
XO的老婆,Ellen,以前不明白她怎么那么作。重看的时候突然觉得明白了。她就是想要absolute control。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/13 13:53:25编辑过]
adama第3季是不是换发型了。 我觉得突然从一个特别正的形象变成一个wsn 了。。。
对, 我们开始看第3季,我们每晚看一集。。
才想起来, 去把370页的总结做完了。 咱们讨论内容很多呢, 不能全部放下, 有的只能给link 了
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/13 13:53:25编辑过]
对, 我们开始看第3季,我们每晚看一集。。
昨天晚上聊天,zt问我,以后咱闺女要是特别叛逆怎么办,比如说10几岁就要身上稀奇古怪的地方打眼穿洞,然后再弄一堆tattoo。我就给他讲了这个organic妈妈的帖子,然后说,如果女儿一定要tattoo,我会说可以,但是我有条件。我们花了这么多钱让你健康又有营养,你要是弄tattoo,先在你屁股上弄个cage free and organically raised的标签tatto,然后其他地方你爱纹啥我都不管。
恩。。 我把link 放在首页了。。我过段时间状态好点儿, 要好好读读。。。 其实我觉得这本书应该是本很有益的书。。 可惜现在读不下去
他这头发实在不好。。 以前很cool的。 现在看着怎么都觉得ws...我发现我看什么都不知道下面会咂样。。。 昨晚看到adama要牺牲了, 我伤心啊。 眼眶就湿润了。。。。某人sip了点儿adult beverage。。。慢悠悠的说那谁pegasus应该要出现了。...我说不会啊, 不是说不来的么。。某人白了我一眼,。。。。都不屑和我说话了, 这个时候pegasus 华丽丽的出现了。。。
某人起得早, 6点要起来, 看完一集他就迷糊了。。。我也没办法。。其实我很想每晚看至少两集的
ellen 尾毛和另外那个男的睡觉啊? 还有她嘴上后来是咋会子事情? 长了个疮? 我觉得我可能还是miss了一些episodes
3300 red
3400 风雪
他这头发实在不好。。 以前很cool的。 现在看着怎么都觉得ws...我发现我看什么都不知道下面会咂样。。。 昨晚看到adama要牺牲了, 我伤心啊。 眼眶就湿润了。。。。某人sip了点儿adult beverage。。。慢悠悠的说那谁pegasus应该要出现了。...我说不会啊, 不是说不来的么。。某人白了我一眼,。。。。都不屑和我说话了, 这个时候pegasus 华丽丽的出现了。。。
昨天晚上聊天,zt问我,以后咱闺女要是特别叛逆怎么办,比如说10几岁就要身上稀奇古怪的地方打眼穿洞,然后再弄一堆tattoo。我就给他讲了这个organic妈妈的帖子,然后说,如果女儿一定要tattoo,我会说可以,但是我有条件。我们花了这么多钱让你健康又有营养,你要是弄tattoo,先在你屁股上弄个cage free and organically raised的标签tatto,然后其他地方你爱纹啥我都不管。
哈哈。。。 我还记得那个帖子呢。。其实我也挺替那个妈妈抱屈的。。不明白为嘛大家拍他
ellen 尾毛和另外那个男的睡觉啊? 还有她嘴上后来是咋会子事情? 长了个疮? 我觉得我可能还是miss了一些episodes
昨天晚上聊天,zt问我,以后咱闺女要是特别叛逆怎么办,比如说10几岁就要身上稀奇古怪的地方打眼穿洞,然后再弄一堆tattoo。我就给他讲了这个organic妈妈的帖子,然后说,如果女儿一定要tattoo,我会说可以,但是我有条件。我们花了这么多钱让你健康又有营养,你要是弄tattoo,先在你屁股上弄个cage free and organically raised的标签tatto,然后其他地方你爱纹啥我都不管。
哈哈, 不要。我以为我错过了。 要是没错过我就接着看
我觉得就是cylon在他脑子里植了一个芯片,然后把他cylon lover upload进去了。他是可以互相交流的双重人格。
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” -Benjamin Franklin-
不是杜撰。我现在每晚一瓶啤酒, 不然没法儿过日子。。就是麻醉一下自己。。哈哈。。。 我最爱的就是blue moon 和samuel adams
我觉得就是cylon在他脑子里植了一个芯片,然后把他cylon lover upload进去了。他是可以互相交流的双重人格。
我觉得cylon啥也没做。 这个人就是weak....嘿嘿。。。 知识分子的毛病他都有。。。
我觉得cylon啥也没做。 这个人就是weak....嘿嘿。。。 知识分子的毛病他都有。。。
Some may think these trifling matters not worth minding or relating; but when they consider that tho' dust blown into the eyes of a single person, or into a single shop on a windy day, is but of small importance, yet the great number of the instances in a populous city, and its frequent repetitions give it weight and consequence, perhaps they will not censure very severely those who bestow some attention to affairs of this seemingly low nature. Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. Thus, if you teach a poor young man to shave himself, and keep his razor in order, you may contribute more to the happiness of his life than in giving him a thousand guineas. The money may be soon spent, the regret only remaining of having foolishly consumed it; but in the other case, he escapes the frequent vexation of waiting for barbers, and of their sometimes dirty fingers, offensive breaths, and dull razors; he shaves when most convenient to him, and enjoys daily the pleasure of its being done with a good instrument. With these sentiments I have hazarded the few preceding pages, hoping they may afford hints which some time or other may be useful to a city I love, having lived many years in it very happily, and perhaps to some of our towns in America.
"Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or, knowing it, pursue!"
Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best public measures are therefore seldom adopted from previous wisdom, but forc'd by the occasion.
