I just made the phone call. she told me. the only way to refund gift card, is receive it. then send it back use ups. she said they will use usps for gift card, if refuse, they can't track the gift card, but if you use ups with tracking number, they can refund it
以下是引用aimeiyuu在11/29/2011 11:25:00 AM的发言: I just made the phone call. she told me. the only way to refund gift card, is receive it. then send it back use ups. she said they will use usps for gift card, if refuse, they can't track the gift card, but if you use ups with tracking number, they can refund it 看来每个客服说得都不一样保险起见还是先dispute了吧。。。
I just made the phone call. she told me. the only way to refund gift card, is receive it. then send it back use ups. she said they will use usps for gift card, if refuse, they can't track the gift card, but if you use ups with tracking number, they can refund it
昨晚已经写了投诉email过去,说我要的product backordered 我可以忍,耐心等。但LM没有提前通知就擅自修改订单,这是欺骗,如果包裹到,里面东西不全,我不会退,这也是我最后一次买La Mer, 我还会把我的经历大作宣传,告诉周围正在用或者有意向用他家东西的朋友how La Mer treats their customers, 因为他们以为自己是high end,就根本不Care自己的reputation ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren 7.28 - iPad Lite
昨晚已经写了投诉email过去,说我要的product backordered 我可以忍,耐心等。但LM没有提前通知就擅自修改订单,这是欺骗,如果包裹到,里面东西不全,我不会退,这也是我最后一次买La Mer, 我还会把我的经历大作宣传,告诉周围正在用或者有意向用他家东西的朋友how La Mer treats their customers, 因为他们以为自己是high end,就根本不Care自己的reputation ★ Sent from i---- 7.28 - iPad Lite
我早上10点不到买的正品一单,丫把我整单小样全砍了,东西反正是要用的,留下没关系,不想折腾refuse,也不想打电话听Cs不靠谱的口头承诺,但是被骗这口气咽不下去,如果不按单子给我寄来,以后我见LM一次黑它一次★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren 7.28 - iPad Lite
昨晚已经写了投诉email过去,说我要的product backordered 我可以忍,耐心等。但LM没有提前通知就擅自修改订单,这是欺骗,如果包裹到,里面东西不全,我不会退,这也是我最后一次买La Mer, 我还会把我的经历大作宣传,告诉周围正在用或者有意向用他家东西的朋友how La Mer treats their customers, 因为他们以为自己是high end,就根本不Care自己的reputation ★ Sent from i---- 7.28 - iPad Lite
以下是引用aimeiyuu在11/29/2011 11:21:00 AM的发言: me too... she told me. if i don't wanna the gift card. after i receive the whole package. i can hold the samples and send the card back 不知道寄来会是什么样子,实在是懒得折腾
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/29 11:01:58编辑过]
刚才打了电话,说今天就ship了,被取消的小样这周肯定寄给我,不知道真的假的,说给我发comfirmation email,还没收到。。。
haha 真的五花八门啊
到时候DISPUTE可以就说大家说过这样的情况 说要补给一样的小样 最后还是没有邮寄
refuse了,la mer能啥时候把钱退回来哇
以下是引用lizzyzhao在11/29/2011 11:14:00 AM的发言:
刚才怒了,直接回信给la mer。如果不给我补寄所有被cancel的小样,就别给我寄乱七八糟的一两个小破样了,我决定refuse包裹外加dispute信用卡了。
说会补寄一个SET 这话能信吗?
me too...
she told me. if i don't wanna the gift card. after i receive the whole package. i can hold the samples and send the card back
I just made the phone call. she told me. the only way to refund gift card, is receive it. then send it back use ups.
she said they will use usps for gift card, if refuse, they can't track the gift card, but if you use ups with tracking number, they can refund it
I just made the phone call. she told me. the only way to refund gift card, is receive it. then send it back use ups. she said they will use usps for gift card, if refuse, they can't track the gift card, but if you use ups with tracking number, they can refund it
我要取消 她说你的小样都还在 为啥要取消啊 说是我真的不想要gf就先收包裹 然后留着小样 把卡退回去。。。雷住我了
I just made the phone call. she told me. the only way to refund gift card, is receive it. then send it back use ups.
