美味亚洲食用鱼入侵 美国密苏里州下达“格杀勿论令”

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The fourth sighting of the Channa argus, more commonly known as the northern snakehead fish, was recently reported, per the Missouri Department of Conservation.
Yeah that a big fat NOPE for me!! https://t.co/TokPy3QSu3

— MdewakantonWinyan (@ExiledNoMo) June 6, 2024


WOW! Josh Shipman says he just caught a northern snakehead fish in southeast Missouri, an invasive, air-breathing fish, and it tried to escape! >>> https://t.co/Cwk8lfTROQ pic.twitter.com/rcnhoOusRR

— KFVS News (@kfvsnews) June 6, 2024

根据了解,所谓“北方蛇头鱼”的正式学名叫做“乌鳢”(Channa argus),它们有鳃,也有辅助呼吸器官,只要有水汽就可以在旱灾时躲在泥中度过。自然分布于中国东部、朝鲜至俄罗斯远东地区各大水系等。乌鳢在亚洲被广泛视为一种十分美味的食用鱼,曾在美国的纽约、休士顿、奥兰多、圣路易等城市有大量贩卖,但因有部分乌鳢流出,在野外大量繁衍,成为入侵物种,对当地生态造成破坏。

The invasive snakehead fish, native to Asia, has been recorded in Missouri for the fourth time. The snakehead caught on May 25 (not pictured) in Wayne County, Missouri was transported to the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) office and recovered by an MDC agent. pic.twitter.com/bHHsp142CV

— WJGA RADIO (@real92fm) June 5, 2024


One of our lurking freshwater monsters, the Northern Snakehead, is an invasive species that can crawl out of the water and travel to the next waterway... https://t.co/qRelc0evp4 pic.twitter.com/9lDF8M6rhv

— U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (@USFWS) October 29, 2018