首先,你给HR发信的intension是什么呢?我想是reinforce and doucment 你和他的谈话内容是吧?我猜的。
Thank you for taking the the time to speak with me and allowing me to tell my side of the story. (首先,谢谢别人,并且DOCUMENT你们谈过了。)
As discussed, I have always worked on the projects that required collaborations between cross-functional team. In the past 4 years, I have never heard or had feedback from the project teams that I was not able to work well with them. (你看,你写的是事实而不是自己说自己是好的TEAMPLAYER. 要怪就怪你的team没有给你及时反馈)
admittedly, my native language is not English so sometimes it is hard for me to come up with the most accurate words to express myself and communicate with people around me especially when it becomes emotional. (这是说你承认你有短板,但是不是毁灭性的,是可以改正的。)
However, i believe those areas can be improved by proactively taking trainings and continuing to get feedback from my colleagues. (这是说你在积极改正)
I am working on a development plan and I hope that I can get some guidance from you to see if the plan is feasible. (你看,你在找ALLY)
大概应该是 heavy accent? 其实口音还不是最重要的。有些外国人口音重,但是表达语气都很合适。您的短信中, 用词有些绝对,偏激。看起来 self-defensive. 比如:impossible, "cannot get along with any of them". 好像别人不能对你提一点意见。事情不会非黑即白。职场接受一些意见也是自然的。看起来是国人习惯讲话的口气,翻译成英文。DD 的建议比较适合这里的职场。
首先,你给HR发信的intension是什么呢?我想是reinforce and doucment 你和他的谈话内容是吧?我猜的。
Thank you for taking the the time to speak with me and allowing me to tell my side of the story. (首先,谢谢别人,并且DOCUMENT你们谈过了。)
As discussed, I have always worked on the projects that required collaborations between cross-functional team. In the past 4 years, I have never heard or had feedback from the project teams that I was not able to work well with them. (你看,你写的是事实而不是自己说自己是好的TEAMPLAYER. 要怪就怪你的team没有给你及时反馈)
admittedly, my native language is not English so sometimes it is hard for me to come up with the most accurate words to express myself and communicate with people around me especially when it becomes emotional. (这是说你承认你有短板,但是不是毁灭性的,是可以改正的。)
However, i believe those areas can be improved by proactively taking trainings and continuing to get feedback from my colleagues. (这是说你在积极改正)
I am working on a development plan and I hope that I can get some guidance from you to see if the plan is feasible. (你看,你在找ALLY)
主要是那个compliance头说起有个women group,说有人有问题就给她打电话,她就帮忙解决了。我不是前面还发帖问过吗
这就是和我谈话HR主持的,一天6场最后一场,除了他们和几个culture group人,只有我一个人听众,最后又来了一个。我要了那个头的名片说要加入。
大概应该是 heavy accent? 其实口音还不是最重要的。有些外国人口音重,但是表达语气都很合适。您的短信中, 用词有些绝对,偏激。看起来 self-defensive. 比如:impossible, "cannot get along with any of them". 好像别人不能对你提一点意见。事情不会非黑即白。职场接受一些意见也是自然的。看起来是国人习惯讲话的口气,翻译成英文。DD 的建议比较适合这里的职场。
还有, 老是 “小头”“大头”,容易让人联想到粗俗的讲法。