If your kid is at the boundary of T5 vs other Top 10/15, such as Colubmia, Penn, the decision makes the hugh difference. It is a gamble. You can win or lose.
2. If possible, don't apply the super hot majors: computer science, business.
If your kid wants the hot major, think about the workaround. For example, top schools, such as MIT, stanford, you don't need to "say" you want the CS, even you will go to CS if accepted. Or Univ. of Mich, the engineering school is all undecalared major in the first year.
Another way, Computer Engineering isn't much different from CS, but it is relatively eaiser to apply, because a lot of people think CE is "hardware", and CS is "software" by mistake.
Of course, some schools there is no way around, such as UCSD CS, UIUC CS, UCB's EECS, UCLA CS.
1. 申请学校时,到底应该优先考虑学校的ranking 还是专业的ranking, 尤其这两个差别比较大的时候?
2. private counselor 对提高申请大学的package 有帮助吗?需要找吗?
能进Ivies Plus的话,当然首先Ivies+.
今年有小中女ED brown 没成,RD进哥大
Not True!
1 太累, 也不可能管孩子一辈子 2.未必听 3.自己未必对
没有大的成绩。 七年级得过一个国家金奖,应该对大学没用。这几年每年都是地区的几个银奖。 就想
把这两个爱好结合一下。 不知道该如何选合适的专业可以兼顾这两方面。请大家给点意见。谢谢
CMU也有CS和艺术的双学位。CS应该不容易入学,art应该还行。这两都是要申请不同的大学或同大学不同的学院。另外有一些digital design的专业。有侧重CS的,有侧重art。这都是几年前,我家小孩上大学时的信息了,你自己要去学校的web 去核实。如果离加州近,去南加大找找。有game相关的专业。也要注意是侧重CS还是Art。
如果申请和art相关专业,portfolio要早早准备,due date 一般比RD的截止日期来的早。
1. T5 vs ED
If your kid is at the boundary of T5 vs other Top 10/15, such as Colubmia, Penn, the decision makes the hugh difference. It is a gamble. You can win or lose.
2. If possible, don't apply the super hot majors: computer science, business.
If your kid wants the hot major, think about the workaround. For example, top schools, such as MIT, stanford, you don't need to "say" you want the CS, even you will go to CS if accepted. Or Univ. of Mich, the engineering school is all undecalared major in the first year.
Another way, Computer Engineering isn't much different from CS, but it is relatively eaiser to apply, because a lot of people think CE is "hardware", and CS is "software" by mistake.
Of course, some schools there is no way around, such as UCSD CS, UIUC CS, UCB's EECS, UCLA CS.
I am glad that I only knew this 紫坛 after my kid was done the colleage application. :-)