可以直接在官网上 under customer relationship 那儿 file claim.
几年前 AA 是要求你的銀行賬户 然后直接ACH 入帳。UA 和 DL 没用过 应该比 AA "正常” 一些。
欧洲航司從大到小都扯皮 所以省心用 3rd party claim service 是对的。有很多这个服务,像你說网上搜一下很多的。
Filed 过 Ryanair, intra Europe 的 flight canceled due to Italian air controller strike, EU261 其实不賠 但我找不到如何claim refund, 所以在 Ryanair 官网 EU261 下 filed 了,两天后online chat 了一下 几天后 full ticket refund 进了信用卡户口。
EU261 is EU regulation, nothing to do with US domestic flts
It WILL protect you on your EU originated flights to anywhere, either inside Europe or to US for example. It has different criterias on different types of flights, to compensate for delays, cancellation, etc etc.
As mentioned, one can google EU261 and would be able to learn how it works.
US does not have Passenger's Right regulation / law to protect the passengers. Hence the airlines can get away with it without consequences. EU261 that was passed in 2004, put a financial burden on airlines when they inconvenience the passengers on things that could be avoided, i.e. under the airlines controls.
For US flights, if there are enough inconvenience, you can write to airlines' customer relations dept and demand some type of compensation - you need to be specific, on exactly what you want, and not be vague. Before Pandemic, one normally gets back something, whether being token miles or actual monetary compensation - all depends on the nature of the incidents, (weather delays have NO compensation whatsoever, as not controllable by anyone), AND your status with the airline, AND your writing skills. In other words, it is up to you to decide how eager you want the compensation, i.e. your time, your effort, to fight with the airline in order to achieve such.
Each airline program forum on Flyertalk.com has regular thread on Compensation. It is very easy to see how others have gone thru and what the usual compensation is. For us the usual 30min to an hour delay is regular events, nothing you would get back UNLESS it has caused you missing connection, stranded at another airport, etc etc. Then it is another story altogether. What truly makes me mad is the so-called "Rolling Delays" and I would fight those after we got back home. Though I normally would suggest an amount of miles if there is no significant incidental expenses caused by the delay.
Not related to the airlines, but if you own certain credit cards, the travel protection benefits may cover trip interruption / trip cancellation, that you might be able to use. For example, airlines would not be held responsible on Weather Delay, but Chase Sapphire series cards WILL cover Weather caused delays / cancellation, as well as Airport closure due to strike. That was how I got the lost one night hotel at Catania, Sicily reimbursed when we were forced to fly out a day early due to the airport closure on the date of our original departure as Italian Air Traffic Controllers had a nation-wide strike.
Of course not. It has to be controllable by the airlines.
Weather delays / Air Traffic Controller Strikes / Airport closed, etc etc - those that are NOT controllable by the operating airlines, of course they would not be punished by the EU261. It is plain common sense.
但是如果航空公司三十天前通知,又给予 rebooking option 就没有得赔了。几年前 EasyJet 就是这樣做 三十天前取消了我们飞去尼斯的航班 (我忘了從那儿了)给我一个 one time rebook without additional $ 的 option. 去查了 EU261 没戏。只有 scramble to modify itinerary to make it work.
主要说哈这个EU261的申请赔偿......回来后,家里家外都在忙着,上上周基本搞得差不多了,想起了这个EU261, 上网搜了一下,因第一班航班延迟而错过的转机航班也在赔偿范围内,于是,找了个第三方网站(也可以直接上航空公司网站申请,但我觉得第三方,他们收手续费,我就不需要自己追踪,付点手续费,自己轻松),填好信息,等候,这个第三方网站,每操作一步,都会email告知,不到两周,赔偿金420欧,已经通过PayPal 收到,原本赔付金额是600欧,第三方网站收了30%(180欧)的手续费,这个手续费用在申请时网站上已经明确告知了的.....
这个EU261, 欧洲的同学,还有经常旅行的同学,应该比较知晓. 我发这个帖,也只是信息共享,也许哪天哪个看客,有类似状况,就用上了,虽然,都不想碰上.....我,也是第一次碰上,第一次申请赔偿:)
可以直接在官网上 under customer relationship 那儿 file claim.
几年前 AA 是要求你的銀行賬户 然后直接ACH 入帳。UA 和 DL 没用过 应该比 AA "正常” 一些。
欧洲航司從大到小都扯皮 所以省心用 3rd party claim service 是对的。有很多这个服务,像你說网上搜一下很多的。
Filed 过 Ryanair, intra Europe 的 flight canceled due to Italian air controller strike, EU261 其实不賠 但我找不到如何claim refund, 所以在 Ryanair 官网 EU261 下 filed 了,两天后online chat 了一下 几天后 full ticket refund 进了信用卡户口。
如果他们输了,客户也不用付钱, -----No Win, No fee
It WILL protect you on your EU originated flights to anywhere, either inside Europe or to US for example. It has different criterias on different types of flights, to compensate for delays, cancellation, etc etc.
As mentioned, one can google EU261 and would be able to learn how it works.
US does not have Passenger's Right regulation / law to protect the passengers. Hence the airlines can get away with it without consequences. EU261 that was passed in 2004, put a financial burden on airlines when they inconvenience the passengers on things that could be avoided, i.e. under the airlines controls.
For US flights, if there are enough inconvenience, you can write to airlines' customer relations dept and demand some type of compensation - you need to be specific, on exactly what you want, and not be vague. Before Pandemic, one normally gets back something, whether being token miles or actual monetary compensation - all depends on the nature of the incidents, (weather delays have NO compensation whatsoever, as not controllable by anyone), AND your status with the airline, AND your writing skills. In other words, it is up to you to decide how eager you want the compensation, i.e. your time, your effort, to fight with the airline in order to achieve such.
Each airline program forum on Flyertalk.com has regular thread on Compensation. It is very easy to see how others have gone thru and what the usual compensation is. For us the usual 30min to an hour delay is regular events, nothing you would get back UNLESS it has caused you missing connection, stranded at another airport, etc etc. Then it is another story altogether. What truly makes me mad is the so-called "Rolling Delays" and I would fight those after we got back home. Though I normally would suggest an amount of miles if there is no significant incidental expenses caused by the delay.
Not related to the airlines, but if you own certain credit cards, the travel protection benefits may cover trip interruption / trip cancellation, that you might be able to use. For example, airlines would not be held responsible on Weather Delay, but Chase Sapphire series cards WILL cover Weather caused delays / cancellation, as well as Airport closure due to strike. That was how I got the lost one night hotel at Catania, Sicily reimbursed when we were forced to fly out a day early due to the airport closure on the date of our original departure as Italian Air Traffic Controllers had a nation-wide strike.
Weather delays / Air Traffic Controller Strikes / Airport closed, etc etc - those that are NOT controllable by the operating airlines, of course they would not be punished by the EU261. It is plain common sense.
但是如果航空公司三十天前通知,又给予 rebooking option 就没有得赔了。几年前 EasyJet 就是这樣做 三十天前取消了我们飞去尼斯的航班 (我忘了從那儿了)给我一个 one time rebook without additional $ 的 option. 去查了 EU261 没戏。只有 scramble to modify itinerary to make it work.
记得还赔了我们在雅典两天租的Villa租金,我们在伦敦(天气冷)因为没衣服,额外自己买了厚的衣服, 也给报销了。记得得订EU的航班,才有这样的benefits