》》跷班。必须的。 》》9点高温瑜伽课90分钟。早上体力不太好,很挣扎之后往往能达到yoga high. Such a great bliss! 慢慢洗个澡就到饭点儿: 咸蛋粽子,炒青菜,一份dim sum腐竹素什锦,iced jasmine green tea easy on sugar. 》》2点的appointment: 团购spa package, 一小时按摩加一小时facial,$59. 新开不久的店,不大环境很不错。泰式按摩,手有点软我喜欢力度大的狠的。不过也还好,睡着了。Facial很好。 》》回来休息吃了个菜包子。太阳下山跟朋友去sunset walk一个小时补补八卦。
》》跷班。必须的。 》》9点高温瑜伽课90分钟。早上体力不太好,很挣扎之后往往能达到yoga high. Such a great bliss! 慢慢洗个澡就到饭点儿: 咸蛋粽子,炒青菜,一份dim sum腐竹素什锦,iced jasmine green tea easy on sugar. 》》2点的appointment: 团购spa package, 一小时按摩加一小时facial,$59. 新开不久的店,不大环境很不错。泰式按摩,手有点软我喜欢力度大的狠的。不过也还好,睡着了。Facial很好。 》》回来休息吃了个菜包子。太阳下山跟朋友去sunset walk一个小时补补八卦。
一直在想玩玩什么新花样,发现当下很潮的Barre Workout。这个是结合ballet, Pilates and yoga, 口号是lift, tone, burn, 目标是a long, lean, more chiseled dancer's body. 麦当娜很迷这个。
课是55分钟,大概format是5-10分钟预热,10-15分钟light weights for upper body (they do not want you to use more than 5 pounds), 20-30分钟barre exercises for lower body, 10分钟floor work for abs and lower body. 道具有轻量free weights, playground ball, stretch band, and mat. 不穿鞋穿袜子。
家附近有Pure Barre studio, first class is free。于是早上就去玩了哦。Studio不大,so many"白无风look-alike", 差点吓跑~~~ 老师看我新人蛮指点的。拼命寻找dance training的记忆。腿抖的筛糠。It's a good sign I guess, working my muscles into fatigue~~~ 不是cardio workout, 是resistance, toning and flexibility. They want to avoid "bulking up" which is my goal as well. The workout is intense but gentle on the knees at the same time. I loved the workout, 一个小时过的飞快。
学到个新词:屁股叫SEAT。Lift your seats, squeeze your seats~~~ You get the idea~~~
缺点是很贵。一节课25刀,月票要200多。等啥时候Groupon,很想试1,2个月看效果!I want a more dancer-like long and lean body
一直在想玩玩什么新花样,发现当下很潮的Barre Workout。这个是结合ballet, Pilates and yoga, 口号是lift, tone, burn, 目标是a long, lean, more chiseled dancer's body. 麦当娜很迷这个。
课是55分钟,大概format是5-10分钟预热,10-15分钟light weights for upper body (they do not want you to use more than 5 pounds), 20-30分钟barre exercises for lower body, 10分钟floor work for abs and lower body. 道具有轻量free weights, playground ball, stretch band, and mat. 不穿鞋穿袜子。
家附近有Pure Barre studio, first class is free。于是早上就去玩了哦。Studio不大,so many"白无风look-alike", 差点吓跑~~~ 老师看我新人蛮指点的。拼命寻找dance training的记忆。腿抖的筛糠。It's a good sign I guess, working my muscles into fatigue~~~ 不是cardio workout, 是resistance, toning and flexibility. They want to avoid "bulking up" which is my goal as well. The workout is intense but gentle on the knees at the same time. I loved the workout, 一个小时过的飞快。
学到个新词:屁股叫SEAT。Lift your seats, squeeze your seats~~~ You get the idea~~~
缺点是很贵。一节课25刀,月票要200多。等啥时候Groupon,很想试1,2个月看效果!I want a more dancer-like long and lean body
一直在想玩玩什么新花样,发现当下很潮的Barre Workout。这个是结合ballet, Pilates and yoga, 口号是lift, tone, burn, 目标是a long, lean, more chiseled dancer's body. 麦当娜很迷这个。
课是55分钟,大概format是5-10分钟预热,10-15分钟light weights for upper body (they do not want you to use more than 5 pounds), 20-30分钟barre exercises for lower body, 10分钟floor work for abs and lower body. 道具有轻量free weights, playground ball, stretch band, and mat. 不穿鞋穿袜子。
