川普有可能是“俄罗斯资产”? FBI前副局长连说两次…

最新回复:2024年9月13日 12点11分 PT
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曾在美国前总统川普麾下工作的联邦调查局(FBI)前副局长麦凯博(Andrew McCabe)日前表示,川普可以被视为一个俄罗斯资产,儘管不是传统意义上的活跃特工或被招募的资源。

卫报12日报导,麦凯博作客“One Decision”Podcast时,主持人提问,是否想过川普有可能是俄罗斯资产,麦凯博连说两次,“我想过”。



“One Decision”由英国对外情报机构“军情6处”(MI6)前局长迪尔罗夫(Sir Richard Dearlove)共同主持,麦凯博的访问在10日总统辩论会前录制,他跟迪尔罗夫对话时,也质疑川普支持乌克兰和北约面对俄罗斯侵略的态度。此外,他“严重担忧”川普再度入主白宫的前景,以及忧心俄罗斯干涉美国事务的能力。


麦凯博的案件于2020年撤销,隔年10月跟美国司法部达成和解,回忆录《The Threat》登上畅销书排行榜,现在是学者与评论员。

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rumble*com/v5enael-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp JGM – THERE WILL BE RESET OF THINGS AROUND THE WORLD - [12 September 2024] [Word heard – September 8, 2024 ] My children, your enemies are shouting to shut everything down and to do whatever it takes to keep their power, to keep their systems still working to manipulate the masses, to keep their establishment to stay in charge of this nation, the banking system and to keep it working the way they want it, the medical industry to keep people sick and weak mentally and physically, to keep the education system going to re-educate and to destroy any mindset that would deflect from their ideology. This was for their time. They thought to finally have everything they wanted. They are wondering how this all is happening, how are more people leaving their side instead of more people joining them. Your enemies don’t understand how their plans have not worked because they have worked in the past and everything they are trying, the opposite is taking place now. They are trying to figure out a way to stop it. They are now thinking about the unthinkable, things they never would have done before. They must think of the worst case scenario and go with it. They need to activate their foreign military for more distraction and for more chaos and confusion. The Establishment believes you as a nation will never see this disruption coming and they are willing to try anything to save themselves from Trump getting into the White house again. They know that he will tear their system apart, never to regain their power that they once had. This is not an option for them. This is the calm before the storm to let people think in this nation and around the world that everything is ok. Then the Establishment will hit this nation as hard it can with everything they have. They are considering China and Iran to do their dirty work. They are even considering for both of these nations at one time. The Establishment knows these foreign nations have a lot of information on them so they have to play it carefully that China and Iran or any other nation they choose to use, to think they have enough control with this attack. Then the Establishment will go after those foreign nations, to try and get the citizens of this country to trust the Establishment again, that it would defend this nation against anyone who threatens it. The Establishment wants to deceive you into trusting them again, to make the right decisions even when they have weak puppets in the White House. My children your enemies truly believe it is their time to activate everything they have in their playbook, to bring much confusion and devastation to regain more control. Your enemies want things they consider to be apocalyptic events to shatter this nation and things
