APAD: humanity is not in being human, but in being humane

楼主 (文学城)

The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane” is a quote by Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948, an Indian lawyer and anti-colonial activist famous for his nonviolent worldview) which means that the best qualities of humanity are compassion, empathy, and kindness, not just being a member of the human species.

- source: Google

What exactly is humanity? 好人 and 坏人 as being portrayed in fiction movies? Personally I don't think it's that black and white, but a full scale grey colour spectrum between black and white.

I have written a post about humanity here back in July: What is humanity? [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上

And I was touched and moved by what I saw in CNN news this morning:

A Lyft driver in LA area helped a passenger named Shaw, who spent 36 hours looking for his father who died in the wildfires.

The Lyft driver Gilian Villatoro told CNN:
“I could only imagine what it would feel like to have my father unaccounted for in the middle of all of that. I felt like he needed help and I just needed to help him. There was no way that I could just meet somebody in that situation and not offer help.”

At the end of the story, it said:
“I cried very dry and my friends (Gilian and his wife) tried to hold me,” cried Shaw. “I feel so grateful for Gilian and his wife, they spent a day and a half helping me … you can see the generosity of people.”

Shaw's father was born in China.


The title makes much sense!Shaw was lucky to get humane help
Thx. Yes, I do believe most people r humane in their hearts
& it will shine at a time like this .. ...
Humanness raised upon surplus material possession, otherwise
humanity is still playing the hunger game like animals
咦?I have seen homeless people sharing food w/ each other ...
& I've met homeless people&their dogs polite & kind 2 me ...
Toward loved ones, I wish to be cruel to be kind.
agreed, lessons r to be learned & 良药苦口利于病。
I lost the timing 'firstly'
Good to see some virtue of human nature among
so many devastating news.
4 sure! It’s a comfort 2 see story like this. & when I read
his father was “born in china”, my tears kept rolling down
fyi: his father was 84 years old when killed by the fire ….
There are lots of heartbreaking stories in LA now. sigh..