家附近有Pure Barre studio, first class is free。于是早上就去玩了哦。Studio不大,so many"白无风look-alike", 差点吓跑~~~ 老师看我新人蛮指点的。拼命寻找dance training的记忆。腿抖的筛糠。It's a good sign I guess, working my muscles into fatigue~~~ 不是cardio workout, 是resistance, toning and flexibility. They want to avoid "bulking up" which is my goal as well. The workout is intense but gentle on the knees at the same time. I loved the workout, 一个小时过的飞快。
学到个新词:屁股叫SEAT。Lift your seats, squeeze your seats~~~ You get the idea~~~
缺点是很贵。一节课25刀,月票要200多。等啥时候Groupon,很想试1,2个月看效果!I want a more dancer-like long and lean body
1. 早上kickboxing一小时。 2. 星期六刚刚尝试barre workout (ballet Pilates based), 马上就看到livingsocial deal, 两节课25刀 (平时一节课25), 果断跳坑。 3. Livingsocial再跳一坑,70刀水下测体脂+fitness analysis and consultation with a trainer + 4 training sessions. 水下测体脂肪传说是最高科技最准确的,期待
You can count calories, complete courses, and crowd into steam rooms, but chances are that without calling in the professionals, your fitness regimen is far from finished. Get the complete picture with today's deal when you pay $70 for a fitness consultation, four training sessions, and a Hydrostatic Body Composition testing with FitnessWave at X Fitness Studio (a $390 value). Start your strength-building routine with a Hydrostatic Body Composition -- a high-tech method that submerges you underwater and gives an accurate account of body fat, target heart rate, needed calorie intake, and other vital facts. You'll discuss your results, and optimize health and fitness goals, during a one-on-one consultation with a skilled, dedicated trainer. Then you'll go through four personal training sessions that are suitable for expert exercisers and aerobic amateurs alike. With a deal this inclusive, the path to well-being is crystal clear.
1. 早上kickboxing一小时。 2. 星期六刚刚尝试barre workout (ballet Pilates based), 马上就看到livingsocial deal, 两节课25刀 (平时一节课25), 果断跳坑。 3. Livingsocial再跳一坑,70刀水下测体脂+fitness analysis and consultation with a trainer + 4 training sessions. 水下测体脂肪传说是最高科技最准确的,期待
You can count calories, complete courses, and crowd into steam rooms, but chances are that without calling in the professionals, your fitness regimen is far from finished. Get the complete picture with today's deal when you pay $70 for a fitness consultation, four training sessions, and a Hydrostatic Body Composition testing with FitnessWave at X Fitness Studio (a $390 value). Start your strength-building routine with a Hydrostatic Body Composition -- a high-tech method that submerges you underwater and gives an accurate account of body fat, target heart rate, needed calorie intake, and other vital facts. You'll discuss your results, and optimize health and fitness goals, during a one-on-one consultation with a skilled, dedicated trainer. Then you'll go through four personal training sessions that are suitable for expert exercisers and aerobic amateurs alike. With a deal this inclusive, the path to well-being is crystal clear.
