If you buy a car from a dealer that explicitly allows returns, you'll typically be able to take the car back as long as you follow the terms of the policy. Policies may restrict this to a certain time period (seven days, for example) with certain mileage limits.
在dealership签了purchase agreement, 但车没到, 没付钱. 过后改主意了, 可以反悔不买吗? 会有法律纠纷吗?
晚到几天估计很难取消合同, 除非有明确的合同条款。估计没有。
他们是地头蛇, 有常年法律顾问, 和当地的法官有千丝万缕的关系。
他们要罚你多少。 或许2-3千就可以。
If you buy a car from a dealer that explicitly allows returns, you'll typically be able to take the car back as long as you follow the terms of the policy. Policies may restrict this to a certain time period (seven days, for example) with certain mileage limits.
感觉上这个事情可大可小, 在网上查了一下, 在车本身没毛病的情况下, 签了合同不买Dealer是可以告你的, 尽管赢面大, 其实提吿对Dealer意义不大(赢了获赔不多, 还费时, 并且可能对业务有副面影响), 但对普通买家有一定影响, 有可能影响信用. 想了一下, 还是决定买下, 不想冒险, 谁让我签了这个合同呢.