Usually you can file a complaint at your state's board of dentistry. You can say it's deceptive business practice and file a consumer complaint with your local state attorney office.
If you let me know the state I can get you the link.
I think board of dentistry is more applicable because they would know what is a proper price to charge in your situation. Consumer protection is more about fraud and lemon.
最近在一家私人诊所做了一个植牙, 加了牙骨和植牙一共5400刀, 这家诊所不做牙套。诊所要我自己联系诊所做牙套。我现在到处打电话联系做牙套的诊所, 才知道做一个牙套还要最少2500刀要付! 打电话给十几个诊所时他们都不约而同的告诉我, 我的植牙不包含牙套做贵了, 他们甚至不相信我付了那么多钱。想咨询一下我可以到什么部门投诉我被过度消费吗?谢谢
Usually you can file a complaint at your state's board of dentistry. You can say it's deceptive business practice and file a consumer complaint with your local state attorney office.
If you let me know the state I can get you the link.
File a complain with Board of Dentistry.
File a complain with Oregon Department of Justice consumer protection
I think board of dentistry is more applicable because they would know what is a proper price to charge in your situation. Consumer protection is more about fraud and lemon.
以为都一样的, 美国不会坑人的! 但是通过这次打电话做牙套, 才知道原来每个诊所的价格都不一样的! 自己付多了, 其实人家也算是明码标价, 只是我自己没有去做对比, 不能完全怪人家, 只能怪自己。我来这里问只是觉得为什么这里的价格差别那么大?