5。放几张照片:一个曾经在美国BBS很火爆的女id ”built"的“真人兽”。。。她自己claim当时的body fat 是15%,由此想说明体脂的绝对数字在不同人身上不同的意义 For the record, I wanna say that she was insanely lean at that time, and it's damn impressive IMO, even though I DO NOT want to look like that AT ALL!!!
6。从weight lifting角度,也放一张图:Sarah Robles can hoist 321lbs over her head. She's on her way to the London Olympics as the top-ranked female weight lifter in the U.S. She's 5'10 and 275lbs~~~~ I guess my point here is: this is what takes to be a really "strong" woman and I know that's not going to be the battle I'd pick....
7。Enough rumbling for today...and I hope you got my point...
下面是我几天前读到一段话,无风,你怎么认为呢? The quote from Mike Boyle, "Women who run successfully for long periods of time were made to run. They look just like men runners. Good female runners generally don't look like plus-size models. It's not a question of cause and effect; it's a question of natural selection. You can't run to get that cute little runner's body. It's actually reversed. You have to have that cute little runner's body to survive running."
5。放几张照片:一个曾经在美国BBS很火爆的女id ”built"的“真人兽”。。。她自己claim当时的body fat 是15%,由此想说明体脂的绝对数字在不同人身上不同的意义 For the record, I wanna say that she was insanely lean at that time, and it's damn impressive IMO, even though I DO NOT want to look like that AT ALL!!!
6。从weight lifting角度,也放一张图:Sarah Robles can hoist 321lbs over her head. She's on her way to the London Olympics as the top-ranked female weight lifter in the U.S. She's 5'10 and 275lbs~~~~ I guess my point here is: this is what takes to be a really "strong" woman and I know that's not going to be the battle I'd pick....
7。Enough rumbling for today...and I hope you got my point...
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/9 4:30:43编辑过]
Well, she claimed her body fat was 15%, maybe the body fat of her breast.. Haha
Well, she claimed her body fat was 15%, maybe the body fat of her breast.. Haha
嘻嘻。。I'm with you on that until I saw the second last category (After Their Transformations Anthony And Kailash Were Both Ultra Lean At 7% and 15% Body Fat Respectively..) on this page~~~:D http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/body_fat_categories.htm
下面是我几天前读到一段话,无风,你怎么认为呢? The quote from Mike Boyle, "Women who run successfully for long periods of time were made to run. They look just like men runners. Good female runners generally don't look like plus-size models. It's not a question of cause and effect; it's a question of natural selection. You can't run to get that cute little runner's body. It's actually reversed. You have to have that cute little runner's body to survive running."
I very much agree with it!!! " It's not a question of cause and effect; it's a question of natural selection. You can't run to get that cute little runner's body. It's actually reversed. You have to have that cute little runner's body to survive running!" 忒对啦! On the other end, i know exactly what you are referring in terms of runner's body, a.k.a. the slender, small breasted, long legged, toned frame of a runner.?if only it could be?purchased in a store.?well, if you weren't born with it, you need to do just what you are asking; work out in a way in which you can achieve it.??however, you're body shape is the way it is!? meaning if you are a pear shape, you will always be a pear shape,? if have short legs, you cannot make them longer; so celebrate what you have and make THAT the best it can be!! :)
1。Cardio: 6miles/Interval 2。WT:hanging leg raises, hyperextensions, lying leg raises, thigh adductors 3。Nutrition: 1900 cals~~~~
4。接到SA的电报,一大早飞奔至Nordies抢鞋:Loubie and Chanel were 40% off, 美女贵妇成群扎堆,有满地飞奔找另一只的,有岿然不动等伺候的,人间万象尽显其间。。。最新知识是:如果俩贵妇一人抢到同一双鞋的各一只,拥有右脚者不战而胜!! 哈哈哈。。。 5。故贴四寸金莲之。。。
Shin splints 原因很多,平足是其一。。见下: Shin splints aren't really a single medical condition. Instead, they're just a symptom of an underlying problem. They might be caused by:
Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse. Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones. Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.
