川普访华后,扔出一句话:I don’t blame China. I blame the previous administrations。中国人一听如获至宝,说你们看连你们总统都说中国人没干坏事。川普一回来,立即启动贸易战,中国傻眼。the rest is history。其实川普的意思是再明白不过了:面对中国过去几十年的胡作非为,前几届总统居然不采取措施惩罚中国,是完全的失职。
“Europe is a mule in America's convoy! Europe can't make a rational judgment on its own behalf. America is losing its reputation. The whole world hates America."
US politicians and media live in their own “exceptionalism” bubble, telling each other how America is the greatest.
These buffoons can’t even imagine a day when the US will be #2 or worse. And how it needs true friends.
All the American “allies” now are vassals who are bullied and blackmailed into submission. And they will jump ship at the first opportunity.
And not to mention the countless enemies that the US has accumulated over the years.
拜登上月28日在北卡羅萊納州達勒姆市生产碳化硅芯片的科锐公司(Wolfspeed)发表讲话。 Jim WATSON / AFP
美国媒体彭博社(Bloomberg)周四引述消息人士指,美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)计划未来几周内签署一项行政命令,限制美国企业投资中国经济关键领域,主要针对半导体、量子计算及人工智能,受限制的包括创业投资、私募股权,以及某些形式的技术转让和合资企业。