希望,是一粒种子冬天里安静睡眠春天醒来,悄悄发芽夏天蝉鸣中花朵绚丽秋天见证果实生命灿烂希望,是一团焰火在黑暗里锦衣独行火红焰烈,色彩缤纷自由自在地且歌且舞直到天色即明太阳初升希望,是一道道闪电雷鸣激情和愤怒的蕴积爆发声声不息,轰轰烈烈,照亮了天边和原野为了暴雨的来临而奋不顾身希望,朋友啊,是我也是你我们都是种子同为焰火,一起闪电雷鸣因愿城堡清洁而相识相会朋友们都在,请不要走远。----------------------------------------【 Hope 】— To my friendsHope, is a seed Hibernating under the snowsprouting in the spring rainflowers bathing the summer sunlife goes on, fruiting with the autumn windHope, is a firey flamemoving in the total darknessred on yellow, yellow over red jumping and dancingtill sun wakes up, risingHope, is thunder lightningshouting out with anger and passionbombing the skies, one after anotherbrightening up the earth horizonwelcoming the rainstorm with self sacrificingHope, my firends, are you and Iwe are the seeds, we are the firey flames and the thunder lightningwe joined together to fight for a clean castlewe are still here, be it far or near.------------------------------------------------注:借(自己心里的)诗献友。谢谢阅读。