We should all encourage people outside of the Establishment getting involved in politics.
However, coming from outside does Not automatically mean clean or good.
Some people from outside are more corrupt than political insiders.
The walls that have protected the leaders of this Establishment are coming down. Nancy will be exposed on who she is and all that she has done. Remember things are not how they seem with her. Many in Washington are not who they say they are. Hollywood played a huge part in covering up what has really been happening in DC. When things suddenly go wrong in your capital and they need to find replacements I will show you their intricate scheme and the sets they use to prop up and drug people up to look one way when it’s not that way at all. I will show you Chuck Schumer and the rat he really is. He will be ripped out of that position that does not belong to him. Great exposures are coming for all the leaders of this machine.
An explosion between Biden and Obama is about to take place. This is the calm before the storm in DC that will take place afterwards. The Uniparty will never be the same. Fights will break out for power you don’t see completely right now but you will soon. An explosion of truth and division will break out of the Main Stream Media for propping up this puppet for the Establishment and lying and manipulating the truth and what is really going on and this will blow up in their face.
The House of Representatives is a lie on who really belongs in those seats. The majority do not belong there. The Senate is also a joke on how many really don’t belong their either and how the Intelligence Agencies were used to help in all of this. I will show you how they paid all of these election workers to scan fake ballots. I will show you the servers in foreign countries and the ones that are here in this nation. I will show you what they planned this time, but it is sloppier than before because they never expected My David to last this long. I will also show you what plan they had for him, every attempt against his life and the threats against his family’s lives, but I will protect them from it all.
贺锦丽总统竞选活动的高级顾问普洛夫(David Plouffe)周二在Axios House举行的活动上表示,贺锦丽在11月之前“极大地改善了”民主党的地位。