嘻嘻。。I'm with you on that until I saw the second last category (After Their Transformations Anthony And Kailash Were Both Ultra Lean At 7% and 15% Body Fat Respectively..) on this page~~~:D http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/body_fat_categories.htm
周末率领童子军去图书馆读书,读了Dr. David Burns 《Feeling Good》...Dr. Burns, a psychologist whom I really admire wrote about 10 "cognitive distortions" that are all too common this day and age in our society~~~I thought it was a great list to share
1. All-or-nothing thinking - Talk about a popular one! If you aren't 100% you're a zero. There is nothing in between:( 2. Over-Generalization - You take one negative event and lay it over all future events in your life. "I failed at losing weight this time so I will forever fail and might as well not even try." Or, "I wasn't accepted by this guy so I'm sure all guys will not be interested in me."
3. Negative Mental Filtering - With this you tend to focus solely on the negative aspects of anything. I find a lot of people in the weight loss world do this too... their weight goes up a pound yet, they're looking and feeling so much better, they're measurements are going in the right direction and there are many people commenting on how great they look. Yet, they can't get passed the fact that the scale is up one pound and they aren't happy. Makes no sense but very real.
4. Disqualifying the Positive - This is a popular one for those who have a hard time accepting compliments. I can tell you you're an idiot and it will turn your world upside down but if I told you you're a brilliant, fun, sexy lady... you'd write it off as meaningless. Tough to feel good about yourself when you're seeing the world through these sort of lenses!
5. Jumping to Conclusions - Another popular one... I'm unhappy now so I'll be unhappy tomorrow. What a self-fulfilling prophecy this can be!
6. Magnification/Minimization - Similar to a couple of those above, here you magnify the bad stuff and minimize the good stuff. 7. Emotional Reasoning -- Here your ability to think critically goes out the window. You allow how you feel to influence all of your decisions.
Like if you dislike someone, everything s/he says and does is b.s. then...:) 8. Should Statements - rigidity at its purest...
9. Labeling - I am a failure opposed to I failed. Huge difference which plays out in how you feel and respond. Double standard also fits in this category... 10. Personalization - Take all bad stuff personally, forgetting other facts which also made impact on certain result.
Well...Powerful stuff...isn't it?! What's going on in our minds makes HUGE impact on what's going on in our body...IMO 其实就是领导教育我时经常用的俩词儿:积极。 淡定。
me too. What is the reason behind it? low self esteem and lack of confidence.
My parents attitude to me is : whatever and whenever, it is always my fault. Other people such as my cousin and classmates are right and better than me. It results in my low self esteem and lack of confidence. Even now, I can't understand them: why did't they educate me in a more reasonable way? It really hurts because I trust them as a child. I forgive them but I don't understand them, even now.
me too. What is the reason behind it? low self esteem and lack of confidence.
My parents attitude to me is : whatever and whenever, it is always my fault. Other people such as my cousin and classmates are right and better than me. It results in my low self esteem and lack of confidence. Even now, I can't understand them: why did't they educate me in a more reasonable way? It really hurts because I trust them as a child. I forgive them but I don't understand them, even now.
Well, then i totally understand now since my parents were exactly the same...... very strict and picky. i am indeed lack of confidence and it's hard to change
me too. What is the reason behind it? low self esteem and lack of confidence.
My parents attitude to me is : whatever and whenever, it is always my fault. Other people such as my cousin and classmates are right and better than me. It results in my low self esteem and lack of confidence. Even now, I can't understand them: why did't they educate me in a more reasonable way? It really hurts because I trust them as a child. I forgive them but I don't understand them, even now.
Well, then i totally understand now since my parents were exactly the same...... very strict and picky. i am indeed lack of confidence and it's hard to change
Believe in yourself! Know who you are! Ask yourself: when the fake friends fade, loved ones pass and the bunnies return to the mansion, will you still be who your are or is your identity defined by those that surrounding you?
Invest in yourself, spend time with your thoughts and bask in the metaphysical vapors of your soul! Love the person you are and lust for that which your are becoming... Embrace your ego, love yourself, because when everything goes down, you may very well be the only one you can depend on....
