Another important thing to remember: always disconnect the battery when working near the tank. You don't want any accidental sparks from any electrical connections. Keep in mind that gasoline vapors are much more flammable then gasoline itself. An errant spark could cause an explosion. The bottom line is to think about safety at all times. Here are some things you should also consider:
Always have a fire extinguisher handy in case an emergency arises. Gasoline is highly flammable. When working around fuel and fuel line connections, don't disconnect any wires or electrical connections that may cause electrical sparks. Always remove the gas cap to relieve any pressure in the tank prior to working on the fuel system. Do not use a work lamp when working near fuel or fuel tanks. If you need some light, use a cool fluorescent lamp and keep it far away from the pump. Gasoline vapors are strong, harmful, and can cause you to become drowsy and not think straight. Always perform work in a well-ventilated area with plenty of fresh air blowing through. Always disconnect the battery when working on the fuel system. Leave it disconnected for at least 30 minutes to allow any residual electrical charge in components to dissipate. Keep plenty of paper towels on hand, and wear rubber gloves to prevent spilling gasoline on your hands Be well grounded - don't do anything that will create static electricity. Keep all cell phones and pagers a safe distance away.
如何换现代 Santa fe 油位传感器。
去年上半年刚把开了二十多万迈的97camry送走,修车工作已消停的大半年。 十一月份,我2007年 Hyundai Santa fe 刚过了八万多迈,终于出问题了。Check Engine Light is on。如图1。
图1 用OBD2 Scanner查Code是P0464。说明油位传感器出了问题。 虽然油箱里还有很多油,但油表显示空。网上一查。这是07-10年Model 的通病。很多车开到七八万迈都会出现这问题。要把油箱里油位传感器换掉。Hyundai 有10-YEAR/100,000-MILE POWERTRAIN PROTECTION Warranty。网上都说这个不在保内。抱着侥幸的心理打个电话给dealer,问是否cover。回答是NO。心想这么普遍的问题也不召回。肯定是Parts的质量有问题,不是易耗件,和如何使用也应该没什么关系。再问维修价格,dealer报价$700. 网上做一下research,看看自己能不能修。经过研究,觉得不是很难,只是一个拆装过程,决定还是自己干。
燃油箱分为两个部分,一个是主油箱在第二排driver side 座椅下,另外一个是副油箱在第二排passenger side 座椅下,两个油箱都有油位传感器。网上建议要换就换两个。
拆装步骤如下: 1。拆掉第二排座椅。要去掉座椅脚下9个螺丝,如图3。
3。仔细拔掉所有油管和电线。 网上说最好把油泵的电线拔掉,然后发动车,让发动机自动停车。这样可去掉油管中的油。总之要尽量减少汽油溢出。如图4。 4。用油箱锁环扳手拧开锁环。这是最费力的,最好用专用工具。网上有人用锤子和起子也可以打开。但也有人提醒别敲出火花。如图4。
5。取出主副油箱里的Assemblies。如图5。 拆下老的油位传感器。
图5 6。装上新的油位传感器。按以上相反步骤复原。
装上新传感器后,油表立刻有了刻度。加满油,开了一个多星期,Check Engine Light is off,油表从满刻度到下半格没有出现问题,应该是修好了(图6)。
Another important thing to remember: always disconnect the battery when working near the tank. You don't want any accidental sparks from any electrical connections. Keep in mind that gasoline vapors are much more flammable then gasoline itself. An errant spark could cause an explosion. The bottom line is to think about safety at all times. Here are some things you should also consider:
Always have a fire extinguisher handy in case an emergency arises.Gasoline is highly flammable. When working around fuel and fuel line connections, don't disconnect any wires or electrical connections that may cause electrical sparks.
Always remove the gas cap to relieve any pressure in the tank prior to working on the fuel system.
Do not use a work lamp when working near fuel or fuel tanks. If you need some light, use a cool fluorescent lamp and keep it far away from the pump.
Gasoline vapors are strong, harmful, and can cause you to become drowsy and not think straight. Always perform work in a well-ventilated area with plenty of fresh air blowing through.
Always disconnect the battery when working on the fuel system. Leave it disconnected for at least 30 minutes to allow any residual electrical charge in components to dissipate.
Keep plenty of paper towels on hand, and wear rubber gloves to prevent spilling gasoline on your hands
Be well grounded - don't do anything that will create static electricity. Keep all cell phones and pagers a safe distance away.