she said they will use usps for gift card, if refuse, they can't track the gift card, but if you use ups with tracking number, they can refund it
我要取消 她说你的小样都还在 为啥要取消啊 说是我真的不想要gf就先收包裹 然后留着小样 把卡退回去。。。雷住我了
我也是收到这封信。直接回信说这是我最坏的网购经验,是我第一次也是最后一次买la mer了。
我要取消 她说你的小样都还在 为啥要取消啊 说是我真的不想要gf就先收包裹 然后留着小样 把卡退回去。。。雷住我了
我刚刚打电话了,客服说因为我单子里面还有一个sample,不能cancel,然后我说要不是有deal我不会买的,她就去找了supervisor,说,那个supervisor说如果把卡和sample都return回去,会credit back,如果没有收到那个sample一起,是不会退钱的。
昨晚已经写了投诉email过去,说我要的product backordered 我可以忍,耐心等。但LM没有提前通知就擅自修改订单,这是欺骗,如果包裹到,里面东西不全,我不会退,这也是我最后一次买La Mer, 我还会把我的经历大作宣传,告诉周围正在用或者有意向用他家东西的朋友how La Mer treats their customers, 因为他们以为自己是high end,就根本不Care自己的reputation ★ Sent from i---- 7.28 - iPad Lite
mm这个写的好强大。。。我想看英文版,从来不知道咋发complain 信的好想学习下。。。可以不?
大家要不要一起去bbb投诉啊。只写信给la mer,他们估计当我们玩笑。
昨晚已经写了投诉email过去,说我要的product backordered 我可以忍,耐心等。但LM没有提前通知就擅自修改订单,这是欺骗,如果包裹到,里面东西不全,我不会退,这也是我最后一次买La Mer, 我还会把我的经历大作宣传,告诉周围正在用或者有意向用他家东西的朋友how La Mer treats their customers, 因为他们以为自己是high end,就根本不Care自己的reputation ★ Sent from i---- 7.28 - iPad Lite
me too... she told me. if i don't wanna the gift card. after i receive the whole package. i can hold the samples and send the card back
me too...
she told me. if i don't wanna the gift card. after i receive the whole package. i can hold the samples and send the card back
我弱弱的说一句。刚才想去电话cancel order。然后发现单子里所有的东西都shipped了。。。。。。。。
不会吧 她们多人说过了会给PREPAID LABEL的
大家要不要一起去bbb投诉啊。只写信给la mer,他们估计当我们玩笑。
可以哈 月多人COMPLAIN 力量越大吗
以下是引用junehou4在11/29/2011 12:04:00 PM的发言:
还有被告知,EL corporate有action plan 要出来大家等action plan吧。
昨天打电话去人说会补寄。今天send email说补寄出来了,但是只寄了一个body creme。
还有被告知,EL corporate有action plan 要出来大家等action plan吧。
不着急 看看咋
老实说 处理不好 这就是个公关危机 形象扫地
re,其实我也没有太生气,就是比较失望。昨天我买lip balm 小样也被砍,而且还用gc 付款,要dispute 都没办法,refuse 包裹的话也不知道什么时候能refund 到gc 里,而且留着gc 以后还要在他家买,想着都烦,所以打算这次就留着包裹了。再说上次买gc 就得了赠品,按说也是钻空子,这次也算是得了报应吧,两边扯平。
但还是觉得可以投诉一下,毕竟这次动作太大、太不合理,我看了cyber monday 的email 里提到赠品才想起这时候买东西的,怎么说砍就砍呢?或者把整单都砍也行,现在这样不是诱骗别人买东西嘛。
昨天打电话去人说会补寄。今天send email说补寄出来了,但是只寄了一个body creme。
还有被告知,EL corporate有action plan 要出来大家等action plan吧。
刚才 早上差的时候 两个单子都是小样都看不见了 页面TOP有红字提示说 没有了 OOS 就不给了 取消了
现在 都变成PENDING鸟。。
难道他们打算HONOR 小样了?
但是另外一个单子 就木有恢复 还是只剩下一个小样 SET和另外一个单独小样都木有了 不过 红字也木有啦
不着急 看看咋
老实说 处理不好 这就是个公关危机 形象扫地
其实他家直接砍单子就行了,弄到这样,谁都不好过。还有昨天快半夜了code还valid,简直太愚昧了。customer service 也烂,没好好train过,
是在没有道理啊 之前确实两个ITEM都不见了 现在又都回去了
公司因为公关的考虑 亏本的事情也会做的 何况 小样本来也没有多少成本 LOCAL店里不也是那样送出去的
他们不处理好这件事情 损失恐怕比送出去小样还要大得多
其实他家直接砍单子就行了,弄到这样,谁都不好过。还有昨天快半夜了code还valid,简直太愚昧了。customer service 也烂,没好好train过,
其实他家直接砍单子就行了,弄到这样,谁都不好过。还有昨天快半夜了code还valid,简直太愚昧了。customer service 也烂,没好好train过,
恩 即使最糟糕情况 大家也没有啥太大损失哈 以后GC也是可以用的 不过我好久没有DISPUTE过了 DISPUTE一下玩玩也挺好
我的GC shipped了。。。。。。小样也显示shipped了。。。。。
第二个单子 现在东西也都全部POP UP了
什么是pop up?
