Do I cook a beef roast fat side up or down? In most cases, you should cook a rump roast with the fat side up. As the roast cooks, the fat melts and runs down the sides of the meat to baste it and provide flavor and moisture. If the fat is sitting on the bottom of the pan, you won't get the same benefit.
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领导建议我们两人整理, 换新衣, 吃大餐, 被我软言巧语拒绝了
Do I cook a beef roast fat side up or down? In most cases, you should cook a rump roast with the fat side up. As the roast cooks, the fat melts and runs down the sides of the meat to baste it and provide flavor and moisture. If the fat is sitting on the bottom of the pan, you won't get the same benefit.
老公网上查的, 是骨头向上