Shin splints 原因很多,平足是其一。。见下: Shin splints aren't really a single medical condition. Instead, they're just a symptom of an underlying problem. They might be caused by:
Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse. Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones. Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.
Believe in yourself! Know who you are! Ask yourself: when the fake friends fade, loved ones pass and the bunnies return to the mansion, will you still be who your are or is your identity defined by those that surrounding you?
Invest in yourself, spend time with your thoughts and bask in the metaphysical vapors of your soul! Love the person you are and lust for that which your are becoming... Embrace your ego, love yourself, because when everything goes down, you may very well be the only one you can depend on....
Xixi...I got paid by how 玄乎 I talk after all~~~and that is a fact:D
中枪。 腿难辨雌雄,长得又不美,谈吐也彪悍的飘过。。。
For me, talking is cheap...action is fun...and result is the next starting point~~~~work hard and play hard~~~~!!
中枪。 腿难辨雌雄,长得又不美,谈吐也彪悍的飘过。。。
那天被高人教育说“you can run, but you can't hide~~~~"
1。Cardio: 12miles
2。WT: pull down, pull up, burpee, pec deck flys
3。Nutrition: 2000 cals~~~~
5。放几张照片:一个曾经在美国BBS很火爆的女id ”built"的“真人兽”
For the record, I wanna say that she was insanely lean at that time, and it's damn impressive IMO, even though I DO NOT want to look like that AT ALL!!!
6。从weight lifting角度,也放一张图:Sarah Robles can hoist 321lbs over her head. She's on her way to the London Olympics as the top-ranked female weight lifter in the U.S. She's 5'10 and 275lbs~~~~
I guess my point here is: this is what takes to be a really "strong" woman
7。Enough rumbling for today...and I hope you got my point...
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/9 4:30:43编辑过]
以下是引用prettyshanti在6/9/2012 12:36:00 PM的发言:
The quote from Mike Boyle, "Women who run successfully for long periods of time were made to run. They look just like men runners. Good female runners generally don't look like plus-size models. It's not a question of cause and effect; it's a question of natural selection. You can't run to get that cute little runner's body. It's actually reversed. You have to have that cute little runner's body to survive running."
1。Cardio: 12miles
2。WT: pull down, pull up, burpee, pec deck flys
3。Nutrition: 2000 cals~~~~
5。放几张照片:一个曾经在美国BBS很火爆的女id ”built"的“真人兽”
For the record, I wanna say that she was insanely lean at that time, and it's damn impressive IMO, even though I DO NOT want to look like that AT ALL!!!
6。从weight lifting角度,也放一张图:Sarah Robles can hoist 321lbs over her head. She's on her way to the London Olympics as the top-ranked female weight lifter in the U.S. She's 5'10 and 275lbs~~~~
I guess my point here is: this is what takes to be a really "strong" woman
7。Enough rumbling for today...and I hope you got my point...
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/9 4:30:43编辑过]
Well, she claimed her body fat was 15%, maybe the body fat of her breast.. Haha
Well, she claimed her body fat was 15%, maybe the body fat of her breast.. Haha
嘻嘻。。I'm with you on that until I saw the second last category (After Their Transformations Anthony And Kailash Were
Both Ultra Lean At 7% and 15% Body Fat Respectively..) on this page~~~:D
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/9 18:04:42编辑过]
呵呵。。谢美女! 如同我一直说的:我腰臀部位基本是天生的。。一直认真练的是:腹部,肩膀和大腿。。。由此可见上帝的力量远远大于我们。。。:)
The quote from Mike Boyle, "Women who run successfully for long periods of time were made to run. They look just like men runners. Good female runners generally don't look like plus-size models. It's not a question of cause and effect; it's a question of natural selection. You can't run to get that cute little runner's body. It's actually reversed. You have to have that cute little runner's body to survive running."
I very much agree with it!!!
" It's not a question of cause and effect; it's a question of natural selection. You can't run to get that cute little runner's body. It's actually reversed. You have to have that cute little runner's body to survive running!" 忒对啦!
