我作为想入马嘎教的人很不满的告诉你,你这么骂教主川普是不对的。即便是他的副总统彭斯骂川普骂得一塌糊涂。你也不能在公众场合说出来呀。而且,即便教主已经78岁了,而且还越来越有老年痴呆的现象,但你怎么能公然批评他呢? 差评!
硅谷工匠 发表评论于 2024-10-10 14:06:39BIG GUY, go back to your F Crib and sleep for the rest of your life. Even your vice president hates you.
川普,共和党的议员,保守媒体如福克斯的Sean Hannity不断散布关于FEMA的谎言,导致有些受灾者不敢接受FEMA的救助。
一个在北卡的叫Anthony的听众给电台打电话说,他的岳父听信了川普的谎言 ,拒绝接受FEMA的救助。他告诉电台主持人Abrams这导致他家庭分裂。
Anthony stated that his father-in-law was afraid that FEMA would “take his house” if he accepted assistance from the agency.
“I mean, he lost almost everything, and he’s refusing all help from the federal government and complaining to us that he doesn’t have food, that he doesn’t have the stuff he needs, and yet he won’t accept the help,” the caller said. “What the hell are we supposed to do? We’re not in a position where we can fly across the country and help him. There’s people begging us to get him to accept help and he won’t do it.”
When Abrams suggested showing the father-in-law information debunking the conspiracy theories, the caller said they had, and that his father-in-law only believes Trump.
“We’ve done all of that. We’ve sent him … all the FEMA bulletins. We’ve sent him all the stuff from the fact-checkers. He just doesn’t believe it. He thinks it’s all — he just believes Trump, literally, Dan,” Anthony said. “He just — it’s a cult! He’s a cult member. I’m sorry to say it, he’s a cult member. And he’s my father-in-law and it sucks.”
“你在开玩笑吗?”拜登回应说,“川普总统先生,前总统川普,做个人吧(get a life),伙计。帮帮这些灾民。”