In a unique risk analysis study, a researcher from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab collaborated with a researcher from the University of Michigan to prove that, contrary to popular belief, vehicle quality is a far more essential safety factor than weight for drivers of vehicles involved in a crash.
The report states: ‘Most cars are safer than the average sports utility vehicle [SUV], while pickup trucks are much less safe than all other types. Minivans and import luxury cars have the safest records’.
‘SUVs are no safer for their drivers than the average midsize or large car and not much safer than many of the most popular compact and subcompact car models. Drivers of pickup trucks are at even greater risk than drivers of SUVs. When the combined risk is considered, SUVs and pickup trucks are revealed to be significantly more dangerous than just about any car’.
调查了一通,感觉是HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK是首选。现在的CIVIC已经不是20年前的寒酸的小车了,也是三千磅重的车了。后座放倒有很大的载货空间46立方尺,孩子一开始自己过日子少不得搬这搬那,有这个就不用麻烦别人了。以后成了家,没孩子的时候两个人上哪去也够用了。等有小孩了换大车,这个作为二手车的也好卖出个价钱。
In a unique risk analysis study, a researcher from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab collaborated with a researcher from the University of Michigan to prove that, contrary to popular belief, vehicle quality is a far more essential safety factor than weight for drivers of vehicles involved in a crash.
The report states: ‘Most cars are safer than the average sports utility vehicle [SUV], while pickup trucks are much less safe than all other types. Minivans and import luxury cars have the safest records’.
‘SUVs are no safer for their drivers than the average midsize or large car and not much safer than many of the most popular compact and subcompact car models. Drivers of pickup trucks are at even greater risk than drivers of SUVs. When the combined risk is considered, SUVs and pickup trucks are revealed to be significantly more dangerous than just about any car’.
都是45 限速
SUV基本是用大架和sedan 的车头去撞的,受力点不同,赚大便宜了。
local 左转和直行的撞了,我家左转,全责,车身不经撞的
T 家有 camery, 开了很多年,trade venza,十几年了,开到今天
Carola 也很好开,没有一点问题,疫情期间朋友买不到车,我这车放着不用就卖给她了,有问题的车我不卖的