The opinion of a learned Bishop of our acquaintance, as to there being
merit in religious faith, being mentioned;--JOHNSON. 'Why, yes, Sir, the
most licentious man, were hell open before him, would not take the most
beautiful strumpet to his arms. We must, as the Apostle says, live by
faith, not by sight[397].'
I talked to him of original sin[398], in consequence of the fall of man,
and of the atonement made by our SAVIOUR. After some conversation, which
he desired me to remember, he, at my request, dictated to me as
With respect to original sin, the inquiry is not necessary; for
whatever is the cause of human corruption, men are evidently and
confessedly so corrupt, that all the laws of heaven and earth are confessedly so corrupt, that all the laws of heaven and earth are insufficient to restrain them from crimes.
'Whatever difficulty there may be in the conception of vicarious
punishments, it is an opinion which has had possession of mankind in all
ages. There is no nation that has not used the practice of sacrifices.
Whoever, therefore, denies the propriety of vicarious punishments, holds
an opinion which the sentiments and practice of mankind have
contradicted, from the beginning of the world. The great sacrifice for
the sins of mankind was offered at the death of the MESSIAH, who is
called in scripture "The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins[399] of
the world." To judge of the reasonableness of the scheme of redemption,
it must be considered as necessary to the government of the universe,
that GOD should make known his perpetual and irreconcileable detestation
of moral evil. He might indeed punish, and punish only the offenders;
but as the end of punishment is not revenge of crimes, but propagation
of virtue, it was more becoming the Divine clemency to find another
manner of proceeding, less destructive to man, and at least equally
powerful to promote goodness. The end of punishment is to reclaim and
warn. _That_ punishment will both reclaim and warn, which shews
evidently such abhorrence of sin in GOD, as may deter us from it, or
strike us with dread of vengeance when we have committed it. This is
effected by vicarious punishment. Nothing could more testify the
opposition between the nature of GOD and moral evil, or more amply
display his justice, to men and angels, to all orders and successions of
beings, than that it was necessary for the highest and purest nature,
even for DIVINITY itself, to pacify the demands of vengeance, by a
painful death; of which the natural effect will be, that when justice is
appeased, there is a proper place for the exercise of mercy; and that
such propitiation shall supply, in some degree, the imperfections of our
obedience, and the inefficacy of our repentance: for, obedience and
repentance, such as we can perform, are still necessary. Our SAVIOUR has
told us, that he did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill; to
fulfill the typical law, by the performance of what those types had
foreshewn; and the moral law, by precepts of greater purity and higher
[Here he said, 'GOD bless you with it.' I acknowledged myself much
obliged to him; but I begged that he would go on as to the propitiation
being the chief object of our most holy faith. He then dictated this one
这是英国哲学家罗素年轻时写的一首小诗,阅读时与之共鸣。不管怎么寻求平静,我们似乎都逃脱不了时代重大事件带给人类的跌宕苦砺。如此,我们来听听肖斯塔科维奇的华尔兹圆舞曲,无论全球深陷怎样的病疫, 无论你身处何种境况,生活仍需从容优雅,直至翩翩起舞。
waltz No.2久负盛名,是肖斯塔科维奇《第二号爵士组曲》中的“第二圆舞曲”,又称“ 抒情舞曲”。它的旋律深具俄罗斯民族特色。音乐主调为淡淡的忧伤,辅之以华尔兹曲式舒缓,那是一种沉重下的抒情。作品自然如风地带着人性的温暖和希望,它的郑重自持,如同一种秩序,一种道理。名为爵士,实则跟当时流行的爵士不一样;而作为华尔兹,跟施特劳斯家族的圆舞曲也不一样。尤其混杂手风琴的演奏版本,更有一种浓烈的伏特加味道,让人沉醉于其中,美不自持。
生命被置于一种流动的运动中,如奔涌流动的水。变幻莫测的时代,大多数人陷入时代的迷阵之中。《哈雷姆特》的经典台词“我该活着还是饮弹自尽?或者确切地说,“生存还是毁灭”,这样把自己塞进一个戏剧传统之中。肖斯塔科维奇,这个极其才华横溢的悲剧天才,他的音乐就是一部数十年的编年史。他的一生经历了俄国十月革命,斯大林统治的全程,大清洗,二战,战后的反犹太运动,任何经历了这整个时代的人都可以称得上命途多舛。因为,生存的理想都被这无所不轧的碾子所轧碎。人的激情之火已被扑灭,剩下的只有谋虑、理智以及对和平的渴望。从音乐中,我们相信肖斯塔科维奇绝对有一颗纯真浪漫的心, 华尔兹严肃而古典的抒情似乎比俄罗斯历史和文学中残酷而现实的眼泪更具有人性的真实。