1. 早上kickboxing一小时。 2. 星期六刚刚尝试barre workout (ballet Pilates based), 马上就看到livingsocial deal, 两节课25刀 (平时一节课25), 果断跳坑。 3. Livingsocial再跳一坑,70刀水下测体脂+fitness analysis and consultation with a trainer + 4 training sessions. 水下测体脂肪传说是最高科技最准确的,期待
You can count calories, complete courses, and crowd into steam rooms, but chances are that without calling in the professionals, your fitness regimen is far from finished. Get the complete picture with today's deal when you pay $70 for a fitness consultation, four training sessions, and a Hydrostatic Body Composition testing with FitnessWave at X Fitness Studio (a $390 value). Start your strength-building routine with a Hydrostatic Body Composition -- a high-tech method that submerges you underwater and gives an accurate account of body fat, target heart rate, needed calorie intake, and other vital facts. You'll discuss your results, and optimize health and fitness goals, during a one-on-one consultation with a skilled, dedicated trainer. Then you'll go through four personal training sessions that are suitable for expert exercisers and aerobic amateurs alike. With a deal this inclusive, the path to well-being is crystal clear.
fairbanks附近有个耶诞镇(north pole town) 一定要去一下。一年四季都是圣诞节的样子。而且从那里往家里寄明信片,邮戳会显示是north pole 哦!!小朋友应该会很喜欢。别人问他summer去哪里玩,他就能回答说 north pole!我觉得很拉风的! 不过你可以飞到anchorage, 坐火车去那里。或者像你说的 飞去fairbanks 在往南也是很好的选择哦,那样会经过denali,非常美的一个地方~!洗涤身心灵的一处世外桃源。 你可以去alaskatravel.com看下package之类的。
fairbanks附近有个耶诞镇(north pole town) 一定要去一下。一年四季都是圣诞节的样子。而且从那里往家里寄明信片,邮戳会显示是north pole 哦!!小朋友应该会很喜欢。别人问他summer去哪里玩,他就能回答说 north pole!我觉得很拉风的! 不过你可以飞到anchorage, 坐火车去那里。或者像你说的 飞去fairbanks 在往南也是很好的选择哦,那样会经过denali,非常美的一个地方~!洗涤身心灵的一处世外桃源。你可以去alaskatravel.com看下package之类的。
sadly...no LV store as far as I know... the most high end store is Nordstrom.... no LV, no Chanel, no Prada...May have Troy Burch but very little selections tho :<
Fairbanks 绝对值得去,很多好玩儿的,还有温泉!!Denali hiking 不同于一般leisure hiking, 有凶猛动物很冷多雨。 绝对不建议一个人单独行动,you have to gear up very seriously ~~~!Denali NP is a very different park compared w the ones in lower 48....:) Ancorage 有saks and Nordie , 我又经过不过没进去:)
以下是引用无风自飞在7/12/2012 6:30:00 PM的发言: Fairbanks 绝对值得去,很多好玩儿的,还有温泉!!Denali hiking 不同于一般leisure hiking, 有凶猛动物很冷多雨。 绝对不建议一个人单独行动,you have to gear up very seriously ~~~!Denali NP is a very different park compared w the ones in lower 48....:) Ancorage 有saks and Nordie , 我又经过不过没进去:) SAKS? where ?
sadly...no LV store as far as I know... the most high end store is Nordstrom.... no LV, no Chanel, no Prada...May have Troy Burch but very little selections tho :<
Fairbanks 绝对值得去,很多好玩儿的,还有温泉!!Denali hiking 不同于一般leisure hiking, 有凶猛动物很冷多雨。 绝对不建议一个人单独行动,you have to gear up very seriously ~~~!Denali NP is a very different park compared w the ones in lower 48....:) Ancorage 有saks and Nordie , 我又经过不过没进去:)
I think you can call, and order to store, and pick it up when you are there,though they don't carry certain brands in stores. At least it is true for Portland Nordstrom. The sales at Portland are super nice, in both LV and nordstrom.
I think you can call, and order to store, and pick it up when you are there,though they don't carry certain brands in stores. At least it is true for Portland Nordstrom. The sales at Portland are super nice, in both LV and nordstrom.
要是能在Portland找个工作,我就搬那去。 I was in portland once, I like that city. and yeah~ that was the first time I experience no sales tax, super excited lol especially buying a car...and just drove back to Cali.
I was in portland once, I like that city. and yeah~ that was the first time I experience no sales tax, super excited lol especially buying a car...and just drove back to Cali. Can you buy a car in Oregon and drive to cali to avoid tax, even you get a licence in cali? Do you need to own a car for certain time in order to avoid sale tax?