On the other end, i know exactly what you are referring in terms of runner's body, a.k.a. the slender, small breasted, long legged, toned frame of a runner.?if only it could be?purchased in a store.?well, if you weren't born with it, you need to do just what you are asking; work out in a way in which you can achieve it.??however, you're body shape is the way it is!? meaning if you are a pear shape, you will always be a pear shape,? if have short legs, you cannot make them longer; so celebrate what you have and make THAT the best it can be!! :)
呵呵。。谢美女! 如同我一直说的:我腰臀部位基本是天生的。。一直认真练的是:腹部,肩膀和大腿。。。由此可见上帝的力量远远大于我们。。。:)
以下是引用prettyshanti在6/9/2012 5:02:00 PM的发言:
健美built是真心不好看啊! 女人美丑先不说,要是从外表到内心都雌雄难辨真是可怕啊。
今天和一个老同学吃饭,此同学印象中是个典型美国中年妇女大胖子,大肚子,大屁股,形象也邋遢经常穿sweat pants就上班了。今天差点没认出来,简直换了一个人,完全瘦了,不是那种精瘦,毕竟以前太胖,是那种中年人富态的身材,打扮也180度大变,终于看上去像一个sharp的professional 了(她确实很聪明,只是以前的形象让人初见会低估她)。人家说减了80磅诶!我说你受啥刺激了,她说,因为今年4月要坐cruise,为了形象,从去年10月狠心cut了所有的高热量的零食,比如巧克力还有一切vending machine里能买到的。她50多岁,不去gym,工作就是坐办公室的,并没有运动,单单靠管住嘴就瘦了80磅!!! 我太羡慕了,我每周在gym里流汗三次的,可是就是不能省巧克力和冰激淋。
我一直坚信的理论之一就是:无论减脂还是增肌,吃(nutrition)是第一重要的,是cardio and weight training的基础。。。
BTW,健康美好的外在形象,在corporate America里极其滴重要!
1。Cardio: 6miles/Interval
2。WT:hanging leg raises, hyperextensions, lying leg raises, thigh adductors
3。Nutrition: 1900 cals~~~~
4。接到SA的电报,一大早飞奔至Nordies抢鞋:Loubie and Chanel were 40% off
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/23 1:18:06编辑过]
今天和一个老同学吃饭,此同学印象中是个典型美国中年妇女大胖子,大肚子,大屁股,形象也邋遢经常穿sweat pants就上班了。今天差点没认出来,简直换了一个人,完全瘦了,不是那种精瘦,毕竟以前太胖,是那种中年人富态的身材,打扮也180度大变,终于看上去像一个sharp的professional 了(她确实很聪明,只是以前的形象让人初见会低估她)。人家说减了80磅诶!我说你受啥刺激了,她说,因为今年4月要坐cruise,为了形象,从去年10月狠心cut了所有的高热量的零食,比如巧克力还有一切vending machine里能买到的。她50多岁,不去gym,工作就是坐办公室的,并没有运动,单单靠管住嘴就瘦了80磅!!! 我太羡慕了,我每周在gym里流汗三次的,可是就是不能省巧克力和冰激淋。
1。Cardio: 6miles/Interval
2。WT:hanging leg raises, hyperextensions, lying leg raises, thigh abductors
3。Nutrition: 1900 cals~~~~
4。接到SA的电报,一大早飞奔至Nordies抢鞋:Loubie and Chanel were 40% off
小腿肌肉 so well defined! 无风mm每天加持,我每天都有去锻炼的动力!~~MUA~~
嗯。。。桔红色的Louie 15号领回家,找时间上镜:D
跑步shin 疼是普遍问题?是因为前面的肌肉没有练习好?我怕是shin split.
极是!! you are what you truly believe ~~~~!
小腿肌肉 so well defined! 无风mm每天加持,我每天都有去锻炼的动力!~~MUA~~
呵呵。。。it's part of my life .... :) 随心所欲,随性真实的纪录一段光阴。。。
跑步shin 疼是普遍问题?是因为前面的肌肉没有练习好?我怕是shin split.
Shin splints 原因很多,平足是其一。。见下:
Shin splints aren't really a single medical condition. Instead, they're just a symptom of an underlying problem. They might be caused by:
Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse.
Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones.
Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.