前苏联的音乐,被称为一种艺术的痛苦。回想帕斯捷尔纳克的诗就不难理解其中端倪: “万籁俱寂之时,我登上舞台,轻轻倚靠在门边。回声自远处传来,我从中捕捉此世的安排。”百折千回断复连,落花流水太匆匆,在喧嚣和莫名的愤怒中挣扎,时间在乱世谜语中瞬间流逝。肖斯塔科维奇,他让我们如此深爱我们的爱与痛。我们为什么而活着,要有怎样的力量,才能够支撑度过无数至暗时刻?我们希望拥有永恒地球的美妙,也看得到天空绽放星星的光芒。
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2,1955年的电影《The First Echelon》 (注意作曲者)
"人类腐朽腐败腐蚀之路" 是他38年初创想表达的?《The First Echelon》没看过,感觉也不是"人类腐朽腐败腐蚀之路" 。
其实很多妓女人品并不低劣, 从事这种职业很多是环境的原因造成的, 比如雨果的悲惨世界, 中国古代青楼也有很多例子。。。
人的本性和品质才是最重要的, 如果一个人的本性低劣, 阴暗, 龌龊, 这种类型的人大部分概率肯定是要下地狱的。
The opinion of a learned Bishop of our acquaintance, as to there being
merit in religious faith, being mentioned;--JOHNSON. 'Why, yes, Sir, the
most licentious man, were hell open before him, would not take the most
beautiful strumpet to his arms. We must, as the Apostle says, live by
faith, not by sight[397].'
I talked to him of original sin[398], in consequence of the fall of man,
and of the atonement made by our SAVIOUR. After some conversation, which
he desired me to remember, he, at my request, dictated to me as
With respect to original sin, the inquiry is not necessary; for
whatever is the cause of human corruption, men are evidently and
confessedly so corrupt, that all the laws of heaven and earth are confessedly so corrupt, that all the laws of heaven and earth are insufficient to restrain them from crimes.
'Whatever difficulty there may be in the conception of vicarious
punishments, it is an opinion which has had possession of mankind in all
ages. There is no nation that has not used the practice of sacrifices.
Whoever, therefore, denies the propriety of vicarious punishments, holds
an opinion which the sentiments and practice of mankind have
contradicted, from the beginning of the world. The great sacrifice for
the sins of mankind was offered at the death of the MESSIAH, who is
called in scripture "The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins[399] of
the world." To judge of the reasonableness of the scheme of redemption,
it must be considered as necessary to the government of the universe,
that GOD should make known his perpetual and irreconcileable detestation
of moral evil. He might indeed punish, and punish only the offenders;
but as the end of punishment is not revenge of crimes, but propagation
of virtue, it was more becoming the Divine clemency to find another
manner of proceeding, less destructive to man, and at least equally
powerful to promote goodness. The end of punishment is to reclaim and
warn. _That_ punishment will both reclaim and warn, which shews
evidently such abhorrence of sin in GOD, as may deter us from it, or
strike us with dread of vengeance when we have committed it. This is
effected by vicarious punishment. Nothing could more testify the
opposition between the nature of GOD and moral evil, or more amply
display his justice, to men and angels, to all orders and successions of
beings, than that it was necessary for the highest and purest nature,
even for DIVINITY itself, to pacify the demands of vengeance, by a
painful death; of which the natural effect will be, that when justice is
appeased, there is a proper place for the exercise of mercy; and that
such propitiation shall supply, in some degree, the imperfections of our
obedience, and the inefficacy of our repentance: for, obedience and
repentance, such as we can perform, are still necessary. Our SAVIOUR has
told us, that he did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill; to
fulfill the typical law, by the performance of what those types had
foreshewn; and the moral law, by precepts of greater purity and higher
[Here he said, 'GOD bless you with it.' I acknowledged myself much
obliged to him; but I begged that he would go on as to the propitiation
being the chief object of our most holy faith. He then dictated this one
other paragraph.]
里面说: Music is the invisible heartbeat of a movie.
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