I was in portland once, I like that city. and yeah~ that was the first time I experience no sales tax, super excited lol especially buying a car...and just drove back to Cali.
I think you can call, and order to store, and pick it up when you are there,though they don't carry certain brands in stores. At least it is true for Portland Nordstrom. The sales at Portland are super nice, in both LV and nordstrom.
今天逛街好多小时,got a $200 BCBG dress for less than $70
早饭吃好多:水煮蛋,两片火腿,一小块煎猪排,不少清炒鱼片绿菜花胡萝卜,无糖豆浆。中午没吃。4点多一大碗炸酱面,one slice巧克力蛋糕,
以下是引用RedCrayon在7/4/2012 11:10:00 PM的发言:
7/4/2012, Wednesday
今天逛街好多小时,got a $200 BCBG dress for less than $70
早饭吃好多:水煮蛋,两片火腿,一小块煎猪排,不少清炒鱼片绿菜花胡萝卜,无糖豆浆。中午没吃。4点多一大碗炸酱面,one slice巧克力蛋糕,
以下是引用RedCrayon在7/4/2012 11:10:00 PM的发言:
7/4/2012, Wednesday
今天逛街好多小时,got a $200 BCBG dress for less than $70
早饭吃好多:水煮蛋,两片火腿,一小块煎猪排,不少清炒鱼片绿菜花胡萝卜,无糖豆浆。中午没吃。4点多一大碗炸酱面,one slice巧克力蛋糕,
矮马, 我就爱看细长条的美女. 为啥自己短粗胖捏? 哭死...
7/4/2012, Wednesday
今天逛街好多小时,got a $200 BCBG dress for less than $70
早饭吃好多:水煮蛋,两片火腿,一小块煎猪排,不少清炒鱼片绿菜花胡萝卜,无糖豆浆。中午没吃。4点多一大碗炸酱面,one slice巧克力蛋糕,
矮马, 我就爱看细长条的美女. 为啥自己短粗胖捏? 哭死...
椭圆机预热10分钟,划船机20分钟resistance level 9, 椭圆机20分钟interval program, 一共也就300卡出头有限。
晚上回来儿子的黑森林蛋糕居然有剩。。。u know what happened next
7/5/2012, Thursday
椭圆机预热10分钟,划船机20分钟resistance level 9, 椭圆机20分钟interval program, 一共也就300卡出头有限。
晚上回来儿子的黑森林蛋糕居然有剩。。。u know what happened next
那天,我和我妈光carr,看着点心部的蛋糕流口水啊~天呐~~~!!我真的有冲动 买一坨回去,大口大口塞到嘴里,那感觉就是幸福啊!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/6 1:01:24编辑过]
那天,我和我妈光carr,看着点心部的蛋糕流口水啊~天呐~~~!!我真的有冲动 买一坨回去,大口大口塞到嘴里,那感觉就是幸福啊!!!
矮马, 你还减?
反弹的人当初成功的时候都这么想的. 哈哈. 不吓虎你.
反弹的人当初成功的时候都这么想的. 哈哈. 不吓虎你.
今天不用当司机,来个微型伪贵妇星期五,嘻嘻。进行一半so far so good, 晚上来汇报
矮马, 你还减?
》》9点高温瑜伽课90分钟。早上体力不太好,很挣扎之后往往能达到yoga high. Such a great bliss! 慢慢洗个澡就到饭点儿: 咸蛋粽子,炒青菜,一份dim sum腐竹素什锦,iced jasmine green tea easy on sugar.
》》2点的appointment: 团购spa package, 一小时按摩加一小时facial,$59. 新开不久的店,不大环境很不错。泰式按摩,手有点软我喜欢力度大的狠的。不过也还好,睡着了。Facial很好。
》》回来休息吃了个菜包子。太阳下山跟朋友去sunset walk一个小时补补八卦。
反弹的人当初成功的时候都这么想的. 哈哈. 不吓虎你.
