Harris is a sham. She and Biden raised our price, not the super markets.
She should stop printing money. If she says that, I would vote for her.
She should stop raising government funding year after year. If she says that, I would vote for her.
The great inflation of 22-24 was caused by several factors
1. 2017 tax cut spurred economic growth
2. acute labor shortage due to border closing
3. tariff on imported household goods
4. infrastructure improvement projects
5. supply chain disruption from Covid.
船上一坨 发表评论于 2024-08-16 19:45:11
The great inflation of 22-24 was caused by several factors
1. 2017 tax cut spurred economic growth
2. acute labor shortage due to border closing
3. tariff on imported household goods
4. infrastructure improvement projects
楼下,美债对GDP ratio 在全球发达国家中不差,只要 US$ keeps its global reserve currency status,美债不是大问题。
Therefore, it is very important for US to maintain our economical and military superiority, and to act as the trustworthy leader for our allies in Europe and Asia. For this very reason, people like Trump should never be close to the white house again.
路透社报导,美国副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)今天将在北卡罗来纳州发表演说,预料她将公布经济政策 的若干细节,将会触及降低生活成本与“哄抬物价”问题,凸显今年大选的选民相当重视物价问题。
路透社报导,贺锦丽的顾问指出,距离总统大选选举日所剩不到90天,她的经济纲领将紧密呈现总统拜登(Joe Biden)的经济政纲,并致力于迎合中产阶级,而竞选团队将格外留意,摇摆州选民喜好的政策牛肉。
川普(Donald Trump)阵营一直思索针对中产阶级家庭的新减税政策,而川普提出的小费免课税政见,上周贺锦丽在拉斯维加斯也跟进。
美国民主党籍联邦参议员华伦(Elizabeth Warren)和同僚今年稍早再度提出法案,旨在禁止哄抬物价,并让联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission, FTC)与各州能够明令禁止过度涨价的行径。
这名顾问表示,贺锦丽也是儿童税额抵扣(child tax credit)的倡议者,这项政策可望减轻低收入家庭的税务负担,“她将力挺这项政策”。