Myth: Mobil 1 will leak out of the seals of older cars. Reality: Mobil 1 does not cause leaks. ... If an older engine is in good condition and does not have oil leaks, Mobil 1 provides the same advantages as it does when used in a new engine. ExxonMobil recommends taking measures to repair the leaks before using Mobil 1.
2004 Sienna, 一直用普通油(Conventional), 现在想换成合成油 (Synthetic).有人说旧车用合成油可能引起漏油. 各位的看法如何?
需要换 Brake, 请推荐买什么牌子,在那买? Amazon? 谢谢.
我05 Sienna用这种闸
感觉值得。变速箱的油,建议3-4年(3-4万英里)一换,用dealer的油品,或者网上的 Toyota 牌子。
当今天下大乱,奸商并起。你就是买陶瓷的估计也掺杂了很多金属的, 估计半金属了都。金属的便宜,但是不奶摸。而且高温, 粉尘,噪声 (就是有时看上去还很厚,却一阵的猫叫)。 这个也解释了为啥原厂的可以耐到10万以上, 乱搞的只有3/4万公里。
Myth: Mobil 1 will leak out of the seals of older cars. Reality: Mobil 1 does not cause leaks. ... If an older engine is in good condition and does not have oil leaks, Mobil 1 provides the same advantages as it does when used in a new engine. ExxonMobil recommends taking measures to repair the leaks before using Mobil 1.
俺的06 Sienna四年左右开始用mobil1,每7-8k英里换一次,只要是正规牌子的油应该都木问题
其实两者花费是一样的. 以前一直认为老车用合成油可能引起漏油.