嘻嘻。。I'm with you on that until I saw the second last category (After Their Transformations Anthony And Kailash Were
Both Ultra Lean At 7% and 15% Body Fat Respectively..) on this page~~~:D
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/9 18:04:42编辑过]
如果这是15%, 用他们的测量标准我肯定是30%, 不过这样的话心甘情愿做个胖子,就算我的小肚子能揪起一寸肥肉,也实在比着看着顺眼。俺家大米说搂着这么个人困困怕是要做噩梦的,哈哈。我觉得象木乃伊
如果这是15%, 用他们的测量标准我肯定是30%, 不过这样的话心甘情愿做个胖子,就算我的小肚子能揪起一寸肥肉,也实在比着看着顺眼。俺家大米说搂着这么个人困困怕是要做噩梦的,哈哈。我觉得象木乃伊
哈哈。。俺跟大米大波一个战壕:)俺也觉着很惊怵,只是从此对body fat % 不感兴趣啦,只要手感和片型。。。嘎嘎。。
本来是resting day的,鬼使神差跑了13miles, 准备晚宴时大吃大喝~~~~
周末率领童子军去图书馆读书,读了Dr. David Burns 《Feeling Good》...Dr. Burns, a psychologist whom I really admire wrote about 10 "cognitive distortions" that are all too common this day and age in our society~~~I thought it was a great list to share
1. All-or-nothing thinking - Talk about a popular one! If you aren't 100% you're a zero. There is nothing in between:(
2. Over-Generalization - You take one negative event and lay it over all future events in your life. "I failed at losing weight this time so I will forever fail and might as well not even try." Or, "I wasn't accepted by this guy so I'm sure all guys will not be interested in me."
3. Negative Mental Filtering - With this you tend to focus solely on the negative aspects of anything. I find a lot of people in the weight loss world do this too... their weight goes up a pound yet, they're looking and feeling so much better, they're measurements are going in the right direction and there are many people commenting on how great they look. Yet, they can't get passed the fact that the scale is up one pound and they aren't happy. Makes no sense but very real.
4. Disqualifying the Positive - This is a popular one for those who have a hard time accepting compliments. I can tell you you're an idiot and it will turn your world upside down but if I told you you're a brilliant, fun, sexy lady... you'd write it off as meaningless. Tough to feel good about yourself when you're seeing the world through these sort of lenses!
5. Jumping to Conclusions - Another popular one... I'm unhappy now so I'll be unhappy tomorrow. What a self-fulfilling prophecy this can be!
6. Magnification/Minimization - Similar to a couple of those above, here you magnify the bad stuff and minimize the good stuff.
7. Emotional Reasoning -- Here your ability to think critically goes out the window. You allow how you feel to influence all of your decisions.
Like if you dislike someone, everything s/he says and does is b.s. then...:)
8. Should Statements - rigidity at its purest...
9. Labeling - I am a failure opposed to I failed. Huge difference which plays out in how you feel and respond. Double standard also fits in this category...
10. Personalization - Take all bad stuff personally, forgetting other facts which also made impact on certain result.
Well...Powerful stuff...isn't it?!
其实就是领导教育我时经常用的俩词儿:积极。 淡定。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/10 20:14:37编辑过]
哈哈。。俺跟大米大波一个战壕:)俺也觉着很惊怵,只是从此对body fat % 不感兴趣啦,只要手感和片型。。。嘎嘎。。
我经常take things personally, 改!
me too. What is the reason behind it? low self esteem and lack of confidence.
My parents attitude to me is : whatever and whenever, it is always my fault. Other people such as my cousin and classmates are right and better than me. It results in my low self esteem and lack of confidence. Even now, I can't understand them: why did't they educate me in a more reasonable way?
It really hurts because I trust them as a child. I forgive them but I don't understand them, even now.
me too. What is the reason behind it? low self esteem and lack of confidence.
My parents attitude to me is : whatever and whenever, it is always my fault. Other people such as my cousin and classmates are right and better than me. It results in my low self esteem and lack of confidence. Even now, I can't understand them: why did't they educate me in a more reasonable way?
