SAT 1590 GPA 3.97/4.42 Competing against top professionals from around the world, Stanley advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final in 2021 (See Exhibit 2). Competing against top professionals from around the world, Stanley advanced to the Meta (Facebook) Hacker Cup semi-final in 2023 (See Exhibit 3). Stanley won the 2nd place in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Battlecode's global high school division twice (2nd place and 1st place in the US, respectively) (See Exhibit 4). He was invited to MIT with expenses paid. Stanley won the 2nd Place in CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) cybersecurity competition picoCTF (See Exhibit 5). He was invited to CMU with expenses paid. Stanley won the 6th place in Stanford ProCo (See Exhibit 6). Stanley advanced to the USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) Platinum Division (See Exhibit 7).
Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final in 2021 the Meta (Facebook) Hacker Cup semi-final in 2023 the USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) Platinum Division
很多AP包括理科AP也没上。10年级上了AP Comp A。我的问题是为什么上这门?不是必须的,而且他早都会了。为什么不上比如AP Chem 或者Bio?当然选课自主,但是AO也会奇怪?另外强调top 9%, UC 必须录。但是他只报了CS。CS没录。不等于UC都没收?这点好像没说清楚。
还有就是还在强调裸考。裸考的PSAT满分。几乎裸考的SAT1590. 觉得真不需要强调这些了。
可能是class law suit。
录CS可能不够强。因为录取的其他人成绩单选课应该是更强。我只是从AO角度想这件事。他的CS 他强调谷歌录取他去做的工作是PhD 层次的工作而且他完全胜任,年度评语很好。我相信。但是作为AO,我不知道应该怎么assess 这娃了。
他唯一没有做的就是去CC 拿课 boost 成绩,而他的同学可能有,所以看起来GPA比他好。
SAT 1590 GPA 3.97/4.42 Competing against top professionals from around the world, Stanley advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final in 2021 (See Exhibit 2). Competing against top professionals from around the world, Stanley advanced to the Meta (Facebook) Hacker Cup semi-final in 2023 (See Exhibit 3). Stanley won the 2nd place in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Battlecode's global high school division twice (2nd place and 1st place in the US, respectively) (See Exhibit 4). He was invited to MIT with expenses paid. Stanley won the 2nd Place in CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) cybersecurity competition picoCTF (See Exhibit 5). He was invited to CMU with expenses paid. Stanley won the 6th place in Stanford ProCo (See Exhibit 6). Stanley advanced to the USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) Platinum Division (See Exhibit 7).
UC申请的时候我记得孩子是不是在本校毕业生的top 9%所有的UC都知道的,这个排名就是按UW GPA的。
谁会有争议啊,他这个stat换一个任何面皮,只要不是小中男,怎么会这结果。就说这里家庭, 有几个达到?除了昨天前天那位校橄榄球主力。
小钟是真的有水平。但他们高中这届学生有大概150多人GPA比他高,也都是各种none profit founder,club leaders, 都有各种CS/Math等竞赛, AO怎么发现谁是真好谁是假的?他同学中就有我认识的,比小钟差的太多了,这些老中聪明到自己来组织国际比赛, 一样录取Ivy。当然绝大多数也都能学下来的,也有学的非常困难的。 当一个地方劣币驱逐良币的时候,小钟的告,可能会更伤害到这个内卷学校的华人。