喜欢瑜伽颗,spa,和和朋友sunset walk这几个。
以下是引用RedCrayon在7/7/2012 12:48:00 AM的发言:
7/6/2012, Friday,微型伪贵妇星期五。
》》9点高温瑜伽课90分钟。早上体力不太好,很挣扎之后往往能达到yoga high. Such a great bliss! 慢慢洗个澡就到饭点儿: 咸蛋粽子,炒青菜,一份dim sum腐竹素什锦,iced jasmine green tea easy on sugar.
》》2点的appointment: 团购spa package, 一小时按摩加一小时facial,$59. 新开不久的店,不大环境很不错。泰式按摩,手有点软我喜欢力度大的狠的。不过也还好,睡着了。Facial很好。
》》回来休息吃了个菜包子。太阳下山跟朋友去sunset walk一个小时补补八卦。
喜欢瑜伽颗,spa,和朋友sunset walk这几个
一直在想玩玩什么新花样,发现当下很潮的Barre Workout。这个是结合ballet, Pilates and yoga, 口号是lift, tone, burn,
目标是a long, lean, more chiseled dancer's body. 麦当娜很迷这个。
课是55分钟,大概format是5-10分钟预热,10-15分钟light weights for upper body (they do not want you to use more than 5 pounds),
20-30分钟barre exercises for lower body, 10分钟floor work for abs and lower body. 道具有轻量free weights, playground ball, stretch band, and mat. 不穿鞋穿袜子。
家附近有Pure Barre studio, first class is free。于是早上就去玩了哦。Studio不大,so many"白无风look-alike", 差点吓跑~~~
老师看我新人蛮指点的。拼命寻找dance training的记忆。腿抖的筛糠。It's a good sign I guess, working my muscles into fatigue~~~
不是cardio workout, 是resistance, toning and flexibility. They want to avoid "bulking up" which is my goal as well. The workout is intense but gentle on the knees at the same time. I loved the workout, 一个小时过的飞快。
学到个新词:屁股叫SEAT。Lift your seats, squeeze your seats~~~ You get the idea~~~
缺点是很贵。一节课25刀,月票要200多。等啥时候Groupon,很想试1,2个月看效果!I want a more dancer-like long and lean body
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/7 15:11:36编辑过]
7/7/2012, Saturday
一直在想玩玩什么新花样,发现当下很潮的Barre Workout。这个是结合ballet, Pilates and yoga, 口号是lift, tone, burn,
目标是a long, lean, more chiseled dancer's body. 麦当娜很迷这个。
课是55分钟,大概format是5-10分钟预热,10-15分钟light weights for upper body (they do not want you to use more than 5 pounds),
20-30分钟barre exercises for lower body, 10分钟floor work for abs and lower body. 道具有轻量free weights, playground ball, stretch band, and mat. 不穿鞋穿袜子。
家附近有Pure Barre studio, first class is free。于是早上就去玩了哦。Studio不大,so many"白无风look-alike", 差点吓跑~~~
老师看我新人蛮指点的。拼命寻找dance training的记忆。腿抖的筛糠。It's a good sign I guess, working my muscles into fatigue~~~
不是cardio workout, 是resistance, toning and flexibility. They want to avoid "bulking up" which is my goal as well. The workout is intense but gentle on the knees at the same time. I loved the workout, 一个小时过的飞快。
学到个新词:屁股叫SEAT。Lift your seats, squeeze your seats~~~ You get the idea~~~
缺点是很贵。一节课25刀,月票要200多。等啥时候Groupon,很想试1,2个月看效果!I want a more dancer-like long and lean body
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/7 15:11:36编辑过]
7/7/2012, Saturday
一直在想玩玩什么新花样,发现当下很潮的Barre Workout。这个是结合ballet, Pilates and yoga, 口号是lift, tone, burn,
目标是a long, lean, more chiseled dancer's body. 麦当娜很迷这个。
课是55分钟,大概format是5-10分钟预热,10-15分钟light weights for upper body (they do not want you to use more than 5 pounds),
20-30分钟barre exercises for lower body, 10分钟floor work for abs and lower body. 道具有轻量free weights, playground ball, stretch band, and mat. 不穿鞋穿袜子。
家附近有Pure Barre studio, first class is free。于是早上就去玩了哦。Studio不大,so many"白无风look-alike", 差点吓跑~~~
老师看我新人蛮指点的。拼命寻找dance training的记忆。腿抖的筛糠。It's a good sign I guess, working my muscles into fatigue~~~
