[Word heard – January 23, 2025]
Woe to those who are against Me and My nations. Payback is coming. Days of Haman are here. Your days to reap a great harvest are upon you. You have led and controlled the systems against My nation and My people. You used everything you could to weaponize the justice system against them by twisting the laws as you saw fit. You have tortured and tormented your foes and silenced as many as you could that stood up against you. You committed countless crimes and you truly thought you had everything you needed and wanted to further your agenda and your reset, until you realized My church was no longer staying silent and My nation was fighting back against you.
My David is going to expose you and tear your system apart if he’s allowed back into the office. You did everything you could think of to keep your precious Establishment alive. You threw everything you had to throw at him and nothing worked. You lost.
And you are still trying to wrap your heads around this reality, that Pres Trump still won and now is the true acting President. And now true justice and the real rule of law will prevail and wipe all of you out. This is not your nation. These are not your slaves to hold captive. You will try to throw your death shot at this nation once again and you will do it and it will boomerang back on you.
Enemies of Almighty God you are through with controlling what doesn’t belong to you. You try to be Trump’s and this nation’s worst nightmare and instead they will be yours. You will watch this nation fully be ripped out of your hands, with no way of stopping the death of your empire, your establishment and your great reset. Your woke policies and agendas will be dismantled with no hope of recovering it. Your global policies will all be ripped apart. Your precious World Health Organization will be fully exposed and torn apart before your very eyes, while you watch what you created be destroyed and you are helpless to stop it.
Climate change will fully be exposed for what it is – A FLAT OUT LIE to the world and it’s a money-making machine for you. I will reveal your attacks and every person responsible and everyone who took part in this deception. Again climate change was something else you designed to bring fear and enslave more people and more financially and it will all be annihilated before your very eyes.
The Paris Agreement will be brought to nothing and this lie will no longer hold back any nation.
The World Economic Forum – your worse nightmare has come to pass. The populous movement is taking shape across the world and everyone is moving away from you – no longer under your control. The Trump effect has only just begun. Your power and economic control over the world and bleeding nations dry while you reap all the rewards is over.
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Your complete financial system will collapse before your very eyes and all your wealth you gained from it and you stole from the world will be ripped away from you in unprecedented ways.
Judgment is coming to the globalists and every one of the systems against My people and nations. The Great Reset will come crashing down for the world to see.
My children, your enemies will no longer hold you back from what I have planned for you in this time. Prepare your hearts to receive all that I have for you says the Lord Your Redeemer.
And then I also heard.
Stark Tech will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Clean energy, States Alliance or the CESA will also be in your news for a significant reason.
Wind turbines will finally be exposed and why they were created and how much damage they caused. I will rip this lie apart and restore what they have fully stolen from you.
The FDA is about to shake big time. An unprecedented amount of truth is about to be exposed on what and how they were causing diseases and working with Big Pharma against you. I’m about to blow the lid on this criminal activity and no longer will they be able to legally poison you says the Lord of Hosts.
FEMA your days of corruption are over. Your full exposure is coming.
My children I am just getting started with the judgment against your enemies, with all they have done to you, the days of Haman are truly here says the Lord of Hosts.
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump,川普)发布行政命令,试图终止美国的出生公民权,此举引发广泛的法律挑战,并让移民家庭前路茫茫。
出生公民权(Birthright Citizenship),或称“属地主义”(Jus Soli,意为“土地权”),并非全球通行的原则。
相比之下,亚洲、欧洲和非洲部分国家大多遵循“属人主义”(Jus Sanguinis,意为“血统权”)原则,子女的国籍取决于其父母的国籍,而非出生地。
加州大学圣地亚哥分校的社会学教授约翰·斯克伦特尼(John Skrentny)指出,尽管美洲国家普遍实施出生公民权,但每个国家的政策演变都不同。
该行政命令在特朗普上任第四天即遭遇挫折,美国地方法院法官约翰·考格诺(John Coughenour)暂时阻止其执行,并称其“明显违宪”。
“他这样做必然会引起广泛争议,但最终仍须交由法院裁决,”弗吉尼亚大学法学院教授、宪法专家赛克瑞希纳·普拉卡什(Saikrishna Prakash)表示。“这不是他能单方面决定的事情。”