Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago. Where have all the flowers gone? The girls have picked them every one. Oh, When will you ever learn? Oh, When will you ever learn? Young girls They've taken husbands every one. Young men They're all in uniform. Soldiers They've gone to graveyards every one. Graveyards They're covered with flowers every one. Flowers Young girls have picked them every one.
回到这首纽约退伍军人Pete Seeger 1955创作的《Where have all flowers gone 那些花儿哪去呢?》 --
这是他说的: ”我一直在读一本长篇小说——《静静的顿河》,讲述的是19世纪俄罗斯的顿河和沿河居住的哥萨克人。它描述了哥萨克士兵策马奔赴沙皇军队,唱着“,书中引用了一首歌曲中的三句歌词:“花在哪里?女孩们摘下了它们/女孩们在哪里?他们都结婚了/男人在哪里?他们都在军队。”
突然,飞机上,在 20 分钟内,我创作了这一首歌。开始只有三节。我用透明胶带将这首歌贴在麦克风上,然后在奥柏林学院演唱。那是在 1955 年。”
《Where Have All the Flowers Gone》
by Ap33912
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the flowers gone?
The girls have picked them every one.
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Young girls
They've taken husbands every one.
Young men
They're all in uniform.
They've gone to graveyards every one.
They're covered with flowers every one.
Young girls have picked them every one.
Songwriters: Peter Seeger