Bitcoin is a digital and global money system currency. It allows people to send or receive money across the internet, even to someone they don't know or don't trust. Money can be exchanged without being linked to a real identity. The mathematical field of cryptography is the basis for Bitcoin's security.
我和这同事关系挺铁的, 经常在一起说股票and such.这是他明年想做的,
要买比特币的朋友, 说不定我到时候可以卖给你
我打发时间了, 说不定好玩.
我挺信任他的。 虽然他三十几岁, 人很成熟.
很有可能, 挖了几十天, 啥也没挖到, 嘿嘿!
电费已经出去了, 设备已经旧了
看来他们把这比特币做成game 那样了
Bitcoin is a digital and global money system currency. It allows people to send or receive money across the internet, even to someone they don't know or don't trust. Money can be exchanged without being linked to a real identity. The mathematical field of cryptography is the basis for Bitcoin's security.
然后, 被挖出的bitcoin会在一串大闸蟹里通告, 不知道谁拥有, 但是知道有人拥有了。
假如这些key, 很长的,被偷了, 那就是归人家的啦, 无法追踪。
假如拥有这些key的人, 没有告诉自己的后人, 那就无法传承。也就是像一块金块掉进了深深的海洋, 永远找不到了。。。
这个是系统给你的, 特别长的密码, 好难记住的