In returning, I met at New York with the votes of the Assembly, by which it appear'd that, notwithstanding his promise to me, he(新Governor) and the House were already in high contention; and it was a continual battle between them as long as he retain'd the government. I had my share of it; for, as soon as I got back to my seat in the Assembly, I was put on every committee for answering his speeches and messages, and by the committees always desired to make the drafts. Our answers, as well as his messages, were often tart, and sometimes indecently abusive; and, as he knew I wrote for the Assembly, one might have imagined that, when we met, we could hardly avoid cutting throats; but he was so good-natur'd a man that no personal difference between him and me was occasion'd by the contest, and we often din'd together.
One afternoon, in the height of this public quarrel, we met in the street. "Franklin," says he, "you must go home with me and spend the evening; I am to have some company that you will like;" and, taking me by the arm, he led me to his house. In gay conversation over our wine, after supper, he told us, jokingly, that he much admir'd the idea of Sancho Panza,[93] who, when it was proposed to give him a government, requested it might be a government of blacks, as then, if he could not agree with his people, he might sell them. One of his friends, who sat next to me, says, "Franklin, why do you continue to side with these damn'd Quakers? Had not you better sell them? The proprietor would give you a good price." "The governor," says I, "has not yet blacked them enough." He, indeed, had laboured hard to blacken the Assembly in all his messages, but they wip'd off his colouring as fast as he laid it on, and plac'd it, in return, thick upon his own face; so that, finding he was likely to be negrofied himself, he, as well as Mr. Hamilton, grew tir'd of the contest, and quitted the government.
[93] The "round, selfish, and self-important" squire of Don Quixote in Cervantes' romance of that name.
This gave me occasion to observe, that, when men are employ'd, they are best content'd; for on the days they worked they were good-natur'd and cheerful, and, with the consciousness of having done a good day's work, they spent the evening jollily; but on our idle days they were mutinous and quarrelsome, finding fault with their pork, the bread, etc., and in continual ill-humour, which put me in mind of a sea-captain, whose rule it was to keep his men constantly at work; and, when his mate once told him that they had done everything, and there was nothing further to employ them about, "Oh," says he, "make them scour the anchor."
We had for our chaplain a zealous Presbyterian minister, Mr. Beatty, who complained to me that the men did not generally attend his prayers and exhortations. When they enlisted, they were promised, besides pay and provisions, a gill of rum a day, which was punctually serv'd out to them, half in the morning, and the other half in the evening; and I observed they were as punctual in attending to receive it; upon which I said to Mr. Beatty, "It is, perhaps, below the dignity of your profession to act as steward of the rum, but if you were to deal it out and only just after prayers, you would have them all about you." He liked the tho't, undertook the office, and, with the help of a few hands to measure out the liquor, executed it to satisfaction, and never were prayers more generally and more punctually attended; so that I thought this method preferable to the punishment inflicted by some military laws for non-attendance on divine service.