不是cardio workout, 是resistance, toning and flexibility. They want to avoid "bulking up" which is my goal as well. The workout is intense but gentle on the knees at the same time. I loved the workout, 一个小时过的飞快。
学到个新词:屁股叫SEAT。Lift your seats, squeeze your seats~~~ You get the idea~~~
缺点是很贵。一节课25刀,月票要200多。等啥时候Groupon,很想试1,2个月看效果!I want a more dancer-like long and lean body
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/7 15:11:36编辑过]
恩。发现ballet-inspired workout挺多的。我多关注下。
贵妇生活天天过就没劲了。偶尔要杀回江湖,杀大把敌人,敛大把银子,幸会一两个武林帅哥~~:) 哈哈哈
1. 早上kickboxing一小时。
2. 星期六刚刚尝试barre workout (ballet Pilates based), 马上就看到livingsocial deal, 两节课25刀 (平时一节课25), 果断跳坑。
3. Livingsocial再跳一坑,70刀水下测体脂+fitness analysis and consultation with a trainer + 4 training sessions.
You can count calories, complete courses, and crowd into steam rooms, but chances are that without calling in the professionals, your fitness regimen is far from finished. Get the complete picture with today's deal when you pay $70 for a fitness consultation, four training sessions, and a Hydrostatic Body Composition testing with FitnessWave at X Fitness Studio (a $390 value). Start your strength-building routine with a Hydrostatic Body Composition -- a high-tech method that submerges you underwater and gives an accurate account of body fat, target heart rate, needed calorie intake, and other vital facts. You'll discuss your results, and optimize health and fitness goals, during a one-on-one consultation with a skilled, dedicated trainer. Then you'll go through four personal training sessions that are suitable for expert exercisers and aerobic amateurs alike. With a deal this inclusive, the path to well-being is crystal clear.
4. 中午开始吃吃喝喝一直玩到半夜,喝了好多酒,吃了3000卡也不止。比如spicy bacon fried rice, 装在木桶里,我真成了饭桶
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 12:47:41编辑过]
以下是引用RedCrayon在7/9/2012 12:43:00 PM的发言:
7/8/2012, Sunday
1. 早上kickboxing一小时。
2. 星期六刚刚尝试barre workout (ballet Pilates based), 马上就看到livingsocial deal, 两节课25刀 (平时一节课25), 果断跳坑。
3. Livingsocial再跳一坑,70刀水下测体脂+fitness analysis and consultation with a trainer + 4 training sessions.
You can count calories, complete courses, and crowd into steam rooms, but chances are that without calling in the professionals, your fitness regimen is far from finished. Get the complete picture with today's deal when you pay $70 for a fitness consultation, four training sessions, and a Hydrostatic Body Composition testing with FitnessWave at X Fitness Studio (a $390 value). Start your strength-building routine with a Hydrostatic Body Composition -- a high-tech method that submerges you underwater and gives an accurate account of body fat, target heart rate, needed calorie intake, and other vital facts. You'll discuss your results, and optimize health and fitness goals, during a one-on-one consultation with a skilled, dedicated trainer. Then you'll go through four personal training sessions that are suitable for expert exercisers and aerobic amateurs alike. With a deal this inclusive, the path to well-being is crystal clear.
