Went to an SSP open house this weekend. They invitited four kids from last year's program. Two, both Chinese, got into Harvard. One got into UChicago and one Harvey Mudd. Amazing!
I actually like UChicago. Its math, economics, physics, accounting and finance are all great. I know two kids studying there now. One is doing three majors. His dad is rich though.
I knew little about Mudd. It seems to be a really good choice. It is one of four colleges next to each other and you can take courses there. Pomona is one of them.
this year over 2,100 applied, a big jump from last year. not sure how they pick candidates. around 25% seem to be Chinese. i do not know their backgrounds though.
Went to an SSP open house this weekend. They invitited four kids from last year's program. Two, both Chinese, got into Harvard. One got into UChicago and one Harvey Mudd. Amazing!
They have a few campuses. This program is affiliated with Cal Tech, Harvey Mudd and MIT. Acceptance rate is around 10%, easier to get in than T10.
you can do well at any good colleges.
There are actually more girls than boys (19 vs 17) on the campus I went to. I was quite surprised.
I actually like UChicago. Its math, economics, physics, accounting and finance are all great. I know two kids studying there now. One is doing three majors. His dad is rich though.
I knew little about Mudd. It seems to be a really good choice. It is one of four colleges next to each other and you can take courses there. Pomona is one of them.
The school is very small. The building is even smaller than a private high school.
招女生多,也没啥错。 别的阿猫阿狗 啥也进去 基本上按URM走。有些之前经历和stem 八杆子都打不着。感觉这个camp value 慢慢就会减低。
The Director of Admissions was there and did not say that. Two of the 4 TAs are from Mudd.
this year over 2,100 applied, a big jump from last year. not sure how they pick candidates. around 25% seem to be Chinese. i do not know their backgrounds though.
Ssp 一共6个sites,camp里 25%是中国人 是如何统计出来的,呵呵。
我小孩参加 2018 年的 SSP(Astrophysics)..
夏令营的地点是 The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology。孩子也说她那班 SSP 的同学大概50% 进大藤或Stanford, 她自己没有那么优秀,被一个 Top-10, 一根小滕,Berkeley EECS, 和 Mudd 录取, 目前是Mudd 的 rising senior。2018 年 New Mexico 那个SSP 夏令营 结束的前一两天, 有三间学校的 admissions officers 去那里招兵买马, 这三间学校分别是 MIT, Caltech, and Mudd。小孩还说, 去SSP的学生不单数理强, 而且绝大多数写作也非常好。
I only said the camp i went to has 9 Chinese, so 25%. not sure about other camps.
NMT is the campus i went to. Two TAs are from Mudd. Your daughter may know them, Ben and Catheryn.