I make my ink to draw patterns on a blue china ware At dusk under rosy clouds, I carry home bamboo on the thoroughfare In gusts of wind in the field I the seed of crops sow But one day I became a monk my luve to let go
My luve was at her prime age for marrying a man They changed her hair style her wedding to announce In the aroma of incense silk was put in her hand Leaving a cup of tea from young buds she stepped into the sedan
Oh my luve if you knew what I desired of you I would pray as I walk around the lotus seat But life is only grass that soon is no longer new With smile I can only the end of our acquaintance meet
可心里还是念念不忘这首歌,刚刚全民上匆匆录就,没时间 打磨。不要嫌弃:)
方壶斋:译者看古风歌词《半壶纱》2017-8-22 11:21 PM| 发布者: 星光| 查看: 447| 评论: 3|原作者: fanghuzhai
摘要: 汉语语法灵活,特别是可以有无主句。这给写诗提供了极大方便。但是要把这些诗翻译成英文,译者就得刨根问底搞清楚每句话都是啥意思。比如这首《半壶纱》。首先,题目我就不懂。半壶茶应该是没有歧意的。youtube 上英 ...汉语语法灵活,特别是可以有无主句。这给写诗提供了极大方便。但是要把这些诗翻译成英文,译者就得刨根问底搞清楚每句话都是啥意思。比如这首《半壶纱》。首先,题目我就不懂。半壶茶应该是没有歧意的。youtube 上英文有写 half yarn的。我想会不会这是个古代纺织术语?但是后来也没查出来。还有,这题目跟歌曲内容有啥关系?只有三毛钱的关系:桑麻,袈裟,轻纱。因此,这题目不够主题思想的资格。不像长江之歌那么明确。再看歌词:
墨已入水 渡一池青花
揽五分红霞 采竹回家
悠悠风来 埋一地桑麻
一身袈裟 把相思放下
十里桃花 待嫁的年华
凤冠的珍珠 挽进头发
檀香拂过 玉镯弄轻纱
空留一盏 芽色的清茶
倘若我心中的山水 你眼中都看到
怎知那浮生一片草 岁月催人老
风月花鸟 一笑尘缘了
一、二句什么关系?如山水喻心意,那么“我”祈祷啥?“我”的身份是什么?好象是出家人。整个串下来,好象是一个男人失恋的故事。这男的有点小才,会文墨,但是摆脱不了干农活的命。算个乡下秀才吧。第一段讲耕读。他迷恋个女的,但是人家嫁人了,空留一盏清茶。他就出了家,把相思放下。但是还不死心,说如果女方看到了他的心事,他就一边守着青灯古佛莲花,一边祈祷会有奇迹发生,让女方回心转意来找他,他就还俗过老婆孩子热炕头的生活去。但是他又哀叹时光不等人,他很快就一头白发, 等不到女方改弦易辙了。他只好打肿脸充盘子,说我不在乎,一笑了之。
顺着这个意思, 不理会上述不通之处,似乎可以这样翻译
Song of. A Failure
I make my ink to draw patterns on a blue china ware
At dusk under rosy clouds, I carry home bamboo on the thoroughfare
In gusts of wind in the field I the seed of crops sow
But one day I became a monk my luve to let go
My luve was at her prime age for marrying a man
They changed her hair style her wedding to announce
In the aroma of incense silk was put in her hand
Leaving a cup of tea from young buds she stepped into the sedan
Oh my luve if you knew what I desired of you
I would pray as I walk around the lotus seat
But life is only grass that soon is no longer new
With smile I can only the end of our acquaintance meet
我这个是个典型的民歌体。 Luve=love, 参考彭斯的诗。