If he was on sick leave on the lay-off day, he would get protect
of FMLA (Family & Medical Leave Act) for 12 weeks. Federal Law of FMLA is extremely powerful and useful of course.
If he was not in sick leave on the lay off day, he may not have any meaningful options remaining.
Below is what my sister experienced: she not only got sick pay for 6 months but also had regular employee benefit indicluding health insurance for 6 months.
She was taking a short-term sick leave because of a major disease when her company announced a massive layoff. Because of FMLA, the company could not lay off her. The FMLA protected her for 12 weeks. At end of 12 weeks, her doctor (specialist) issued a letter indicating she was unable to return to work. Therefore she continued short-term leave for another 3 months. When the 6-month short-term disability ended, she went to her company and got her belongs back. On that day, she officially was seperated from her company.
The story does not end here. Before her company's maximum 6-month short-term sick leave ended, she filed a claim of long-term disability to the insurance company from which she purchased disablity insurance. After the insurance company collected all info from her doctors/specialists, her claim was approved and she got amount from the insruance company equivalent to 50% of her regular salary. After she had received disability pay for 1 year, her doctor indicated she was no longer diable and thus she no longer received diability payment.
🔥 最新回帖
有没有谁是H1b自己办绿卡成功的呢?我需要做labor certificate,那个kit里面的信息表格都挺全的。我听说办绿卡不一定要请律师,也不知道这种说法对H1b身份需要做labor certificate的人来说是否对。员绝对是可以自己办的。朋友们能不能把经验建议分享一下?
顶多申请点Food stamp
🛋️ 沙发板凳
另外一个职位。如果是公司内大幅度裁员,机会可能会很小,但是争取 还是要试一下。
另外,发病期在disability有效期(假设他买了今年的),即使明年没买也cover的。先用short term disability 然后用long term disability。
如果公司有20+雇员,就必须提供连续医疗保险(cobra),18-36个月之间,看公司规模。但是保费可能全部自己负担(看公司福利)。 强烈建议咨询一下o8医保。
至少能cover手术康复的一部分。之后可以走Obamacare, 如果没收入,是可以有subsidies 的,不会太贵。祝顺利渡过难关。
一般医院和诊所都有social worker。
of FMLA (Family & Medical Leave Act) for 12 weeks. Federal Law of FMLA is extremely powerful and useful of course.
If he was not in sick leave on the lay off day, he may not have any meaningful options remaining.
Below is what my sister experienced: she not only got sick pay for 6 months but also had regular employee benefit indicluding health insurance for 6 months.
She was taking a short-term sick leave because of a major disease when her company announced a massive layoff. Because of FMLA, the company could not lay off her. The FMLA protected her for 12 weeks. At end of 12 weeks, her doctor (specialist) issued a letter indicating she was unable to return to work. Therefore she continued short-term leave for another 3 months. When the 6-month short-term disability ended, she went to her company and got her belongs back. On that day, she officially was seperated from her company.
The story does not end here. Before her company's maximum 6-month short-term sick leave ended, she filed a claim of long-term disability to the insurance company from which she purchased disablity insurance. After the insurance company collected all info from her doctors/specialists, her claim was approved and she got amount from the insruance company equivalent to 50% of her regular salary. After she had received disability pay for 1 year, her doctor indicated she was no longer diable and thus she no longer received diability payment.
long term 问公司是否可以继续,如果自己付保费的话。long term 要在6个月之后才kick in。
Cobra也是很贵的。2-3万一年,中产家庭,还是cash. 若有小孩,让小孩拿奥八保险,大人买cobra, 可以便宜一点。美国小孩保险比大人好很多。希望你老公的公司能给他disability. 你们再找到工作。医疗保险对中产阶层,一直是个问题。遇到失业,生活水平马上下跌很多。现在是节日期间,遇到这事,希望你坚强,挺住。愿你先生早日康复,找到工作。
这种情况除了和公司协商延长医保, 还要到county的Social Security office 或是州里的健康保险部门了解在家庭没有收入的情况下如何得到政府的帮助。政府只要认为你家的情况属实,是不会不管的。