【英文什锦菜 】何仙姑花园里的玫瑰

楼主 (文学城)

In the late spring, the roses started to bloom.  A couple days later, the fairy saw something strange happened, the white roses were all gone, and in the same place, appeared were clusters of red roses.


The fairy went to take a closer inspection, and noticed that they actually were the same roses, but now in a different color.  The fairy asked the roses what happened to them.  Staying quiet and shy, the roses waved their petals. Following their moves, the fairy saw the bees were dancing and kissing the roses.


They are still white roses, but now they are in love, with the bees.

Wow,so romantic!:)
So lovely!

I just saw this..... only you see my point 

take one to know one.... thank you!