It really hurts because I trust them as a child. I forgive them but I don't understand them, even now.
Well, then i totally understand now since my parents were exactly the same...... very strict and picky.
i am indeed lack of confidence and it's hard to change
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/11 0:53:25编辑过]
我经常take things personally, 改!
me too. What is the reason behind it? low self esteem and lack of confidence.
My parents attitude to me is : whatever and whenever, it is always my fault. Other people such as my cousin and classmates are right and better than me. It results in my low self esteem and lack of confidence. Even now, I can't understand them: why did't they educate me in a more reasonable way?
It really hurts because I trust them as a child. I forgive them but I don't understand them, even now.
en...do not pass it to the next generation~~~~!
Well, then i totally understand now since my parents were exactly the same...... very strict and picky.
i am indeed lack of confidence and it's hard to change
Believe in yourself! Know who you are!
Ask yourself: when the fake friends fade, loved ones pass and the bunnies return to the mansion, will you still be who your are or is your identity defined by those that surrounding you?
Invest in yourself, spend time with your thoughts and bask in the metaphysical vapors of your soul!
Love the person you are and lust for that which your are becoming...
Embrace your ego, love yourself, because when everything goes down, you may very well be the only one you can depend on....
Shin splints 原因很多,平足是其一。。见下:
Shin splints aren't really a single medical condition. Instead, they're just a symptom of an underlying problem. They might be caused by:
Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse.
Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones.
Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.
如果你是平均线水平,简直就跟华人的 15w 贫困线一样让我望尘莫及。。。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
Believe in yourself! Know who you are!
Ask yourself: when the fake friends fade, loved ones pass and the bunnies return to the mansion, will you still be who your are or is your identity defined by those that surrounding you?
Invest in yourself, spend time with your thoughts and bask in the metaphysical vapors of your soul!
Love the person you are and lust for that which your are becoming...
Embrace your ego, love yourself, because when everything goes down, you may very well be the only one you can depend on....
谁说滴? 跑鞋粉重要!
如果你是平均线水平,简直就跟华人的 15w 贫困线一样让我望尘莫及。。。
嘻嘻。。Lusi, 记得咱俩的starting point 不: 跟谁混很重要。。it's all about the sample pool~~~:)
如果你是平均线水平,简直就跟华人的 15w 贫困线一样让我望尘莫及。。。
啊? 难道不是30W?
啊? 难道不是30W?
CL 居然也有打折的时候啊!哪家店?Chanel 的很经典!
嘻嘻,光看图啦,木看字:礼拜六的Nordie 啊:)
Just ordered the "feeling good, new mood therapy" to read! Thanks for the excerpts from the book! I can't wait to "feel good" too. :D
Sounds great!!!:)
谁说滴? 跑鞋粉重要!
born to run 里不是说鞋子越旧越好吗?
唉,哪里有 peer review 的数据啊!!!!
啊? 难道不是30W?
born to run 里不是说鞋子越旧越好吗?
唉,哪里有 peer review 的数据啊!!!!
晚上回家再看。。是不是DVF ?:)
Let me your thought. I like the Ivory and Grey color.
Yes. DVF, Zarita Lace Dress. :P
Let me your thought. I like the Ivory and Grey color.
她这双鞋真是穿了一年多了, 最近几次活动还在穿, 很多人都说不喜欢...她也很难啊. 穿新衣服被说浪费, 穿旧的又被说不够polish...哈哈..
她这双鞋真是穿了一年多了, 最近几次活动还在穿, 很多人都说不喜欢...她也很难啊. 穿新衣服被说浪费, 穿旧的又被说不够polish...哈哈..
哈哈, 还是你牛. 我都好久没买鞋了. 而且也从来没买过名牌鞋.
哈哈, 还是你牛. 我都好久没买鞋了. 而且也从来没买过名牌鞋.
你是厚积厚发. 支持你买!
erdem 加拿大的牌子. 这边还真不太好买呢.
她好象也满喜欢DVF的, 那个绿裙子是DVF的, 还有几个小手包啥的.
erdem 我search了一下,NM和BG都有。
哈哈, 除非你住NY, 不然BG就等于没有一样啊.