路过乡村一户人家,突然看到门牌上标明房主是"Gooder",就给同行老外朋友说“Gooder should be Better"。老外朋友笑着说”Ehh, bad English"。
Gooder Family History Gooder Name Meaning
English (Yorkshire): from a Middle English personal name Godere Old English Gōdhere composed of the elements gōd ‘good’ + here ‘army’. English: alternatively a variant of Goodair a nickname from Middle English god(e) gu(o)d ‘good’ + heir(e) (h)air(e) ‘heir’.
The origins of the Badman surname lie with the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name Badman began when someone in that family worked as a boatman. The surname Badman is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word bat, which means a boat.
Chemistry is gooder than English
话又说回来 不是我说你呀 不要揣着明白装糊涂 你看看你 你看你 丑话说在前面再次祝贺盈盈一笑间版主!
路过乡村一户人家,突然看到门牌上标明房主是"Gooder",就给同行老外朋友说“Gooder should be Better"。老外朋友笑着说”Ehh, bad English"。
English (Yorkshire): from a Middle English personal name Godere Old English Gōdhere composed of the elements gōd ‘good’ + here ‘army’. English: alternatively a variant of Goodair a nickname from Middle English god(e) gu(o)d ‘good’ + heir(e) (h)air(e) ‘heir’.
The origins of the Badman surname lie with the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name Badman began when someone in that family worked as a boatman. The surname Badman is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word bat, which means a boat.