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Part 2 around the globe, where there is no chance of your recovery, because they want to stop the resistance against the global control. Too many people are fighting against the Establishment and globalism…and they want to regain some sense of normalcy for there’s fighting in your enemy’s camp because they don’t know who should call the shots and who they can get rid of to fall for all the decisions they need to make. This machine knows its weak links and people who have failed it in the times past truly believe that they are not strong enough to move forward. For distractions and diversion they will let more people fall so they can continue to move on with their plan. They wanted to take out the Biden and eventually Kamala because both have failed them. They want to expose more of Walz and his past because of his ties to China and how bad they are and he also has his hands in other cookie jars as well. The Establishment wants to take them all down and start with a new fresh face, someone that people will accept no matter what. They are trying to devise a plan where they can pull all of this off. They want to try to deflect from reality even more, a disaster or a catastrophe so big that it will get the world’s attention, no matter how bad or how risky this plan is, they will go with it. They do not care about the outcome of death as long as they can get right back on track with totally taking over this nation for their global reset. My children these are your enemy’s plans. They are petrified of you and your resistance and persistence to stay in the fight. Yes they are willing to do anything to stop this movement and they will try to activate many things that will look disastrous, dark and hopeless, but they are defeating themselves with every decision they are making against you. When they activate the foreign invaders and foreign leaders it’ll be devastation to their cause. The power struggle will become greater. The betraying will go to a new level. Your enemies will try to cause great devastation, destruction and death to your nation and freedoms, but the result is death and destruction to their Establishment and to their global reset. There’ll be a reset of things around the world, but it will NOT be theirs, it’ll be Mine. I have had to reset nations, leaders and financial systems before. This is not new for Me and it’s definitely not bigger than Me. So get ready for a great reset that I will complete against your enemies saith the Lord of Hosts. I will say again, your FBI, your Secret Service, your CIA and their connections and who controls them is about to be exposed in a whole new way. The assassination attempt against President Trump will open Pandora’s Box you would say, and the Establishment did not want open. Great exposure will continue to destroy their plans to keep this nation under their rule.
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Part 3 The new Secret Service Director will be caught hiding crucial evidence. Someone he has trusted infiltrated his camp and a video is about to surface proving it was a set up and his agency was part of it and letting Kimberly Cheatle go was not going to save them from this truth. This video will also expose who gave the agency their orders. Another FBI whistle-blower is coming out with a bombshell report that will be given to the public and bypass those in Congress that are slow-walking this truth, along with people who are sabotaging the investigation into the assassination attempt. My children get ready for a war on Capitol Hill because many in your govt are traitors and the resistance against them is growing. A war for this country and for control between socialism and communism and your freedoms is all about to be more evident, who wants this country to die and who wants this country to live and those who are actually fighting for it. Get ready for a shaking to save you from these treasonous traitors in your capital. My children it’s about to look much worse for a short time to take your enemies out of their hiding places and places of power. Their regime and their mob will all be removed by Me saith the Lord Your Redeemer. And then I also heard… Microorganisms…this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. An arsonist will be caught setting a fire against another chicken farm, more sabotage to your food supply to cause more shortages