我的GC shipped了。。。。。。小样也显示shipped了。。。。。
就是每次都很耐心的回答你的问题,online chat的时候也为你推荐合适你的产品,非常nice,
什么是pop up?
就是之前单子LIST里面显示没有了啊 然后现在又出现了 STATUS是PENDING 不知道他们到底在搞啥
就是每次都很耐心的回答你的问题,online chat的时候也为你推荐合适你的产品,非常nice,
这次很多人的刚经历可不高端哈 有些CSR就听态度不好的
faint, 人家也不知道你大肚婆。你打电话去order说你大肚婆说不定给你个孕妇待遇。
为什么散粉是pending,不是back order呢
想着back order就cancel 算了
re,其实我也没有太生气,就是比较失望。昨天我买lip balm 小样也被砍,而且还用gc 付款,要dispute 都没办法,refuse 包裹的话也不知道什么时候能refund 到gc 里,而且留着gc 以后还要在他家买,想着都烦,所以打算这次就留着包裹了。再说上次买gc 就得了赠品,按说也是钻空子,这次也算是得了报应吧,两边扯平。
但还是觉得可以投诉一下,毕竟这次动作太大、太不合理,我看了cyber monday 的email 里提到赠品才想起这时候买东西的,怎么说砍就砍呢?或者把整单都砍也行,现在这样不是诱骗别人买东西嘛。
是的,我也有些失望,也确实不合理,cyber monday 有促销回报客户合情合理,砍单也要知会一声啊!
Dennis D'Andrea
Vice President, Investor Relations
[email protected]
有el股票NYSE:EL的同学们可以给这个investor relation vp 写“感谢信”
Dennis D'Andrea
Vice President, Investor Relations
[email protected]
这次很多人的刚经历可不高端哈 有些CSR就听态度不好的
mm这个写的好强大。。。我想看英文版,从来不知道咋发complain 信的好想学习下。。。可以不?
Hi La Mer customer service representatives,
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
Thank you,
faint, 人家也不知道你大肚婆。你打电话去order说你大肚婆说不定给你个孕妇待遇。
有el股票NYSE:EL的同学们可以给这个investor relation vp 写“感谢信”
Dennis D'Andrea
Vice President, Investor Relations
[email protected]
Hi La Mer customer service representatives,
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
Thank you,
MARK 到时候照抄一份 报送他家哈
为什么散粉是pending,不是back order呢
想着back order就cancel 算了
我的散粉也是pending. mm不用着急,等信用卡可以dispute的时候就直接dispute,直到全部收到。
我也收到感谢信了,不过单子还是pending, 小样还是cancelled.
以下是引用奇异果在11/29/2011 12:36:00 PM的发言:
Hi La Mer customer service representatives,
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
Thank you,
我也收到感谢信了,不过单子还是pending, 小样还是cancelled.
我的也一样~不过我发现我最便宜的两单lip balm小样全部cancel了~其他几蛋贵点的手霜和infusion还有toner都全部在pending~有些写这wait-cs-cancel~不知道是不是意思是等待取消中的意思。。。。
我也收到感谢信了,不过单子还是pending, 小样还是cancelled.
Hi La Mer customer service representatives,
I am writing this email regarding some problems in my order #.
I am a loyal customer of La Mer for many years. I ordered****this early morning when I saw La Mer Cyber Monday promotion for today. Because I haven’t tried some of the skincare products that I am interested in, I think this is a good opportunity for me to get some sample products. In the afternoon, I got a backorder notice from CS, saying that the products that I ordered are in backorder. I felt it was fine. I am not in a rush to get them.
However, when I checked my order status online, I was surprised that ALL the skincare samples in my order were cancelled WITHOUT prior notice. I do not feel comfortable with this b/c I have the feeling of being cheated. I am wondering if I will still get those FIVE skincare samples when my order shipped out.
I won’t cancel my order no matter whether the samples are included or not. However, if the skincare samples are missing in my package, this would be my last La Mer purchase b/c I won't trust this company any more. And I will also tell my friends who is using La Mer products, or those who intent to purchase La Mer, how La Mer treats their customers. Being a high end brand does not mean you can modify customer’s order at your own will. This is disgraceful.
I hope you understand my disappointment. And I would appreciate it if you pass my complaints to the management.
Thank you,
我也收到感谢信了,不过单子还是pending, 小样还是cancelled.
me 2.......
就是每次都很耐心的回答你的问题,online chat的时候也为你推荐合适你的产品,非常nice,
我也收到感谢信了,不过单子还是pending, 小样还是cancelled.
same here~