The U.S. Congress is malfunctioning now. The country's credit is badly damaged. Dictators have never treated this orange man seriously, which has been acknowledged fact. Now it is the western world to have realized that they have to deal with a maniac for the coming years until the congress functions properly again.
这次傻川彻底激怒了加拿大人,以后加拿大人对美国会心存芥蒂加心存戒心,最可靠你的贸易伙伴就此变成陌路人,现在加拿大国内diversify trade relations呼声高涨,肯定称为今年大选的热点,川普自以为玩了一场art of deal,不仅在全世界成为笑话,而且永久地损害了美加关系,美国需要加拿大的地方其实很多,经济外交都是,美国人民选了这么个活宝,对美国女的损害超过任何恐怖分子
The legislation divides banks in Canada into Schedule I, II or III, with Schedule I consisting of Canadian banks that are legally able to accept deposits.
Fifteen foreign banks, including three with U.S. parent institutions, are Schedule II banks that are subsidiaries of foreign banks that can do business in Canada and accept deposits.
Booth said dozens of other foreign banks are listed under Schedule III, meaning branches are mostly used for wealth management and corporate services, and direct business to their parent corporation rather than being a subsidiary.
“So, there’s actually nothing to stop an American bank operating in Canada as a separate subsidiary under Schedule II of the Bank Act,” he said.
“And in fact, at one point, the central bank and the Department of Finance particularly were actively encouraging U.S. banks to come into Canada to inject more competition into the Canadian banking market.”
The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions lists Amex Bank of Canada, Citibank Canada and J.P. Morgan Bank Canada on Schedule II as all having U.S. parent companies.
The bankers association, which represents more than 60 domestic and foreign banks operating in Canada, provided a list of the 16 U.S.-based banks operating under Schedule II or III which also includes Capital One, Wells Fargo and Comerica Bank.
worley 发表评论于 2025-02-03 20:54:47
美国总统川普(Donald Trump)于当地时间3日,在社交平台表示,他已与加拿大总理特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)通电话。