4. 中午开始吃吃喝喝一直玩到半夜,喝了好多酒,吃了3000卡也不止。比如spicy bacon fried rice, 装在木桶里,我真成了饭桶
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 12:47:41编辑过]
7/8/2012, Sunday
1. 早上kickboxing一小时。
2. 星期六刚刚尝试barre workout (ballet Pilates based), 马上就看到livingsocial deal, 两节课25刀 (平时一节课25), 果断跳坑。
3. Livingsocial再跳一坑,70刀水下测体脂+fitness analysis and consultation with a trainer + 4 training sessions.
You can count calories, complete courses, and crowd into steam rooms, but chances are that without calling in the professionals, your fitness regimen is far from finished. Get the complete picture with today's deal when you pay $70 for a fitness consultation, four training sessions, and a Hydrostatic Body Composition testing with FitnessWave at X Fitness Studio (a $390 value). Start your strength-building routine with a Hydrostatic Body Composition -- a high-tech method that submerges you underwater and gives an accurate account of body fat, target heart rate, needed calorie intake, and other vital facts. You'll discuss your results, and optimize health and fitness goals, during a one-on-one consultation with a skilled, dedicated trainer. Then you'll go through four personal training sessions that are suitable for expert exercisers and aerobic amateurs alike. With a deal this inclusive, the path to well-being is crystal clear.
4. 中午开始吃吃喝喝一直玩到半夜,喝了好多酒,吃了3000卡也不止。比如spicy bacon fried rice, 装在木桶里,我真成了饭桶
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 12:47:41编辑过]
I can finish it just by mself!!!
恭贺心想事成地买到 deal!
I can finish it just by mself!!!
I did finish the whole thing by myself
恭贺心想事成地买到 deal!
以下是引用RedCrayon在7/9/2012 11:02:00 PM的发言:
今天不当司机! 欧也! 奔what I'm wearing~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/29 12:26:57编辑过]
我唯一天生还行的zone, 靴子shaft可以穿12.5
我唯一天生还行的zone, 靴子shaft可以穿12.5
版上MM说是会先粗,继续坚持的好的话eventually will slim down。我运动才能一般,怕半吊子搞砸就没敢试。
以下是引用redcrayon在7/10/2012 12:47:00 pm的发言:
去Pure Barre studio上课,55分钟,ballet and Pilates based toning workout。膝盖觉得好些不那么烧烧的感觉哦也!
Future adventure travel - planning in progress:
8月中旬可以finish kids-related summer obligations。8月底是俺登陆米国25周年,必须计划旅行!
当然是Alaska - the last frontier! 陆地游。俺喜欢新鲜刺激。在研究行程。想去北冰洋拿个certificate~~~想想好兴奋
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/9/16 1:37:38编辑过]
7/11/2012, Wednesday
去Pure Barre studio上课,55分钟,ballet and Pilates based toning workout。膝盖觉得好些不那么烧烧的感觉哦也!
Future adventure travel - planning in progress:
8月中旬可以finish kids-related summer obligations。8月底是俺登陆米国25周年,必须计划旅行!
当然是Alaska - the last frontier! 陆地游。俺喜欢新鲜刺激。在研究行程。想去北冰洋游泳拿个certificate~~~想想好兴奋
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/11 23:49:34编辑过]
考拉MM, Fairbanks有必要专门去吗?算到过Arctic Circle。。。?飞过去有点麻烦的没有直航。我在想要不要飞去Fairbanks,
fairbanks附近有个耶诞镇(north pole town) 一定要去一下。一年四季都是圣诞节的样子。而且从那里往家里寄明信片,邮戳会显示是north pole 哦!!小朋友应该会很喜欢。别人问他summer去哪里玩,他就能回答说 north pole!我觉得很拉风的! 不过你可以飞到anchorage, 坐火车去那里。或者像你说的 飞去fairbanks 在往南也是很好的选择哦,那样会经过denali,非常美的一个地方~!洗涤身心灵的一处世外桃源。
耶诞镇有sales tax的。anchorage里面没有。。。我妈在这里唯一开心的就是没有sales tax lol
本来想好去欧洲,想想本土更贴切。到continent最北端top of the world, 感受辽阔的荒野
fairbanks附近有个耶诞镇(north pole town) 一定要去一下。一年四季都是圣诞节的样子。而且从那里往家里寄明信片,邮戳会显示是north pole 哦!!小朋友应该会很喜欢。别人问他summer去哪里玩,他就能回答说 north pole!我觉得很拉风的! 不过你可以飞到anchorage, 坐火车去那里。或者像你说的 飞去fairbanks 在往南也是很好的选择哦,那样会经过denali,非常美的一个地方~!洗涤身心灵的一处世外桃源。你可以去alaskatravel.com看下package之类的。
耶诞镇有sales tax的。anchorage里面没有。。。我妈在这里唯一开心的就是没有sales tax lol
Denali NP一定去。爬爬山洗涤身心
Barrow要不要去还在犹豫。Once in a lifetime experience啦~~~
哇,去北冰洋游泳,你太 cool 了!
