APAD: DocGrumpyHappySleepyBashfulSneezyDopey

楼主 (文学城)
Good Morning!   In 1937, the release of Disney's first full length-animated film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” based on Grimms' fairy tale "Snow White", goes on to become one of the most successful animated films of all time.   As you can see, the film added the "Seven Dwarfs" in its title, it also gave each dwarf a name: Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey, as stated in (the crowded ;-) APAD title today.  I watched the film a long time ago with my good childhood friend and we both felt the dwarfs were more interesting than the princess and the stepmother queen with the poison apple.       The dwarfs are as below:   Doc is the de facto leader of the seven, with a wisdom that comes from years of keen observation—and it comes with confidence too, because Doc has a very determined spirit. He is wise, stubbornly confident, kind-hearted.   An eternal pessimist, Grumpy is instantly recognizable by his sour disposition and reluctance to show any sign of joy. He is easily irritated, tough to win over   The resident optimist, Happy is a refreshing contrast to Grumpy. With his bright eyes lined with lashes and an infectious grin, Happy mirrors the joyous spirit of singing “Heigh-Ho” each morning. He is cheerful and optimistic.   Sleepy needs no introduction beyond the heavy eyelids and an open mouth with a yawn at the ready. Fitting to his name, Sleepy is the dwarf always ready for a nap, and when he isn't snoozing, he's on the brink.  He is relaxed and tired.   Bashful is the easily flustered dwarf who is painfully shy around Snow White and prone to blushing. His discomfort in any kind of spotlight has endeared him to audiences for decades.  He is sensitive and romantic.   Sneezy needs no introduction. Because you probably won’t hear it over the “AHH-CHOO!” flying out of him.  He is friendly and playful.   Rounding out the gang is Dopey, perhaps the most iconic of the dwarfs for his childlike innocence and goofiness. He's the only dwarf not to speak or sing in the original film. He is naive, sweet and lovable.   I bet you like some of those personality traits (and may even can relate some to yourself ;-), but you are not obligated to tell, unless you want to ;-) .  As for me personally, I respect Doc, like Happy, Sleepy and Dopey, and feel sorry for Grumpy, Bashful and Sneezy.  Maowi also likes them and he plays the roles (except of Bashful) and keeps switching between them every few hours each day.     Below is a clip of the film of these lovely dwarfs for you all to enjoy, on this beautiful Sunday ...    Happy watching and Happy Father's Day!  

I am Sleepy in the weekends
bingo and u r not alone ;-) see what Doctor says
Great movie and yet I don't remember watching it!
Thanks for the intro to the seven dwarves.
check it out, it might be online (found1, but isBlockedHere)
myFriendHasbathtubFull of cartoons &requestedMe2watchSome ;)
& I screw up my biological clock on every Monday
we need a day in between Sunday and Monday ;-)) See below

I was happy this morning, as I woke up in bed,
Then realized it was Monday and I faced the day with dread,
For somehow, whatever comes my way, my temper is displayed,
Just mentioning 'it's Monday', my nerves, they become frayed.

The day will be just a ' write off', it's no good me trying to do
Any sort of reasonable job, things won't go right. It's true!
It's like a 'cloud' which hangs around and never let's you be,
Whatever I attempt to do, disaster follows me.

If I could sleep through Mondays, then that would be just bliss!
Then Mondays wouldn't have happened, I'd have given them a miss!

© Ernestine Northover 

when I was working, I always started theWeek on Sun noon ;))
Rhymed very well!
the names? yes. Good for rapping;-)) isn’t it?
Thanks for the intro. I need to watch it again.
When I watched the movie, I didn't know the meaning
of the names of the seven dwarfs, except Happy and Sleepy
Yes, Happy&Sleepy do standOUT ;-) Glad you watched it, 白云美眉。