and sky-rocketing costs. Many things were done in the cover of night against your food, but many have been caught on video and those are about to be released. Something is coming it’s about to wipe out the giants from your land. So do not fear what you’re about to see or what you’re about to hear because this is part of their removal. Mobile Alabama will be in your news for a surprising reason. The East Coast will be in your news for a significant reason and a significant threat against this country. The Establishment is about to let your infrastructure be attacked in a major way by foreign enemies, but disaster will hit them instead. What they attempt to do against you it’ll be done unto them. Everything is about to explode back into the faces of your enemies that they will not recover from says the Lord.
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川普的所有action, 都 indicate 他是“俄罗斯资产”
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van1 发表评论于 2024-09-12 14:08:00 川普2005年世界小姐选美比赛在莫斯科进行,作为委员会主席川普估计接受性贿赂,普京握有川普录像。。。这应该可以解释为什么一谈普京就怂,俄乌战争不敢说希望乌克兰胜! ------- 你这是在用魔法打败魔法吗?这个就跟有人说民主党用麻袋或者是筐运了一车选票助选拜登胜一样。
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川普首任国务卿Tillerson: 川普是他妈的傻比; 川普二任幕僚长 John Kelly: 川普是蠢比,脑袋短路; 川普首任经济顾问 Cohn: 川普是蠢比,被小丑们包围; 川普财长 Mnuchin: 川普是彻底的蠢比; 参议员林妹妹:川普是煽动种族主义及仇外的偏执狂; 川普首任防长Mattis:川普理解力相当于五六年级小学生
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副总统彭斯於2021年1月6日監督美國國會認證拜登2020年大選勝選結果時,未支持川普推翻選舉結果的企圖,兩人因此決裂。那天有一群川普支持者暴力闖進國會大廈,彭斯後來說,川普當天的「魯莽言論」已危及他的家人及國會大廈其他人。 彭斯去年曾警告共和黨人小心川普及其仿效者的「民粹主義誘惑」。
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弟兄 发表评论于 2024-09-12 14:23:21 --- 彭斯表示老子吊不死,谁来也不好使
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最美的遗憾 发表评论于 2024-09-12 14:30:47 普京有川普录像带 --- 你确定是录像带,那肯定是扛着摄像机拍的。。他长得好看是怎么着拍毛片用拍他
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一点小看法 发表评论于 2024-09-12 14:38:22 想过,有可能,这样的词可用在任何人身上。比方:我想过贺三有可能是个鸡。我想过奥巴马有可能搞过基。。。这不都是屁话么。 ==================== 关键是说了没事,安全的很。可是你敢在中国说习近平招妓吗?尽管有他和七个女人的故事,关键是说了要命啊!
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比几年前说的少, 是不自信了么?
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Russia Russia Russia
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习近平是普京资产?我想过。 习近平是索罗斯资产?我想过 哈哈姐姐是金正日资产?我想过 拜总是中国乌克兰资产?绝不可能,52给专家和200个前特工首领都联名辟谣了
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如果是,应该已经有情报出来了 估计只是意识形态比较一致 民粹主义者惺惺惜惺惺
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我们民主党流氓集团很聪明: 把拜登儿子的笔记本电脑,说成是俄罗斯的“假信息”, 然后把所有质疑拜登儿子贪污受贿,吃喝嫖赌的人污蔑为反动势力。 其实,我们民主党流氓集团也在干着跟俄罗斯一摸一样的事情。 厉害了,我的民主党流氓集团!
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“If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” — George Orwell 硅谷工匠 发表评论于 2024-09-12 16:50:19 习近平是普京资产?我想过。 习近平是索罗斯资产?我想过 哈哈姐姐是金正日资产?我想过 拜总是中国乌克兰资产?绝不可能,52给专家和200个前特工首领都联名辟谣了
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左派真是无耻至极: 2014年俄罗斯入侵占领乌克兰的克里米亚,拜登是副总统。 2022年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,拜登是总统。 相反,川普执政四年,世界和平(而现在世界战乱不断,冲击不断)。除了民主党和军火商不高兴,其它人都高兴。
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川普早就说过,俄罗斯是三流国家,北韩是四流国家。美国的对手应该是北京。 川普早就说过,对于俄罗斯、北韩、伊朗,只要确定它们不惹事生非就行了,不是美国的重点,因为它们都是北京扶持的。重点还是对付北京,北京才是根源。 所以,川普执政时,确保世界和平,确保垃圾国家别惹是生非,然后重点对付北京(贸易战、关闭休士顿领事馆、打击千人计划、逮捕孟晚舟、制裁林郑月娥、制裁中兴华为中芯,下令中概股退出美国股市。。。。。。,当然拜登政府后来放过了孟晚舟和中概股)
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川普早就说过,要跟这些独裁者make deal。。这是商人的逻辑。没有必要整天喊口号爱憎分明的。中国人让党洗脑洗残。一说就是非黑即白。国际事务不是这么玩儿的。
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When FBI or CIA talks about “Asset”, they mean “spys”, not buildings.
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He always defends russia interests. Very loyal to Putin and XJP
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川普早就说过,俄罗斯是三流国家,北韩是四流国家。美国的对手应该是北京。 川普早就说过,对于俄罗斯、北韩、伊朗,只要确定它们不惹事生非就行了,不是美国的重点,因为它们都是北京扶持的。重点还是对付北京,北京才是根源。 所以,川普执政时,确保世界和平,确保垃圾国家别惹是生非,然后重点对付北京(贸易战、关闭休士顿领事馆、打击千人计划、逮捕孟晚舟、制裁林郑月娥、制裁中兴华为中芯,下令中概股退出美国股市。。。。。。,当然拜登政府后来放过了孟晚舟和中概股