看youtube, 貌似quickly submerge就能拿到Polar Bear Club certificate
Denali NP一定去。爬爬山洗涤身心
Barrow要不要去还在犹豫。Once in a lifetime experience啦~~~
sadly...no LV store as far as I know... the most high end store is Nordstrom.... no LV, no Chanel, no Prada...May have Troy Burch but very little selections tho :<
以下是引用RedCrayon在7/12/2012 10:06:00 AM的发言:
看youtube, 貌似quickly submerge就能拿到Polar Bear Club certificate
Fairbanks 绝对值得去,很多好玩儿的,还有温泉!!Denali hiking 不同于一般leisure hiking, 有凶猛动物很冷多雨。 绝对不建议一个人单独行动,you have to gear up very seriously ~~~!Denali NP is a very different park compared w the ones in lower 48....:) Ancorage 有saks and Nordie , 我又经过不过没进去:)
SAKS? where ?
SAKS? where ?
哈哈哈,刚在手机里翻了下图,Nordie 天桥对面不是有个fifth avenue mall...?! 被偶自动以为是saks fifth ave...汗。。哈呵呵:)
sadly...no LV store as far as I know... the most high end store is Nordstrom.... no LV, no Chanel, no Prada...May have Troy Burch but very little selections tho :<
25周年! 值得庆祝。
Fairbanks 绝对值得去,很多好玩儿的,还有温泉!!Denali hiking 不同于一般leisure hiking, 有凶猛动物很冷多雨。 绝对不建议一个人单独行动,you have to gear up very seriously ~~~!Denali NP is a very different park compared w the ones in lower 48....:) Ancorage 有saks and Nordie , 我又经过不过没进去:)
看上去有点冷会不会?Denali NP更冷?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 23:10:43编辑过]
but you can visit anchorage first, and shop at REI for some really good gears ;)
I think you can call, and order to store, and pick it up when you are there,though they don't carry certain brands in stores. At least it is true for Portland Nordstrom. The sales at Portland are super nice, in both LV and nordstrom.
I think you can call, and order to store, and pick it up when you are there,though they don't carry certain brands in stores. At least it is true for Portland Nordstrom. The sales at Portland are super nice, in both LV and nordstrom.
I was in portland once, I like that city. and yeah~ that was the first time I experience no sales tax, super excited lol especially buying a car...and just drove back to Cali.
I was in portland once, I like that city. and yeah~ that was the first time I experience no sales tax, super excited lol especially buying a car...and just drove back to Cali.
Can you buy a car in Oregon and drive to cali to avoid tax, even you get a licence in cali? Do you need to own a car for certain time in order to avoid sale tax?
I was in portland once, I like that city. and yeah~ that was the first time I experience no sales tax, super excited lol especially buying a car...and just drove back to Cali.
I think you can call, and order to store, and pick it up when you are there,though they don't carry certain brands in stores. At least it is true for Portland Nordstrom. The sales at Portland are super nice, in both LV and nordstrom.
我得悠着点儿。阿拉斯加真烧钱,在做budget, 貌似没个4千样子搞不定。。。
我得悠着点儿。阿拉斯加真烧钱,在做budget, 貌似没个4千样子搞不定。。。
嗯。光Fairbanks到Barrow (edge of North American continent)一段机票就500多,才飞不到一个小时好不好。