I inquir'd concerning the Moravian marriages, whether the report was true that they were by lot. I was told that lots were us'd only in particular cases; that generally, when a young man found himself dispos'd to marry, he inform'd the elders of his class, who consulted the elder ladies that govern'd the young women. As these elders of the different sexes were well acquainted with the tempers and dispositions of their respective pupils, they could best judge what matches were suitable, and their judgments were generally acquiesc'd in; but if, for example, it should happen that two or three young women were found to be equally proper for the young man, the lot was then recurred to. I objected, if the matches are not made by the mutual choice of the parties, some of them may chance to be very unhappy. "And so they may," answer'd my informer, "if you let the parties chuse for themselves;" which, indeed, I could not deny.
Even in the simple operation of sailing when at sea, I have often observ'd different judgments in the officers who commanded the successive watches, the wind being the same. One would have the sails trimm'd sharper or flatter than another, so that they seem'd to have no certain rule to govern by. Yet I think a set of experiments might be instituted; first, to determine the most proper form of the hull for swift sailing; next, the best dimensions and properest place for the masts; then the form and quantity of sails, and their position, as the wind may be; and, lastly, the disposition of the lading. This is an age of experiments, and I think a set accurately made and combin'd would be of great use. I am persuaded, therefore, that ere long some ingenious philosopher will undertake it, to whom I wish success.
I then waited on my old friend and correspondent, Mr. Peter Collinson, who told me that John Hanbury, the great Virginia merchant, had requested to be informed when I should arrive, that he might carry me to Lord Granville's,[118] who was then President of the Council and wished to see me as soon as possible. I agreed to go with him the next morning. Accordingly Mr. Hanbury called for me and took me in his carriage to that nobleman's, who receiv'd me with great civility; and after some questions respecting the present state of affairs in America and discourse thereupon, he said to me: "You Americans have wrong ideas of the nature of your constitution; you contend that the king's instructions to his governors are not laws, and think yourselves at liberty to regard or disregard them at your own discretion. But those instructions are not like the pocket instructions given to a minister going abroad, for regulating his conduct in some trifling point of ceremony. They are first drawn up by judges learned in the laws; they are then considered, debated, and perhaps amended in Council, after which they are signed by the king. They are then, so far as they relate to you, the law of the land, for the king is the Legislator of the Colonies,"[119] I told his lordship this was new doctrine to me. I had always understood from our charters that our laws were to be made by our Assemblies, to be presented indeed to the king for his royal assent, but that being once given the king could not repeal or alter them. And as the Assemblies could not make permanent laws without his assent, so neither could he make a law for them without theirs. He assur'd me I was totally mistaken. I did not think so, however, and his lordship's conversation having a little alarm'd me as to what might be the sentiments of the court concerning us, I wrote it down as soon as I return'd to my lodgings. I recollected that about 20 years before, a clause in a bill brought into Parliament by the ministry had propos'd to make the king's instructions laws in the colonies, but the clause was thrown out by the Commons, for which we adored them as our friends and friends of liberty, till by their conduct towards us in 1765 it seem'd that they had refus'd that point of sovereignty to the king only that they might reserve it for themselves.
[118] George Granville or Grenville (1712-1770). As English premier from 1763 to 1765, he introduced the direct taxation of the American Colonies and has sometimes been called the immediate cause of the Revolution.
[119] This whole passage shows how hopelessly divergent were the English and American views on the relations between the mother country and her colonies. Grenville here made clear that the Americans were to have no voice in making or amending their laws. Parliament and the king were to have absolute power over the colonies. No wonder Franklin was alarmed by this new doctrine. With his keen insight into human nature and his consequent knowledge of American character, he foresaw the inevitable result of such an attitude on the part of England. This conversation with Grenville makes these last pages of the Autobiography one of its most important parts.